Abstract:Reranking plays a crucial role in modern multi-stage recommender systems by rearranging the initial ranking list. Due to the inherent challenges of combinatorial search spaces, some current research adopts an evaluator-generator paradigm, with a generator generating feasible sequences and an evaluator selecting the best sequence based on the estimated list utility. However, these methods still face two issues. Firstly, due to the goal inconsistency problem between the evaluator and generator, the generator tends to fit the local optimal solution of exposure distribution rather than combinatorial space optimization. Secondly, the strategy of generating target items one by one is difficult to achieve optimality because it ignores the information of subsequent items. To address these issues, we propose a utilizing Neighbor Lists model for Generative Reranking (NLGR), which aims to improve the performance of the generator in the combinatorial space. NLGR follows the evaluator-generator paradigm and improves the generator's training and generating methods. Specifically, we use neighbor lists in combination space to enhance the training process, making the generator perceive the relative scores and find the optimization direction. Furthermore, we propose a novel sampling-based non-autoregressive generation method, which allows the generator to jump flexibly from the current list to any neighbor list. Extensive experiments on public and industrial datasets validate NLGR's effectiveness and we have successfully deployed NLGR on the Meituan food delivery platform.
Abstract:In this paper, we introduce a novel Gaussian mixture based evidential learning solution for robust stereo matching. Diverging from previous evidential deep learning approaches that rely on a single Gaussian distribution, our framework posits that individual image data adheres to a mixture-of-Gaussian distribution in stereo matching. This assumption yields more precise pixel-level predictions and more accurately mirrors the real-world image distribution. By further employing the inverse-Gamma distribution as an intermediary prior for each mixture component, our probabilistic model achieves improved depth estimation compared to its counterpart with the single Gaussian and effectively captures the model uncertainty, which enables a strong cross-domain generation ability. We evaluated our method for stereo matching by training the model using the Scene Flow dataset and testing it on KITTI 2015 and Middlebury 2014. The experiment results consistently show that our method brings improvements over the baseline methods in a trustworthy manner. Notably, our approach achieved new state-of-the-art results on both the in-domain validated data and the cross-domain datasets, demonstrating its effectiveness and robustness in stereo matching tasks.
Abstract:Primal-dual safe RL methods commonly perform iterations between the primal update of the policy and the dual update of the Lagrange Multiplier. Such a training paradigm is highly susceptible to the error in cumulative cost estimation since this estimation serves as the key bond connecting the primal and dual update processes. We show that this problem causes significant underestimation of cost when using off-policy methods, leading to the failure to satisfy the safety constraint. To address this issue, we propose \textit{conservative policy optimization}, which learns a policy in a constraint-satisfying area by considering the uncertainty in cost estimation. This improves constraint satisfaction but also potentially hinders reward maximization. We then introduce \textit{local policy convexification} to help eliminate such suboptimality by gradually reducing the estimation uncertainty. We provide theoretical interpretations of the joint coupling effect of these two ingredients and further verify them by extensive experiments. Results on benchmark tasks show that our method not only achieves an asymptotic performance comparable to state-of-the-art on-policy methods while using much fewer samples, but also significantly reduces constraint violation during training. Our code is available at https://github.com/ZifanWu/CAL.
Abstract:E-commerce platforms usually present an ordered list, mixed with several organic items and an advertisement, in response to each user's page view request. This list, the outcome of ad auction and allocation processes, directly impacts the platform's ad revenue and gross merchandise volume (GMV). Specifically, the ad auction determines which ad is displayed and the corresponding payment, while the ad allocation decides the display positions of the advertisement and organic items. The prevalent methods of segregating the ad auction and allocation into two distinct stages face two problems: 1) Ad auction does not consider externalities, such as the influence of actual display position and context on ad Click-Through Rate (CTR); 2) The ad allocation, which utilizes the auction-winning ad's payment to determine the display position dynamically, fails to maintain incentive compatibility (IC) for the advertisement. For instance, in the auction stage employing the traditional Generalized Second Price (GSP) , even if the winning ad increases its bid, its payment remains unchanged. This implies that the advertisement cannot secure a better position and thus loses the opportunity to achieve higher utility in the subsequent ad allocation stage. Previous research often focused on one of the two stages, neglecting the two-stage problem, which may result in suboptimal outcomes...
Abstract:Online display advertising platforms service numerous advertisers by providing real-time bidding (RTB) for the scale of billions of ad requests every day. The bidding strategy handles ad requests cross multiple channels to maximize the number of clicks under the set financial constraints, i.e., total budget and cost-per-click (CPC), etc. Different from existing works mainly focusing on single channel bidding, we explicitly consider cross-channel constrained bidding with budget allocation. Specifically, we propose a hierarchical offline deep reinforcement learning (DRL) framework called ``HiBid'', consisted of a high-level planner equipped with auxiliary loss for non-competitive budget allocation, and a data augmentation enhanced low-level executor for adaptive bidding strategy in response to allocated budgets. Additionally, a CPC-guided action selection mechanism is introduced to satisfy the cross-channel CPC constraint. Through extensive experiments on both the large-scale log data and online A/B testing, we confirm that HiBid outperforms six baselines in terms of the number of clicks, CPC satisfactory ratio, and return-on-investment (ROI). We also deploy HiBid on Meituan advertising platform to already service tens of thousands of advertisers every day.
Abstract:Recommender systems aim to recommend the most suitable items to users from a large number of candidates. Their computation cost grows as the number of user requests and the complexity of services (or models) increases. Under the limitation of computation resources (CRs), how to make a trade-off between computation cost and business revenue becomes an essential question. The existing studies focus on dynamically allocating CRs in queue truncation scenarios (i.e., allocating the size of candidates), and formulate the CR allocation problem as an optimization problem with constraints. Some of them focus on single-phase CR allocation, and others focus on multi-phase CR allocation but introduce some assumptions about queue truncation scenarios. However, these assumptions do not hold in other scenarios, such as retrieval channel selection and prediction model selection. Moreover, existing studies ignore the state transition process of requests between different phases, limiting the effectiveness of their approaches. This paper proposes a Reinforcement Learning (RL) based Multi-Phase Computation Allocation approach (RL-MPCA), which aims to maximize the total business revenue under the limitation of CRs. RL-MPCA formulates the CR allocation problem as a Weakly Coupled MDP problem and solves it with an RL-based approach. Specifically, RL-MPCA designs a novel deep Q-network to adapt to various CR allocation scenarios, and calibrates the Q-value by introducing multiple adaptive Lagrange multipliers (adaptive-$\lambda$) to avoid violating the global CR constraints. Finally, experiments on the offline simulation environment and online real-world recommender system validate the effectiveness of our approach.
Abstract:The successful integration of large language models (LLMs) into recommendation systems has proven to be a major breakthrough in recent studies, paving the way for more generic and transferable recommendations. However, LLMs struggle to effectively utilize user and item IDs, which are crucial identifiers for successful recommendations. This is mainly due to their distinct representation in a semantic space that is different from the natural language (NL) typically used to train LLMs. To tackle such issue, we introduce ControlRec, an innovative Contrastive prompt learning framework for Recommendation systems. ControlRec treats user IDs and NL as heterogeneous features and encodes them individually. To promote greater alignment and integration between them in the semantic space, we have devised two auxiliary contrastive objectives: (1) Heterogeneous Feature Matching (HFM) aligning item description with the corresponding ID or user's next preferred ID based on their interaction sequence, and (2) Instruction Contrastive Learning (ICL) effectively merging these two crucial data sources by contrasting probability distributions of output sequences generated by diverse tasks. Experimental results on four public real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on improving model performance.
Abstract:Click-through rate (CTR) prediction plays a pivotal role in the success of recommendations. Inspired by the recent thriving of language models (LMs), a surge of works improve prediction by organizing user behavior data in a \textbf{textual} format and using LMs to understand user interest at a semantic level. While promising, these works have to truncate the textual data to reduce the quadratic computational overhead of self-attention in LMs. However, it has been studied that long user behavior data can significantly benefit CTR prediction. In addition, these works typically condense user diverse interests into a single feature vector, which hinders the expressive capability of the model. In this paper, we propose a \textbf{T}extual \textbf{B}ehavior-based \textbf{I}nterest Chunking \textbf{N}etwork (TBIN), which tackles the above limitations by combining an efficient locality-sensitive hashing algorithm and a shifted chunk-based self-attention. The resulting user diverse interests are dynamically activated, producing user interest representation towards the target item. Finally, the results of both offline and online experiments on real-world food recommendation platform demonstrate the effectiveness of TBIN.
Abstract:The effectiveness of ad creatives is greatly influenced by their visual appearance. Advertising platforms can generate ad creatives with different appearances by combining creative elements provided by advertisers. However, with the increasing number of ad creative elements, it becomes challenging to select a suitable combination from the countless possibilities. The industry's mainstream approach is to select individual creative elements independently, which often overlooks the importance of interaction between creative elements during the modeling process. In response, this paper proposes a Cross-Element Combinatorial Selection framework for multiple creative elements, termed CECS. In the encoder process, a cross-element interaction is adopted to dynamically adjust the expression of a single creative element based on the current candidate creatives. In the decoder process, the creative combination problem is transformed into a cascade selection problem of multiple creative elements. A pointer mechanism with a cascade design is used to model the associations among candidates. Comprehensive experiments on real-world datasets show that CECS achieved the SOTA score on offline metrics. Moreover, the CECS algorithm has been deployed in our industrial application, resulting in a significant 6.02% CTR and 10.37% GMV lift, which is beneficial to the business.
Abstract:Significant progress has been made in wireless Joint Source-Channel Coding (JSCC) using deep learning techniques. The latest DL-based image JSCC methods have demonstrated exceptional performance across various signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) levels during transmission, while also avoiding cliff effects. However, current channel adaptive JSCC methods rely heavily on channel prior knowledge, which can lead to performance degradation in practical applications due to channel mismatch effects. This paper proposes a novel approach for image transmission, called Channel Blind Joint Source-Channel Coding (CBJSCC). CBJSCC utilizes Deep Learning techniques to achieve exceptional performance across various signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) levels during transmission, without relying on channel prior information. We have designed an Inverted Residual Attention Bottleneck (IRAB) module for the model, which can effectively reduce the number of parameters while expanding the receptive field. In addition, we have incorporated a convolution and self-attention mixed encoding module to establish long-range dependency relationships between channel symbols. Our experiments have shown that CBJSCC outperforms existing channel adaptive DL-based JSCC methods that rely on feedback information. Furthermore, we found that channel estimation does not significantly benefit CBJSCC, which provides insights for the future design of DL-based JSCC methods. The reliability of the proposed method is further demonstrated through an analysis of the model bottleneck and its adaptability to different domains, as shown by our experiments.