Abstract:Extracting lane topology from perspective views (PV) is crucial for planning and control in autonomous driving. This approach extracts potential drivable trajectories for self-driving vehicles without relying on high-definition (HD) maps. However, the unordered nature and weak long-range perception of the DETR-like framework can result in misaligned segment endpoints and limited topological prediction capabilities. Inspired by the learning of contextual relationships in language models, the connectivity relations in roads can be characterized as explicit topology sequences. In this paper, we introduce Topo2Seq, a novel approach for enhancing topology reasoning via topology sequences learning. The core concept of Topo2Seq is a randomized order prompt-to-sequence learning between lane segment decoder and topology sequence decoder. The dual-decoder branches simultaneously learn the lane topology sequences extracted from the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) and the lane graph containing geometric information. Randomized order prompt-to-sequence learning extracts unordered key points from the lane graph predicted by the lane segment decoder, which are then fed into the prompt design of the topology sequence decoder to reconstruct an ordered and complete lane graph. In this way, the lane segment decoder learns powerful long-range perception and accurate topological reasoning from the topology sequence decoder. Notably, topology sequence decoder is only introduced during training and does not affect the inference efficiency. Experimental evaluations on the OpenLane-V2 dataset demonstrate the state-of-the-art performance of Topo2Seq in topology reasoning.
Abstract:As one of the basic while vital technologies for HD map construction, 3D lane detection is still an open problem due to varying visual conditions, complex typologies, and strict demands for precision. In this paper, an end-to-end flexible and hierarchical lane detector is proposed to precisely predict 3D lane lines from point clouds. Specifically, we design a hierarchical network predicting flexible representations of lane shapes at different levels, simultaneously collecting global instance semantics and avoiding local errors. In the global scope, we propose to regress parametric curves w.r.t adaptive axes that help to make more robust predictions towards complex scenes, while in the local vision the structure of lane segment is detected in each of the dynamic anchor cells sampled along the global predicted curves. Moreover, corresponding global and local shape matching losses and anchor cell generation strategies are designed. Experiments on two datasets show that we overwhelm current top methods under high precision standards, and full ablation studies also verify each part of our method. Our codes will be released at https://github.com/Doo-do/FHLD.
Abstract:Image-goal navigation is a challenging task that requires an agent to navigate to a goal indicated by an image in unfamiliar environments. Existing methods utilizing diverse scene memories suffer from inefficient exploration since they use all historical observations for decision-making without considering the goal-relevant fraction. To address this limitation, we present MemoNav, a novel memory model for image-goal navigation, which utilizes a working memory-inspired pipeline to improve navigation performance. Specifically, we employ three types of navigation memory. The node features on a map are stored in the short-term memory (STM), as these features are dynamically updated. A forgetting module then retains the informative STM fraction to increase efficiency. We also introduce long-term memory (LTM) to learn global scene representations by progressively aggregating STM features. Subsequently, a graph attention module encodes the retained STM and the LTM to generate working memory (WM) which contains the scene features essential for efficient navigation. The synergy among these three memory types boosts navigation performance by enabling the agent to learn and leverage goal-relevant scene features within a topological map. Our evaluation on multi-goal tasks demonstrates that MemoNav significantly outperforms previous methods across all difficulty levels in both Gibson and Matterport3D scenes. Qualitative results further illustrate that MemoNav plans more efficient routes.
Abstract:With the emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Vision Foundation Models (VFMs), multimodal AI systems benefiting from large models have the potential to equally perceive the real world, make decisions, and control tools as humans. In recent months, LLMs have shown widespread attention in autonomous driving and map systems. Despite its immense potential, there is still a lack of a comprehensive understanding of key challenges, opportunities, and future endeavors to apply in LLM driving systems. In this paper, we present a systematic investigation in this field. We first introduce the background of Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs), the multimodal models development using LLMs, and the history of autonomous driving. Then, we overview existing MLLM tools for driving, transportation, and map systems together with existing datasets and benchmarks. Moreover, we summarized the works in The 1st WACV Workshop on Large Language and Vision Models for Autonomous Driving (LLVM-AD), which is the first workshop of its kind regarding LLMs in autonomous driving. To further promote the development of this field, we also discuss several important problems regarding using MLLMs in autonomous driving systems that need to be solved by both academia and industry.
Abstract:Contemporary domain adaptation offers a practical solution for achieving cross-domain transfer of semantic segmentation between labeled source data and unlabeled target data. These solutions have gained significant popularity; however, they require the model to be retrained when the test environment changes. This can result in unbearable costs in certain applications due to the time-consuming training process and concerns regarding data privacy. One-shot domain adaptation methods attempt to overcome these challenges by transferring the pre-trained source model to the target domain using only one target data. Despite this, the referring style transfer module still faces issues with computation cost and over-fitting problems. To address this problem, we propose a novel framework called Informative Data Mining (IDM) that enables efficient one-shot domain adaptation for semantic segmentation. Specifically, IDM provides an uncertainty-based selection criterion to identify the most informative samples, which facilitates quick adaptation and reduces redundant training. We then perform a model adaptation method using these selected samples, which includes patch-wise mixing and prototype-based information maximization to update the model. This approach effectively enhances adaptation and mitigates the overfitting problem. In general, we provide empirical evidence of the effectiveness and efficiency of IDM. Our approach outperforms existing methods and achieves a new state-of-the-art one-shot performance of 56.7\%/55.4\% on the GTA5/SYNTHIA to Cityscapes adaptation tasks, respectively. The code will be released at \url{https://github.com/yxiwang/IDM}.
Abstract:Nowadays, autonomous vehicle technology is becoming more and more mature. Critical to progress and safety, high-definition (HD) maps, a type of centimeter-level map collected using a laser sensor, provide accurate descriptions of the surrounding environment. The key challenge of HD map production is efficient, high-quality collection and annotation of large-volume datasets. Due to the demand for high quality, HD map production requires significant manual human effort to create annotations, a very time-consuming and costly process for the map industry. In order to reduce manual annotation burdens, many artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms have been developed to pre-label the HD maps. However, there still exists a large gap between AI algorithms and the traditional manual HD map production pipelines in accuracy and robustness. Furthermore, it is also very resource-costly to build large-scale annotated datasets and advanced machine learning algorithms for AI-based HD map automatic labeling systems. In this paper, we introduce the Tencent HD Map AI (THMA) system, an innovative end-to-end, AI-based, active learning HD map labeling system capable of producing and labeling HD maps with a scale of hundreds of thousands of kilometers. In THMA, we train AI models directly from massive HD map datasets via supervised, self-supervised, and weakly supervised learning to achieve high accuracy and efficiency required by downstream users. THMA has been deployed by the Tencent Map team to provide services to downstream companies and users, serving over 1,000 labeling workers and producing more than 30,000 kilometers of HD map data per day at most. More than 90 percent of the HD map data in Tencent Map is labeled automatically by THMA, accelerating the traditional HD map labeling process by more than ten times.
Abstract:Estimating accurate lane lines in 3D space remains challenging due to their sparse and slim nature. In this work, we propose the M^2-3DLaneNet, a Multi-Modal framework for effective 3D lane detection. Aiming at integrating complementary information from multi-sensors, M^2-3DLaneNet first extracts multi-modal features with modal-specific backbones, then fuses them in a unified Bird's-Eye View (BEV) space. Specifically, our method consists of two core components. 1) To achieve accurate 2D-3D mapping, we propose the top-down BEV generation. Within it, a Line-Restricted Deform-Attention (LRDA) module is utilized to effectively enhance image features in a top-down manner, fully capturing the slenderness features of lanes. After that, it casts the 2D pyramidal features into 3D space using depth-aware lifting and generates BEV features through pillarization. 2) We further propose the bottom-up BEV fusion, which aggregates multi-modal features through multi-scale cascaded attention, integrating complementary information from camera and LiDAR sensors. Sufficient experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of M^2-3DLaneNet, which outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods by a large margin, i.e., 12.1% F1-score improvement on OpenLane dataset.
Abstract:Image-goal navigation is a challenging task, as it requires the agent to navigate to a target indicated by an image in a previously unseen scene. Current methods introduce diverse memory mechanisms which save navigation history to solve this task. However, these methods use all observations in the memory for generating navigation actions without considering which fraction of this memory is informative. To address this limitation, we present the MemoNav, a novel memory mechanism for image-goal navigation, which retains the agent's informative short-term memory and long-term memory to improve the navigation performance on a multi-goal task. The node features on the agent's topological map are stored in the short-term memory, as these features are dynamically updated. To aid the short-term memory, we also generate long-term memory by continuously aggregating the short-term memory via a graph attention module. The MemoNav retains the informative fraction of the short-term memory via a forgetting module based on a Transformer decoder and then incorporates this retained short-term memory and the long-term memory into working memory. Lastly, the agent uses the working memory for action generation. We evaluate our model on a new multi-goal navigation dataset. The experimental results show that the MemoNav outperforms the SoTA methods by a large margin with a smaller fraction of navigation history. The results also empirically show that our model is less likely to be trapped in a deadlock, which further validates that the MemoNav improves the agent's navigation efficiency by reducing redundant steps.