Abstract:Graph databases (GDBs) like Neo4j and TigerGraph excel at handling interconnected data but lack advanced inference capabilities. Neural Graph Databases (NGDBs) address this by integrating Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) for predictive analysis and reasoning over incomplete or noisy data. However, NGDBs rely on predefined queries and lack autonomy and adaptability. This paper introduces Agentic Neural Graph Databases (Agentic NGDBs), which extend NGDBs with three core functionalities: autonomous query construction, neural query execution, and continuous learning. We identify ten key challenges in realizing Agentic NGDBs: semantic unit representation, abductive reasoning, scalable query execution, and integration with foundation models like large language models (LLMs). By addressing these challenges, Agentic NGDBs can enable intelligent, self-improving systems for modern data-driven applications, paving the way for adaptable and autonomous data management solutions.
Abstract:Textual graphs are ubiquitous in real-world applications, featuring rich text information with complex relationships, which enables advanced research across various fields. Textual graph representation learning aims to generate low-dimensional feature embeddings from textual graphs that can improve the performance of downstream tasks. A high-quality feature embedding should effectively capture both the structural and the textual information in a textual graph. However, most textual graph dataset benchmarks rely on word2vec techniques to generate feature embeddings, which inherently limits their capabilities. Recent works on textual graph representation learning can be categorized into two folds: supervised and unsupervised methods. Supervised methods finetune a language model on labeled nodes, which have limited capabilities when labeled data is scarce. Unsupervised methods, on the other hand, extract feature embeddings by developing complex training pipelines. To address these limitations, we propose a novel unified unsupervised learning autoencoder framework, named Node Level Graph AutoEncoder (NodeGAE). We employ language models as the backbone of the autoencoder, with pretraining on text reconstruction. Additionally, we add an auxiliary loss term to make the feature embeddings aware of the local graph structure. Our method maintains simplicity in the training process and demonstrates generalizability across diverse textual graphs and downstream tasks. We evaluate our method on two core graph representation learning downstream tasks: node classification and link prediction. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that our approach substantially enhances the performance of diverse graph neural networks (GNNs) across multiple textual graph datasets.
Abstract:With rapid advances, generative large language models (LLMs) dominate various Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks from understanding to reasoning. Yet, language models' inherent vulnerabilities may be exacerbated due to increased accessibility and unrestricted model training on massive textual data from the Internet. A malicious adversary may publish poisoned data online and conduct backdoor attacks on the victim LLMs pre-trained on the poisoned data. Backdoored LLMs behave innocuously for normal queries and generate harmful responses when the backdoor trigger is activated. Despite significant efforts paid to LLMs' safety issues, LLMs are still struggling against backdoor attacks. As Anthropic recently revealed, existing safety training strategies, including supervised fine-tuning (SFT) and Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF), fail to revoke the backdoors once the LLM is backdoored during the pre-training stage. In this paper, we present Simulate and Eliminate (SANDE) to erase the undesired backdoored mappings for generative LLMs. We initially propose Overwrite Supervised Fine-tuning (OSFT) for effective backdoor removal when the trigger is known. Then, to handle the scenarios where the trigger patterns are unknown, we integrate OSFT into our two-stage framework, SANDE. Unlike previous works that center on the identification of backdoors, our safety-enhanced LLMs are able to behave normally even when the exact triggers are activated. We conduct comprehensive experiments to show that our proposed SANDE is effective against backdoor attacks while bringing minimal harm to LLMs' powerful capability without any additional access to unbackdoored clean models. We will release the reproducible code.
Abstract:Cross-modality images that integrate visible-infrared spectra cues can provide richer complementary information for object detection. Despite this, existing visible-infrared object detection methods severely degrade in severe weather conditions. This failure stems from the pronounced sensitivity of visible images to environmental perturbations, such as rain, haze, and snow, which frequently cause false negatives and false positives in detection. To address this issue, we introduce a novel and challenging task, termed visible-infrared object detection under adverse weather conditions. To foster this task, we have constructed a new Severe Weather Visible-Infrared Dataset (SWVID) with diverse severe weather scenes. Furthermore, we introduce the Cross-modality Fusion Mamba with Weather-removal (CFMW) to augment detection accuracy in adverse weather conditions. Thanks to the proposed Weather Removal Diffusion Model (WRDM) and Cross-modality Fusion Mamba (CFM) modules, CFMW is able to mine more essential information of pedestrian features in cross-modality fusion, thus could transfer to other rarer scenarios with high efficiency and has adequate availability on those platforms with low computing power. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that targeted improvement and integrated both Diffusion and Mamba modules in cross-modality object detection, successfully expanding the practical application of this type of model with its higher accuracy and more advanced architecture. Extensive experiments on both well-recognized and self-created datasets conclusively demonstrate that our CFMW achieves state-of-the-art detection performance, surpassing existing benchmarks. The dataset and source code will be made publicly available at https://github.com/lhy-zjut/CFMW.
Abstract:Complex logical query answering is a challenging task in knowledge graphs (KGs) that has been widely studied. The ability to perform complex logical reasoning is essential and supports various graph reasoning-based downstream tasks, such as search engines. Recent approaches are proposed to represent KG entities and logical queries into embedding vectors and find answers to logical queries from the KGs. However, existing proposed methods mainly focus on querying a single KG and cannot be applied to multiple graphs. In addition, directly sharing KGs with sensitive information may incur privacy risks, making it impractical to share and construct an aggregated KG for reasoning to retrieve query answers. Thus, it remains unknown how to answer queries on multi-source KGs. An entity can be involved in various knowledge graphs and reasoning on multiple KGs and answering complex queries on multi-source KGs is important in discovering knowledge cross graphs. Fortunately, federated learning is utilized in knowledge graphs to collaboratively learn representations with privacy preserved. Federated knowledge graph embeddings enrich the relations in knowledge graphs to improve the representation quality. However, these methods only focus on one-hop relations and cannot perform complex reasoning tasks. In this paper, we apply federated learning to complex query-answering tasks to reason over multi-source knowledge graphs while preserving privacy. We propose a Federated Complex Query Answering framework (FedCQA), to reason over multi-source KGs avoiding sensitive raw data transmission to protect privacy. We conduct extensive experiments on three real-world datasets and evaluate retrieval performance on various types of complex queries.
Abstract:In the era of big data and rapidly evolving information systems, efficient and accurate data retrieval has become increasingly crucial. Neural graph databases (NGDBs) have emerged as a powerful paradigm that combines the strengths of graph databases (graph DBs) and neural networks to enable efficient storage, retrieval, and analysis of graph-structured data. The usage of neural embedding storage and complex neural logical query answering provides NGDBs with generalization ability. When the graph is incomplete, by extracting latent patterns and representations, neural graph databases can fill gaps in the graph structure, revealing hidden relationships and enabling accurate query answering. Nevertheless, this capability comes with inherent trade-offs, as it introduces additional privacy risks to the database. Malicious attackers can infer more sensitive information in the database using well-designed combinatorial queries, such as by comparing the answer sets of where Turing Award winners born before 1950 and after 1940 lived, the living places of Turing Award winner Hinton are probably exposed, although the living places may have been deleted in the training due to the privacy concerns. In this work, inspired by the privacy protection in graph embeddings, we propose a privacy-preserving neural graph database (P-NGDB) to alleviate the risks of privacy leakage in NGDBs. We introduce adversarial training techniques in the training stage to force the NGDBs to generate indistinguishable answers when queried with private information, enhancing the difficulty of inferring sensitive information through combinations of multiple innocuous queries. Extensive experiment results on three datasets show that P-NGDB can effectively protect private information in the graph database while delivering high-quality public answers responses to queries.
Abstract:Recommender systems can be privacy-sensitive. To protect users' private historical interactions, federated learning has been proposed in distributed learning for user representations. Using federated recommender (FedRec) systems, users can train a shared recommendation model on local devices and prevent raw data transmissions and collections. However, the recommendation model learned by a common FedRec may still be vulnerable to private information leakage risks, particularly attribute inference attacks, which means that the attacker can easily infer users' personal attributes from the learned model. Additionally, traditional FedRecs seldom consider the diverse privacy preference of users, leading to difficulties in balancing the recommendation utility and privacy preservation. Consequently, FedRecs may suffer from unnecessary recommendation performance loss due to over-protection and private information leakage simultaneously. In this work, we propose a novel user-consented federated recommendation system (UC-FedRec) to flexibly satisfy the different privacy needs of users by paying a minimum recommendation accuracy price. UC-FedRec allows users to self-define their privacy preferences to meet various demands and makes recommendations with user consent. Experiments conducted on different real-world datasets demonstrate that our framework is more efficient and flexible compared to baselines.
Abstract:The rapid development of language models (LMs) brings unprecedented accessibility and usage for both models and users. On the one hand, powerful LMs, trained with massive textual data, achieve state-of-the-art performance over numerous downstream NLP tasks. On the other hand, more and more attention is paid to unrestricted model accesses that may bring malicious privacy risks of data leakage. To address these issues, many recent works propose privacy-preserving language models (PPLMs) with differential privacy (DP). Unfortunately, different DP implementations make it challenging for a fair comparison among existing PPLMs. In this paper, we present P-Bench, a multi-perspective privacy evaluation benchmark to empirically and intuitively quantify the privacy leakage of LMs. Instead of only protecting and measuring the privacy of protected data with DP parameters, P-Bench sheds light on the neglected inference data privacy during actual usage. P-Bench first clearly defines multi-faceted privacy objectives during private fine-tuning. Then, P-Bench constructs a unified pipeline to perform private fine-tuning. Lastly, P-Bench performs existing privacy attacks on LMs with pre-defined privacy objectives as the empirical evaluation results. The empirical attack results are used to fairly and intuitively evaluate the privacy leakage of various PPLMs. We conduct extensive experiments on three datasets of GLUE for mainstream LMs.
Abstract:The advancement of large language models (LLMs) has significantly enhanced the ability to effectively tackle various downstream NLP tasks and unify these tasks into generative pipelines. On the one hand, powerful language models, trained on massive textual data, have brought unparalleled accessibility and usability for both models and users. On the other hand, unrestricted access to these models can also introduce potential malicious and unintentional privacy risks. Despite ongoing efforts to address the safety and privacy concerns associated with LLMs, the problem remains unresolved. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the current privacy attacks targeting LLMs and categorize them according to the adversary's assumed capabilities to shed light on the potential vulnerabilities present in LLMs. Then, we present a detailed overview of prominent defense strategies that have been developed to counter these privacy attacks. Beyond existing works, we identify upcoming privacy concerns as LLMs evolve. Lastly, we point out several potential avenues for future exploration.
Abstract:Learning graph embeddings is a crucial task in graph mining tasks. An effective graph embedding model can learn low-dimensional representations from graph-structured data for data publishing benefiting various downstream applications such as node classification, link prediction, etc. However, recent studies have revealed that graph embeddings are susceptible to attribute inference attacks, which allow attackers to infer private node attributes from the learned graph embeddings. To address these concerns, privacy-preserving graph embedding methods have emerged, aiming to simultaneously consider primary learning and privacy protection through adversarial learning. However, most existing methods assume that representation models have access to all sensitive attributes in advance during the training stage, which is not always the case due to diverse privacy preferences. Furthermore, the commonly used adversarial learning technique in privacy-preserving representation learning suffers from unstable training issues. In this paper, we propose a novel approach called Private Variational Graph AutoEncoders (PVGAE) with the aid of independent distribution penalty as a regularization term. Specifically, we split the original variational graph autoencoder (VGAE) to learn sensitive and non-sensitive latent representations using two sets of encoders. Additionally, we introduce a novel regularization to enforce the independence of the encoders. We prove the theoretical effectiveness of regularization from the perspective of mutual information. Experimental results on three real-world datasets demonstrate that PVGAE outperforms other baselines in private embedding learning regarding utility performance and privacy protection.