Abstract:We introduce EgoTextVQA, a novel and rigorously constructed benchmark for egocentric QA assistance involving scene text. EgoTextVQA contains 1.5K ego-view videos and 7K scene-text aware questions that reflect real-user needs in outdoor driving and indoor house-keeping activities. The questions are designed to elicit identification and reasoning on scene text in an egocentric and dynamic environment. With EgoTextVQA, we comprehensively evaluate 10 prominent multimodal large language models. Currently, all models struggle, and the best results (Gemini 1.5 Pro) are around 33% accuracy, highlighting the severe deficiency of these techniques in egocentric QA assistance. Our further investigations suggest that precise temporal grounding and multi-frame reasoning, along with high resolution and auxiliary scene-text inputs, are key for better performance. With thorough analyses and heuristic suggestions, we hope EgoTextVQA can serve as a solid testbed for research in egocentric scene-text QA assistance.
Abstract:Video large language models (Video-LLMs) can temporally ground language queries and retrieve video moments. Yet, such temporal comprehension capabilities are neither well-studied nor understood. So we conduct a study on prediction consistency -- a key indicator for robustness and trustworthiness of temporal grounding. After the model identifies an initial moment within the video content, we apply a series of probes to check if the model's responses align with this initial grounding as an indicator of reliable comprehension. Our results reveal that current Video-LLMs are sensitive to variations in video contents, language queries, and task settings, unveiling severe deficiencies in maintaining consistency. We further explore common prompting and instruction-tuning methods as potential solutions, but find that their improvements are often unstable. To that end, we propose event temporal verification tuning that explicitly accounts for consistency, and demonstrate significant improvements for both grounding and consistency. Our data and code will be available at https://github.com/minjoong507/Consistency-of-Video-LLM.
Abstract:Existing efforts in text-based video question answering (TextVideoQA) are criticized for their opaque decisionmaking and heavy reliance on scene-text recognition. In this paper, we propose to study Grounded TextVideoQA by forcing models to answer questions and spatio-temporally localize the relevant scene-text regions, thus decoupling QA from scenetext recognition and promoting research towards interpretable QA. The task has three-fold significance. First, it encourages scene-text evidence versus other short-cuts for answer predictions. Second, it directly accepts scene-text regions as visual answers, thus circumventing the problem of ineffective answer evaluation by stringent string matching. Third, it isolates the challenges inherited in VideoQA and scene-text recognition. This enables the diagnosis of the root causes for failure predictions, e.g., wrong QA or wrong scene-text recognition? To achieve Grounded TextVideoQA, we propose the T2S-QA model that highlights a disentangled temporal-to-spatial contrastive learning strategy for weakly-supervised scene-text grounding and grounded TextVideoQA. To facilitate evaluation, we construct a new dataset ViTXT-GQA which features 52K scene-text bounding boxes within 2.2K temporal segments related to 2K questions and 729 videos. With ViTXT-GQA, we perform extensive experiments and demonstrate the severe limitations of existing techniques in Grounded TextVideoQA. While T2S-QA achieves superior results, the large performance gap with human leaves ample space for improvement. Our further analysis of oracle scene-text inputs posits that the major challenge is scene-text recognition. To advance the research of Grounded TextVideoQA, our dataset and code are at \url{https://github.com/zhousheng97/ViTXT-GQA.git}
Abstract:Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have shown excellent performance in question-answering of single-event videos. In this paper, we present question-answering dense video events, a novel task that requires answering and grounding the dense-event questions in long videos, thus challenging MLLMs to faithfully comprehend and reason about multiple events occurring over extended time periods. To facilitate the study, we construct DeVE-QA - a dataset featuring 78K questions about 26K events on 10.6K long videos. We then benchmark and show that existing MLLMs excelling at single-event QA struggle to perform well in DeVE-QA. For improvement, we propose DeVi, a novel training-free MLLM approach that highlights a hierarchical captioning module, a temporal event memory module, and a self-consistency checking module to respectively detect, contextualize and memorize, and ground dense-events in long videos for question answering. Extensive experiments show that DeVi is superior at answering dense-event questions and grounding relevant video moments. Compared with existing MLLMs, it achieves a remarkable increase of 4.1 percent and 3.7 percent for G(round)QA accuracy on DeVE-QA and NExT-GQA respectively.
Abstract:Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) have shown significant capability in vision-language understanding. However, one critical issue that persists in these models is sycophancy, which means models are unduly influenced by leading or deceptive prompts, resulting in biased outputs and hallucinations. Despite the progress in LVLMs, evaluating and mitigating sycophancy is yet much under-explored. In this work, we fill this gap by systematically analyzing sycophancy on various VL benchmarks with curated leading queries and further proposing a text contrastive decoding method for mitigation. While the specific sycophantic behavior varies significantly among models, our analysis reveals the severe deficiency of all LVLMs in resilience of sycophancy across various tasks. For improvement, we propose Leading Query Contrastive Decoding (LQCD), a model-agnostic method focusing on calibrating the LVLMs' over-reliance on leading cues by identifying and suppressing the probabilities of sycophancy tokens at the decoding stage. Extensive experiments show that LQCD effectively mitigate sycophancy, outperforming both prompt engineering methods and common methods for hallucination mitigation. We further demonstrate that LQCD does not hurt but even slightly improves LVLMs' responses to neutral queries, suggesting it being a more effective strategy for general-purpose decoding but not limited to sycophancy.
Abstract:Video Large Language Models (Video-LLMs) are flourishing and has advanced many video-language tasks. As a golden testbed, Video Question Answering (VideoQA) plays pivotal role in Video-LLM developing. This work conducts a timely and comprehensive study of Video-LLMs' behavior in VideoQA, aiming to elucidate their success and failure modes, and provide insights towards more human-like video understanding and question answering. Our analyses demonstrate that Video-LLMs excel in VideoQA; they can correlate contextual cues and generate plausible responses to questions about varied video contents. However, models falter in handling video temporality, both in reasoning about temporal content ordering and grounding QA-relevant temporal moments. Moreover, the models behave unintuitively - they are unresponsive to adversarial video perturbations while being sensitive to simple variations of candidate answers and questions. Also, they do not necessarily generalize better. The findings demonstrate Video-LLMs' QA capability in standard condition yet highlight their severe deficiency in robustness and interpretability, suggesting the urgent need on rationales in Video-LLM developing.
Abstract:Humans use multiple senses to comprehend the environment. Vision and language are two of the most vital senses since they allow us to easily communicate our thoughts and perceive the world around us. There has been a lot of interest in creating video-language understanding systems with human-like senses since a video-language pair can mimic both our linguistic medium and visual environment with temporal dynamics. In this survey, we review the key tasks of these systems and highlight the associated challenges. Based on the challenges, we summarize their methods from model architecture, model training, and data perspectives. We also conduct performance comparison among the methods, and discuss promising directions for future research.
Abstract:We present MM-AU, a novel dataset for Multi-Modal Accident video Understanding. MM-AU contains 11,727 in-the-wild ego-view accident videos, each with temporally aligned text descriptions. We annotate over 2.23 million object boxes and 58,650 pairs of video-based accident reasons, covering 58 accident categories. MM-AU supports various accident understanding tasks, particularly multimodal video diffusion to understand accident cause-effect chains for safe driving. With MM-AU, we present an Abductive accident Video understanding framework for Safe Driving perception (AdVersa-SD). AdVersa-SD performs video diffusion via an Object-Centric Video Diffusion (OAVD) method which is driven by an abductive CLIP model. This model involves a contrastive interaction loss to learn the pair co-occurrence of normal, near-accident, accident frames with the corresponding text descriptions, such as accident reasons, prevention advice, and accident categories. OAVD enforces the causal region learning while fixing the content of the original frame background in video generation, to find the dominant cause-effect chain for certain accidents. Extensive experiments verify the abductive ability of AdVersa-SD and the superiority of OAVD against the state-of-the-art diffusion models. Additionally, we provide careful benchmark evaluations for object detection and accident reason answering since AdVersa-SD relies on precise object and accident reason information.
Abstract:We study visually grounded VideoQA in response to the emerging trends of utilizing pretraining techniques for video-language understanding. Specifically, by forcing vision-language models (VLMs) to answer questions and simultaneously provide visual evidence, we seek to ascertain the extent to which the predictions of such techniques are genuinely anchored in relevant video content, versus spurious correlations from language or irrelevant visual context. Towards this, we construct NExT-GQA -- an extension of NExT-QA with 10.5$K$ temporal grounding (or location) labels tied to the original QA pairs. With NExT-GQA, we scrutinize a variety of state-of-the-art VLMs. Through post-hoc attention analysis, we find that these models are weak in substantiating the answers despite their strong QA performance. This exposes a severe limitation of these models in making reliable predictions. As a remedy, we further explore and suggest a video grounding mechanism via Gaussian mask optimization and cross-modal learning. Experiments with different backbones demonstrate that this grounding mechanism improves both video grounding and QA. Our dataset and code are released. With these efforts, we aim to push towards the reliability of deploying VLMs in VQA systems.
Abstract:This paper strives to solve complex video question answering (VideoQA) which features long video containing multiple objects and events at different time. To tackle the challenge, we highlight the importance of identifying question-critical temporal moments and spatial objects from the vast amount of video content. Towards this, we propose a Spatio-Temporal Rationalization (STR), a differentiable selection module that adaptively collects question-critical moments and objects using cross-modal interaction. The discovered video moments and objects are then served as grounded rationales to support answer reasoning. Based on STR, we further propose TranSTR, a Transformer-style neural network architecture that takes STR as the core and additionally underscores a novel answer interaction mechanism to coordinate STR for answer decoding. Experiments on four datasets show that TranSTR achieves new state-of-the-art (SoTA). Especially, on NExT-QA and Causal-VidQA which feature complex VideoQA, it significantly surpasses the previous SoTA by 5.8\% and 6.8\%, respectively. We then conduct extensive studies to verify the importance of STR as well as the proposed answer interaction mechanism. With the success of TranSTR and our comprehensive analysis, we hope this work can spark more future efforts in complex VideoQA. Code will be released at https://github.com/yl3800/TranSTR.