Abstract:Large language model (LLM) inference workload dominates a wide variety of modern AI applications, ranging from multi-turn conversation to document analysis. Balancing fairness and efficiency is critical for managing diverse client workloads with varying prefix patterns. Unfortunately, existing fair scheduling algorithms for LLM serving, such as Virtual Token Counter (VTC), fail to take prefix locality into consideration and thus suffer from poor performance. On the other hand, locality-aware scheduling algorithms in existing LLM serving frameworks tend to maximize the prefix cache hit rate without considering fair sharing among clients. This paper introduces the first locality-aware fair scheduling algorithm, Deficit Longest Prefix Match (DLPM), which can maintain a high degree of prefix locality with a fairness guarantee. We also introduce a novel algorithm, Double Deficit LPM (D$^2$LPM), extending DLPM for the distributed setup that can find a balance point among fairness, locality, and load-balancing. Our extensive evaluation demonstrates the superior performance of DLPM and D$^2$LPM in ensuring fairness while maintaining high throughput (up to 2.87$\times$ higher than VTC) and low per-client (up to 7.18$\times$ lower than state-of-the-art distributed LLM serving system) latency.
Abstract:We propose CARFF: Conditional Auto-encoded Radiance Field for 3D Scene Forecasting, a method for predicting future 3D scenes given past observations, such as 2D ego-centric images. Our method maps an image to a distribution over plausible 3D latent scene configurations using a probabilistic encoder, and predicts the evolution of the hypothesized scenes through time. Our latent scene representation conditions a global Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) to represent a 3D scene model, which enables explainable predictions and straightforward downstream applications. This approach extends beyond previous neural rendering work by considering complex scenarios of uncertainty in environmental states and dynamics. We employ a two-stage training of Pose-Conditional-VAE and NeRF to learn 3D representations. Additionally, we auto-regressively predict latent scene representations as a partially observable Markov decision process, utilizing a mixture density network. We demonstrate the utility of our method in realistic scenarios using the CARLA driving simulator, where CARFF can be used to enable efficient trajectory and contingency planning in complex multi-agent autonomous driving scenarios involving visual occlusions.
Abstract:Recent trends in self-supervised representation learning have focused on removing inductive biases from training pipelines. However, inductive biases can be useful in settings when limited data are available or provide additional insight into the underlying data distribution. We present spatial prior attention (SPAN), a framework that takes advantage of consistent spatial and semantic structure in unlabeled image datasets to guide Vision Transformer attention. SPAN operates by regularizing attention masks from separate transformer heads to follow various priors over semantic regions. These priors can be derived from data statistics or a single labeled sample provided by a domain expert. We study SPAN through several detailed real-world scenarios, including medical image analysis and visual quality assurance. We find that the resulting attention masks are more interpretable than those derived from domain-agnostic pretraining. SPAN produces a 58.7 mAP improvement for lung and heart segmentation. We also find that our method yields a 2.2 mAUC improvement compared to domain-agnostic pretraining when transferring the pretrained model to a downstream chest disease classification task. Lastly, we show that SPAN pretraining leads to higher downstream classification performance in low-data regimes compared to domain-agnostic pretraining.
Abstract:Efficient vision works maximize accuracy under a latency budget. These works evaluate accuracy offline, one image at a time. However, real-time vision applications like autonomous driving operate in streaming settings, where ground truth changes between inference start and finish. This results in a significant accuracy drop. Therefore, a recent work proposed to maximize accuracy in streaming settings on average. In this paper, we propose to maximize streaming accuracy for every environment context. We posit that scenario difficulty influences the initial (offline) accuracy difference, while obstacle displacement in the scene affects the subsequent accuracy degradation. Our method, Octopus, uses these scenario properties to select configurations that maximize streaming accuracy at test time. Our method improves tracking performance (S-MOTA) by 7.4% over the conventional static approach. Further, performance improvement using our method comes in addition to, and not instead of, advances in offline accuracy.
Abstract:Mobility, power, and price points often dictate that robots do not have sufficient computing power on board to run modern robot algorithms at desired rates. Cloud computing providers such as AWS, GCP, and Azure offer immense computing power on demand, but tapping into that power from a robot is non-trivial. In this paper, we present FogROS 2, an easy-to-use, open-source platform to facilitate cloud and fog robotics compatible with the emerging ROS 2 standard, extending the open-source Robot Operating System (ROS). FogROS 2 provisions a cloud computer, deploys and launches ROS 2 nodes to the cloud computer, sets up secure networking between the robot and cloud, and starts the application running. FogROS 2 is completely redesigned and distinct from its predecessor to support ROS 2 applications, transparent video compression and communication, improved performance and security, support for multiple cloud-computing providers, and remote monitoring and visualization. We demonstrate in example applications that the performance gained by using cloud computers can overcome the network latency to significantly speed up robot performance. In examples, FogROS 2 reduces SLAM latency by 50%, reduces grasp planning time from 14s to 1.2s, and speeds up motion planning 28x. When compared to alternatives, FogROS 2 reduces network utilization by up to 3.8x. FogROS 2, source, examples, and documentation is available at https://github.com/BerkeleyAutomation/FogROS2 .
Abstract:Machine learning has advanced dramatically, narrowing the accuracy gap to humans in multimodal tasks like visual question answering (VQA). However, while humans can say "I don't know" when they are uncertain (i.e., abstain from answering a question), such ability has been largely neglected in multimodal research, despite the importance of this problem to the usage of VQA in real settings. In this work, we promote a problem formulation for reliable VQA, where we prefer abstention over providing an incorrect answer. We first enable abstention capabilities for several VQA models, and analyze both their coverage, the portion of questions answered, and risk, the error on that portion. For that we explore several abstention approaches. We find that although the best performing models achieve over 71% accuracy on the VQA v2 dataset, introducing the option to abstain by directly using a model's softmax scores limits them to answering less than 8% of the questions to achieve a low risk of error (i.e., 1%). This motivates us to utilize a multimodal selection function to directly estimate the correctness of the predicted answers, which we show can triple the coverage from, for example, 5.0% to 16.7% at 1% risk. While it is important to analyze both coverage and risk, these metrics have a trade-off which makes comparing VQA models challenging. To address this, we also propose an Effective Reliability metric for VQA that places a larger cost on incorrect answers compared to abstentions. This new problem formulation, metric, and analysis for VQA provide the groundwork for building effective and reliable VQA models that have the self-awareness to abstain if and only if they don't know the answer.
Abstract:Machine Learning (ML) workloads have rapidly grown in importance, but raised concerns about their carbon footprint. Four best practices can reduce ML training energy by up to 100x and CO2 emissions up to 1000x. By following best practices, overall ML energy use (across research, development, and production) held steady at <15% of Google's total energy use for the past three years. If the whole ML field were to adopt best practices, total carbon emissions from training would reduce. Hence, we recommend that ML papers include emissions explicitly to foster competition on more than just model quality. Estimates of emissions in papers that omitted them have been off 100x-100,000x, so publishing emissions has the added benefit of ensuring accurate accounting. Given the importance of climate change, we must get the numbers right to make certain that we work on its biggest challenges.
Abstract:While real world challenges typically define visual categories with language words or phrases, most visual classification methods define categories with numerical indices. However, the language specification of the classes provides an especially useful prior for biased and noisy datasets, where it can help disambiguate what features are task-relevant. Recently, large-scale multimodal models have been shown to recognize a wide variety of high-level concepts from a language specification even without additional image training data, but they are often unable to distinguish classes for more fine-grained tasks. CNNs, in contrast, can extract subtle image features that are required for fine-grained discrimination, but will overfit to any bias or noise in datasets. Our insight is to use high-level language specification as advice for constraining the classification evidence to task-relevant features, instead of distractors. To do this, we ground task-relevant words or phrases with attention maps from a pretrained large-scale model. We then use this grounding to supervise a classifier's spatial attention away from distracting context. We show that supervising spatial attention in this way improves performance on classification tasks with biased and noisy data, including about 3-15% worst-group accuracy improvements and 41-45% relative improvements on fairness metrics.
Abstract:As many robot automation applications increasingly rely on multi-core processing or deep-learning models, cloud computing is becoming an attractive and economically viable resource for systems that do not contain high computing power onboard. Despite its immense computing capacity, it is often underused by the robotics and automation community due to lack of expertise in cloud computing and cloud-based infrastructure. Fog Robotics balances computing and data between cloud edge devices. We propose a software framework, FogROS, as an extension of the Robot Operating System (ROS), the de-facto standard for creating robot automation applications and components. It allows researchers to deploy components of their software to the cloud with minimal effort, and correspondingly gain access to additional computing cores, GPUs, FPGAs, and TPUs, as well as predeployed software made available by other researchers. FogROS allows a researcher to specify which components of their software will be deployed to the cloud and to what type of computing hardware. We evaluate FogROS on 3 examples: (1) simultaneous localization and mapping (ORB-SLAM2), (2) Dexterity Network (Dex-Net) GPU-based grasp planning, and (3) multi-core motion planning using a 96-core cloud-based server. In all three examples, a component is deployed to the cloud and accelerated with a small change in system launch configuration, while incurring additional latency of 1.2 s, 0.6 s, and 0.5 s due to network communication, the computation speed is improved by 2.6x, 6.0x and 34.2x, respectively. Code, videos, and supplementary material can be found at https://github.com/BerkeleyAutomation/FogROS.
Abstract:Methods for designing organic materials with desired properties have high potential impact across fields such as medicine, renewable energy, petrochemical engineering, and agriculture. However, using generative modeling to design substances with desired properties is difficult because candidate compounds must satisfy multiple constraints, including synthetic accessibility and other metrics that are intuitive to domain experts but challenging to quantify. We propose C5T5, a novel self-supervised pretraining method that enables transformers to make zero-shot select-and-replace edits, altering organic substances towards desired property values. C5T5 operates on IUPAC names -- a standardized molecular representation that intuitively encodes rich structural information for organic chemists but that has been largely ignored by the ML community. Our technique requires no edited molecule pairs to train and only a rough estimate of molecular properties, and it has the potential to model long-range dependencies and symmetric molecular structures more easily than graph-based methods. C5T5 also provides a powerful interface to domain experts: it grants users fine-grained control over the generative process by selecting and replacing IUPAC name fragments, which enables experts to leverage their intuitions about structure-activity relationships. We demonstrate C5T5's effectiveness on four physical properties relevant for drug discovery, showing that it learns successful and chemically intuitive strategies for altering molecules towards desired property values.