Abstract:Traditional enterprises face significant challenges in processing business documents, where tasks like extracting transport references from invoices remain largely manual despite their crucial role in logistics operations. While Large Language Models offer potential automation, their direct application to specialized business domains often yields unsatisfactory results. We introduce Matrix (Memory-Augmented agent Training through Reasoning and Iterative eXploration), a novel paradigm that enables LLM agents to progressively build domain expertise through experience-driven memory refinement and iterative learning. To validate this approach, we collaborate with one of the world's largest logistics companies to create a dataset of Universal Business Language format invoice documents, focusing on the task of transport reference extraction. Experiments demonstrate that Matrix outperforms prompting a single LLM by 30.3%, vanilla LLM agent by 35.2%. We further analyze the metrics of the optimized systems and observe that the agent system requires less API calls, fewer costs and can analyze longer documents on average. Our methods establish a new approach to transform general-purpose LLMs into specialized business tools through systematic memory enhancement in document processing tasks.
Abstract:Preference-based Reinforcement Learning (PbRL) studies the problem where agents receive only preferences over pairs of trajectories in each episode. Traditional approaches in this field have predominantly focused on the mean reward or utility criterion. However, in PbRL scenarios demanding heightened risk awareness, such as in AI systems, healthcare, and agriculture, risk-aware measures are requisite. Traditional risk-aware objectives and algorithms are not applicable in such one-episode-reward settings. To address this, we explore and prove the applicability of two risk-aware objectives to PbRL: nested and static quantile risk objectives. We also introduce Risk-Aware- PbRL (RA-PbRL), an algorithm designed to optimize both nested and static objectives. Additionally, we provide a theoretical analysis of the regret upper bounds, demonstrating that they are sublinear with respect to the number of episodes, and present empirical results to support our findings. Our code is available in
Abstract:Inference-time alignment enhances the performance of large language models without requiring additional training or fine-tuning but presents challenges due to balancing computational efficiency with high-quality output. Best-of-N (BoN) sampling, as a simple yet powerful approach, generates multiple responses and selects the best one, achieving improved performance but with a high computational cost. We propose TreeBoN, a novel framework that integrates a speculative tree-search strategy into Best-of-N (BoN) Sampling. TreeBoN maintains a set of parent nodes, iteratively branching and pruning low-quality responses, thereby reducing computational overhead while maintaining high output quality. Our approach also leverages token-level rewards from Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) to guide tree expansion and prune low-quality paths. We evaluate TreeBoN using AlpacaFarm, UltraFeedback, GSM8K, HH-RLHF, and TutorEval datasets, demonstrating consistent improvements. Specifically, TreeBoN achieves a 65% win rate at maximum lengths of 192 and 384 tokens, outperforming standard BoN with the same computational cost. Furthermore, TreeBoN achieves around a 60% win rate across longer responses, showcasing its scalability and alignment efficacy.
Abstract:Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) has become the predominant approach for language model (LM) alignment. At its core, RLHF uses a margin-based loss for preference optimization, specifying ideal LM behavior only by the difference between preferred and dispreferred responses. In this paper, we identify a common pitfall of margin-based methods -- the under-specification of ideal LM behavior on preferred and dispreferred responses individually, which leads to two unintended consequences as the margin increases: (1) The probability of dispreferred (e.g., unsafe) responses may increase, resulting in potential safety alignment failures. (2) The probability of preferred responses may decrease, even when those responses are ideal. We demystify the reasons behind these problematic behaviors: margin-based losses couple the change in the preferred probability to the gradient of the dispreferred one, and vice versa, often preventing the preferred probability from increasing while the dispreferred one decreases, and thus causing a synchronized increase or decrease in both probabilities. We term this effect, inherent in margin-based objectives, gradient entanglement. Formally, we derive conditions for general margin-based alignment objectives under which gradient entanglement becomes concerning: the inner product of the gradients of preferred and dispreferred log-probabilities is large relative to the individual gradient norms. We theoretically investigate why such inner products can be large when aligning language models and empirically validate our findings. Empirical implications of our framework extend to explaining important differences in the training dynamics of various preference optimization algorithms, and suggesting potential algorithm designs to mitigate the under-specification issue of margin-based methods and thereby improving language model alignment.
Abstract:Conversational recommendation systems elicit user preferences by interacting with users to obtain their feedback on recommended commodities. Such systems utilize a multi-armed bandit framework to learn user preferences in an online manner and have received great success in recent years. However, existing conversational bandit methods have several limitations. First, they only enable users to provide explicit binary feedback on the recommended items or categories, leading to ambiguity in interpretation. In practice, users are usually faced with more than one choice. Relative feedback, known for its informativeness, has gained increasing popularity in recommendation system design. Moreover, current contextual bandit methods mainly work under linear reward assumptions, ignoring practical non-linear reward structures in generalized linear models. Therefore, in this paper, we introduce relative feedback-based conversations into conversational recommendation systems through the integration of dueling bandits in generalized linear models (GLM) and propose a novel conversational dueling bandit algorithm called ConDuel. Theoretical analyses of regret upper bounds and empirical validations on synthetic and real-world data underscore ConDuel's efficacy. We also demonstrate the potential to extend our algorithm to multinomial logit bandits with theoretical and experimental guarantees, which further proves the applicability of the proposed framework.
Abstract:The agency problem emerges in today's large scale machine learning tasks, where the learners are unable to direct content creation or enforce data collection. In this work, we propose a theoretical framework for aligning economic interests of different stakeholders in the online learning problems through contract design. The problem, termed \emph{contractual reinforcement learning}, naturally arises from the classic model of Markov decision processes, where a learning principal seeks to optimally influence the agent's action policy for their common interests through a set of payment rules contingent on the realization of next state. For the planning problem, we design an efficient dynamic programming algorithm to determine the optimal contracts against the far-sighted agent. For the learning problem, we introduce a generic design of no-regret learning algorithms to untangle the challenges from robust design of contracts to the balance of exploration and exploitation, reducing the complexity analysis to the construction of efficient search algorithms. For several natural classes of problems, we design tailored search algorithms that provably achieve $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{T})$ regret. We also present an algorithm with $\tilde{O}(T^{2/3})$ for the general problem that improves the existing analysis in online contract design with mild technical assumptions.
Abstract:Ranking passages by prompting a large language model (LLM) can achieve promising performance in modern information retrieval (IR) systems. A common approach is to sort the ranking list by prompting LLMs for pairwise comparison. However, sorting-based methods require consistent comparisons to correctly sort the passages, which we show that LLMs often violate. We identify two kinds of intrinsic inconsistency in LLM-based pairwise comparisons: order inconsistency which leads to conflicting results when switching the passage order, and transitive inconsistency which leads to non-transitive triads among all preference pairs. In this paper, we propose LLM-RankFusion, an LLM-based ranking framework that mitigates these inconsistencies and produces a robust ranking list. LLM-RankFusion mitigates order inconsistency using in-context learning (ICL) to demonstrate order-agnostic comparisons and calibration to estimate the underlying preference probability between two passages. We then address transitive inconsistency by aggregating the ranking results from multiple rankers. In our experiments, we empirically show that LLM-RankFusion can significantly reduce inconsistent pairwise comparison results, and improve the ranking quality by making the final ranking list more robust.
Abstract:Online learning has demonstrated notable potential to dynamically allocate limited resources to monitor a large population of processes, effectively balancing the exploitation of processes yielding high rewards, and the exploration of uncertain processes. However, most online learning algorithms were designed under 1) a centralized setting that requires data sharing across processes to obtain an accurate prediction or 2) a homogeneity assumption that estimates a single global model from the decentralized data. To facilitate the online learning of heterogeneous processes from the decentralized data, we propose a federated collaborative online monitoring method, which captures the latent representative models inherent in the population through representation learning and designs a novel federated collaborative UCB algorithm to estimate the representative models from sequentially observed decentralized data. The efficiency of our method is illustrated through theoretical analysis, simulation studies, and decentralized cognitive degradation monitoring in Alzheimer's disease.
Abstract:In this paper, we study the robustness of "data-centric" approaches to finding neural network architectures (known as neural architecture search) to data distribution shifts. To audit this robustness, we present a data poisoning attack, when injected to the training data used for architecture search that can prevent the victim algorithm from finding an architecture with optimal accuracy. We first define the attack objective for crafting poisoning samples that can induce the victim to generate sub-optimal architectures. To this end, we weaponize existing search algorithms to generate adversarial architectures that serve as our objectives. We also present techniques that the attacker can use to significantly reduce the computational costs of crafting poisoning samples. In an extensive evaluation of our poisoning attack on a representative architecture search algorithm, we show its surprising robustness. Because our attack employs clean-label poisoning, we also evaluate its robustness against label noise. We find that random label-flipping is more effective in generating sub-optimal architectures than our clean-label attack. Our results suggests that care must be taken for the data this emerging approach uses, and future work is needed to develop robust algorithms.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as integral tools for reasoning, planning, and decision-making, drawing upon their extensive world knowledge and proficiency in language-related tasks. LLMs thus hold tremendous potential for natural language interaction within multi-agent systems to foster cooperation. However, LLM agents tend to over-report and comply with any instruction, which may result in information redundancy and confusion in multi-agent cooperation. Inspired by human organizations, this paper introduces a framework that imposes prompt-based organization structures on LLM agents to mitigate these problems. Through a series of experiments with embodied LLM agents and human-agent collaboration, our results highlight the impact of designated leadership on team efficiency, shedding light on the leadership qualities displayed by LLM agents and their spontaneous cooperative behaviors. Further, we harness the potential of LLMs to propose enhanced organizational prompts, via a Criticize-Reflect process, resulting in novel organization structures that reduce communication costs and enhance team efficiency.