Abstract:We study the fundamental problem of offline assortment optimization under the Multinomial Logit (MNL) model, where sellers must determine the optimal subset of the products to offer based solely on historical customer choice data. While most existing approaches to learning-based assortment optimization focus on the online learning of the optimal assortment through repeated interactions with customers, such exploration can be costly or even impractical in many real-world settings. In this paper, we consider the offline learning paradigm and investigate the minimal data requirements for efficient offline assortment optimization. To this end, we introduce Pessimistic Rank-Breaking (PRB), an algorithm that combines rank-breaking with pessimistic estimation. We prove that PRB is nearly minimax optimal by establishing the tight suboptimality upper bound and a nearly matching lower bound. This further shows that "optimal item coverage" - where each item in the optimal assortment appears sufficiently often in the historical data - is both sufficient and necessary for efficient offline learning. This significantly relaxes the previous requirement of observing the complete optimal assortment in the data. Our results provide fundamental insights into the data requirements for offline assortment optimization under the MNL model.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in complex reasoning tasks, yet generating reliable reasoning processes remains a significant challenge. We present a unified probabilistic framework that formalizes LLM reasoning through a novel graphical model incorporating latent thinking processes and evaluation signals. Within this framework, we introduce the Bootstrapping Reinforced Thinking Process (BRiTE) algorithm, which works in two steps. First, it generates high-quality rationales by approximating the optimal thinking process through reinforcement learning, using a novel reward shaping mechanism. Second, it enhances the base LLM by maximizing the joint probability of rationale generation with respect to the model's parameters. Theoretically, we demonstrate BRiTE's convergence at a rate of $1/T$ with $T$ representing the number of iterations. Empirical evaluations on math and coding benchmarks demonstrate that our approach consistently improves performance across different base models without requiring human-annotated thinking processes. In addition, BRiTE demonstrates superior performance compared to existing algorithms that bootstrap thinking processes use alternative methods such as rejection sampling, and can even match or exceed the results achieved through supervised fine-tuning with human-annotated data.
Abstract:Active clustering aims to boost the clustering performance by integrating human-annotated pairwise constraints through strategic querying. Conventional approaches with semi-supervised clustering schemes encounter high query costs when applied to large datasets with numerous classes. To address these limitations, we propose a novel Adaptive Active Aggregation and Splitting (A3S) framework, falling within the cluster-adjustment scheme in active clustering. A3S features strategic active clustering adjustment on the initial cluster result, which is obtained by an adaptive clustering algorithm. In particular, our cluster adjustment is inspired by the quantitative analysis of Normalized mutual information gain under the information theory framework and can provably improve the clustering quality. The proposed A3S framework significantly elevates the performance and scalability of active clustering. In extensive experiments across diverse real-world datasets, A3S achieves desired results with significantly fewer human queries compared with existing methods.
Abstract:We introduce a novel framework of combinatorial multi-armed bandits (CMAB) with multivariant and probabilistically triggering arms (CMAB-MT), where the outcome of each arm is a $d$-dimensional multivariant random variable and the feedback follows a general arm triggering process. Compared with existing CMAB works, CMAB-MT not only enhances the modeling power but also allows improved results by leveraging distinct statistical properties for multivariant random variables. For CMAB-MT, we propose a general 1-norm multivariant and triggering probability-modulated smoothness condition, and an optimistic CUCB-MT algorithm built upon this condition. Our framework can include many important problems as applications, such as episodic reinforcement learning (RL) and probabilistic maximum coverage for goods distribution, all of which meet the above smoothness condition and achieve matching or improved regret bounds compared to existing works. Through our new framework, we build the first connection between the episodic RL and CMAB literature, by offering a new angle to solve the episodic RL through the lens of CMAB, which may encourage more interactions between these two important directions.
Abstract:In the classical Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) framework, Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) is employed to learn from sparse, sentence-level rewards -- a challenging scenario in traditional deep reinforcement learning. Despite the great successes of PPO in the alignment of state-of-the-art closed-source large language models (LLMs), its open-source implementation is still largely sub-optimal, as widely reported by numerous research studies. To address these issues, we introduce a framework that models RLHF problems as a Markov decision process (MDP), enabling the capture of fine-grained token-wise information. Furthermore, we provide theoretical insights that demonstrate the superiority of our MDP framework over the previous sentence-level bandit formulation. Under this framework, we introduce an algorithm, dubbed as Reinforced Token Optimization (\texttt{RTO}), which learns the token-wise reward function from preference data and performs policy optimization based on this learned token-wise reward signal. Theoretically, \texttt{RTO} is proven to have the capability of finding the near-optimal policy sample-efficiently. For its practical implementation, \texttt{RTO} innovatively integrates Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) and PPO. DPO, originally derived from sparse sentence rewards, surprisingly provides us with a token-wise characterization of response quality, which is seamlessly incorporated into our subsequent PPO training stage. Extensive real-world alignment experiments verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Abstract:We study infinite-horizon average-reward Markov decision processes (AMDPs) in the context of general function approximation. Specifically, we propose a novel algorithmic framework named Local-fitted Optimization with OPtimism (LOOP), which incorporates both model-based and value-based incarnations. In particular, LOOP features a novel construction of confidence sets and a low-switching policy updating scheme, which are tailored to the average-reward and function approximation setting. Moreover, for AMDPs, we propose a novel complexity measure -- average-reward generalized eluder coefficient (AGEC) -- which captures the challenge of exploration in AMDPs with general function approximation. Such a complexity measure encompasses almost all previously known tractable AMDP models, such as linear AMDPs and linear mixture AMDPs, and also includes newly identified cases such as kernel AMDPs and AMDPs with Bellman eluder dimensions. Using AGEC, we prove that LOOP achieves a sublinear $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\mathrm{poly}(d, \mathrm{sp}(V^*)) \sqrt{T\beta} )$ regret, where $d$ and $\beta$ correspond to AGEC and log-covering number of the hypothesis class respectively, $\mathrm{sp}(V^*)$ is the span of the optimal state bias function, $T$ denotes the number of steps, and $\tilde{\mathcal{O}} (\cdot) $ omits logarithmic factors. When specialized to concrete AMDP models, our regret bounds are comparable to those established by the existing algorithms designed specifically for these special cases. To the best of our knowledge, this paper presents the first comprehensive theoretical framework capable of handling nearly all AMDPs.
Abstract:The sim-to-real gap, which represents the disparity between training and testing environments, poses a significant challenge in reinforcement learning (RL). A promising approach to addressing this challenge is distributionally robust RL, often framed as a robust Markov decision process (RMDP). In this framework, the objective is to find a robust policy that achieves good performance under the worst-case scenario among all environments within a pre-specified uncertainty set centered around the training environment. Unlike previous work, which relies on a generative model or a pre-collected offline dataset enjoying good coverage of the deployment environment, we tackle robust RL via interactive data collection, where the learner interacts with the training environment only and refines the policy through trial and error. In this robust RL paradigm, two main challenges emerge: managing distributional robustness while striking a balance between exploration and exploitation during data collection. Initially, we establish that sample-efficient learning without additional assumptions is unattainable owing to the curse of support shift; i.e., the potential disjointedness of the distributional supports between the training and testing environments. To circumvent such a hardness result, we introduce the vanishing minimal value assumption to RMDPs with a total-variation (TV) distance robust set, postulating that the minimal value of the optimal robust value function is zero. We prove that such an assumption effectively eliminates the support shift issue for RMDPs with a TV distance robust set, and present an algorithm with a provable sample complexity guarantee. Our work makes the initial step to uncovering the inherent difficulty of robust RL via interactive data collection and sufficient conditions for designing a sample-efficient algorithm accompanied by sharp sample complexity analysis.
Abstract:We consider the problem of multi-objective alignment of foundation models with human preferences, which is a critical step towards helpful and harmless AI systems. However, it is generally costly and unstable to fine-tune large foundation models using reinforcement learning (RL), and the multi-dimensionality, heterogeneity, and conflicting nature of human preferences further complicate the alignment process. In this paper, we introduce Rewards-in-Context (RiC), which conditions the response of a foundation model on multiple rewards in its prompt context and applies supervised fine-tuning for alignment. The salient features of RiC are simplicity and adaptivity, as it only requires supervised fine-tuning of a single foundation model and supports dynamic adjustment for user preferences during inference time. Inspired by the analytical solution of an abstracted convex optimization problem, our dynamic inference-time adjustment method approaches the Pareto-optimal solution for multiple objectives. Empirical evidence demonstrates the efficacy of our method in aligning both Large Language Models (LLMs) and diffusion models to accommodate diverse rewards with only around 10% GPU hours compared with multi-objective RL baseline.
Abstract:Reinforcement Learning (RL) encompasses diverse paradigms, including model-based RL, policy-based RL, and value-based RL, each tailored to approximate the model, optimal policy, and optimal value function, respectively. This work investigates the potential hierarchy of representation complexity -- the complexity of functions to be represented -- among these RL paradigms. We first demonstrate that, for a broad class of Markov decision processes (MDPs), the model can be represented by constant-depth circuits with polynomial size or Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs) with constant layers and polynomial hidden dimension. However, the representation of the optimal policy and optimal value proves to be $\mathsf{NP}$-complete and unattainable by constant-layer MLPs with polynomial size. This demonstrates a significant representation complexity gap between model-based RL and model-free RL, which includes policy-based RL and value-based RL. To further explore the representation complexity hierarchy between policy-based RL and value-based RL, we introduce another general class of MDPs where both the model and optimal policy can be represented by constant-depth circuits with polynomial size or constant-layer MLPs with polynomial size. In contrast, representing the optimal value is $\mathsf{P}$-complete and intractable via a constant-layer MLP with polynomial hidden dimension. This accentuates the intricate representation complexity associated with value-based RL compared to policy-based RL. In summary, we unveil a potential representation complexity hierarchy within RL -- representing the model emerges as the easiest task, followed by the optimal policy, while representing the optimal value function presents the most intricate challenge.
Abstract:This paper studies the theoretical framework of the alignment process of generative models with Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF). We consider a standard mathematical formulation, the reverse-KL regularized contextual bandit for RLHF. Despite its widespread practical application, a rigorous theoretical analysis of this formulation remains open. We investigate its theoretical properties both in offline and online settings and propose efficient algorithms with finite-sample theoretical guarantees. Our work bridges the gap between theory and practice by linking our theoretical insights with existing practical alignment algorithms such as Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) and Rejection Sampling Optimization (RSO). Furthermore, these findings and connections also offer both theoretical and practical communities new tools and insights for future algorithmic design of alignment algorithms.