Abstract:We study a hinted heterogeneous multi-agent multi-armed bandits problem (HMA2B), where agents can query low-cost observations (hints) in addition to pulling arms. In this framework, each of the $M$ agents has a unique reward distribution over $K$ arms, and in $T$ rounds, they can observe the reward of the arm they pull only if no other agent pulls that arm. The goal is to maximize the total utility by querying the minimal necessary hints without pulling arms, achieving time-independent regret. We study HMA2B in both centralized and decentralized setups. Our main centralized algorithm, GP-HCLA, which is an extension of HCLA, uses a central decision-maker for arm-pulling and hint queries, achieving $O(M^4K)$ regret with $O(MK\log T)$ adaptive hints. In decentralized setups, we propose two algorithms, HD-ETC and EBHD-ETC, that allow agents to choose actions independently through collision-based communication and query hints uniformly until stopping, yielding $O(M^3K^2)$ regret with $O(M^3K\log T)$ hints, where the former requires knowledge of the minimum gap and the latter does not. Finally, we establish lower bounds to prove the optimality of our results and verify them through numerical simulations.
Abstract:We study a novel heterogeneous multi-agent multi-armed bandit problem with a cluster structure induced by stochastic block models, influencing not only graph topology, but also reward heterogeneity. Specifically, agents are distributed on random graphs based on stochastic block models - a generalized Erdos-Renyi model with heterogeneous edge probabilities: agents are grouped into clusters (known or unknown); edge probabilities for agents within the same cluster differ from those across clusters. In addition, the cluster structure in stochastic block model also determines our heterogeneous rewards. Rewards distributions of the same arm vary across agents in different clusters but remain consistent within a cluster, unifying homogeneous and heterogeneous settings and varying degree of heterogeneity, and rewards are independent samples from these distributions. The objective is to minimize system-wide regret across all agents. To address this, we propose a novel algorithm applicable to both known and unknown cluster settings. The algorithm combines an averaging-based consensus approach with a newly introduced information aggregation and weighting technique, resulting in a UCB-type strategy. It accounts for graph randomness, leverages both intra-cluster (homogeneous) and inter-cluster (heterogeneous) information from rewards and graphs, and incorporates cluster detection for unknown cluster settings. We derive optimal instance-dependent regret upper bounds of order $\log{T}$ under sub-Gaussian rewards. Importantly, our regret bounds capture the degree of heterogeneity in the system (an additional layer of complexity), exhibit smaller constants, scale better for large systems, and impose significantly relaxed assumptions on edge probabilities. In contrast, prior works have not accounted for this refined problem complexity, rely on more stringent assumptions, and exhibit limited scalability.
Abstract:The skyrocketing demand for artificial intelligence (AI) has created an enormous appetite for globally deployed power-hungry servers. As a result, the environmental footprint of AI systems has come under increasing scrutiny. More crucially, the current way that we exploit AI workloads' flexibility and manage AI systems can lead to wildly different environmental impacts across locations, increasingly raising environmental inequity concerns and creating unintended sociotechnical consequences. In this paper, we advocate environmental equity as a priority for the management of future AI systems, advancing the boundaries of existing resource management for sustainable AI and also adding a unique dimension to AI fairness. Concretely, we uncover the potential of equity-aware geographical load balancing to fairly re-distribute the environmental cost across different regions, followed by algorithmic challenges. We conclude by discussing a few future directions to exploit the full potential of system management approaches to mitigate AI's environmental inequity.
Abstract:We study the problem of multi-agent multi-armed bandits with adversarial corruption in a heterogeneous setting, where each agent accesses a subset of arms. The adversary can corrupt the reward observations for all agents. Agents share these corrupted rewards with each other, and the objective is to maximize the cumulative total reward of all agents (and not be misled by the adversary). We propose a multi-agent cooperative learning algorithm that is robust to adversarial corruptions. For this newly devised algorithm, we demonstrate that an adversary with an unknown corruption budget $C$ only incurs an additive $O((L / L_{\min}) C)$ term to the standard regret of the model in non-corruption settings, where $L$ is the total number of agents, and $L_{\min}$ is the minimum number of agents with mutual access to an arm. As a side-product, our algorithm also improves the state-of-the-art regret bounds when reducing to both the single-agent and homogeneous multi-agent scenarios, tightening multiplicative $K$ (the number of arms) and $L$ (the number of agents) factors, respectively.
Abstract:We introduce a novel framework called combinatorial logistic bandits (CLogB), where in each round, a subset of base arms (called the super arm) is selected, with the outcome of each base arm being binary and its expectation following a logistic parametric model. The feedback is governed by a general arm triggering process. Our study covers CLogB with reward functions satisfying two smoothness conditions, capturing application scenarios such as online content delivery, online learning to rank, and dynamic channel allocation. We first propose a simple yet efficient algorithm, CLogUCB, utilizing a variance-agnostic exploration bonus. Under the 1-norm triggering probability modulated (TPM) smoothness condition, CLogUCB achieves a regret bound of $\tilde{O}(d\sqrt{\kappa KT})$, where $\tilde{O}$ ignores logarithmic factors, $d$ is the dimension of the feature vector, $\kappa$ represents the nonlinearity of the logistic model, and $K$ is the maximum number of base arms a super arm can trigger. This result improves on prior work by a factor of $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{\kappa})$. We then enhance CLogUCB with a variance-adaptive version, VA-CLogUCB, which attains a regret bound of $\tilde{O}(d\sqrt{KT})$ under the same 1-norm TPM condition, improving another $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{\kappa})$ factor. VA-CLogUCB shows even greater promise under the stronger triggering probability and variance modulated (TPVM) condition, achieving a leading $\tilde{O}(d\sqrt{T})$ regret, thus removing the additional dependency on the action-size $K$. Furthermore, we enhance the computational efficiency of VA-CLogUCB by eliminating the nonconvex optimization process when the context feature map is time-invariant while maintaining the tight $\tilde{O}(d\sqrt{T})$ regret. Finally, experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate the superior performance of our algorithms compared to benchmark algorithms.
Abstract:We study carbon-aware spatiotemporal workload management, which seeks to address the growing environmental impact of data centers. We formalize this as an online problem called spatiotemporal online allocation with deadline constraints ($\mathsf{SOAD}$), in which an online player completes a workload (e.g., a batch compute job) by moving and scheduling the workload across a network subject to a deadline $T$. At each time step, a service cost function is revealed, representing, e.g., the carbon intensity of servicing a workload at each location, and the player must irrevocably decide the current allocation. Furthermore, whenever the player moves the allocation, it incurs a movement cost defined by a metric space $(X,d)$ that captures, e.g., the overhead of migrating a compute job. $\mathsf{SOAD}$ formalizes the open problem of combining general metrics and deadline constraints in the online algorithms literature, unifying problems such as metrical task systems and online search. We propose a competitive algorithm for $\mathsf{SOAD}$ along with a matching lower bound that proves it is optimal. Our main algorithm, ${\rm C{\scriptsize ARBON}C{\scriptsize LIPPER}}$, is a learning-augmented algorithm that takes advantage of predictions (e.g., carbon intensity forecasts) and achieves an optimal consistency-robustness trade-off. We evaluate our proposed algorithms for carbon-aware spatiotemporal workload management on a simulated global data center network, showing that ${\rm C{\scriptsize ARBON}C{\scriptsize LIPPER}}$ significantly improves performance compared to baseline methods and delivers meaningful carbon reductions.
Abstract:In the online knapsack problem, the goal is to pack items arriving online with different values and weights into a capacity-limited knapsack to maximize the total value of the accepted items. We study \textit{learning-augmented} algorithms for this problem, which aim to use machine-learned predictions to move beyond pessimistic worst-case guarantees. Existing learning-augmented algorithms for online knapsack consider relatively complicated prediction models that give an algorithm substantial information about the input, such as the total weight of items at each value. In practice, such predictions can be error-sensitive and difficult to learn. Motivated by this limitation, we introduce a family of learning-augmented algorithms for online knapsack that use \emph{succinct predictions}. In particular, the machine-learned prediction given to the algorithm is just a single value or interval that estimates the minimum value of any item accepted by an offline optimal solution. By leveraging a relaxation to online \emph{fractional} knapsack, we design algorithms that can leverage such succinct predictions in both the trusted setting (i.e., with perfect prediction) and the untrusted setting, where we prove that a simple meta-algorithm achieves a nearly optimal consistency-robustness trade-off. Empirically, we show that our algorithms significantly outperform baselines that do not use predictions and often outperform algorithms based on more complex prediction models.
Abstract:We introduce a novel framework of combinatorial multi-armed bandits (CMAB) with multivariant and probabilistically triggering arms (CMAB-MT), where the outcome of each arm is a $d$-dimensional multivariant random variable and the feedback follows a general arm triggering process. Compared with existing CMAB works, CMAB-MT not only enhances the modeling power but also allows improved results by leveraging distinct statistical properties for multivariant random variables. For CMAB-MT, we propose a general 1-norm multivariant and triggering probability-modulated smoothness condition, and an optimistic CUCB-MT algorithm built upon this condition. Our framework can include many important problems as applications, such as episodic reinforcement learning (RL) and probabilistic maximum coverage for goods distribution, all of which meet the above smoothness condition and achieve matching or improved regret bounds compared to existing works. Through our new framework, we build the first connection between the episodic RL and CMAB literature, by offering a new angle to solve the episodic RL through the lens of CMAB, which may encourage more interactions between these two important directions.
Abstract:We introduce and study a family of online metric problems with long-term constraints. In these problems, an online player makes decisions $\mathbf{x}_t$ in a metric space $(X,d)$ to simultaneously minimize their hitting cost $f_t(\mathbf{x}_t)$ and switching cost as determined by the metric. Over the time horizon $T$, the player must satisfy a long-term demand constraint $\sum_{t} c(\mathbf{x}_t) \geq 1$, where $c(\mathbf{x}_t)$ denotes the fraction of demand satisfied at time $t$. Such problems can find a wide array of applications to online resource allocation in sustainable energy and computing systems. We devise optimal competitive and learning-augmented algorithms for specific instantiations of these problems, and further show that our proposed algorithms perform well in numerical experiments.
Abstract:We present the first learning-augmented data structure for implementing dictionaries with optimal consistency and robustness. Our data structure, named RobustSL, is a skip list augmented by predictions of access frequencies of elements in a data sequence. With proper predictions, RobustSL has optimal consistency (achieves static optimality). At the same time, it maintains a logarithmic running time for each operation, ensuring optimal robustness, even if predictions are generated adversarially. Therefore, RobustSL has all the advantages of the recent learning-augmented data structures of Lin, Luo, and Woodruff (ICML 2022) and Cao et al. (arXiv 2023), while providing robustness guarantees that are absent in the previous work. Numerical experiments show that RobustSL outperforms alternative data structures using both synthetic and real datasets.