Abstract:This work focuses on building a task planner for Embodied Instruction Following (EIF) using Large Language Models (LLMs). Previous works typically train a planner to imitate expert trajectories, treating this as a supervised task. While these methods achieve competitive performance, they often lack sufficient robustness. When a suboptimal action is taken, the planner may encounter an out-of-distribution state, which can lead to task failure. In contrast, we frame the task as a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) and aim to develop a robust planner under a few-shot assumption. Thus, we propose a closed-loop planner with an adaptation module and a novel hindsight method, aiming to use as much information as possible to assist the planner. Our experiments on the ALFRED dataset indicate that our planner achieves competitive performance under a few-shot assumption. For the first time, our few-shot agent's performance approaches and even surpasses that of the full-shot supervised agent.
Abstract:Improving the multi-step reasoning ability of large language models (LLMs) with offline reinforcement learning (RL) is essential for quickly adapting them to complex tasks. While Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) has shown promise in aligning LLMs with human preferences, it is less suitable for multi-step reasoning tasks because (1) DPO relies on paired preference data, which is not readily available for multi-step reasoning tasks, and (2) it treats all tokens uniformly, making it ineffective for credit assignment in multi-step reasoning tasks, which often come with sparse reward. In this work, we propose OREO (Offline Reasoning Optimization), an offline RL method for enhancing LLM multi-step reasoning. Building on insights from previous works of maximum entropy reinforcement learning, it jointly learns a policy model and value function by optimizing the soft Bellman Equation. We show in principle that it reduces the need to collect pairwise data and enables better credit assignment. Empirically, OREO surpasses existing offline learning methods on multi-step reasoning benchmarks, including mathematical reasoning tasks (GSM8K, MATH) and embodied agent control (ALFWorld). The approach can be extended to a multi-iteration framework when additional resources are available. Furthermore, the learned value function can be leveraged to guide the tree search for free, which can further boost performance during test time.
Abstract:Direct preference learning offers a promising and computation-efficient beyond supervised fine-tuning (SFT) for improving code generation in coding large language models (LMs). However, the scarcity of reliable preference data is a bottleneck for the performance of direct preference learning to improve the coding accuracy of code LMs. In this paper, we introduce \underline{\textbf{D}}irect Preference Learning with Only \underline{\textbf{S}}elf-Generated \underline{\textbf{T}}ests and \underline{\textbf{C}}ode (DSTC), a framework that leverages only self-generated code snippets and tests to construct reliable preference pairs such that direct preference learning can improve LM coding accuracy without external annotations. DSTC combines a minimax selection process and test-code concatenation to improve preference pair quality, reducing the influence of incorrect self-generated tests and enhancing model performance without the need for costly reward models. When applied with direct preference learning methods such as Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) and Kahneman-Tversky Optimization (KTO), DSTC yields stable improvements in coding accuracy (pass@1 score) across diverse coding benchmarks, including HumanEval, MBPP, and BigCodeBench, demonstrating both its effectiveness and scalability for models of various sizes. This approach autonomously enhances code generation accuracy across LLMs of varying sizes, reducing reliance on expensive annotated coding datasets.
Abstract:Preference alignment in Large Language Models (LLMs) has significantly improved their ability to adhere to human instructions and intentions. However, existing direct alignment algorithms primarily focus on relative preferences and often overlook the qualitative aspects of responses. Striving to maximize the implicit reward gap between the chosen and the slightly inferior rejected responses can cause overfitting and unnecessary unlearning of the high-quality rejected responses. The unawareness of the reward scores also drives the LLM to indiscriminately favor the low-quality chosen responses and fail to generalize to responses with the highest rewards, which are sparse in data. To overcome these shortcomings, our study introduces reward-conditioned LLM policies that discern and learn from the entire spectrum of response quality within the dataset, helping extrapolate to more optimal regions. We propose an effective yet simple data relabeling method that conditions the preference pairs on quality scores to construct a reward-augmented dataset. This dataset is easily integrated with existing direct alignment algorithms and is applicable to any preference dataset. The experimental results across instruction-following benchmarks including AlpacaEval, MT-Bench, and Arena-Hard-Auto demonstrate that our approach consistently boosts the performance of DPO by a considerable margin across diverse models. Additionally, our method improves the average accuracy on various academic benchmarks. When applying our method to on-policy data, the resulting DPO model achieves SOTA results on AlpacaEval. Through ablation studies, we demonstrate that our method not only maximizes the utility of preference data but also mitigates the issue of unlearning, demonstrating its broad effectiveness beyond mere dataset expansion. Our code is available at https://github.com/shenao-zhang/reward-augmented-preference.
Abstract:Preference optimization, particularly through Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF), has achieved significant success in aligning Large Language Models (LLMs) to adhere to human intentions. Unlike offline alignment with a fixed dataset, online feedback collection from humans or AI on model generations typically leads to more capable reward models and better-aligned LLMs through an iterative process. However, achieving a globally accurate reward model requires systematic exploration to generate diverse responses that span the vast space of natural language. Random sampling from standard reward-maximizing LLMs alone is insufficient to fulfill this requirement. To address this issue, we propose a bilevel objective optimistically biased towards potentially high-reward responses to actively explore out-of-distribution regions. By solving the inner-level problem with the reparameterized reward function, the resulting algorithm, named Self-Exploring Language Models (SELM), eliminates the need for a separate RM and iteratively updates the LLM with a straightforward objective. Compared to Direct Preference Optimization (DPO), the SELM objective reduces indiscriminate favor of unseen extrapolations and enhances exploration efficiency. Our experimental results demonstrate that when finetuned on Zephyr-7B-SFT and Llama-3-8B-Instruct models, SELM significantly boosts the performance on instruction-following benchmarks such as MT-Bench and AlpacaEval 2.0, as well as various standard academic benchmarks in different settings. Our code and models are available at https://github.com/shenao-zhang/SELM.
Abstract:Aligning generative models with human preference via RLHF typically suffers from overoptimization, where an imperfectly learned reward model can misguide the generative model to output undesired responses. We investigate this problem in a principled manner by identifying the source of the misalignment as a form of distributional shift and uncertainty in learning human preferences. To mitigate overoptimization, we first propose a theoretical algorithm that chooses the best policy for an adversarially chosen reward model; one that simultaneously minimizes the maximum likelihood estimation of the loss and a reward penalty term. Here, the reward penalty term is introduced to prevent the policy from choosing actions with spurious high proxy rewards, resulting in provable sample efficiency of the algorithm under a partial coverage style condition. Moving from theory to practice, the proposed algorithm further enjoys an equivalent but surprisingly easy-to-implement reformulation. Using the equivalence between reward models and the corresponding optimal policy, the algorithm features a simple objective that combines: (i) a preference optimization loss that directly aligns the policy with human preference, and (ii) a supervised learning loss that explicitly imitates the policy with a (suitable) baseline distribution. In the context of aligning large language models (LLM), this objective fuses the direct preference optimization (DPO) loss with the supervised fune-tuning (SFT) loss to help mitigate the overoptimization towards undesired responses, for which we name the algorithm Regularized Preference Optimization (RPO). Experiments of aligning LLMs demonstrate the improved performance of RPO compared with DPO baselines. Our work sheds light on the interplay between preference optimization and SFT in tuning LLMs with both theoretical guarantees and empirical evidence.
Abstract:Reinforcement learning (RL) has become the de facto standard practice for sequential decision-making problems by improving future acting policies with feedback. However, RL algorithms may require extensive trial-and-error interactions to collect useful feedback for improvement. On the other hand, recent developments in large language models (LLMs) have showcased impressive capabilities in language understanding and generation, yet they fall short in exploration and self-improvement capabilities for planning tasks, lacking the ability to autonomously refine their responses based on feedback. Therefore, in this paper, we study how the policy prior provided by the LLM can enhance the sample efficiency of RL algorithms. Specifically, we develop an algorithm named LINVIT that incorporates LLM guidance as a regularization factor in value-based RL, leading to significant reductions in the amount of data needed for learning, particularly when the difference between the ideal policy and the LLM-informed policy is small, which suggests that the initial policy is close to optimal, reducing the need for further exploration. Additionally, we present a practical algorithm SLINVIT that simplifies the construction of the value function and employs subgoals to reduce the search complexity. Our experiments across three interactive environments ALFWorld, InterCode, and BlocksWorld demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art success rates and also surpasses previous RL and LLM approaches in terms of sample efficiency. Our code is available at https://github.com/agentification/Language-Integrated-VI.
Abstract:ReParameterization (RP) Policy Gradient Methods (PGMs) have been widely adopted for continuous control tasks in robotics and computer graphics. However, recent studies have revealed that, when applied to long-term reinforcement learning problems, model-based RP PGMs may experience chaotic and non-smooth optimization landscapes with exploding gradient variance, which leads to slow convergence. This is in contrast to the conventional belief that reparameterization methods have low gradient estimation variance in problems such as training deep generative models. To comprehend this phenomenon, we conduct a theoretical examination of model-based RP PGMs and search for solutions to the optimization difficulties. Specifically, we analyze the convergence of the model-based RP PGMs and pinpoint the smoothness of function approximators as a major factor that affects the quality of gradient estimation. Based on our analysis, we propose a spectral normalization method to mitigate the exploding variance issue caused by long model unrolls. Our experimental results demonstrate that proper normalization significantly reduces the gradient variance of model-based RP PGMs. As a result, the performance of the proposed method is comparable or superior to other gradient estimators, such as the Likelihood Ratio (LR) gradient estimator. Our code is available at https://github.com/agentification/RP_PGM.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) demonstrate impressive reasoning abilities, but translating reasoning into actions in the real world remains challenging. In particular, it remains unclear how to complete a given task provably within a minimum number of interactions with the external environment, e.g., through an internal mechanism of reasoning. To this end, we propose a principled framework with provable regret guarantees to orchestrate reasoning and acting, which we call "reason for future, act for now" (\texttt{RAFA}). Specifically, we design a prompt template for reasoning that learns from the memory buffer and plans a future trajectory over a long horizon ("reason for future"). At each step, the LLM agent takes the initial action of the planned trajectory ("act for now"), stores the collected feedback in the memory buffer, and reinvokes the reasoning routine to replan the future trajectory from the new state. The key idea is to cast reasoning in LLMs as learning and planning in Bayesian adaptive Markov decision processes (MDPs). Correspondingly, we prompt LLMs to form an updated posterior of the unknown environment from the memory buffer (learning) and generate an optimal trajectory for multiple future steps that maximizes a value function (planning). The learning and planning subroutines are performed in an "in-context" manner to emulate the actor-critic update for MDPs. Our theoretical analysis proves that the novel combination of long-term reasoning and short-term acting achieves a $\sqrt{T}$ regret. In particular, the regret bound highlights an intriguing interplay between the prior knowledge obtained through pretraining and the uncertainty reduction achieved by reasoning and acting. Our empirical validation shows that it outperforms various existing frameworks and achieves nearly perfect scores on a few benchmarks.
Abstract:In online reinforcement learning (online RL), balancing exploration and exploitation is crucial for finding an optimal policy in a sample-efficient way. To achieve this, existing sample-efficient online RL algorithms typically consist of three components: estimation, planning, and exploration. However, in order to cope with general function approximators, most of them involve impractical algorithmic components to incentivize exploration, such as optimization within data-dependent level-sets or complicated sampling procedures. To address this challenge, we propose an easy-to-implement RL framework called \textit{Maximize to Explore} (\texttt{MEX}), which only needs to optimize \emph{unconstrainedly} a single objective that integrates the estimation and planning components while balancing exploration and exploitation automatically. Theoretically, we prove that \texttt{MEX} achieves a sublinear regret with general function approximations for Markov decision processes (MDP) and is further extendable to two-player zero-sum Markov games (MG). Meanwhile, we adapt deep RL baselines to design practical versions of \texttt{MEX}, in both model-free and model-based manners, which can outperform baselines by a stable margin in various MuJoCo environments with sparse rewards. Compared with existing sample-efficient online RL algorithms with general function approximations, \texttt{MEX} achieves similar sample efficiency while enjoying a lower computational cost and is more compatible with modern deep RL methods.