Abstract:This paper addresses the inherent inference latency challenges associated with deploying multimodal large language models (MLLM) in quadruped vision-language-action (QUAR-VLA) tasks. Our investigation reveals that conventional parameter reduction techniques ultimately impair the performance of the language foundation model during the action instruction tuning phase, making them unsuitable for this purpose. We introduce a novel latency-free quadruped MLLM model, dubbed QUART-Online, designed to enhance inference efficiency without degrading the performance of the language foundation model. By incorporating Action Chunk Discretization (ACD), we compress the original action representation space, mapping continuous action values onto a smaller set of discrete representative vectors while preserving critical information. Subsequently, we fine-tune the MLLM to integrate vision, language, and compressed actions into a unified semantic space. Experimental results demonstrate that QUART-Online operates in tandem with the existing MLLM system, achieving real-time inference in sync with the underlying controller frequency, significantly boosting the success rate across various tasks by 65%. Our project page is https://quart-online.github.io.
Abstract:Recently, a state-of-the-art family of algorithms, known as Goal-Conditioned Weighted Supervised Learning (GCWSL) methods, has been introduced to tackle challenges in offline goal-conditioned reinforcement learning (RL). GCWSL optimizes a lower bound of the goal-conditioned RL objective and has demonstrated outstanding performance across diverse goal-reaching tasks, providing a simple, effective, and stable solution. However, prior research has identified a critical limitation of GCWSL: the lack of trajectory stitching capabilities. To address this, goal data augmentation strategies have been proposed to enhance these methods. Nevertheless, existing techniques often struggle to sample suitable augmented goals for GCWSL effectively. In this paper, we establish unified principles for goal data augmentation, focusing on goal diversity, action optimality, and goal reachability. Based on these principles, we propose a Model-based Goal Data Augmentation (MGDA) approach, which leverages a learned dynamics model to sample more suitable augmented goals. MGDA uniquely incorporates the local Lipschitz continuity assumption within the learned model to mitigate the impact of compounding errors. Empirical results show that MGDA significantly enhances the performance of GCWSL methods on both state-based and vision-based maze datasets, surpassing previous goal data augmentation techniques in improving stitching capabilities.
Abstract:Visual-motor policy learning has advanced with architectures like diffusion-based policies, known for modeling complex robotic trajectories. However, their prolonged inference times hinder high-frequency control tasks requiring real-time feedback. While consistency distillation (CD) accelerates inference, it introduces errors that compromise action quality. To address these limitations, we propose the Score and Distribution Matching Policy (SDM Policy), which transforms diffusion-based policies into single-step generators through a two-stage optimization process: score matching ensures alignment with true action distributions, and distribution matching minimizes KL divergence for consistency. A dual-teacher mechanism integrates a frozen teacher for stability and an unfrozen teacher for adversarial training, enhancing robustness and alignment with target distributions. Evaluated on a 57-task simulation benchmark, SDM Policy achieves a 6x inference speedup while having state-of-the-art action quality, providing an efficient and reliable framework for high-frequency robotic tasks.
Abstract:Lyric-to-melody generation is a highly challenging task in the field of AI music generation. Due to the difficulty of learning strict yet weak correlations between lyrics and melodies, previous methods have suffered from weak controllability, low-quality and poorly structured generation. To address these challenges, we propose CSL-L2M, a controllable song-level lyric-to-melody generation method based on an in-attention Transformer decoder with fine-grained lyric and musical controls, which is able to generate full-song melodies matched with the given lyrics and user-specified musical attributes. Specifically, we first introduce REMI-Aligned, a novel music representation that incorporates strict syllable- and sentence-level alignments between lyrics and melodies, facilitating precise alignment modeling. Subsequently, sentence-level semantic lyric embeddings independently extracted from a sentence-wise Transformer encoder are combined with word-level part-of-speech embeddings and syllable-level tone embeddings as fine-grained controls to enhance the controllability of lyrics over melody generation. Then we introduce human-labeled musical tags, sentence-level statistical musical attributes, and learned musical features extracted from a pre-trained VQ-VAE as coarse-grained, fine-grained and high-fidelity controls, respectively, to the generation process, thereby enabling user control over melody generation. Finally, an in-attention Transformer decoder technique is leveraged to exert fine-grained control over the full-song melody generation with the aforementioned lyric and musical conditions. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed CSL-L2M outperforms the state-of-the-art models, generating melodies with higher quality, better controllability and enhanced structure. Demos and source code are available at https://lichaiustc.github.io/CSL-L2M/.
Abstract:In robotic visuomotor policy learning, diffusion-based models have achieved significant success in improving the accuracy of action trajectory generation compared to traditional autoregressive models. However, they suffer from inefficiency due to multiple denoising steps and limited flexibility from complex constraints. In this paper, we introduce Coarse-to-Fine AutoRegressive Policy (CARP), a novel paradigm for visuomotor policy learning that redefines the autoregressive action generation process as a coarse-to-fine, next-scale approach. CARP decouples action generation into two stages: first, an action autoencoder learns multi-scale representations of the entire action sequence; then, a GPT-style transformer refines the sequence prediction through a coarse-to-fine autoregressive process. This straightforward and intuitive approach produces highly accurate and smooth actions, matching or even surpassing the performance of diffusion-based policies while maintaining efficiency on par with autoregressive policies. We conduct extensive evaluations across diverse settings, including single-task and multi-task scenarios on state-based and image-based simulation benchmarks, as well as real-world tasks. CARP achieves competitive success rates, with up to a 10% improvement, and delivers 10x faster inference compared to state-of-the-art policies, establishing a high-performance, efficient, and flexible paradigm for action generation in robotic tasks.
Abstract:Few-shot image classification(FSIC) aims to recognize novel classes given few labeled images from base classes. Recent works have achieved promising classification performance, especially for metric-learning methods, where a measure at only image feature level is usually used. In this paper, we argue that measure at such a level may not be effective enough to generalize from base to novel classes when using only a few images. Instead, a multi-level descriptor of an image is taken for consideration in this paper. We propose a multi-level correlation network (MLCN) for FSIC to tackle this problem by effectively capturing local information. Concretely, we present the self-correlation module and cross-correlation module to learn the semantic correspondence relation of local information based on learned representations. Moreover, we propose a pattern-correlation module to capture the pattern of fine-grained images and find relevant structural patterns between base classes and novel classes. Extensive experiments and analysis show the effectiveness of our proposed method on four widely-used FSIC benchmarks. The code for our approach is available at: https://github.com/Yunkai696/MLCN.
Abstract:To accelerate the inference of heavy Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs), this study rethinks the current landscape of training-free token reduction research. We regret to find that the critical components of existing methods are tightly intertwined, with their interconnections and effects remaining unclear for comparison, transfer, and expansion. Therefore, we propose a unified ''filter-correlate-compress'' paradigm that decomposes the token reduction into three distinct stages within a pipeline, maintaining consistent design objectives and elements while allowing for unique implementations. We additionally demystify the popular works and subsume them into our paradigm to showcase its universality. Finally, we offer a suite of methods grounded in the paradigm, striking a balance between speed and accuracy throughout different phases of the inference. Experimental results across 10 benchmarks indicate that our methods can achieve up to an 82.4% reduction in FLOPs with a minimal impact on performance, simultaneously surpassing state-of-the-art training-free methods. Our project page is at https://ficoco-accelerate.github.io/.
Abstract:A novel class of advanced algorithms, termed Goal-Conditioned Weighted Supervised Learning (GCWSL), has recently emerged to tackle the challenges posed by sparse rewards in goal-conditioned reinforcement learning (RL). GCWSL consistently delivers strong performance across a diverse set of goal-reaching tasks due to its simplicity, effectiveness, and stability. However, GCWSL methods lack a crucial capability known as trajectory stitching, which is essential for learning optimal policies when faced with unseen skills during testing. This limitation becomes particularly pronounced when the replay buffer is predominantly filled with sub-optimal trajectories. In contrast, traditional TD-based RL methods, such as Q-learning, which utilize Dynamic Programming, do not face this issue but often experience instability due to the inherent difficulties in value function approximation. In this paper, we propose Q-learning Weighted Supervised Learning (Q-WSL), a novel framework designed to overcome the limitations of GCWSL by incorporating the strengths of Dynamic Programming found in Q-learning. Q-WSL leverages Dynamic Programming results to output the optimal action of (state, goal) pairs across different trajectories within the replay buffer. This approach synergizes the strengths of both Q-learning and GCWSL, effectively mitigating their respective weaknesses and enhancing overall performance. Empirical evaluations on challenging goal-reaching tasks demonstrate that Q-WSL surpasses other goal-conditioned approaches in terms of both performance and sample efficiency. Additionally, Q-WSL exhibits notable robustness in environments characterized by binary reward structures and environmental stochasticity.
Abstract:To address the occlusion issues in person Re-Identification (ReID) tasks, many methods have been proposed to extract part features by introducing external spatial information. However, due to missing part appearance information caused by occlusion and noisy spatial information from external model, these purely vision-based approaches fail to correctly learn the features of human body parts from limited training data and struggle in accurately locating body parts, ultimately leading to misaligned part features. To tackle these challenges, we propose a Prompt-guided Feature Disentangling method (ProFD), which leverages the rich pre-trained knowledge in the textual modality facilitate model to generate well-aligned part features. ProFD first designs part-specific prompts and utilizes noisy segmentation mask to preliminarily align visual and textual embedding, enabling the textual prompts to have spatial awareness. Furthermore, to alleviate the noise from external masks, ProFD adopts a hybrid-attention decoder, ensuring spatial and semantic consistency during the decoding process to minimize noise impact. Additionally, to avoid catastrophic forgetting, we employ a self-distillation strategy, retaining pre-trained knowledge of CLIP to mitigate over-fitting. Evaluation results on the Market1501, DukeMTMC-ReID, Occluded-Duke, Occluded-ReID, and P-DukeMTMC datasets demonstrate that ProFD achieves state-of-the-art results. Our project is available at: https://github.com/Cuixxx/ProFD.
Abstract:Fueled by the Large Language Models (LLMs) wave, Large Visual-Language Models (LVLMs) have emerged as a pivotal advancement, bridging the gap between image and text. However, video making it challenging for LVLMs to perform adequately due to the complexity of the relationship between language and spatial-temporal data structure. Recent Large Video-Language Models (LVidLMs) align feature of static visual data like image into latent space of language feature, by general multi-modal tasks to leverage abilities of LLMs sufficiently. In this paper, we explore fine-grained alignment approach via object trajectory for different modalities across both spatial and temporal dimensions simultaneously. Thus, we propose a novel LVidLM by trajectory-guided Pixel-Temporal Alignment, dubbed PiTe, that exhibits promising applicable model property. To achieve fine-grained video-language alignment, we curate a multi-modal pre-training dataset PiTe-143k, the dataset provision of moving trajectories in pixel level for all individual objects, that appear and mention in the video and caption both, by our automatic annotation pipeline. Meanwhile, PiTe demonstrates astounding capabilities on myriad video-related multi-modal tasks through beat the state-of-the-art methods by a large margin.