Abstract:Today, there have been many achievements in learning the association between voice and face. However, most previous work models rely on cosine similarity or L2 distance to evaluate the likeness of voices and faces following contrastive learning, subsequently applied to retrieval and matching tasks. This method only considers the embeddings as high-dimensional vectors, utilizing a minimal scope of available information. This paper introduces a novel framework within an unsupervised setting for learning voice-face associations. By employing a multimodal encoder after contrastive learning and addressing the problem through binary classification, we can learn the implicit information within the embeddings in a more effective and varied manner. Furthermore, by introducing an effective pair selection method, we enhance the learning outcomes of both contrastive learning and the matching task. Empirical evidence demonstrates that our framework achieves state-of-the-art results in voice-face matching, verification, and retrieval tasks, improving verification by approximately 3%, matching by about 2.5%, and retrieval by around 1.3%.
Abstract:Feed recommendation is currently the mainstream mode for many real-world applications (e.g., TikTok, Dianping), it is usually necessary to model and predict user interests in multiple scenarios (domains) within and even outside the application. Multi-domain learning is a typical solution in this regard. While considerable efforts have been made in this regard, there are still two long-standing challenges: (1) Accurately depicting the differences among domains using domain features is crucial for enhancing the performance of each domain. However, manually designing domain features and models for numerous domains can be a laborious task. (2) Users typically have limited impressions in only a few domains. Extracting features automatically from other domains and leveraging them to improve the predictive capabilities of each domain has consistently posed a challenging problem. In this paper, we propose an Automatic Domain Feature Extraction and Personalized Integration (DFEI) framework for the large-scale multi-domain recommendation. The framework automatically transforms the behavior of each individual user into an aggregation of all user behaviors within the domain, which serves as the domain features. Unlike offline feature engineering methods, the extracted domain features are higher-order representations and directly related to the target label. Besides, by personalized integration of domain features from other domains for each user and the innovation in the training mode, the DFEI framework can yield more accurate conversion identification. Experimental results on both public and industrial datasets, consisting of over 20 domains, clearly demonstrate that the proposed framework achieves significantly better performance compared with SOTA baselines. Furthermore, we have released the source code of the proposed framework at https://github.com/xidongbo/DFEI.
Abstract:Large language models optimized with techniques like RLHF have achieved good alignment in being helpful and harmless. However, post-alignment, these language models often exhibit overconfidence, where the expressed confidence does not accurately calibrate with their correctness rate. In this paper, we decompose the language model confidence into the \textit{Uncertainty} about the question and the \textit{Fidelity} to the answer generated by language models. Then, we propose a plug-and-play method to estimate the confidence of language models. Our method has shown good calibration performance by conducting experiments with 6 RLHF-LMs on four MCQA datasets. Moreover, we propose two novel metrics, IPR and CE, to evaluate the calibration of the model, and we have conducted a detailed discussion on \textit{Truly Well-Calibrated Confidence}. Our method could serve as a strong baseline, and we hope that this work will provide some insights into the model confidence calibration.
Abstract:Interpreting critical variables involved in complex biological processes related to survival time can help understand prediction from survival models, evaluate treatment efficacy, and develop new therapies for patients. Currently, the predictive results of deep learning (DL)-based models are better than or as good as standard survival methods, they are often disregarded because of their lack of transparency and little interpretability, which is crucial to their adoption in clinical applications. In this paper, we introduce a novel, easily deployable approach, called EXplainable CEnsored Learning (EXCEL), to iteratively exploit critical variables and simultaneously implement (DL) model training based on these variables. First, on a toy dataset, we illustrate the principle of EXCEL; then, we mathematically analyze our proposed method, and we derive and prove tight generalization error bounds; next, on two semi-synthetic datasets, we show that EXCEL has good anti-noise ability and stability; finally, we apply EXCEL to a variety of real-world survival datasets including clinical data and genetic data, demonstrating that EXCEL can effectively identify critical features and achieve performance on par with or better than the original models. It is worth pointing out that EXCEL is flexibly deployed in existing or emerging models for explainable survival data in the presence of right censoring.
Abstract:The disruption of circadian rhythm is a cardinal symptom for Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients. The full circadian rhythm orchestration of gene expression in the human brain and its inherent associations with AD remain largely unknown. We present a novel comprehensive approach, PRIME, to detect and analyze rhythmic oscillation patterns in untimed high-dimensional gene expression data across multiple datasets. To demonstrate the utility of PRIME, firstly, we validate it by a time course expression dataset from mouse liver as a cross-species and cross-organ validation. Then, we apply it to study oscillation patterns in untimed genome-wide gene expression from 19 human brain regions of controls and AD patients. Our findings reveal clear, synchronized oscillation patterns in 15 pairs of brain regions of control, while these oscillation patterns either disappear or dim for AD. It is worth noting that PRIME discovers the circadian rhythmic patterns without requiring the sample's timestamps. The codes for PRIME, along with codes to reproduce the figures in this paper, are available at https://github.com/xinxingwu-uk/PRIME.
Abstract:The existing state-of-the-art (SOTA) video salient object detection (VSOD) models have widely followed short-term methodology, which dynamically determines the balance between spatial and temporal saliency fusion by solely considering the current consecutive limited frames. However, the short-term methodology has one critical limitation, which conflicts with the real mechanism of our visual system -- a typical long-term methodology. As a result, failure cases keep showing up in the results of the current SOTA models, and the short-term methodology becomes the major technical bottleneck. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a novel VSOD approach, which performs VSOD in a complete long-term way. Our approach converts the sequential VSOD, a sequential task, to a data mining problem, i.e., decomposing the input video sequence to object proposals in advance and then mining salient object proposals as much as possible in an easy-to-hard way. Since all object proposals are simultaneously available, the proposed approach is a complete long-term approach, which can alleviate some difficulties rooted in conventional short-term approaches. In addition, we devised an online updating scheme that can grasp the most representative and trustworthy pattern profile of the salient objects, outputting framewise saliency maps with rich details and smoothing both spatially and temporally. The proposed approach outperforms almost all SOTA models on five widely used benchmark datasets.
Abstract:Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) has been widely studied in recent years due to its effectiveness in representing nonnegative data with parts-based representations. For NMF, a sparser solution implies better parts-based representation.However, current NMF methods do not always generate sparse solutions.In this paper, we propose a new NMF method with log-norm imposed on the factor matrices to enhance the sparseness.Moreover, we propose a novel column-wisely sparse norm, named $\ell_{2,\log}$-(pseudo) norm to enhance the robustness of the proposed method.The $\ell_{2,\log}$-(pseudo) norm is invariant, continuous, and differentiable.For the $\ell_{2,\log}$ regularized shrinkage problem, we derive a closed-form solution, which can be used for other general problems.Efficient multiplicative updating rules are developed for the optimization, which theoretically guarantees the convergence of the objective value sequence.Extensive experimental results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method, as well as the enhanced sparseness and robustness.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a novel nonconvex approach to robust principal component analysis for HSI denoising, which focuses on simultaneously developing more accurate approximations to both rank and column-wise sparsity for the low-rank and sparse components, respectively. In particular, the new method adopts the log-determinant rank approximation and a novel $\ell_{2,\log}$ norm, to restrict the local low-rank or column-wisely sparse properties for the component matrices, respectively. For the $\ell_{2,\log}$-regularized shrinkage problem, we develop an efficient, closed-form solution, which is named $\ell_{2,\log}$-shrinkage operator. The new regularization and the corresponding operator can be generally used in other problems that require column-wise sparsity. Moreover, we impose the spatial-spectral total variation regularization in the log-based nonconvex RPCA model, which enhances the global piece-wise smoothness and spectral consistency from the spatial and spectral views in the recovered HSI. Extensive experiments on both simulated and real HSIs demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in denoising HSIs.
Abstract:It is a challenging task to remove heavy and mixed types of noise from Hyperspectral images (HSIs). In this paper, we propose a novel nonconvex approach to RPCA for HSI denoising, which adopts the log-determinant rank approximation and a novel $\ell_{2,\log}$ norm, to restrict the low-rank or column-wise sparse properties for the component matrices, respectively.For the $\ell_{2,\log}$-regularized shrinkage problem, we develop an efficient, closed-form solution, which is named $\ell_{2,\log}$-shrinkage operator, which can be generally used in other problems. Extensive experiments on both simulated and real HSIs demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in denoising HSIs.
Abstract:Subspace clustering methods have been widely studied recently. When the inputs are 2-dimensional (2D) data, existing subspace clustering methods usually convert them into vectors, which severely damages inherent structures and relationships from original data. In this paper, we propose a novel subspace clustering method for 2D data. It directly uses 2D data as inputs such that the learning of representations benefits from inherent structures and relationships of the data. It simultaneously seeks image projection and representation coefficients such that they mutually enhance each other and lead to powerful data representations. An efficient algorithm is developed to solve the proposed objective function with provable decreasing and convergence property. Extensive experimental results verify the effectiveness of the new method.