Abstract:The Weber location problem is widely used in several artificial intelligence scenarios. However, the gradient of the objective does not exist at a considerable set of singular points. Recently, a de-singularity subgradient method has been proposed to fix this problem, but it can only handle the $q$-th-powered $\ell_2$-norm case ($1\leqslant q<2$), which has only finite singular points. In this paper, we further establish the de-singularity subgradient for the $q$-th-powered $\ell_p$-norm case with $1\leqslant q\leqslant p$ and $1\leqslant p<2$, which includes all the rest unsolved situations in this problem. This is a challenging task because the singular set is a continuum. The geometry of the objective function is also complicated so that the characterizations of the subgradients, minimum and descent direction are very difficult. We develop a $q$-th-powered $\ell_p$-norm Weiszfeld Algorithm without Singularity ($q$P$p$NWAWS) for this problem, which ensures convergence and the descent property of the objective function. Extensive experiments on six real-world data sets demonstrate that $q$P$p$NWAWS successfully solves the singularity problem and achieves a linear computational convergence rate in practical scenarios.
Abstract:In this paper, we present a light-weight detection transformer, LW-DETR, which outperforms YOLOs for real-time object detection. The architecture is a simple stack of a ViT encoder, a projector, and a shallow DETR decoder. Our approach leverages recent advanced techniques, such as training-effective techniques, e.g., improved loss and pretraining, and interleaved window and global attentions for reducing the ViT encoder complexity. We improve the ViT encoder by aggregating multi-level feature maps, and the intermediate and final feature maps in the ViT encoder, forming richer feature maps, and introduce window-major feature map organization for improving the efficiency of interleaved attention computation. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach is superior over existing real-time detectors, e.g., YOLO and its variants, on COCO and other benchmark datasets. Code and models are available at (https://github.com/Atten4Vis/LW-DETR).
Abstract:The extended Weber location problem is a classical optimization problem that has inspired some new works in several machine learning scenarios recently. However, most existing algorithms may get stuck due to the singularity at the data points when the power of the cost function $1\leqslant q<2$, such as the widely-used iterative Weiszfeld approach. In this paper, we establish a de-singularity subgradient approach for this problem. We also provide a complete proof of convergence which has fixed some incomplete statements of the proofs for some previous Weiszfeld algorithms. Moreover, we deduce a new theoretical result of superlinear convergence for the iteration sequence in a special case where the minimum point is a singular point. We conduct extensive experiments in a real-world machine learning scenario to show that the proposed approach solves the singularity problem, produces the same results as in the non-singularity cases, and shows a reasonable rate of linear convergence. The results also indicate that the $q$-th power case ($1<q<2$) is more advantageous than the $1$-st power case and the $2$-nd power case in some situations. Hence the de-singularity subgradient approach is beneficial to advancing both theory and practice for the extended Weber location problem.
Abstract:Invariant representation learning (IRL) encourages the prediction from invariant causal features to labels de-confounded from the environments, advancing the technical roadmap of out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization. Despite spotlights around, recent theoretical results verified that some causal features recovered by IRLs merely pretend domain-invariantly in the training environments but fail in unseen domains. The \emph{fake invariance} severely endangers OOD generalization since the trustful objective can not be diagnosed and existing causal surgeries are invalid to rectify. In this paper, we review a IRL family (InvRat) under the Partially and Fully Informative Invariant Feature Structural Causal Models (PIIF SCM /FIIF SCM) respectively, to certify their weaknesses in representing fake invariant features, then, unify their causal diagrams to propose ReStructured SCM (RS-SCM). RS-SCM can ideally rebuild the spurious and the fake invariant features simultaneously. Given this, we further develop an approach based on conditional mutual information with respect to RS-SCM, then rigorously rectify the spurious and fake invariant effects. It can be easily implemented by a small feature selection subnet introduced in the IRL family, which is alternatively optimized to achieve our goal. Experiments verified the superiority of our approach to fight against the fake invariant issue across a variety of OOD generalization benchmarks.
Abstract:Thanks to the rapid development of diffusion models, unprecedented progress has been witnessed in image synthesis. Prior works mostly rely on pre-trained linguistic models, but a text is often too abstract to properly specify all the spatial properties of an image, e.g., the layout configuration of a scene, leading to the sub-optimal results of complex scene generation. In this paper, we achieve accurate complex scene generation by proposing a semantically controllable Layout-AWare diffusion model, termed LAW-Diffusion. Distinct from the previous Layout-to-Image generation (L2I) methods that only explore category-aware relationships, LAW-Diffusion introduces a spatial dependency parser to encode the location-aware semantic coherence across objects as a layout embedding and produces a scene with perceptually harmonious object styles and contextual relations. To be specific, we delicately instantiate each object's regional semantics as an object region map and leverage a location-aware cross-object attention module to capture the spatial dependencies among those disentangled representations. We further propose an adaptive guidance schedule for our layout guidance to mitigate the trade-off between the regional semantic alignment and the texture fidelity of generated objects. Moreover, LAW-Diffusion allows for instance reconfiguration while maintaining the other regions in a synthesized image by introducing a layout-aware latent grafting mechanism to recompose its local regional semantics. To better verify the plausibility of generated scenes, we propose a new evaluation metric for the L2I task, dubbed Scene Relation Score (SRS) to measure how the images preserve the rational and harmonious relations among contextual objects. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that our LAW-Diffusion yields the state-of-the-art generative performance, especially with coherent object relations.
Abstract:In Open Set Domain Adaptation (OSDA), large amounts of target samples are drawn from the implicit categories that never appear in the source domain. Due to the lack of their specific belonging, existing methods indiscriminately regard them as a single class unknown. We challenge this broadly-adopted practice that may arouse unexpected detrimental effects because the decision boundaries between the implicit categories have been fully ignored. Instead, we propose Self-supervised Class-Discovering Adapter (SCDA) that attempts to achieve OSDA by gradually discovering those implicit classes, then incorporating them to restructure the classifier and update the domain-adaptive features iteratively. SCDA performs two alternate steps to achieve implicit class discovery and self-supervised OSDA, respectively. By jointly optimizing for two tasks, SCDA achieves the state-of-the-art in OSDA and shows a competitive performance to unearth the implicit target classes.
Abstract:Human doctors with well-structured medical knowledge can diagnose a disease merely via a few conversations with patients about symptoms. In contrast, existing knowledge-grounded dialogue systems often require a large number of dialogue instances to learn as they fail to capture the correlations between different diseases and neglect the diagnostic experience shared among them. To address this issue, we propose a more natural and practical paradigm, i.e., low-resource medical dialogue generation, which can transfer the diagnostic experience from source diseases to target ones with a handful of data for adaptation. It is capitalized on a commonsense knowledge graph to characterize the prior disease-symptom relations. Besides, we develop a Graph-Evolving Meta-Learning (GEML) framework that learns to evolve the commonsense graph for reasoning disease-symptom correlations in a new disease, which effectively alleviates the needs of a large number of dialogues. More importantly, by dynamically evolving disease-symptom graphs, GEML also well addresses the real-world challenges that the disease-symptom correlations of each disease may vary or evolve along with more diagnostic cases. Extensive experiment results on the CMDD dataset and our newly-collected Chunyu dataset testify the superiority of our approach over state-of-the-art approaches. Besides, our GEML can generate an enriched dialogue-sensitive knowledge graph in an online manner, which could benefit other tasks grounded on knowledge graph.
Abstract:Medical automatic diagnosis (MAD) aims to learn an agent that mimics the behavior of a human doctor, i.e. inquiring symptoms and informing diseases. Due to medical ethics concerns, it is impractical to directly apply reinforcement learning techniques to solving MAD, e.g., training a reinforced agent with the human patient. Developing a patient simulator by using the collected patient-doctor dialogue records has been proposed as a promising approach to MAD. However, most of these existing works overlook the causal relationship between patient symptoms and disease diagnoses. For example, these simulators simply generate the ``not-sure'' response to the inquiry (i.e., symptom) that was not observed in one dialogue record. As a result, the MAD agent is usually trained without exploiting the counterfactual reasoning beyond the factual observations. To address this problem, this paper presents a propensity-based patient simulator (PBPS), which is capable of facilitating the training of MAD agents by generating informative counterfactual answers along with the disease diagnosis. Specifically, our PBPS estimates the propensity score of each record with the patient-doctor dialogue reasoning, and can thus generate the counterfactual answers by searching across records. That is, the unrecorded symptom for one patient can be found in the records of other patients according to the propensity score matching. A progressive assurance agent (P2A) can be thus trained with PBPS, which includes two separate yet cooperative branches accounting for the execution of symptom-inquiry and disease-diagnosis actions, respectively. The disease-diagnosis predicts the confidence of disease and drives the symptom-inquiry in terms of enhancing the confidence, and the two branches are jointly optimized with benefiting from each other.
Abstract:Resembling the rapid learning capability of human, low-shot learning empowers vision systems to understand new concepts by training with few samples. Leading approaches derived from meta-learning on images with a single visual object. Obfuscated by a complex background and multiple objects in one image, they are hard to promote the research of low-shot object detection/segmentation. In this work, we present a flexible and general methodology to achieve these tasks. Our work extends Faster /Mask R-CNN by proposing meta-learning over RoI (Region-of-Interest) features instead of a full image feature. This simple spirit disentangles multi-object information merged with the background, without bells and whistles, enabling Faster /Mask R-CNN turn into a meta-learner to achieve the tasks. Specifically, we introduce a Predictor-head Remodeling Network (PRN) that shares its main backbone with Faster /Mask R-CNN. PRN receives images containing low-shot objects with their bounding boxes or masks to infer their class attentive vectors. The vectors take channel-wise soft-attention on RoI features, remodeling those R-CNN predictor heads to detect or segment the objects that are consistent with the classes these vectors represent. In our experiments, Meta R-CNN yields the state of the art in low-shot object detection and improves low-shot object segmentation by Mask R-CNN.
Abstract:It is feasible and practically-valuable to bridge the characteristics between graph neural networks (GNNs) and logical reasoning. Despite considerable efforts and successes witnessed to solve Boolean satisfiability (SAT), it remains a mystery of GNN-based solvers for more complex predicate logic formulae. In this work, we conjectures with some evidences, that generally-defined GNNs present several limitations to certify the unsatisfiability (UNSAT) in Boolean formulae. It implies that GNNs may probably fail in learning the logical reasoning tasks if they contain proving UNSAT as the sub-problem included by most predicate logic formulae.