Abstract:This paper addresses generalized category discovery (GCD), the task of clustering unlabeled data from potentially known or unknown categories with the help of labeled instances from each known category. Compared to traditional semi-supervised learning, GCD is more challenging because unlabeled data could be from novel categories not appearing in labeled data. Current state-of-the-art methods typically learn a parametric classifier assisted by self-distillation. While being effective, these methods do not make use of cross-instance similarity to discover class-specific semantics which are essential for representation learning and category discovery. In this paper, we revisit the association-based paradigm and propose a Prior-constrained Association Learning method to capture and learn the semantic relations within data. In particular, the labeled data from known categories provides a unique prior for the association of unlabeled data. Unlike previous methods that only adopts the prior as a pre or post-clustering refinement, we fully incorporate the prior into the association process, and let it constrain the association towards a reliable grouping outcome. The estimated semantic groups are utilized through non-parametric prototypical contrast to enhance the representation learning. A further combination of both parametric and non-parametric classification complements each other and leads to a model that outperforms existing methods by a significant margin. On multiple GCD benchmarks, we perform extensive experiments and validate the effectiveness of our proposed method.
Abstract:We introduce \textbf{Knowledge Swapping}, a novel task designed to selectively regulate knowledge of a pretrained model by enabling the forgetting of user\-specified information, retaining essential knowledge, and acquiring new knowledge simultaneously. By delving into the analysis of knock-on feature hierarchy, we find that incremental learning typically progresses from low\-level representations to higher\-level semantics, whereas forgetting tends to occur in the opposite direction\-starting from high-level semantics and moving down to low-level features. Building upon this, we propose to benchmark the knowledge swapping task with the strategy of \textit{Learning Before Forgetting}. Comprehensive experiments on various tasks like image classification, object detection, and semantic segmentation validate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy. The source code is available at \href{https://github.com/xingmingyu123456/KnowledgeSwapping}{https://github.com/xingmingyu123456/KnowledgeSwapping}.
Abstract:The autonomous driving community is increasingly focused on addressing corner case problems, particularly those related to ensuring driving safety under adverse conditions (e.g., nighttime, fog, rain). To this end, the task of Adverse Condition Depth Estimation (ACDE) has gained significant attention. Previous approaches in ACDE have primarily relied on generative models, which necessitate additional target images to convert the sunny condition into adverse weather, or learnable parameters for feature augmentation to adapt domain gaps, resulting in increased model complexity and tuning efforts. Furthermore, unlike CLIP-based methods where textual and visual features have been pre-aligned, depth estimation models lack sufficient alignment between multimodal features, hindering coherent understanding under adverse conditions. To address these limitations, we propose Multi-Modality Driven LoRA (MMD-LoRA), which leverages low-rank adaptation matrices for efficient fine-tuning from source-domain to target-domain. It consists of two core components: Prompt Driven Domain Alignment (PDDA) and Visual-Text Consistent Contrastive Learning(VTCCL). During PDDA, the image encoder with MMD-LoRA generates target-domain visual representations, supervised by alignment loss that the source-target difference between language and image should be equal. Meanwhile, VTCCL bridges the gap between textual features from CLIP and visual features from diffusion model, pushing apart different weather representations (vision and text) and bringing together similar ones. Through extensive experiments, the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance on the nuScenes and Oxford RobotCar datasets, underscoring robustness and efficiency in adapting to varied adverse environments.
Abstract:Data-driven deep learning models have enabled tremendous progress in change detection (CD) with the support of pixel-level annotations. However, collecting diverse data and manually annotating them is costly, laborious, and knowledge-intensive. Existing generative methods for CD data synthesis show competitive potential in addressing this issue but still face the following limitations: 1) difficulty in flexibly controlling change events, 2) dependence on additional data to train the data generators, 3) focus on specific change detection tasks. To this end, this paper focuses on the semantic CD (SCD) task and develops a multi-temporal SCD data generator ChangeDiff by exploring powerful diffusion models. ChangeDiff innovatively generates change data in two steps: first, it uses text prompts and a text-to-layout (T2L) model to create continuous layouts, and then it employs layout-to-image (L2I) to convert these layouts into images. Specifically, we propose multi-class distribution-guided text prompts (MCDG-TP), allowing for layouts to be generated flexibly through controllable classes and their corresponding ratios. Subsequently, to generalize the T2L model to the proposed MCDG-TP, a class distribution refinement loss is further designed as training supervision. %For the former, a multi-classdistribution-guided text prompt (MCDG-TP) is proposed to complement via controllable classes and ratios. To generalize the text-to-image diffusion model to the proposed MCDG-TP, a class distribution refinement loss is designed as training supervision. For the latter, MCDG-TP in three modes is proposed to synthesize new layout masks from various texts. Our generated data shows significant progress in temporal continuity, spatial diversity, and quality realism, empowering change detectors with accuracy and transferability. The code is available at https://github.com/DZhaoXd/ChangeDiff
Abstract:We present ASAP, a new framework for detecting and grounding multi-modal media manipulation (DGM4).Upon thorough examination, we observe that accurate fine-grained cross-modal semantic alignment between the image and text is vital for accurately manipulation detection and grounding. While existing DGM4 methods pay rare attention to the cross-modal alignment, hampering the accuracy of manipulation detecting to step further. To remedy this issue, this work targets to advance the semantic alignment learning to promote this task. Particularly, we utilize the off-the-shelf Multimodal Large-Language Models (MLLMs) and Large Language Models (LLMs) to construct paired image-text pairs, especially for the manipulated instances. Subsequently, a cross-modal alignment learning is performed to enhance the semantic alignment. Besides the explicit auxiliary clues, we further design a Manipulation-Guided Cross Attention (MGCA) to provide implicit guidance for augmenting the manipulation perceiving. With the grounding truth available during training, MGCA encourages the model to concentrate more on manipulated components while downplaying normal ones, enhancing the model's ability to capture manipulations. Extensive experiments are conducted on the DGM4 dataset, the results demonstrate that our model can surpass the comparison method with a clear margin.
Abstract:In this paper, we study a practical yet challenging task, On-the-fly Category Discovery (OCD), aiming to online discover the newly-coming stream data that belong to both known and unknown classes, by leveraging only known category knowledge contained in labeled data. Previous OCD methods employ the hash-based technique to represent old/new categories by hash codes for instance-wise inference. However, directly mapping features into low-dimensional hash space not only inevitably damages the ability to distinguish classes and but also causes "high sensitivity" issue, especially for fine-grained classes, leading to inferior performance. To address these issues, we propose a novel Prototypical Hash Encoding (PHE) framework consisting of Category-aware Prototype Generation (CPG) and Discriminative Category Encoding (DCE) to mitigate the sensitivity of hash code while preserving rich discriminative information contained in high-dimension feature space, in a two-stage projection fashion. CPG enables the model to fully capture the intra-category diversity by representing each category with multiple prototypes. DCE boosts the discrimination ability of hash code with the guidance of the generated category prototypes and the constraint of minimum separation distance. By jointly optimizing CPG and DCE, we demonstrate that these two components are mutually beneficial towards an effective OCD. Extensive experiments show the significant superiority of our PHE over previous methods, e.g., obtaining an improvement of +5.3% in ALL ACC averaged on all datasets. Moreover, due to the nature of the interpretable prototypes, we visually analyze the underlying mechanism of how PHE helps group certain samples into either known or unknown categories. Code is available at https://github.com/HaiyangZheng/PHE.
Abstract:Recent advancements in image-text matching have been notable, yet prevailing models predominantly cater to broad queries and struggle with accommodating fine-grained query intention. In this paper, we work towards the \textbf{E}ntity-centric \textbf{I}mage-\textbf{T}ext \textbf{M}atching (EITM), a task that the text and image involve specific entity-related information. The challenge of this task mainly lies in the larger semantic gap in entity association modeling, comparing with the general image-text matching problem.To narrow the huge semantic gap between the entity-centric text and the images, we take the fundamental CLIP as the backbone and devise a multimodal attentive contrastive learning framework to tam CLIP to adapt EITM problem, developing a model named EntityCLIP. The key of our multimodal attentive contrastive learning is to generate interpretive explanation text using Large Language Models (LLMs) as the bridge clues. In specific, we proceed by extracting explanatory text from off-the-shelf LLMs. This explanation text, coupled with the image and text, is then input into our specially crafted Multimodal Attentive Experts (MMAE) module, which effectively integrates explanation texts to narrow the gap of the entity-related text and image in a shared semantic space. Building on the enriched features derived from MMAE, we further design an effective Gated Integrative Image-text Matching (GI-ITM) strategy. The GI-ITM employs an adaptive gating mechanism to aggregate MMAE's features, subsequently applying image-text matching constraints to steer the alignment between the text and the image. Extensive experiments are conducted on three social media news benchmarks including N24News, VisualNews, and GoodNews, the results shows that our method surpasses the competition methods with a clear margin.
Abstract:Constantly discovering novel concepts is crucial in evolving environments. This paper explores the underexplored task of Continual Generalized Category Discovery (C-GCD), which aims to incrementally discover new classes from unlabeled data while maintaining the ability to recognize previously learned classes. Although several settings are proposed to study the C-GCD task, they have limitations that do not reflect real-world scenarios. We thus study a more practical C-GCD setting, which includes more new classes to be discovered over a longer period, without storing samples of past classes. In C-GCD, the model is initially trained on labeled data of known classes, followed by multiple incremental stages where the model is fed with unlabeled data containing both old and new classes. The core challenge involves two conflicting objectives: discover new classes and prevent forgetting old ones. We delve into the conflicts and identify that models are susceptible to prediction bias and hardness bias. To address these issues, we introduce a debiased learning framework, namely Happy, characterized by Hardness-aware prototype sampling and soft entropy regularization. For the prediction bias, we first introduce clustering-guided initialization to provide robust features. In addition, we propose soft entropy regularization to assign appropriate probabilities to new classes, which can significantly enhance the clustering performance of new classes. For the harness bias, we present the hardness-aware prototype sampling, which can effectively reduce the forgetting issue for previously seen classes, especially for difficult classes. Experimental results demonstrate our method proficiently manages the conflicts of C-GCD and achieves remarkable performance across various datasets, e.g., 7.5% overall gains on ImageNet-100. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/mashijie1028/Happy-CGCD.
Abstract:Organizing unstructured visual data into semantic clusters is a key challenge in computer vision. Traditional deep clustering (DC) approaches focus on a single partition of data, while multiple clustering (MC) methods address this limitation by uncovering distinct clustering solutions. The rise of large language models (LLMs) and multimodal LLMs (MLLMs) has enhanced MC by allowing users to define clustering criteria in natural language. However, manually specifying criteria for large datasets is impractical. In this work, we introduce the task Semantic Multiple Clustering (SMC) that aims to automatically discover clustering criteria from large image collections, uncovering interpretable substructures without requiring human input. Our framework, Text Driven Semantic Multiple Clustering (TeDeSC), uses text as a proxy to concurrently reason over large image collections, discover partitioning criteria, expressed in natural language, and reveal semantic substructures. To evaluate TeDeSC, we introduce the COCO-4c and Food-4c benchmarks, each containing four grouping criteria and ground-truth annotations. We apply TeDeSC to various applications, such as discovering biases and analyzing social media image popularity, demonstrating its utility as a tool for automatically organizing image collections and revealing novel insights.
Abstract:We study source-free unsupervised domain adaptation (SFUDA) for semantic segmentation, which aims to adapt a source-trained model to the target domain without accessing the source data. Many works have been proposed to address this challenging problem, among which uncertainty-based self-training is a predominant approach. However, without comprehensive denoising mechanisms, they still largely fall into biased estimates when dealing with different domains and confirmation bias. In this paper, we observe that pseudo-label noise is mainly contained in unstable samples in which the predictions of most pixels undergo significant variations during self-training. Inspired by this, we propose a novel mechanism to denoise unstable samples with stable ones. Specifically, we introduce the Stable Neighbor Denoising (SND) approach, which effectively discovers highly correlated stable and unstable samples by nearest neighbor retrieval and guides the reliable optimization of unstable samples by bi-level learning. Moreover, we compensate for the stable set by object-level object paste, which can further eliminate the bias caused by less learned classes. Our SND enjoys two advantages. First, SND does not require a specific segmentor structure, endowing its universality. Second, SND simultaneously addresses the issues of class, domain, and confirmation biases during adaptation, ensuring its effectiveness. Extensive experiments show that SND consistently outperforms state-of-the-art methods in various SFUDA semantic segmentation settings. In addition, SND can be easily integrated with other approaches, obtaining further improvements.