Abstract:Due to the effective multi-scale feature fusion capabilities of the Path Aggregation FPN (PAFPN), it has become a widely adopted component in YOLO-based detectors. However, PAFPN struggles to integrate high-level semantic cues with low-level spatial details, limiting its performance in real-world applications, especially with significant scale variations. In this paper, we propose MHAF-YOLO, a novel detection framework featuring a versatile neck design called the Multi-Branch Auxiliary FPN (MAFPN), which consists of two key modules: the Superficial Assisted Fusion (SAF) and Advanced Assisted Fusion (AAF). The SAF bridges the backbone and the neck by fusing shallow features, effectively transferring crucial low-level spatial information with high fidelity. Meanwhile, the AAF integrates multi-scale feature information at deeper neck layers, delivering richer gradient information to the output layer and further enhancing the model learning capacity. To complement MAFPN, we introduce the Global Heterogeneous Flexible Kernel Selection (GHFKS) mechanism and the Reparameterized Heterogeneous Multi-Scale (RepHMS) module to enhance feature fusion. RepHMS is globally integrated into the network, utilizing GHFKS to select larger convolutional kernels for various feature layers, expanding the vertical receptive field and capturing contextual information across spatial hierarchies. Locally, it optimizes convolution by processing both large and small kernels within the same layer, broadening the lateral receptive field and preserving crucial details for detecting smaller targets. The source code of this work is available at: https://github.com/yang0201/MHAF-YOLO.
Abstract:Person re-identification (re-ID) is a challenging problem especially when no labels are available for training. Although recent deep re-ID methods have achieved great improvement, it is still difficult to optimize deep re-ID model without annotations in training data. To address this problem, this study introduces a novel approach for unsupervised person re-ID by leveraging virtual and real data. Our approach includes two components: virtual person generation and training of deep re-ID model. For virtual person generation, we learn a person generation model and a camera style transfer model using unlabeled real data to generate virtual persons with different poses and camera styles. The virtual data is formed as labeled training data, enabling subsequently training deep re-ID model in supervision. For training of deep re-ID model, we divide it into three steps: 1) pre-training a coarse re-ID model by using virtual data; 2) collaborative filtering based positive pair mining from the real data; and 3) fine-tuning of the coarse re-ID model by leveraging the mined positive pairs and virtual data. The final re-ID model is achieved by iterating between step 2 and step 3 until convergence. Experimental results on two large-scale datasets, Market-1501 and DukeMTMC-reID, demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach and shows that the state of the art is achieved in unsupervised person re-ID.