Abstract:Due to the effective multi-scale feature fusion capabilities of the Path Aggregation FPN (PAFPN), it has become a widely adopted component in YOLO-based detectors. However, PAFPN struggles to integrate high-level semantic cues with low-level spatial details, limiting its performance in real-world applications, especially with significant scale variations. In this paper, we propose MHAF-YOLO, a novel detection framework featuring a versatile neck design called the Multi-Branch Auxiliary FPN (MAFPN), which consists of two key modules: the Superficial Assisted Fusion (SAF) and Advanced Assisted Fusion (AAF). The SAF bridges the backbone and the neck by fusing shallow features, effectively transferring crucial low-level spatial information with high fidelity. Meanwhile, the AAF integrates multi-scale feature information at deeper neck layers, delivering richer gradient information to the output layer and further enhancing the model learning capacity. To complement MAFPN, we introduce the Global Heterogeneous Flexible Kernel Selection (GHFKS) mechanism and the Reparameterized Heterogeneous Multi-Scale (RepHMS) module to enhance feature fusion. RepHMS is globally integrated into the network, utilizing GHFKS to select larger convolutional kernels for various feature layers, expanding the vertical receptive field and capturing contextual information across spatial hierarchies. Locally, it optimizes convolution by processing both large and small kernels within the same layer, broadening the lateral receptive field and preserving crucial details for detecting smaller targets. The source code of this work is available at: https://github.com/yang0201/MHAF-YOLO.
Abstract:Estimating physical properties for visual data is a crucial task in computer vision, graphics, and robotics, underpinning applications such as augmented reality, physical simulation, and robotic grasping. However, this area remains under-explored due to the inherent ambiguities in physical property estimation. To address these challenges, we introduce GaussianProperty, a training-free framework that assigns physical properties of materials to 3D Gaussians. Specifically, we integrate the segmentation capability of SAM with the recognition capability of GPT-4V(ision) to formulate a global-local physical property reasoning module for 2D images. Then we project the physical properties from multi-view 2D images to 3D Gaussians using a voting strategy. We demonstrate that 3D Gaussians with physical property annotations enable applications in physics-based dynamic simulation and robotic grasping. For physics-based dynamic simulation, we leverage the Material Point Method (MPM) for realistic dynamic simulation. For robot grasping, we develop a grasping force prediction strategy that estimates a safe force range required for object grasping based on the estimated physical properties. Extensive experiments on material segmentation, physics-based dynamic simulation, and robotic grasping validate the effectiveness of our proposed method, highlighting its crucial role in understanding physical properties from visual data. Online demo, code, more cases and annotated datasets are available on \href{https://Gaussian-Property.github.io}{this https URL}.
Abstract:We propose PRM, a novel photometric stereo based large reconstruction model to reconstruct high-quality meshes with fine-grained local details. Unlike previous large reconstruction models that prepare images under fixed and simple lighting as both input and supervision, PRM renders photometric stereo images by varying materials and lighting for the purposes, which not only improves the precise local details by providing rich photometric cues but also increases the model robustness to variations in the appearance of input images. To offer enhanced flexibility of images rendering, we incorporate a real-time physically-based rendering (PBR) method and mesh rasterization for online images rendering. Moreover, in employing an explicit mesh as our 3D representation, PRM ensures the application of differentiable PBR, which supports the utilization of multiple photometric supervisions and better models the specular color for high-quality geometry optimization. Our PRM leverages photometric stereo images to achieve high-quality reconstructions with fine-grained local details, even amidst sophisticated image appearances. Extensive experiments demonstrate that PRM significantly outperforms other models.
Abstract:Recent large reconstruction models have made notable progress in generating high-quality 3D objects from single images. However, these methods often struggle with controllability, as they lack information from multiple views, leading to incomplete or inconsistent 3D reconstructions. To address this limitation, we introduce LucidFusion, a flexible end-to-end feed-forward framework that leverages the Relative Coordinate Map (RCM). Unlike traditional methods linking images to 3D world thorough pose, LucidFusion utilizes RCM to align geometric features coherently across different views, making it highly adaptable for 3D generation from arbitrary, unposed images. Furthermore, LucidFusion seamlessly integrates with the original single-image-to-3D pipeline, producing detailed 3D Gaussians at a resolution of $512 \times 512$, making it well-suited for a wide range of applications.
Abstract:In this work, we introduce FlexGen, a flexible framework designed to generate controllable and consistent multi-view images, conditioned on a single-view image, or a text prompt, or both. FlexGen tackles the challenges of controllable multi-view synthesis through additional conditioning on 3D-aware text annotations. We utilize the strong reasoning capabilities of GPT-4V to generate 3D-aware text annotations. By analyzing four orthogonal views of an object arranged as tiled multi-view images, GPT-4V can produce text annotations that include 3D-aware information with spatial relationship. By integrating the control signal with proposed adaptive dual-control module, our model can generate multi-view images that correspond to the specified text. FlexGen supports multiple controllable capabilities, allowing users to modify text prompts to generate reasonable and corresponding unseen parts. Additionally, users can influence attributes such as appearance and material properties, including metallic and roughness. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach offers enhanced multiple controllability, marking a significant advancement over existing multi-view diffusion models. This work has substantial implications for fields requiring rapid and flexible 3D content creation, including game development, animation, and virtual reality. Project page: https://xxu068.github.io/flexgen.github.io/.
Abstract:Due to the effective performance of multi-scale feature fusion, Path Aggregation FPN (PAFPN) is widely employed in YOLO detectors. However, it cannot efficiently and adaptively integrate high-level semantic information with low-level spatial information simultaneously. We propose a new model named MAF-YOLO in this paper, which is a novel object detection framework with a versatile neck named Multi-Branch Auxiliary FPN (MAFPN). Within MAFPN, the Superficial Assisted Fusion (SAF) module is designed to combine the output of the backbone with the neck, preserving an optimal level of shallow information to facilitate subsequent learning. Meanwhile, the Advanced Assisted Fusion (AAF) module deeply embedded within the neck conveys a more diverse range of gradient information to the output layer. Furthermore, our proposed Re-parameterized Heterogeneous Efficient Layer Aggregation Network (RepHELAN) module ensures that both the overall model architecture and convolutional design embrace the utilization of heterogeneous large convolution kernels. Therefore, this guarantees the preservation of information related to small targets while simultaneously achieving the multi-scale receptive field. Finally, taking the nano version of MAF-YOLO for example, it can achieve 42.4% AP on COCO with only 3.76M learnable parameters and 10.51G FLOPs, and approximately outperforms YOLOv8n by about 5.1%. The source code of this work is available at: https://github.com/yang-0201/MAF-YOLO.
Abstract:Despite the recent progress in medical image segmentation with scribble-based annotations, the segmentation results of most models are still not ro-bust and generalizable enough in open environments. Evidential deep learn-ing (EDL) has recently been proposed as a promising solution to model predictive uncertainty and improve the reliability of medical image segmen-tation. However directly applying EDL to scribble-supervised medical im-age segmentation faces a tradeoff between accuracy and reliability. To ad-dress the challenge, we propose a novel framework called Dual-Branch Evi-dential Deep Learning (DuEDL). Firstly, the decoder of the segmentation network is changed to two different branches, and the evidence of the two branches is fused to generate high-quality pseudo-labels. Then the frame-work applies partial evidence loss and two-branch consistent loss for joint training of the model to adapt to the scribble supervision learning. The pro-posed method was tested on two cardiac datasets: ACDC and MSCMRseg. The results show that our method significantly enhances the reliability and generalization ability of the model without sacrificing accuracy, outper-forming state-of-the-art baselines. The code is available at https://github.com/Gardnery/DuEDL.
Abstract:Vision-centric autonomous driving has recently raised wide attention due to its lower cost. Pre-training is essential for extracting a universal representation. However, current vision-centric pre-training typically relies on either 2D or 3D pre-text tasks, overlooking the temporal characteristics of autonomous driving as a 4D scene understanding task. In this paper, we address this challenge by introducing a world model-based autonomous driving 4D representation learning framework, dubbed \emph{DriveWorld}, which is capable of pre-training from multi-camera driving videos in a spatio-temporal fashion. Specifically, we propose a Memory State-Space Model for spatio-temporal modelling, which consists of a Dynamic Memory Bank module for learning temporal-aware latent dynamics to predict future changes and a Static Scene Propagation module for learning spatial-aware latent statics to offer comprehensive scene contexts. We additionally introduce a Task Prompt to decouple task-aware features for various downstream tasks. The experiments demonstrate that DriveWorld delivers promising results on various autonomous driving tasks. When pre-trained with the OpenScene dataset, DriveWorld achieves a 7.5% increase in mAP for 3D object detection, a 3.0% increase in IoU for online mapping, a 5.0% increase in AMOTA for multi-object tracking, a 0.1m decrease in minADE for motion forecasting, a 3.0% increase in IoU for occupancy prediction, and a 0.34m reduction in average L2 error for planning.
Abstract:The emergence of Multi-Camera 3D Object Detection (MC3D-Det), facilitated by bird's-eye view (BEV) representation, signifies a notable progression in 3D object detection. Scaling MC3D-Det training effectively accommodates varied camera parameters and urban landscapes, paving the way for the MC3D-Det foundation model. However, the multi-view fusion stage of the MC3D-Det method relies on the ill-posed monocular perception during training rather than surround refinement ability, leading to what we term "surround refinement degradation". To this end, our study presents a weak-to-strong eliciting framework aimed at enhancing surround refinement while maintaining robust monocular perception. Specifically, our framework employs weakly tuned experts trained on distinct subsets, and each is inherently biased toward specific camera configurations and scenarios. These biased experts can learn the perception of monocular degeneration, which can help the multi-view fusion stage to enhance surround refinement abilities. Moreover, a composite distillation strategy is proposed to integrate the universal knowledge of 2D foundation models and task-specific information. Finally, for MC3D-Det joint training, the elaborate dataset merge strategy is designed to solve the problem of inconsistent camera numbers and camera parameters. We set up a multiple dataset joint training benchmark for MC3D-Det and adequately evaluated existing methods. Further, we demonstrate the proposed framework brings a generalized and significant boost over multiple baselines. Our code is at \url{https://github.com/EnVision-Research/Scale-BEV}.
Abstract:Robust 3D perception under corruption has become an essential task for the realm of 3D vision. While current data augmentation techniques usually perform random transformations on all point cloud objects in an offline way and ignore the structure of the samples, resulting in over-or-under enhancement. In this work, we propose an alternative to make sample-adaptive transformations based on the structure of the sample to cope with potential corruption via an auto-augmentation framework, named as AdaptPoint. Specially, we leverage a imitator, consisting of a Deformation Controller and a Mask Controller, respectively in charge of predicting deformation parameters and producing a per-point mask, based on the intrinsic structural information of the input point cloud, and then conduct corruption simulations on top. Then a discriminator is utilized to prevent the generation of excessive corruption that deviates from the original data distribution. In addition, a perception-guidance feedback mechanism is incorporated to guide the generation of samples with appropriate difficulty level. Furthermore, to address the paucity of real-world corrupted point cloud, we also introduce a new dataset ScanObjectNN-C, that exhibits greater similarity to actual data in real-world environments, especially when contrasted with preceding CAD datasets. Experiments show that our method achieves state-of-the-art results on multiple corruption benchmarks, including ModelNet-C, our ScanObjectNN-C, and ShapeNet-C.