Abstract:We introduce \textbf{Knowledge Swapping}, a novel task designed to selectively regulate knowledge of a pretrained model by enabling the forgetting of user\-specified information, retaining essential knowledge, and acquiring new knowledge simultaneously. By delving into the analysis of knock-on feature hierarchy, we find that incremental learning typically progresses from low\-level representations to higher\-level semantics, whereas forgetting tends to occur in the opposite direction\-starting from high-level semantics and moving down to low-level features. Building upon this, we propose to benchmark the knowledge swapping task with the strategy of \textit{Learning Before Forgetting}. Comprehensive experiments on various tasks like image classification, object detection, and semantic segmentation validate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy. The source code is available at \href{https://github.com/xingmingyu123456/KnowledgeSwapping}{https://github.com/xingmingyu123456/KnowledgeSwapping}.
Abstract:Image forgery localization, which centers on identifying tampered pixels within an image, has seen significant advancements. Traditional approaches often model this challenge as a variant of image segmentation, treating the binary segmentation of forged areas as the end product. We argue that the basic binary forgery mask is inadequate for explaining model predictions. It doesn't clarify why the model pinpoints certain areas and treats all forged pixels the same, making it hard to spot the most fake-looking parts. In this study, we mitigate the aforementioned limitations by generating salient region-focused interpretation for the forgery images. To support this, we craft a Multi-Modal Tramper Tracing (MMTT) dataset, comprising facial images manipulated using deepfake techniques and paired with manual, interpretable textual annotations. To harvest high-quality annotation, annotators are instructed to meticulously observe the manipulated images and articulate the typical characteristics of the forgery regions. Subsequently, we collect a dataset of 128,303 image-text pairs. Leveraging the MMTT dataset, we develop ForgeryTalker, an architecture designed for concurrent forgery localization and interpretation. ForgeryTalker first trains a forgery prompter network to identify the pivotal clues within the explanatory text. Subsequently, the region prompter is incorporated into multimodal large language model for finetuning to achieve the dual goals of localization and interpretation. Extensive experiments conducted on the MMTT dataset verify the superior performance of our proposed model. The dataset, code as well as pretrained checkpoints will be made publicly available to facilitate further research and ensure the reproducibility of our results.
Abstract:We present ASAP, a new framework for detecting and grounding multi-modal media manipulation (DGM4).Upon thorough examination, we observe that accurate fine-grained cross-modal semantic alignment between the image and text is vital for accurately manipulation detection and grounding. While existing DGM4 methods pay rare attention to the cross-modal alignment, hampering the accuracy of manipulation detecting to step further. To remedy this issue, this work targets to advance the semantic alignment learning to promote this task. Particularly, we utilize the off-the-shelf Multimodal Large-Language Models (MLLMs) and Large Language Models (LLMs) to construct paired image-text pairs, especially for the manipulated instances. Subsequently, a cross-modal alignment learning is performed to enhance the semantic alignment. Besides the explicit auxiliary clues, we further design a Manipulation-Guided Cross Attention (MGCA) to provide implicit guidance for augmenting the manipulation perceiving. With the grounding truth available during training, MGCA encourages the model to concentrate more on manipulated components while downplaying normal ones, enhancing the model's ability to capture manipulations. Extensive experiments are conducted on the DGM4 dataset, the results demonstrate that our model can surpass the comparison method with a clear margin.
Abstract:Continuous Generalized Category Discovery (C-GCD) aims to continually discover novel classes from unlabelled image sets while maintaining performance on old classes. In this paper, we propose a novel learning framework, dubbed Neighborhood Commonality-aware Evolution Network (NCENet) that conquers this task from the perspective of representation learning. Concretely, to learn discriminative representations for novel classes, a Neighborhood Commonality-aware Representation Learning (NCRL) is designed, which exploits local commonalities derived neighborhoods to guide the learning of representational differences between instances of different classes. To maintain the representation ability for old classes, a Bi-level Contrastive Knowledge Distillation (BCKD) module is designed, which leverages contrastive learning to perceive the learning and learned knowledge and conducts knowledge distillation. Extensive experiments conducted on CIFAR10, CIFAR100, and Tiny-ImageNet demonstrate the superior performance of NCENet compared to the previous state-of-the-art method. Particularly, in the last incremental learning session on CIFAR100, the clustering accuracy of NCENet outperforms the second-best method by a margin of 3.09\% on old classes and by a margin of 6.32\% on new classes. Our code will be publicly available at \href{https://github.com/xjtuYW/NCENet.git}{https://github.com/xjtuYW/NCENet.git}. \end{abstract}
Abstract:Text-based person search aims to retrieve specific individuals across camera networks using natural language descriptions. However, current benchmarks often exhibit biases towards common actions like walking or standing, neglecting the critical need for identifying abnormal behaviors in real-world scenarios. To meet such demands, we propose a new task, text-based person anomaly search, locating pedestrians engaged in both routine or anomalous activities via text. To enable the training and evaluation of this new task, we construct a large-scale image-text Pedestrian Anomaly Behavior (PAB) benchmark, featuring a broad spectrum of actions, e.g., running, performing, playing soccer, and the corresponding anomalies, e.g., lying, being hit, and falling of the same identity. The training set of PAB comprises 1,013,605 synthesized image-text pairs of both normalities and anomalies, while the test set includes 1,978 real-world image-text pairs. To validate the potential of PAB, we introduce a cross-modal pose-aware framework, which integrates human pose patterns with identity-based hard negative pair sampling. Extensive experiments on the proposed benchmark show that synthetic training data facilitates the fine-grained behavior retrieval in the real-world test set, while the proposed pose-aware method further improves the recall@1 by 2.88%. We will release the dataset, code, and checkpoints to facilitate further research and ensure the reproducibility of our results.
Abstract:Recent advancements in image-text matching have been notable, yet prevailing models predominantly cater to broad queries and struggle with accommodating fine-grained query intention. In this paper, we work towards the \textbf{E}ntity-centric \textbf{I}mage-\textbf{T}ext \textbf{M}atching (EITM), a task that the text and image involve specific entity-related information. The challenge of this task mainly lies in the larger semantic gap in entity association modeling, comparing with the general image-text matching problem.To narrow the huge semantic gap between the entity-centric text and the images, we take the fundamental CLIP as the backbone and devise a multimodal attentive contrastive learning framework to tam CLIP to adapt EITM problem, developing a model named EntityCLIP. The key of our multimodal attentive contrastive learning is to generate interpretive explanation text using Large Language Models (LLMs) as the bridge clues. In specific, we proceed by extracting explanatory text from off-the-shelf LLMs. This explanation text, coupled with the image and text, is then input into our specially crafted Multimodal Attentive Experts (MMAE) module, which effectively integrates explanation texts to narrow the gap of the entity-related text and image in a shared semantic space. Building on the enriched features derived from MMAE, we further design an effective Gated Integrative Image-text Matching (GI-ITM) strategy. The GI-ITM employs an adaptive gating mechanism to aggregate MMAE's features, subsequently applying image-text matching constraints to steer the alignment between the text and the image. Extensive experiments are conducted on three social media news benchmarks including N24News, VisualNews, and GoodNews, the results shows that our method surpasses the competition methods with a clear margin.
Abstract:Few-shot class-incremental learning (FSCIL) aims to incrementally recognize new classes using a few samples while maintaining the performance on previously learned classes. One of the effective methods to solve this challenge is to construct prototypical evolution classifiers. Despite the advancement achieved by most existing methods, the classifier weights are simply initialized using mean features. Because representations for new classes are weak and biased, we argue such a strategy is suboptimal. In this paper, we tackle this issue from two aspects. Firstly, thanks to the development of foundation models, we employ a foundation model, the CLIP, as the network pedestal to provide a general representation for each class. Secondly, to generate a more reliable and comprehensive instance representation, we propose a Knowledge Adapter (KA) module that summarizes the data-specific knowledge from training data and fuses it into the general representation. Additionally, to tune the knowledge learned from the base classes to the upcoming classes, we propose a mechanism of Incremental Pseudo Episode Learning (IPEL) by simulating the actual FSCIL. Taken together, our proposed method, dubbed as Knowledge Adaptation Network (KANet), achieves competitive performance on a wide range of datasets, including CIFAR100, CUB200, and ImageNet-R.
Abstract:Composed Image Retrieval (CIR) involves searching for target images based on an image-text pair query. While current methods treat this as a query-target matching problem, we argue that CIR triplets contain additional associations beyond this primary relation. In our paper, we identify two new relations within triplets, treating each triplet as a graph node. Firstly, we introduce the concept of text-bridged image alignment, where the query text serves as a bridge between the query image and the target image. We propose a hinge-based cross-attention mechanism to incorporate this relation into network learning. Secondly, we explore complementary text reasoning, considering CIR as a form of cross-modal retrieval where two images compose to reason about complementary text. To integrate these perspectives effectively, we design a twin attention-based compositor. By combining these complementary associations with the explicit query pair-target image relation, we establish a comprehensive set of constraints for CIR. Our framework, CaLa (Complementary Association Learning for Augmenting Composed Image Retrieval), leverages these insights. We evaluate CaLa on CIRR and FashionIQ benchmarks with multiple backbones, demonstrating its superiority in composed image retrieval.
Abstract:Federated learning (FL) is a popular privacy-preserving paradigm that enables distributed clients to collaboratively train models with a central server while keeping raw data locally. In practice, distinct model architectures, varying data distributions, and limited resources across local clients inevitably cause model performance degradation and a slowdown in convergence speed. However, existing FL methods can only solve some of the above heterogeneous challenges and have obvious performance limitations. Notably, a unified framework has not yet been explored to overcome these challenges. Accordingly, we propose FedHPL, a parameter-efficient unified $\textbf{Fed}$erated learning framework for $\textbf{H}$eterogeneous settings based on $\textbf{P}$rompt tuning and $\textbf{L}$ogit distillation. Specifically, we employ a local prompt tuning scheme that leverages a few learnable visual prompts to efficiently fine-tune the frozen pre-trained foundation model for downstream tasks, thereby accelerating training and improving model performance under limited local resources and data heterogeneity. Moreover, we design a global logit distillation scheme to handle the model heterogeneity and guide the local training. In detail, we leverage logits to implicitly capture local knowledge and design a weighted knowledge aggregation mechanism to generate global client-specific logits. We provide a theoretical guarantee on the generalization error bound for FedHPL. The experiments on various benchmark datasets under diverse settings of models and data demonstrate that our framework outperforms state-of-the-art FL approaches, with less computation overhead and training rounds.
Abstract:Generalized Class Discovery (GCD) aims to dynamically assign labels to unlabelled data partially based on knowledge learned from labelled data, where the unlabelled data may come from known or novel classes. The prevailing approach generally involves clustering across all data and learning conceptions by prototypical contrastive learning. However, existing methods largely hinge on the performance of clustering algorithms and are thus subject to their inherent limitations. Firstly, the estimated cluster number is often smaller than the ground truth, making the existing methods suffer from the lack of prototypes for comprehensive conception learning. To address this issue, we propose an adaptive probing mechanism that introduces learnable potential prototypes to expand cluster prototypes (centers). As there is no ground truth for the potential prototype, we develop a self-supervised prototype learning framework to optimize the potential prototype in an end-to-end fashion. Secondly, clustering is computationally intensive, and the conventional strategy of clustering both labelled and unlabelled instances exacerbates this issue. To counteract this inefficiency, we opt to cluster only the unlabelled instances and subsequently expand the cluster prototypes with our introduced potential prototypes to fast explore novel classes. Despite the simplicity of our proposed method, extensive empirical analysis on a wide range of datasets confirms that our method consistently delivers state-of-the-art results. Specifically, our method surpasses the nearest competitor by a significant margin of \textbf{9.7}$\%$ within the Stanford Cars dataset and \textbf{12$\times$} clustering efficiency within the Herbarium 19 dataset. We will make the code and checkpoints publicly available at \url{https://github.com/xjtuYW/PNP.git}.