Abstract:Developing robust and general-purpose robotic manipulation policies is a key goal in the field of robotics. To achieve effective generalization, it is essential to construct comprehensive datasets that encompass a large number of demonstration trajectories and diverse tasks. Unlike vision or language data that can be collected from the Internet, robotic datasets require detailed observations and manipulation actions, necessitating significant investment in hardware-software infrastructure and human labor. While existing works have focused on assembling various individual robot datasets, there remains a lack of a unified data collection standard and insufficient diversity in tasks, scenarios, and robot types. In this paper, we introduce RoboMIND (Multi-embodiment Intelligence Normative Data for Robot manipulation), featuring 55k real-world demonstration trajectories across 279 diverse tasks involving 61 different object classes. RoboMIND is collected through human teleoperation and encompasses comprehensive robotic-related information, including multi-view RGB-D images, proprioceptive robot state information, end effector details, and linguistic task descriptions. To ensure dataset consistency and reliability during policy learning, RoboMIND is built on a unified data collection platform and standardized protocol, covering four distinct robotic embodiments. We provide a thorough quantitative and qualitative analysis of RoboMIND across multiple dimensions, offering detailed insights into the diversity of our datasets. In our experiments, we conduct extensive real-world testing with four state-of-the-art imitation learning methods, demonstrating that training with RoboMIND data results in a high manipulation success rate and strong generalization. Our project is at https://x-humanoid-robomind.github.io/.
Abstract:Video Diffusion Transformers (DiTs) have demonstrated significant potential for generating high-fidelity videos but are computationally intensive. Existing acceleration methods include distillation, which requires costly retraining, and feature caching, which is highly sensitive to network architecture. Recent token reduction methods are training-free and architecture-agnostic, offering greater flexibility and wider applicability. However, they enforce the same sequence length across different components, constraining their acceleration potential. We observe that intra-sequence redundancy in video DiTs varies across features, blocks, and denoising timesteps. Building on this observation, we propose Asymmetric Reduction and Restoration (AsymRnR), a training-free approach to accelerate video DiTs. It offers a flexible and adaptive strategy that reduces the number of tokens based on their redundancy to enhance both acceleration and generation quality. We further propose matching cache to facilitate faster processing. Integrated into state-of-the-art video DiTs, AsymRnR achieves a superior speedup without compromising the quality.
Abstract:While open-source video generation and editing models have made significant progress, individual models are typically limited to specific tasks, failing to meet the diverse needs of users. Effectively coordinating these models can unlock a wide range of video generation and editing capabilities. However, manual coordination is complex and time-consuming, requiring users to deeply understand task requirements and possess comprehensive knowledge of each model's performance, applicability, and limitations, thereby increasing the barrier to entry. To address these challenges, we propose a novel video generation and editing system powered by our Semantic Planning Agent (SPAgent). SPAgent bridges the gap between diverse user intents and the effective utilization of existing generative models, enhancing the adaptability, efficiency, and overall quality of video generation and editing. Specifically, the SPAgent assembles a tool library integrating state-of-the-art open-source image and video generation and editing models as tools. After fine-tuning on our manually annotated dataset, SPAgent can automatically coordinate the tools for video generation and editing, through our novelly designed three-step framework: (1) decoupled intent recognition, (2) principle-guided route planning, and (3) capability-based execution model selection. Additionally, we enhance the SPAgent's video quality evaluation capability, enabling it to autonomously assess and incorporate new video generation and editing models into its tool library without human intervention. Experimental results demonstrate that the SPAgent effectively coordinates models to generate or edit videos, highlighting its versatility and adaptability across various video tasks.
Abstract:Reconstructing real-world objects and estimating their movable joint structures are pivotal technologies within the field of robotics. Previous research has predominantly focused on supervised approaches, relying on extensively annotated datasets to model articulated objects within limited categories. However, this approach falls short of effectively addressing the diversity present in the real world. To tackle this issue, we propose a self-supervised interaction perception method, referred to as SM$^3$, which leverages multi-view RGB images captured before and after interaction to model articulated objects, identify the movable parts, and infer the parameters of their rotating joints. By constructing 3D geometries and textures from the captured 2D images, SM$^3$ achieves integrated optimization of movable part and joint parameters during the reconstruction process, obviating the need for annotations. Furthermore, we introduce the MMArt dataset, an extension of PartNet-Mobility, encompassing multi-view and multi-modal data of articulated objects spanning diverse categories. Evaluations demonstrate that SM$^3$ surpasses existing benchmarks across various categories and objects, while its adaptability in real-world scenarios has been thoroughly validated.
Abstract:The challenges faced by text classification with large tag systems in natural language processing tasks include multiple tag systems, uneven data distribution, and high noise. To address these problems, the ESimCSE unsupervised comparative learning and UDA semi-supervised comparative learning models are combined through the use of joint training techniques in the models.The ESimCSE model efficiently learns text vector representations using unlabeled data to achieve better classification results, while UDA is trained using unlabeled data through semi-supervised learning methods to improve the prediction performance of the models and stability, and further improve the generalization ability of the model. In addition, adversarial training techniques FGM and PGD are used in the model training process to improve the robustness and reliability of the model. The experimental results show that there is an 8% and 10% accuracy improvement relative to Baseline on the public dataset Ruesters as well as on the operational dataset, respectively, and a 15% improvement in manual validation accuracy can be achieved on the operational dataset, indicating that the method is effective.
Abstract:Separation logic and its variants can describe various properties on pointer programs. However, when it comes to properties on sequences, one may find it hard to formalize. To deal with properties on variable-length sequences and multilevel data structures, we propose sequence-heap separation logic which integrates sequences into logical reasoning on heap-manipulated programs. Quantifiers over sequence variables and singleton heap storing sequence (sequence singleton heap) are new members in our logic. Further, we study the satisfiability problem of two fragments. The propositional fragment of sequence-heap separation logic is decidable, and the fragment with 2 alternations on program variables and 1 alternation on sequence variables is undecidable. In addition, we explore boundaries between decidable and undecidable fragments of the logic with prenex normal form.
Abstract:Point cloud scene flow estimation is of practical importance for dynamic scene navigation in autonomous driving. Since scene flow labels are hard to obtain, current methods train their models on synthetic data and transfer them to real scenes. However, large disparities between existing synthetic datasets and real scenes lead to poor model transfer. We make two major contributions to address that. First, we develop a point cloud collector and scene flow annotator for GTA-V engine to automatically obtain diverse realistic training samples without human intervention. With that, we develop a large-scale synthetic scene flow dataset GTA-SF. Second, we propose a mean-teacher-based domain adaptation framework that leverages self-generated pseudo-labels of the target domain. It also explicitly incorporates shape deformation regularization and surface correspondence refinement to address distortions and misalignments in domain transfer. Through extensive experiments, we show that our GTA-SF dataset leads to a consistent boost in model generalization to three real datasets (i.e., Waymo, Lyft and KITTI) as compared to the most widely used FT3D dataset. Moreover, our framework achieves superior adaptation performance on six source-target dataset pairs, remarkably closing the average domain gap by 60%. Data and codes are available at https://github.com/leolyj/DCA-SRSFE
Abstract:Physical measurements constitute a large portion of numbers in academic papers, engineering reports, and web tables. Current benchmarks fall short of properly evaluating numeracy of pretrained language models on measurements, hindering research on developing new methods and applying them to numerical tasks. To that end, we introduce a novel task, Masked Measurement Prediction (MMP), where a model learns to reconstruct a number together with its associated unit given masked text. MMP is useful for both training new numerically informed models as well as evaluating numeracy of existing systems. In order to address this task, we introduce a new Generative Masked Measurement (GeMM) model that jointly learns to predict numbers along with their units. We perform fine-grained analyses comparing our model with various ablations and baselines. We use linear probing of traditional pretrained transformer models (RoBERTa) to show that they significantly underperform jointly trained number-unit models, highlighting the difficulty of this new task and the benefits of our proposed pretraining approach. We hope this framework accelerates the progress towards building more robust numerical reasoning systems in the future.
Abstract:The trajectory prediction is a critical and challenging problem in the design of an autonomous driving system. Many AI-oriented companies, such as Google Waymo, Uber and DiDi, are investigating more accurate vehicle trajectory prediction algorithms. However, the prediction performance is governed by lots of entangled factors, such as the stochastic behaviors of surrounding vehicles, historical information of self-trajectory, and relative positions of neighbors, etc. In this paper, we propose a novel graph-based information sharing network (GISNet) that allows the information sharing between the target vehicle and its surrounding vehicles. Meanwhile, the model encodes the historical trajectory information of all the vehicles in the scene. Experiments are carried out on the public NGSIM US-101 and I-80 Dataset and the prediction performance is measured by the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). The quantitative and qualitative experimental results show that our model significantly improves the trajectory prediction accuracy, by up to 50.00%, compared to existing models.
Abstract:The number of daily sUAS operations in uncontrolled low altitude airspace is expected to reach into the millions in a few years. Therefore, UAS density prediction has become an emerging and challenging problem. In this paper, a deep learning-based UAS instantaneous density prediction model is presented. The model takes two types of data as input: 1) the historical density generated from the historical data, and 2) the future sUAS mission information. The architecture of our model contains four components: Historical Density Formulation module, UAS Mission Translation module, Mission Feature Extraction module, and Density Map Projection module. The training and testing data are generated by a python based simulator which is inspired by the multi-agent air traffic resource usage simulator (MATRUS) framework. The quality of prediction is measured by the correlation score and the Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristics (AUROC) between the predicted value and simulated value. The experimental results demonstrate outstanding performance of the deep learning-based UAS density predictor. Compared to the baseline models, for simplified traffic scenario where no-fly zones and safe distance among sUASs are not considered, our model improves the prediction accuracy by more than 15.2% and its correlation score reaches 0.947. In a more realistic scenario, where the no-fly zone avoidance and the safe distance among sUASs are maintained using A* routing algorithm, our model can still achieve 0.823 correlation score. Meanwhile, the AUROC can reach 0.951 for the hot spot prediction.