Abstract:Non-autoregressive (NAR) generative models are valuable because they can handle diverse conditional generation tasks in a more principled way than their autoregressive (AR) counterparts, which are constrained by sequential dependency requirements. Recent advancements in NAR models, such as diffusion language models, have demonstrated superior performance in unconditional generation compared to AR models (e.g., GPTs) of similar sizes. However, such improvements do not always lead to improved conditional generation performance. We show that a key reason for this gap is the difficulty in generalizing to conditional probability queries unseen during training. As a result, strong unconditional generation performance does not guarantee high-quality conditional generation. This paper proposes Tractable Transformers (Tracformer), a Transformer-based generative model that is more robust to different conditional generation tasks. Unlike existing models that rely solely on global contextual features derived from full inputs, Tracformers incorporate a sparse Transformer encoder to capture both local and global contextual information. This information is routed through a decoder for conditional generation. Empirical results demonstrate that Tracformers achieve state-of-the-art conditional generation performance on text modeling compared to recent diffusion and AR model baselines.
Abstract:Given an unconditional generative model and a predictor for a target property (e.g., a classifier), the goal of training-free guidance is to generate samples with desirable target properties without additional training. As a highly efficient technique for steering generative models toward flexible outcomes, training-free guidance has gained increasing attention in diffusion models. However, existing methods only handle data in continuous spaces, while many scientific applications involve both continuous and discrete data (referred to as multimodality). Another emerging trend is the growing use of the simple and general flow matching framework in building generative foundation models, where guided generation remains under-explored. To address this, we introduce TFG-Flow, a novel training-free guidance method for multimodal generative flow. TFG-Flow addresses the curse-of-dimensionality while maintaining the property of unbiased sampling in guiding discrete variables. We validate TFG-Flow on four molecular design tasks and show that TFG-Flow has great potential in drug design by generating molecules with desired properties.
Abstract:Minecraft has emerged as a valuable testbed for embodied intelligence and sequential decision-making research, yet the development and validation of novel agents remains hindered by significant engineering challenges. This paper presents MineStudio, an open-source software package designed to streamline embodied policy development in Minecraft. MineStudio represents the first comprehensive integration of seven critical engineering components: simulator, data, model, offline pretraining, online finetuning, inference, and benchmark, thereby allowing users to concentrate their efforts on algorithm innovation. We provide a user-friendly API design accompanied by comprehensive documentation and tutorials. The complete codebase is publicly available at https://github.com/CraftJarvis/MineStudio.
Abstract:Minecraft has emerged as a valuable testbed for embodied intelligence and sequential decision-making research, yet the development and validation of novel agents remains hindered by significant engineering challenges. This paper presents MineStudio, an open-source software package designed to streamline embodied policy development in Minecraft. MineStudio represents the first comprehensive integration of seven critical engineering components: simulator, data, model, offline pretraining, online finetuning, inference, and benchmark, thereby allowing users to concentrate their efforts on algorithm innovation. We provide a user-friendly API design accompanied by comprehensive documentation and tutorials. The complete codebase is publicly available at https://github.com/CraftJarvis/MineStudio.
Abstract:Mathematics olympiads are prestigious competitions, with problem proposing and solving highly honored. Building artificial intelligence that proposes and solves olympiads presents an unresolved challenge in automated theorem discovery and proving, especially in geometry for its combination of numerical and spatial elements. We introduce TongGeometry, a Euclidean geometry system supporting tree-search-based guided problem proposing and solving. The efficient geometry system establishes the most extensive repository of geometry theorems to date: within the same computational budget as the existing state-of-the-art, TongGeometry discovers 6.7 billion geometry theorems requiring auxiliary constructions, including 4.1 billion exhibiting geometric symmetry. Among them, 10 theorems were proposed to regional mathematical olympiads with 3 of TongGeometry's proposals selected in real competitions, earning spots in a national team qualifying exam or a top civil olympiad in China and the US. Guided by fine-tuned large language models, TongGeometry solved all International Mathematical Olympiad geometry in IMO-AG-30, outperforming gold medalists for the first time. It also surpasses the existing state-of-the-art across a broader spectrum of olympiad-level problems. The full capabilities of the system can be utilized on a consumer-grade machine, making the model more accessible and fostering widespread democratization of its use. By analogy, unlike existing systems that merely solve problems like students, TongGeometry acts like a geometry coach, discovering, presenting, and proving theorems.
Abstract:A glowing body of work has emerged focusing on instruction-following policies for open-world agents, aiming to better align the agent's behavior with human intentions. However, the performance of these policies is highly susceptible to the initial prompt, which leads to extra efforts in selecting the best instructions. We propose a framework named Preference Goal Tuning (PGT). PGT allows an instruction following policy to interact with the environment to collect several trajectories, which will be categorized into positive and negative samples based on preference. Then we use preference learning to fine-tune the initial goal latent representation with the categorized trajectories while keeping the policy backbone frozen. The experiment result shows that with minimal data and training, PGT achieves an average relative improvement of 72.0% and 81.6% over 17 tasks in 2 different foundation policies respectively, and outperforms the best human-selected instructions. Moreover, PGT surpasses full fine-tuning in the out-of-distribution (OOD) task-execution environments by 13.4%, indicating that our approach retains strong generalization capabilities. Since our approach stores a single latent representation for each task independently, it can be viewed as an efficient method for continual learning, without the risk of catastrophic forgetting or task interference. In short, PGT enhances the performance of agents across nearly all tasks in the Minecraft Skillforge benchmark and demonstrates robustness to the execution environment.
Abstract:Vision-language models (VLMs) have excelled in multimodal tasks, but adapting them to embodied decision-making in open-world environments presents challenges. A key issue is the difficulty in smoothly connecting individual entities in low-level observations with abstract concepts required for planning. A common approach to address this problem is through the use of hierarchical agents, where VLMs serve as high-level reasoners that break down tasks into executable sub-tasks, typically specified using language and imagined observations. However, language often fails to effectively convey spatial information, while generating future images with sufficient accuracy remains challenging. To address these limitations, we propose visual-temporal context prompting, a novel communication protocol between VLMs and policy models. This protocol leverages object segmentation from both past and present observations to guide policy-environment interactions. Using this approach, we train ROCKET-1, a low-level policy that predicts actions based on concatenated visual observations and segmentation masks, with real-time object tracking provided by SAM-2. Our method unlocks the full potential of VLMs visual-language reasoning abilities, enabling them to solve complex creative tasks, especially those heavily reliant on spatial understanding. Experiments in Minecraft demonstrate that our approach allows agents to accomplish previously unattainable tasks, highlighting the effectiveness of visual-temporal context prompting in embodied decision-making. Codes and demos will be available on the project page: https://craftjarvis.github.io/ROCKET-1.
Abstract:Low-Dimension-to-High-Dimension (LDHD) generalization is a special case of Out-of-Distribution (OOD) generalization, where the training data are restricted to a low-dimensional subspace of the high-dimensional testing space. Assuming that each instance is generated from a latent variable and the dimension of the latent variable reflects the problem scale, the inherent scaling challenge in length generalization can be captured by the LDHD generalization in the latent space. We theoretically demonstrate that LDHD generalization is generally unattainable without exploiting prior knowledge to provide appropriate inductive bias. Specifically, we explore LDHD generalization in Boolean functions. We verify that different architectures trained with (S)GD converge to \emph{min-degree interpolators w.r.t. different independent sets}. LDHD generalization is achievable if and only if the target function coincides with this inductive bias. Applying the insights from LDHD generalization to length generalization, we explain the effectiveness of CoT as changing the structure latent space to enable better LDHD generalization. We also propose a principle for position embedding design to handle both the inherent LDHD generalization and the nuisances such as the data format. Following the principle, we propose a novel position embedding called RPE-Square that remedies the RPE for dealing with the data format nuisance.
Abstract:Quantum computing is an emerging field recognized for the significant speedup it offers over classical computing through quantum algorithms. However, designing and implementing quantum algorithms pose challenges due to the complex nature of quantum mechanics and the necessity for precise control over quantum states. Despite the significant advancements in AI, there has been a lack of datasets specifically tailored for this purpose. In this work, we introduce QCircuitNet, the first benchmark and test dataset designed to evaluate AI's capability in designing and implementing quantum algorithms in the form of quantum circuit codes. Unlike using AI for writing traditional codes, this task is fundamentally different and significantly more complicated due to highly flexible design space and intricate manipulation of qubits. Our key contributions include: 1. A general framework which formulates the key features of quantum algorithm design task for Large Language Models. 2. Implementation for a wide range of quantum algorithms from basic primitives to advanced applications, with easy extension to more quantum algorithms. 3. Automatic validation and verification functions, allowing for iterative evaluation and interactive reasoning without human inspection. 4. Promising potential as a training dataset through primitive fine-tuning results. We observed several interesting experimental phenomena: fine-tuning does not always outperform few-shot learning, and LLMs tend to exhibit consistent error patterns. QCircuitNet provides a comprehensive benchmark for AI-driven quantum algorithm design, offering advantages in model evaluation and improvement, while also revealing some limitations of LLMs in this domain.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) trained on massive corpora have shown remarkable success in knowledge-intensive tasks. Yet, most of them rely on pre-stored knowledge. Inducing new general knowledge from a specific environment and performing reasoning with the acquired knowledge -- \textit{situated inductive reasoning}, is crucial and challenging for machine intelligence. In this paper, we design Mars, an interactive environment devised for situated inductive reasoning. It introduces counter-commonsense game mechanisms by modifying terrain, survival setting and task dependency while adhering to certain principles. In Mars, agents need to actively interact with their surroundings, derive useful rules and perform decision-making tasks in specific contexts. We conduct experiments on various RL-based and LLM-based methods, finding that they all struggle on this challenging situated inductive reasoning benchmark. Furthermore, we explore \textit{Induction from Reflection}, where we instruct agents to perform inductive reasoning from history trajectory. The superior performance underscores the importance of inductive reasoning in Mars. Through Mars, we aim to galvanize advancements in situated inductive reasoning and set the stage for developing the next generation of AI systems that can reason in an adaptive and context-sensitive way.