Abstract:The recent advancements in visual reasoning capabilities of large multimodal models (LMMs) and the semantic enrichment of 3D feature fields have expanded the horizons of robotic capabilities. These developments hold significant potential for bridging the gap between high-level reasoning from LMMs and low-level control policies utilizing 3D feature fields. In this work, we introduce LMM-3DP, a framework that can integrate LMM planners and 3D skill Policies. Our approach consists of three key perspectives: high-level planning, low-level control, and effective integration. For high-level planning, LMM-3DP supports dynamic scene understanding for environment disturbances, a critic agent with self-feedback, history policy memorization, and reattempts after failures. For low-level control, LMM-3DP utilizes a semantic-aware 3D feature field for accurate manipulation. In aligning high-level and low-level control for robot actions, language embeddings representing the high-level policy are jointly attended with the 3D feature field in the 3D transformer for seamless integration. We extensively evaluate our approach across multiple skills and long-horizon tasks in a real-world kitchen environment. Our results show a significant 1.45x success rate increase in low-level control and an approximate 1.5x improvement in high-level planning accuracy compared to LLM-based baselines. Demo videos and an overview of LMM-3DP are available at https://lmm-3dp-release.github.io.
Abstract:By reconfiguring wireless channels via passive signal reflection, intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) can bring significant performance enhancement for wireless communication systems. However, such performance improvement generally relies on the knowledge of channel state information (CSI) for IRS-involved links. Prior works on IRS CSI acquisition mainly estimate IRS-cascaded channels based on the extra pilot signals received at the users/base station (BS) with time-varying IRS reflections, which, however, needs to modify the existing channel training/estimation protocols of wireless systems. To address this issue, we propose in this paper a new channel estimation scheme for IRS-assisted communication systems based on the received signal power measured at the user terminal, which is practically attainable without the need of changing the current protocol. Due to the lack of signal phase information in measured power, the autocorrelation matrix of the BS-IRS-user cascaded channel is estimated by solving an equivalent rank-minimization problem. To this end, a low-rank-approaching (LRA) algorithm is proposed by employing the fractional programming and alternating optimization techniques. To reduce computational complexity, an approximate LRA (ALRA) algorithm is also developed. Furthermore, these two algorithms are extended to be robust against the receiver noise and quantization error in power measurement. Simulation results are provided to verify the effectiveness of the proposed channel estimation algorithms as well as the IRS passive reflection design based on the estimated channel autocorrelation matrix.
Abstract:Concept Bottleneck Models (CBMs) provide interpretable prediction by introducing an intermediate Concept Bottleneck Layer (CBL), which encodes human-understandable concepts to explain models' decision. Recent works proposed to utilize Large Language Models (LLMs) and pre-trained Vision-Language Models (VLMs) to automate the training of CBMs, making it more scalable and automated. However, existing approaches still fall short in two aspects: First, the concepts predicted by CBL often mismatch the input image, raising doubts about the faithfulness of interpretation. Second, it has been shown that concept values encode unintended information: even a set of random concepts could achieve comparable test accuracy to state-of-the-art CBMs. To address these critical limitations, in this work, we propose a novel framework called Vision-Language-Guided Concept Bottleneck Model (VLG-CBM) to enable faithful interpretability with the benefits of boosted performance. Our method leverages off-the-shelf open-domain grounded object detectors to provide visually grounded concept annotation, which largely enhances the faithfulness of concept prediction while further improving the model performance. In addition, we propose a new metric called Number of Effective Concepts (NEC) to control the information leakage and provide better interpretability. Extensive evaluations across five standard benchmarks show that our method, VLG-CBM, outperforms existing methods by at least 4.27% and up to 51.09% on accuracy at NEC=5, and by at least 0.45% and up to 29.78% on average accuracy across different NECs, while preserves both faithfulness and interpretability of the learned concepts as demonstrated in extensive experiments.
Abstract:Conformal prediction is a powerful tool to generate uncertainty sets with guaranteed coverage using any predictive model, under the assumption that the training and test data are i.i.d.. Recently, it has been shown that adversarial examples are able to manipulate conformal methods to construct prediction sets with invalid coverage rates, as the i.i.d. assumption is violated. To address this issue, a recent work, Randomized Smoothed Conformal Prediction (RSCP), was first proposed to certify the robustness of conformal prediction methods to adversarial noise. However, RSCP has two major limitations: (i) its robustness guarantee is flawed when used in practice and (ii) it tends to produce large uncertainty sets. To address these limitations, we first propose a novel framework called RSCP+ to provide provable robustness guarantee in evaluation, which fixes the issues in the original RSCP method. Next, we propose two novel methods, Post-Training Transformation (PTT) and Robust Conformal Training (RCT), to effectively reduce prediction set size with little computation overhead. Experimental results in CIFAR10, CIFAR100, and ImageNet suggest the baseline method only yields trivial predictions including full label set, while our methods could boost the efficiency by up to $4.36\times$, $5.46\times$, and $16.9\times$ respectively and provide practical robustness guarantee. Our codes are available at https://github.com/Trustworthy-ML-Lab/Provably-Robust-Conformal-Prediction.
Abstract:This paper presents DNAct, a language-conditioned multi-task policy framework that integrates neural rendering pre-training and diffusion training to enforce multi-modality learning in action sequence spaces. To learn a generalizable multi-task policy with few demonstrations, the pre-training phase of DNAct leverages neural rendering to distill 2D semantic features from foundation models such as Stable Diffusion to a 3D space, which provides a comprehensive semantic understanding regarding the scene. Consequently, it allows various applications to challenging robotic tasks requiring rich 3D semantics and accurate geometry. Furthermore, we introduce a novel approach utilizing diffusion training to learn a vision and language feature that encapsulates the inherent multi-modality in the multi-task demonstrations. By reconstructing the action sequences from different tasks via the diffusion process, the model is capable of distinguishing different modalities and thus improving the robustness and the generalizability of the learned representation. DNAct significantly surpasses SOTA NeRF-based multi-task manipulation approaches with over 30% improvement in success rate. Project website: dnact.github.io.
Abstract:Intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) can bring significant performance enhancement for wireless communication systems by reconfiguring wireless channels via passive signal reflection. However, such performance improvement generally relies on the knowledge of channel state information (CSI) for IRS-associated links. Prior IRS channel estimation strategies mainly estimate IRS-cascaded channels based on the excessive pilot signals received at the users/base station (BS) with time-varying IRS reflections, which, however, are not compatible with the existing channel training/estimation protocol for cellular networks. To address this issue, we propose in this paper a new channel estimation scheme for IRS-assisted communication systems based on the received signal power measured at the user, which is practically attainable without the need of changing the current protocol. Specifically, due to the lack of signal phase information in power measurements, the autocorrelation matrix of the BS-IRS-user cascaded channel is estimated by solving equivalent matrix-rank-minimization problems. Simulation results are provided to verify the effectiveness of the proposed channel estimation algorithm as well as the IRS passive reflection design based on the estimated channel autocorrelation matrix.
Abstract:Large, high-capacity models trained on diverse datasets have shown remarkable successes on efficiently tackling downstream applications. In domains from NLP to Computer Vision, this has led to a consolidation of pretrained models, with general pretrained backbones serving as a starting point for many applications. Can such a consolidation happen in robotics? Conventionally, robotic learning methods train a separate model for every application, every robot, and even every environment. Can we instead train generalist X-robot policy that can be adapted efficiently to new robots, tasks, and environments? In this paper, we provide datasets in standardized data formats and models to make it possible to explore this possibility in the context of robotic manipulation, alongside experimental results that provide an example of effective X-robot policies. We assemble a dataset from 22 different robots collected through a collaboration between 21 institutions, demonstrating 527 skills (160266 tasks). We show that a high-capacity model trained on this data, which we call RT-X, exhibits positive transfer and improves the capabilities of multiple robots by leveraging experience from other platforms. More details can be found on the project website $\href{https://robotics-transformer-x.github.io}{\text{robotics-transformer-x.github.io}}$.
Abstract:It is a long-standing problem in robotics to develop agents capable of executing diverse manipulation tasks from visual observations in unstructured real-world environments. To achieve this goal, the robot needs to have a comprehensive understanding of the 3D structure and semantics of the scene. In this work, we present $\textbf{GNFactor}$, a visual behavior cloning agent for multi-task robotic manipulation with $\textbf{G}$eneralizable $\textbf{N}$eural feature $\textbf{F}$ields. GNFactor jointly optimizes a generalizable neural field (GNF) as a reconstruction module and a Perceiver Transformer as a decision-making module, leveraging a shared deep 3D voxel representation. To incorporate semantics in 3D, the reconstruction module utilizes a vision-language foundation model ($\textit{e.g.}$, Stable Diffusion) to distill rich semantic information into the deep 3D voxel. We evaluate GNFactor on 3 real robot tasks and perform detailed ablations on 10 RLBench tasks with a limited number of demonstrations. We observe a substantial improvement of GNFactor over current state-of-the-art methods in seen and unseen tasks, demonstrating the strong generalization ability of GNFactor. Our project website is https://yanjieze.com/GNFactor/ .