Abstract:Minecraft has emerged as a valuable testbed for embodied intelligence and sequential decision-making research, yet the development and validation of novel agents remains hindered by significant engineering challenges. This paper presents MineStudio, an open-source software package designed to streamline embodied policy development in Minecraft. MineStudio represents the first comprehensive integration of seven critical engineering components: simulator, data, model, offline pretraining, online finetuning, inference, and benchmark, thereby allowing users to concentrate their efforts on algorithm innovation. We provide a user-friendly API design accompanied by comprehensive documentation and tutorials. The complete codebase is publicly available at https://github.com/CraftJarvis/MineStudio.
Abstract:Minecraft has emerged as a valuable testbed for embodied intelligence and sequential decision-making research, yet the development and validation of novel agents remains hindered by significant engineering challenges. This paper presents MineStudio, an open-source software package designed to streamline embodied policy development in Minecraft. MineStudio represents the first comprehensive integration of seven critical engineering components: simulator, data, model, offline pretraining, online finetuning, inference, and benchmark, thereby allowing users to concentrate their efforts on algorithm innovation. We provide a user-friendly API design accompanied by comprehensive documentation and tutorials. The complete codebase is publicly available at https://github.com/CraftJarvis/MineStudio.
Abstract:Vision-language models (VLMs) have excelled in multimodal tasks, but adapting them to embodied decision-making in open-world environments presents challenges. A key issue is the difficulty in smoothly connecting individual entities in low-level observations with abstract concepts required for planning. A common approach to address this problem is through the use of hierarchical agents, where VLMs serve as high-level reasoners that break down tasks into executable sub-tasks, typically specified using language and imagined observations. However, language often fails to effectively convey spatial information, while generating future images with sufficient accuracy remains challenging. To address these limitations, we propose visual-temporal context prompting, a novel communication protocol between VLMs and policy models. This protocol leverages object segmentation from both past and present observations to guide policy-environment interactions. Using this approach, we train ROCKET-1, a low-level policy that predicts actions based on concatenated visual observations and segmentation masks, with real-time object tracking provided by SAM-2. Our method unlocks the full potential of VLMs visual-language reasoning abilities, enabling them to solve complex creative tasks, especially those heavily reliant on spatial understanding. Experiments in Minecraft demonstrate that our approach allows agents to accomplish previously unattainable tasks, highlighting the effectiveness of visual-temporal context prompting in embodied decision-making. Codes and demos will be available on the project page: https://craftjarvis.github.io/ROCKET-1.
Abstract:Learning effective negotiation strategies poses two key challenges: the exploration-exploitation dilemma and dealing with large action spaces. However, there is an absence of learning-based approaches that effectively address these challenges in negotiation. This paper introduces a comprehensive formulation to tackle various negotiation problems. Our approach leverages contextual combinatorial multi-armed bandits, with the bandits resolving the exploration-exploitation dilemma, and the combinatorial nature handles large action spaces. Building upon this formulation, we introduce NegUCB, a novel method that also handles common issues such as partial observations and complex reward functions in negotiation. NegUCB is contextual and tailored for full-bandit feedback without constraints on the reward functions. Under mild assumptions, it ensures a sub-linear regret upper bound. Experiments conducted on three negotiation tasks demonstrate the superiority of our approach.
Abstract:We present OmniJARVIS, a novel Vision-Language-Action (VLA) model for open-world instruction-following agents in open-world Minecraft. Compared to prior works that either emit textual goals to separate controllers or produce the control command directly, OmniJARVIS seeks a different path to ensure both strong reasoning and efficient decision-making capabilities via unified tokenization of multimodal interaction data. First, we introduce a self-supervised approach to learn a behavior encoder that produces discretized tokens for behavior trajectories $\tau$ = {$o_0$, $a_0$, $\dots$} and an imitation learning (IL) policy decoder conditioned on these tokens. These additional behavior tokens will be augmented to the vocabulary of pretrained Multimodal Language Models (MLMs). With this encoder, we then pack long-term multimodal interactions involving task instructions, memories, thoughts, observations, textual responses, behavior trajectories, etc. into unified token sequences and model them with autoregressive transformers. Thanks to the semantically meaningful behavior tokens, the resulting VLA model, OmniJARVIS, can reason (by producing chain-of-thoughts), plan, answer questions, and act (by producing behavior tokens for the IL policy decoder). OmniJARVIS demonstrates excellent performances on a comprehensive collection of atomic, programmatic, and open-ended tasks in open-world Minecraft. Our analysis further unveils the crucial design principles in interaction data formation, unified tokenization, and its scaling potentials.