Abstract:This paper targets the challenge of real-time LiDAR re-simulation in dynamic driving scenarios. Recent approaches utilize neural radiance fields combined with the physical modeling of LiDAR sensors to achieve high-fidelity re-simulation results. Unfortunately, these methods face limitations due to high computational demands in large-scale scenes and cannot perform real-time LiDAR rendering. To overcome these constraints, we propose LiDAR-RT, a novel framework that supports real-time, physically accurate LiDAR re-simulation for driving scenes. Our primary contribution is the development of an efficient and effective rendering pipeline, which integrates Gaussian primitives and hardware-accelerated ray tracing technology. Specifically, we model the physical properties of LiDAR sensors using Gaussian primitives with learnable parameters and incorporate scene graphs to handle scene dynamics. Building upon this scene representation, our framework first constructs a bounding volume hierarchy (BVH), then casts rays for each pixel and generates novel LiDAR views through a differentiable rendering algorithm. Importantly, our framework supports realistic rendering with flexible scene editing operations and various sensor configurations. Extensive experiments across multiple public benchmarks demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods in terms of rendering quality and efficiency. Our project page is at https://zju3dv.github.io/lidar-rt.
Abstract:The base learners and labeled samples (shots) in an ensemble few-shot classifier greatly affect the model performance. When the performance is not satisfactory, it is usually difficult to understand the underlying causes and make improvements. To tackle this issue, we propose a visual analysis method, FSLDiagnotor. Given a set of base learners and a collection of samples with a few shots, we consider two problems: 1) finding a subset of base learners that well predict the sample collections; and 2) replacing the low-quality shots with more representative ones to adequately represent the sample collections. We formulate both problems as sparse subset selection and develop two selection algorithms to recommend appropriate learners and shots, respectively. A matrix visualization and a scatterplot are combined to explain the recommended learners and shots in context and facilitate users in adjusting them. Based on the adjustment, the algorithm updates the recommendation results for another round of improvement. Two case studies are conducted to demonstrate that FSLDiagnotor helps build a few-shot classifier efficiently and increases the accuracy by 12% and 21%, respectively.
Abstract:Deep learning methods are being increasingly used for urban traffic prediction where spatiotemporal traffic data is aggregated into sequentially organized matrices that are then fed into convolution-based residual neural networks. However, the widely known modifiable areal unit problem within such aggregation processes can lead to perturbations in the network inputs. This issue can significantly destabilize the feature embeddings and the predictions, rendering deep networks much less useful for the experts. This paper approaches this challenge by leveraging unit visualization techniques that enable the investigation of many-to-many relationships between dynamically varied multi-scalar aggregations of urban traffic data and neural network predictions. Through regular exchanges with a domain expert, we design and develop a visual analytics solution that integrates 1) a Bivariate Map equipped with an advanced bivariate colormap to simultaneously depict input traffic and prediction errors across space, 2) a Morans I Scatterplot that provides local indicators of spatial association analysis, and 3) a Multi-scale Attribution View that arranges non-linear dot plots in a tree layout to promote model analysis and comparison across scales. We evaluate our approach through a series of case studies involving a real-world dataset of Shenzhen taxi trips, and through interviews with domain experts. We observe that geographical scale variations have important impact on prediction performances, and interactive visual exploration of dynamically varying inputs and outputs benefit experts in the development of deep traffic prediction models.
Abstract:Nowadays, as data becomes increasingly complex and distributed, data analyses often involve several related datasets that are stored on different servers and probably owned by different stakeholders. While there is an emerging need to provide these stakeholders with a full picture of their data under a global context, conventional visual analytical methods, such as dimensionality reduction, could expose data privacy when multi-party datasets are fused into a single site to build point-level relationships. In this paper, we reformulate the conventional t-SNE method from the single-site mode into a secure distributed infrastructure. We present a secure multi-party scheme for joint t-SNE computation, which can minimize the risk of data leakage. Aggregated visualization can be optionally employed to hide disclosure of point-level relationships. We build a prototype system based on our method, SMAP, to support the organization, computation, and exploration of secure joint embedding. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach with three case studies, one of which is based on the deployment of our system in real-world applications.
Abstract:In this paper, we present a fast yet effective method for pixel-level scale-invariant image fusion in spatial domain based on the scale-space theory. Specifically, we propose a scale-invariant structure saliency selection scheme based on the difference-of-Gaussian (DoG) pyramid of images to build the weights or activity map. Due to the scale-invariant structure saliency selection, our method can keep both details of small size objects and the integrity information of large size objects in images. In addition, our method is very efficient since there are no complex operation involved and easy to be implemented and therefore can be used for fast high resolution images fusion. Experimental results demonstrate the proposed method yields competitive or even better results comparing to state-of-the-art image fusion methods both in terms of visual quality and objective evaluation metrics. Furthermore, the proposed method is very fast and can be used to fuse the high resolution images in real-time. Code is available at https://github.com/yiqingmy/Fusion.