Abstract:Recent AI-based 3D content creation has largely evolved along two paths: feed-forward image-to-3D reconstruction approaches and 3D generative models trained with 2D or 3D supervision. In this work, we show that existing feed-forward reconstruction methods can serve as effective latent encoders for training 3D generative models, thereby bridging these two paradigms. By reusing powerful pre-trained reconstruction models, we avoid computationally expensive encoder network training and obtain rich 3D latent features for generative modeling for free. However, the latent spaces of reconstruction models are not well-suited for generative modeling due to their unstructured nature. To enable flow-based model training on these latent features, we develop post-processing pipelines, including protocols to standardize the features and spatial weighting to concentrate on important regions. We further incorporate a 2D image space perceptual rendering loss to handle the high-dimensional latent spaces. Finally, we propose a multi-stream transformer-based rectified flow architecture to achieve linear scaling and high-quality text-conditioned 3D generation. Our framework leverages the advancements of feed-forward reconstruction models to enhance the scalability of 3D generative modeling, achieving both high computational efficiency and state-of-the-art performance in text-to-3D generation.
Abstract:An important paradigm in 3D object detection is the use of multiple modalities to enhance accuracy in both normal and challenging conditions, particularly for long-tail scenarios. To address this, recent studies have explored two directions of adaptive approaches: MoE-based adaptive fusion, which struggles with uncertainties arising from distinct object configurations, and late fusion for output-level adaptive fusion, which relies on separate detection pipelines and limits comprehensive understanding. In this work, we introduce Cocoon, an object- and feature-level uncertainty-aware fusion framework. The key innovation lies in uncertainty quantification for heterogeneous representations, enabling fair comparison across modalities through the introduction of a feature aligner and a learnable surrogate ground truth, termed feature impression. We also define a training objective to ensure that their relationship provides a valid metric for uncertainty quantification. Cocoon consistently outperforms existing static and adaptive methods in both normal and challenging conditions, including those with natural and artificial corruptions. Furthermore, we show the validity and efficacy of our uncertainty metric across diverse datasets.
Abstract:We propose a robot learning method for communicating, planning, and executing a wide range of tasks, dubbed This&That. We achieve robot planning for general tasks by leveraging the power of video generative models trained on internet-scale data containing rich physical and semantic context. In this work, we tackle three fundamental challenges in video-based planning: 1) unambiguous task communication with simple human instructions, 2) controllable video generation that respects user intents, and 3) translating visual planning into robot actions. We propose language-gesture conditioning to generate videos, which is both simpler and clearer than existing language-only methods, especially in complex and uncertain environments. We then suggest a behavioral cloning design that seamlessly incorporates the video plans. This&That demonstrates state-of-the-art effectiveness in addressing the above three challenges, and justifies the use of video generation as an intermediate representation for generalizable task planning and execution. Project website: https://cfeng16.github.io/this-and-that/.
Abstract:We introduce a general framework for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) using generative diffusion models. In particular, we focus on the scenarios where we do not have the full knowledge of the scene necessary to apply classical solvers. Most existing forward or inverse PDE approaches perform poorly when the observations on the data or the underlying coefficients are incomplete, which is a common assumption for real-world measurements. In this work, we propose DiffusionPDE that can simultaneously fill in the missing information and solve a PDE by modeling the joint distribution of the solution and coefficient spaces. We show that the learned generative priors lead to a versatile framework for accurately solving a wide range of PDEs under partial observation, significantly outperforming the state-of-the-art methods for both forward and inverse directions.
Abstract:Recent techniques for text-to-4D generation synthesize dynamic 3D scenes using supervision from pre-trained text-to-video models. However, existing representations for motion, such as deformation models or time-dependent neural representations, are limited in the amount of motion they can generate-they cannot synthesize motion extending far beyond the bounding box used for volume rendering. The lack of a more flexible motion model contributes to the gap in realism between 4D generation methods and recent, near-photorealistic video generation models. Here, we propose TC4D: trajectory-conditioned text-to-4D generation, which factors motion into global and local components. We represent the global motion of a scene's bounding box using rigid transformation along a trajectory parameterized by a spline. We learn local deformations that conform to the global trajectory using supervision from a text-to-video model. Our approach enables the synthesis of scenes animated along arbitrary trajectories, compositional scene generation, and significant improvements to the realism and amount of generated motion, which we evaluate qualitatively and through a user study. Video results can be viewed on our website: https://sherwinbahmani.github.io/tc4d.
Abstract:Estimating relative camera poses between images has been a central problem in computer vision. Methods that find correspondences and solve for the fundamental matrix offer high precision in most cases. Conversely, methods predicting pose directly using neural networks are more robust to limited overlap and can infer absolute translation scale, but at the expense of reduced precision. We show how to combine the best of both methods; our approach yields results that are both precise and robust, while also accurately inferring translation scales. At the heart of our model lies a Transformer that (1) learns to balance between solved and learned pose estimations, and (2) provides a prior to guide a solver. A comprehensive analysis supports our design choices and demonstrates that our method adapts flexibly to various feature extractors and correspondence estimators, showing state-of-the-art performance in 6DoF pose estimation on Matterport3D, InteriorNet, StreetLearn, and Map-free Relocalization.
Abstract:Recent breakthroughs in text-to-4D generation rely on pre-trained text-to-image and text-to-video models to generate dynamic 3D scenes. However, current text-to-4D methods face a three-way tradeoff between the quality of scene appearance, 3D structure, and motion. For example, text-to-image models and their 3D-aware variants are trained on internet-scale image datasets and can be used to produce scenes with realistic appearance and 3D structure -- but no motion. Text-to-video models are trained on relatively smaller video datasets and can produce scenes with motion, but poorer appearance and 3D structure. While these models have complementary strengths, they also have opposing weaknesses, making it difficult to combine them in a way that alleviates this three-way tradeoff. Here, we introduce hybrid score distillation sampling, an alternating optimization procedure that blends supervision signals from multiple pre-trained diffusion models and incorporates benefits of each for high-fidelity text-to-4D generation. Using hybrid SDS, we demonstrate synthesis of 4D scenes with compelling appearance, 3D structure, and motion.
Abstract:We present a diffusion-based model for 3D-aware generative novel view synthesis from as few as a single input image. Our model samples from the distribution of possible renderings consistent with the input and, even in the presence of ambiguity, is capable of rendering diverse and plausible novel views. To achieve this, our method makes use of existing 2D diffusion backbones but, crucially, incorporates geometry priors in the form of a 3D feature volume. This latent feature field captures the distribution over possible scene representations and improves our method's ability to generate view-consistent novel renderings. In addition to generating novel views, our method has the ability to autoregressively synthesize 3D-consistent sequences. We demonstrate state-of-the-art results on synthetic renderings and room-scale scenes; we also show compelling results for challenging, real-world objects.
Abstract:In this work, we introduce CC3D, a conditional generative model that synthesizes complex 3D scenes conditioned on 2D semantic scene layouts, trained using single-view images. Different from most existing 3D GANs that limit their applicability to aligned single objects, we focus on generating complex scenes with multiple objects, by modeling the compositional nature of 3D scenes. By devising a 2D layout-based approach for 3D synthesis and implementing a new 3D field representation with a stronger geometric inductive bias, we have created a 3D GAN that is both efficient and of high quality, while allowing for a more controllable generation process. Our evaluations on synthetic 3D-FRONT and real-world KITTI-360 datasets demonstrate that our model generates scenes of improved visual and geometric quality in comparison to previous works.
Abstract:Impressive progress in generative models and implicit representations gave rise to methods that can generate 3D shapes of high quality. However, being able to locally control and edit shapes is another essential property that can unlock several content creation applications. Local control can be achieved with part-aware models, but existing methods require 3D supervision and cannot produce textures. In this work, we devise PartNeRF, a novel part-aware generative model for editable 3D shape synthesis that does not require any explicit 3D supervision. Our model generates objects as a set of locally defined NeRFs, augmented with an affine transformation. This enables several editing operations such as applying transformations on parts, mixing parts from different objects etc. To ensure distinct, manipulable parts we enforce a hard assignment of rays to parts that makes sure that the color of each ray is only determined by a single NeRF. As a result, altering one part does not affect the appearance of the others. Evaluations on various ShapeNet categories demonstrate the ability of our model to generate editable 3D objects of improved fidelity, compared to previous part-based generative approaches that require 3D supervision or models relying on NeRFs.