Abstract:Multi-view 3D reconstruction remains a core challenge in computer vision, particularly in applications requiring accurate and scalable representations across diverse perspectives. Current leading methods such as DUSt3R employ a fundamentally pairwise approach, processing images in pairs and necessitating costly global alignment procedures to reconstruct from multiple views. In this work, we propose Fast 3D Reconstruction (Fast3R), a novel multi-view generalization to DUSt3R that achieves efficient and scalable 3D reconstruction by processing many views in parallel. Fast3R's Transformer-based architecture forwards N images in a single forward pass, bypassing the need for iterative alignment. Through extensive experiments on camera pose estimation and 3D reconstruction, Fast3R demonstrates state-of-the-art performance, with significant improvements in inference speed and reduced error accumulation. These results establish Fast3R as a robust alternative for multi-view applications, offering enhanced scalability without compromising reconstruction accuracy.
Abstract:In real-world scenarios, it is desirable for embodied agents to have the ability to leverage human language to gain explicit or implicit knowledge for learning tasks. Despite recent progress, most previous approaches adopt simple low-level instructions as language inputs, which may not reflect natural human communication. It's not clear how to incorporate rich language use to facilitate task learning. To address this question, this paper studies different types of language inputs in facilitating reinforcement learning (RL) embodied agents. More specifically, we examine how different levels of language informativeness (i.e., feedback on past behaviors and future guidance) and diversity (i.e., variation of language expressions) impact agent learning and inference. Our empirical results based on four RL benchmarks demonstrate that agents trained with diverse and informative language feedback can achieve enhanced generalization and fast adaptation to new tasks. These findings highlight the pivotal role of language use in teaching embodied agents new tasks in an open world. Project website: https://github.com/sled-group/Teachable_RL
Abstract:Large vision language models (LVLMs) often suffer from object hallucination, producing objects not present in the given images. While current benchmarks for object hallucination primarily concentrate on the presence of a single object class rather than individual entities, this work systematically investigates multi-object hallucination, examining how models misperceive (e.g., invent nonexistent objects or become distracted) when tasked with focusing on multiple objects simultaneously. We introduce Recognition-based Object Probing Evaluation (ROPE), an automated evaluation protocol that considers the distribution of object classes within a single image during testing and uses visual referring prompts to eliminate ambiguity. With comprehensive empirical studies and analysis of potential factors leading to multi-object hallucination, we found that (1) LVLMs suffer more hallucinations when focusing on multiple objects compared to a single object. (2) The tested object class distribution affects hallucination behaviors, indicating that LVLMs may follow shortcuts and spurious correlations.(3) Hallucinatory behaviors are influenced by data-specific factors, salience and frequency, and model intrinsic behaviors. We hope to enable LVLMs to recognize and reason about multiple objects that often occur in realistic visual scenes, provide insights, and quantify our progress towards mitigating the issues.
Abstract:Many tasks within NLP can be framed as sequential decision problems, ranging from sequence tagging to text generation. However, for many tasks, the standard training methods, including maximum likelihood (teacher forcing) and scheduled sampling, suffer from exposure bias and a mismatch between metrics employed during training and inference. DAgger provides a solution to mitigate these problems, yet it requires a metric-specific dynamic oracle algorithm, which does not exist for many common metrics like span-based F1, ROUGE, and BLEU. In this paper, we develop these novel dynamic oracles and show they maintain DAgger's no-regret guarantee for decomposable metrics like span-based F1. We evaluate the algorithm's performance on named entity recognition (NER), text summarization, and machine translation (MT). While DAgger with dynamic oracle yields less favorable results in our MT experiments, it outperforms the baseline techniques in NER and text summarization.
Abstract:The integration of language and 3D perception is crucial for developing embodied agents and robots that comprehend and interact with the physical world. While large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive language understanding and generation capabilities, their adaptation to 3D environments (3D-LLMs) remains in its early stages. A primary challenge is the absence of large-scale datasets that provide dense grounding between language and 3D scenes. In this paper, we introduce 3D-GRAND, a pioneering large-scale dataset comprising 40,087 household scenes paired with 6.2 million densely-grounded scene-language instructions. Our results show that instruction tuning with 3D-GRAND significantly enhances grounding capabilities and reduces hallucinations in 3D-LLMs. As part of our contributions, we propose a comprehensive benchmark 3D-POPE to systematically evaluate hallucination in 3D-LLMs, enabling fair comparisons among future models. Our experiments highlight a scaling effect between dataset size and 3D-LLM performance, emphasizing the critical role of large-scale 3D-text datasets in advancing embodied AI research. Notably, our results demonstrate early signals for effective sim-to-real transfer, indicating that models trained on large synthetic data can perform well on real-world 3D scans. Through 3D-GRAND and 3D-POPE, we aim to equip the embodied AI community with essential resources and insights, setting the stage for more reliable and better-grounded 3D-LLMs. Project website: https://3d-grand.github.io
Abstract:The integration of language and 3D perception is crucial for developing embodied agents and robots that comprehend and interact with the physical world. While large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive language understanding and generation capabilities, their adaptation to 3D environments (3D-LLMs) remains in its early stages. A primary challenge is the absence of large-scale datasets that provide dense grounding between language and 3D scenes. In this paper, we introduce 3D-GRAND, a pioneering large-scale dataset comprising 40,087 household scenes paired with 6.2 million densely-grounded scene-language instructions. Our results show that instruction tuning with 3D-GRAND significantly enhances grounding capabilities and reduces hallucinations in 3D-LLMs. As part of our contributions, we propose a comprehensive benchmark 3D-POPE to systematically evaluate hallucination in 3D-LLMs, enabling fair comparisons among future models. Our experiments highlight a scaling effect between dataset size and 3D-LLM performance, emphasizing the critical role of large-scale 3D-text datasets in advancing embodied AI research. Notably, our results demonstrate early signals for effective sim-to-real transfer, indicating that models trained on large synthetic data can perform well on real-world 3D scans. Through 3D-GRAND and 3D-POPE, we aim to equip the embodied AI community with essential resources and insights, setting the stage for more reliable and better-grounded 3D-LLMs. Project website: https://3d-grand.github.io
Abstract:3D visual grounding is a critical skill for household robots, enabling them to navigate, manipulate objects, and answer questions based on their environment. While existing approaches often rely on extensive labeled data or exhibit limitations in handling complex language queries, we propose LLM-Grounder, a novel zero-shot, open-vocabulary, Large Language Model (LLM)-based 3D visual grounding pipeline. LLM-Grounder utilizes an LLM to decompose complex natural language queries into semantic constituents and employs a visual grounding tool, such as OpenScene or LERF, to identify objects in a 3D scene. The LLM then evaluates the spatial and commonsense relations among the proposed objects to make a final grounding decision. Our method does not require any labeled training data and can generalize to novel 3D scenes and arbitrary text queries. We evaluate LLM-Grounder on the ScanRefer benchmark and demonstrate state-of-the-art zero-shot grounding accuracy. Our findings indicate that LLMs significantly improve the grounding capability, especially for complex language queries, making LLM-Grounder an effective approach for 3D vision-language tasks in robotics. Videos and interactive demos can be found on the project website https://chat-with-nerf.github.io/ .
Abstract:Recent years have seen an increasing amount of work on embodied AI agents that can perform tasks by following human language instructions. However, most of these agents are reactive, meaning that they simply learn and imitate behaviors encountered in the training data. These reactive agents are insufficient for long-horizon complex tasks. To address this limitation, we propose a neuro-symbolic deliberative agent that, while following language instructions, proactively applies reasoning and planning based on its neural and symbolic representations acquired from past experience (e.g., natural language and egocentric vision). We show that our deliberative agent achieves greater than 70% improvement over reactive baselines on the challenging TEACh benchmark. Moreover, the underlying reasoning and planning processes, together with our modular framework, offer impressive transparency and explainability to the behaviors of the agent. This enables an in-depth understanding of the agent's capabilities, which shed light on challenges and opportunities for future embodied agents for instruction following. The code is available at https://github.com/sled-group/DANLI.
Abstract:Human communication is multimodal in nature; it is through multiple modalities, i.e., language, voice, and facial expressions, that opinions and emotions are expressed. Data in this domain exhibits complex multi-relational and temporal interactions. Learning from this data is a fundamentally challenging research problem. In this paper, we propose Multimodal Temporal Graph Attention Networks (MTGAT). MTGAT is an interpretable graph-based neural model that provides a suitable framework for analyzing this type of multimodal sequential data. We first introduce a procedure to convert unaligned multimodal sequence data into a graph with heterogeneous nodes and edges that captures the rich interactions between different modalities through time. Then, a novel graph operation, called Multimodal Temporal Graph Attention, along with a dynamic pruning and read-out technique is designed to efficiently process this multimodal temporal graph. By learning to focus only on the important interactions within the graph, our MTGAT is able to achieve state-of-the-art performance on multimodal sentiment analysis and emotion recognition benchmarks including IEMOCAP and CMU-MOSI, while utilizing significantly fewer computations.
Abstract:Question answering biases in video QA datasets can mislead multimodal model to overfit to QA artifacts and jeopardize the model's ability to generalize. Understanding how strong these QA biases are and where they come from helps the community measure progress more accurately and provide researchers insights to debug their models. In this paper, we analyze QA biases in popular video question answering datasets and discover pretrained language models can answer 37-48% questions correctly without using any multimodal context information, far exceeding the 20% random guess baseline for 5-choose-1 multiple-choice questions. Our ablation study shows biases can come from annotators and type of questions. Specifically, annotators that have been seen during training are better predicted by the model and reasoning, abstract questions incur more biases than factual, direct questions. We also show empirically that using annotator-non-overlapping train-test splits can reduce QA biases for video QA datasets.