University of Oxford
Abstract:Proximal policy optimization (PPO) is a widely-used algorithm for on-policy reinforcement learning. This work offers an alternative perspective of PPO, in which it is decomposed into the inner-loop estimation of update vectors, and the outer-loop application of updates using gradient ascent with unity learning rate. Using this insight we propose outer proximal policy optimization (outer-PPO); a framework wherein these update vectors are applied using an arbitrary gradient-based optimizer. The decoupling of update estimation and update application enabled by outer-PPO highlights several implicit design choices in PPO that we challenge through empirical investigation. In particular we consider non-unity learning rates and momentum applied to the outer loop, and a momentum-bias applied to the inner estimation loop. Methods are evaluated against an aggressively tuned PPO baseline on Brax, Jumanji and MinAtar environments; non-unity learning rates and momentum both achieve statistically significant improvement on Brax and Jumanji, given the same hyperparameter tuning budget.
Abstract:Anti-viral therapies are typically designed or evolved towards the current strains of a virus. In learning terms, this corresponds to a myopic best response, i.e., not considering the possible adaptive moves of the opponent. However, therapy-induced selective pressures act on viral antigens to drive the emergence of mutated strains, against which initial therapies have reduced efficacy. To motivate our work, we consider antibody designs that target not only the current viral strains but also the wide range of possible future variants that the virus might evolve into under the evolutionary pressure exerted by said antibodies. Building on a computational model of binding between antibodies and viral antigens (the Absolut! framework), we design and implement a genetic simulation of the viral evolutionary escape. Crucially, this allows our antibody optimisation algorithm to consider and influence the entire escape curve of the virus, i.e. to guide (or ''shape'') the viral evolution. This is inspired by opponent shaping which, in general-sum learning, accounts for the adaptation of the co-player rather than playing a myopic best response. Hence we call the optimised antibodies shapers. Within our simulations, we demonstrate that our shapers target both current and simulated future viral variants, outperforming the antibodies chosen in a myopic way. Furthermore, we show that shapers exert specific evolutionary pressure on the virus compared to myopic antibodies. Altogether, shapers modify the evolutionary trajectories of viral strains and minimise the viral escape compared to their myopic counterparts. While this is a simple model, we hope that our proposed paradigm will enable the discovery of better long-lived vaccines and antibody therapies in the future, enabled by rapid advancements in the capabilities of simulation tools.
Abstract:Reinforcement learning (RL) agents are commonly trained and evaluated in the same environment. In contrast, humans often train in a specialized environment before being evaluated, such as studying a book before taking an exam. The potential of such specialized training environments is still vastly underexplored, despite their capacity to dramatically speed up training. The framework of synthetic environments takes a first step in this direction by meta-learning neural network-based Markov decision processes (MDPs). The initial approach was limited to toy problems and produced environments that did not transfer to unseen RL algorithms. We extend this approach in three ways: Firstly, we modify the meta-learning algorithm to discover environments invariant towards hyperparameter configurations and learning algorithms. Secondly, by leveraging hardware parallelism and introducing a curriculum on an agent's evaluation episode horizon, we can achieve competitive results on several challenging continuous control problems. Thirdly, we surprisingly find that contextual bandits enable training RL agents that transfer well to their evaluation environment, even if it is a complex MDP. Hence, we set up our experiments to train synthetic contextual bandits, which perform on par with synthetic MDPs, yield additional insights into the evaluation environment, and can speed up downstream applications.
Abstract:Benchmarks have been essential for driving progress in machine learning. A better understanding of LLM capabilities on real world tasks is vital for safe development. Designing adequate LLM benchmarks is challenging: Data from real-world tasks is hard to collect, public availability of static evaluation data results in test data contamination and benchmark overfitting, and periodically generating new evaluation data is tedious and may result in temporally inconsistent results. We introduce HelloFresh, based on continuous streams of real-world data generated by intrinsically motivated human labelers. It covers recent events from X (formerly Twitter) community notes and edits of Wikipedia pages, mitigating the risk of test data contamination and benchmark overfitting. Any X user can propose an X note to add additional context to a misleading post (formerly tweet); if the community classifies it as helpful, it is shown with the post. Similarly, Wikipedia relies on community-based consensus, allowing users to edit articles or revert edits made by other users. Verifying whether an X note is helpful or whether a Wikipedia edit should be accepted are hard tasks that require grounding by querying the web. We backtest state-of-the-art LLMs supplemented with simple web search access and find that HelloFresh yields a temporally consistent ranking. To enable continuous evaluation on HelloFresh, we host a public leaderboard and periodically updated evaluation data at
Abstract:The availability of challenging benchmarks has played a key role in the recent progress of machine learning. In cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning, the StarCraft Multi-Agent Challenge (SMAC) has become a popular testbed for centralised training with decentralised execution. However, after years of sustained improvement on SMAC, algorithms now achieve near-perfect performance. In this work, we conduct new analysis demonstrating that SMAC is not sufficiently stochastic to require complex closed-loop policies. In particular, we show that an open-loop policy conditioned only on the timestep can achieve non-trivial win rates for many SMAC scenarios. To address this limitation, we introduce SMACv2, a new version of the benchmark where scenarios are procedurally generated and require agents to generalise to previously unseen settings (from the same distribution) during evaluation. We show that these changes ensure the benchmark requires the use of closed-loop policies. We evaluate state-of-the-art algorithms on SMACv2 and show that it presents significant challenges not present in the original benchmark. Our analysis illustrates that SMACv2 addresses the discovered deficiencies of SMAC and can help benchmark the next generation of MARL methods. Videos of training are available at
Abstract:Multiagent learning settings are inherently more difficult than single-agent learning because each agent interacts with other simultaneously learning agents in a shared environment. An effective approach in multiagent reinforcement learning is to consider the learning process of agents and influence their future policies toward desirable behaviors from each agent's perspective. Importantly, if each agent maximizes its long-term rewards by accounting for the impact of its behavior on the set of convergence policies, the resulting multiagent system reaches an active equilibrium. While this new solution concept is general such that standard solution concepts, such as a Nash equilibrium, are special cases of active equilibria, it is unclear when an active equilibrium is a preferred equilibrium over other solution concepts. In this paper, we analyze active equilibria from a game-theoretic perspective by closely studying examples where Nash equilibria are known. By directly comparing active equilibria to Nash equilibria in these examples, we find that active equilibria find more effective solutions than Nash equilibria, concluding that an active equilibrium is the desired solution for multiagent learning settings.
Abstract:We introduce a novel machine learning optimizer called LODO, which online meta-learns an implicit inverse Hessian of the loss as a subroutine of quasi-Newton optimization. Our optimizer merges Learning to Optimize (L2O) techniques with quasi-Newton methods to learn neural representations of symmetric matrix vector products, which are more flexible than those in other quasi-Newton methods. Unlike other L2O methods, ours does not require any meta-training on a training task distribution, and instead learns to optimize on the fly while optimizing on the test task, adapting to the local characteristics of the loss landscape while traversing it. Theoretically, we show that our optimizer approximates the inverse Hessian in noisy loss landscapes and is capable of representing a wide range of inverse Hessians. We experimentally verify our algorithm's performance in the presence of noise, and show that simpler alternatives for representing the inverse Hessians worsen performance. Lastly, we use our optimizer to train a semi-realistic deep neural network with 95k parameters, and obtain competitive results against standard neural network optimizers.
Abstract:Autonomous intelligent agents deployed to the real-world need to be robust against adversarial attacks on sensory inputs. Existing work in reinforcement learning focuses on minimum-norm perturbation attacks, which were originally introduced to mimic a notion of perceptual invariance in computer vision. In this paper, we note that such minimum-norm perturbation attacks can be trivially detected by victim agents, as these result in observation sequences that are not consistent with the victim agent's actions. Furthermore, many real-world agents, such as physical robots, commonly operate under human supervisors, which are not susceptible to such perturbation attacks. As a result, we propose to instead focus on illusionary attacks, a novel form of attack that is consistent with the world model of the victim agent. We provide a formal definition of this novel attack framework, explore its characteristics under a variety of conditions, and conclude that agents must seek realism feedback to be robust to illusionary attacks.
Abstract:The standard problem setting in cooperative multi-agent settings is self-play (SP), where the goal is to train a team of agents that works well together. However, optimal SP policies commonly contain arbitrary conventions ("handshakes") and are not compatible with other, independently trained agents or humans. This latter desiderata was recently formalized by Hu et al. 2020 as the zero-shot coordination (ZSC) setting and partially addressed with their Other-Play (OP) algorithm, which showed improved ZSC and human-AI performance in the card game Hanabi. OP assumes access to the symmetries of the environment and prevents agents from breaking these in a mutually incompatible way during training. However, as the authors point out, discovering symmetries for a given environment is a computationally hard problem. Instead, we show that through a simple adaption of k-level reasoning (KLR) Costa Gomes et al. 2006, synchronously training all levels, we can obtain competitive ZSC and ad-hoc teamplay performance in Hanabi, including when paired with a human-like proxy bot. We also introduce a new method, synchronous-k-level reasoning with a best response (SyKLRBR), which further improves performance on our synchronous KLR by co-training a best response.
Abstract:The main challenge of multiagent reinforcement learning is the difficulty of learning useful policies in the presence of other simultaneously learning agents whose changing behaviors jointly affect the environment's transition and reward dynamics. An effective approach that has recently emerged for addressing this non-stationarity is for each agent to anticipate the learning of other interacting agents and influence the evolution of their future policies towards desirable behavior for its own benefit. Unfortunately, all previous approaches for achieving this suffer from myopic evaluation, considering only a few or a finite number of updates to the policies of other agents. In this paper, we propose a principled framework for considering the limiting policies of other agents as the time approaches infinity. Specifically, we develop a new optimization objective that maximizes each agent's average reward by directly accounting for the impact of its behavior on the limiting set of policies that other agents will take on. Thanks to our farsighted evaluation, we demonstrate better long-term performance than state-of-the-art baselines in various domains, including the full spectrum of general-sum, competitive, and cooperative settings.