The University of Manchester
Abstract:In multi-agent environments, agents often struggle to learn optimal policies due to sparse or delayed global rewards, particularly in long-horizon tasks where it is challenging to evaluate actions at intermediate time steps. We introduce Temporal-Agent Reward Redistribution (TAR$^2$), a novel approach designed to address the agent-temporal credit assignment problem by redistributing sparse rewards both temporally and across agents. TAR$^2$ decomposes sparse global rewards into time-step-specific rewards and calculates agent-specific contributions to these rewards. We theoretically prove that TAR$^2$ is equivalent to potential-based reward shaping, ensuring that the optimal policy remains unchanged. Empirical results demonstrate that TAR$^2$ stabilizes and accelerates the learning process. Additionally, we show that when TAR$^2$ is integrated with single-agent reinforcement learning algorithms, it performs as well as or better than traditional multi-agent reinforcement learning methods.
Abstract:Training large models with millions or even billions of parameters from scratch incurs substantial computational costs. Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) methods, particularly Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA), address this challenge by adapting only a reduced number of parameters to specific tasks with gradient-based optimizers. In this paper, we cast PEFT as an optimal filtering/state estimation problem and present Low-Rank Kalman Optimizer (LoKO) to estimate the optimal trainable parameters in an online manner. We leverage the low-rank decomposition in LoRA to significantly reduce matrix sizes in Kalman iterations and further capitalize on a diagonal approximation of the covariance matrix to effectively decrease computational complexity from quadratic to linear in the number of trainable parameters. Moreover, we discovered that the initialization of the covariance matrix within the Kalman algorithm and the accurate estimation of the observation noise covariance are the keys in this formulation, and we propose robust approaches that work well across a vast range of well-established computer vision and language models. Our results show that LoKO converges with fewer iterations and yields better performance models compared to commonly used optimizers with LoRA in both image classifications and language tasks. Our study opens up the possibility of leveraging the Kalman filter as an effective optimizer for the online fine-tuning of large models.
Abstract:An inherent fragility of quadrotor systems stems from model inaccuracies and external disturbances. These factors hinder performance and compromise the stability of the system, making precise control challenging. Existing model-based approaches either make deterministic assumptions, utilize Gaussian-based representations of uncertainty, or rely on nominal models, all of which often fall short in capturing the complex, multimodal nature of real-world dynamics. This work introduces DroneDiffusion, a novel framework that leverages conditional diffusion models to learn quadrotor dynamics, formulated as a sequence generation task. DroneDiffusion achieves superior generalization to unseen, complex scenarios by capturing the temporal nature of uncertainties and mitigating error propagation. We integrate the learned dynamics with an adaptive controller for trajectory tracking with stability guarantees. Extensive experiments in both simulation and real-world flights demonstrate the robustness of the framework across a range of scenarios, including unfamiliar flight paths and varying payloads, velocities, and wind disturbances.
Abstract:Feasible solutions are crucial for Integer Programming (IP) since they can substantially speed up the solving process. In many applications, similar IP instances often exhibit similar structures and shared solution distributions, which can be potentially modeled by deep learning methods. Unfortunately, existing deep-learning-based algorithms, such as Neural Diving and Predict-and-search framework, are limited to generating only partial feasible solutions, and they must rely on solvers like SCIP and Gurobi to complete the solutions for a given IP problem. In this paper, we propose a novel framework that generates complete feasible solutions end-to-end. Our framework leverages contrastive learning to characterize the relationship between IP instances and solutions, and learns latent embeddings for both IP instances and their solutions. Further, the framework employs diffusion models to learn the distribution of solution embeddings conditioned on IP representations, with a dedicated guided sampling strategy that accounts for both constraints and objectives. We empirically evaluate our framework on four typical datasets of IP problems, and show that it effectively generates complete feasible solutions with a high probability (> 89.7 \%) without the reliance of Solvers and the quality of solutions is comparable to the best heuristic solutions from Gurobi. Furthermore, by integrating our method's sampled partial solutions with the CompleteSol heuristic from SCIP, the resulting feasible solutions outperform those from state-of-the-art methods across all datasets, exhibiting a 3.7 to 33.7\% improvement in the gap to optimal values, and maintaining a feasible ratio of over 99.7\% for all datasets.
Abstract:Robot navigation under visual corruption presents a formidable challenge. To address this, we propose a Test-time Adaptation (TTA) method, named as TTA-Nav, for point-goal navigation under visual corruptions. Our "plug-and-play" method incorporates a top-down decoder to a pre-trained navigation model. Firstly, the pre-trained navigation model gets a corrupted image and extracts features. Secondly, the top-down decoder produces the reconstruction given the high-level features extracted by the pre-trained model. Then, it feeds the reconstruction of a corrupted image back to the pre-trained model. Finally, the pre-trained model does forward pass again to output action. Despite being trained solely on clean images, the top-down decoder can reconstruct cleaner images from corrupted ones without the need for gradient-based adaptation. The pre-trained navigation model with our top-down decoder significantly enhances navigation performance across almost all visual corruptions in our benchmarks. Our method improves the success rate of point-goal navigation from the state-of-the-art result of 46% to 94% on the most severe corruption. This suggests its potential for broader application in robotic visual navigation. Project page:
Abstract:Preference-based learning aims to align robot task objectives with human values. One of the most common methods to infer human preferences is by pairwise comparisons of robot task trajectories. Traditional comparison-based preference labeling systems seldom support labelers to digest and identify critical differences between complex trajectories recorded in videos. Our formative study (N = 12) suggests that individuals may overlook non-salient task features and establish biased preference criteria during their preference elicitation process because of partial observations. In addition, they may experience mental fatigue when given many pairs to compare, causing their label quality to deteriorate. To mitigate these issues, we propose FARPLS, a Feature-Augmented Robot trajectory Preference Labeling System. FARPLS highlights potential outliers in a wide variety of task features that matter to humans and extracts the corresponding video keyframes for easy review and comparison. It also dynamically adjusts the labeling order according to users' familiarities, difficulties of the trajectory pair, and level of disagreements. At the same time, the system monitors labelers' consistency and provides feedback on labeling progress to keep labelers engaged. A between-subjects study (N = 42, 105 pairs of robot pick-and-place trajectories per person) shows that FARPLS can help users establish preference criteria more easily and notice more relevant details in the presented trajectories than the conventional interface. FARPLS also improves labeling consistency and engagement, mitigating challenges in preference elicitation without raising cognitive loads significantly
Abstract:In this paper we explore few-shot imitation learning for control problems, which involves learning to imitate a target policy by accessing a limited set of offline rollouts. This setting has been relatively under-explored despite its relevance to robotics and control applications. State-of-the-art methods developed to tackle few-shot imitation rely on meta-learning, which is expensive to train as it requires access to a distribution over tasks (rollouts from many target policies and variations of the base environment). Given this limitation we investigate an alternative approach, fine-tuning, a family of methods that pretrain on a single dataset and then fine-tune on unseen domain-specific data. Recent work has shown that fine-tuners outperform meta-learners in few-shot image classification tasks, especially when the data is out-of-domain. Here we evaluate to what extent this is true for control problems, proposing a simple yet effective baseline which relies on two stages: (i) training a base policy online via reinforcement learning (e.g. Soft Actor-Critic) on a single base environment, (ii) fine-tuning the base policy via behavioral cloning on a few offline rollouts of the target policy. Despite its simplicity this baseline is competitive with meta-learning methods on a variety of conditions and is able to imitate target policies trained on unseen variations of the original environment. Importantly, the proposed approach is practical and easy to implement, as it does not need any complex meta-training protocol. As a further contribution, we release an open source dataset called iMuJoCo (iMitation MuJoCo) consisting of 154 variants of popular OpenAI-Gym MuJoCo environments with associated pretrained target policies and rollouts, which can be used by the community to study few-shot imitation learning and offline reinforcement learning.
Abstract:Trust Region Policy Optimization (TRPO) is an iterative method that simultaneously maximizes a surrogate objective and enforces a trust region constraint over consecutive policies in each iteration. The combination of the surrogate objective maximization and the trust region enforcement has been shown to be crucial to guarantee a monotonic policy improvement. However, solving a trust-region-constrained optimization problem can be computationally intensive as it requires many steps of conjugate gradient and a large number of on-policy samples. In this paper, we show that the trust region constraint over policies can be safely substituted by a trust-region-free constraint without compromising the underlying monotonic improvement guarantee. The key idea is to generalize the surrogate objective used in TRPO in a way that a monotonic improvement guarantee still emerges as a result of constraining the maximum advantage-weighted ratio between policies. This new constraint outlines a conservative mechanism for iterative policy optimization and sheds light on practical ways to optimize the generalized surrogate objective. We show that the new constraint can be effectively enforced by being conservative when optimizing the generalized objective function in practice. We call the resulting algorithm Trust-REgion-Free Policy Optimization (TREFree) as it is free of any explicit trust region constraints. Empirical results show that TREFree outperforms TRPO and Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) in terms of policy performance and sample efficiency.
Abstract:Recent success in Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) methods has shown that policy optimization with respect to an off-policy distribution via importance sampling is effective for sample reuse. In this paper, we show that the use of importance sampling could introduce high variance in the objective estimate. Specifically, we show in a principled way that the variance of importance sampling estimate grows quadratically with importance ratios and the large ratios could consequently jeopardize the effectiveness of surrogate objective optimization. We then propose a technique called sample dropout to bound the estimation variance by dropping out samples when their ratio deviation is too high. We instantiate this sample dropout technique on representative policy optimization algorithms, including TRPO, PPO, and ESPO, and demonstrate that it consistently boosts the performance of those DRL algorithms on both continuous and discrete action controls, including MuJoCo, DMControl and Atari video games. Our code is open-sourced at \url{}.
Abstract:Diffusion models have emerged as powerful generative models in the text-to-image domain. This paper studies their application as observation-to-action models for imitating human behaviour in sequential environments. Human behaviour is stochastic and multimodal, with structured correlations between action dimensions. Meanwhile, standard modelling choices in behaviour cloning are limited in their expressiveness and may introduce bias into the cloned policy. We begin by pointing out the limitations of these choices. We then propose that diffusion models are an excellent fit for imitating human behaviour, since they learn an expressive distribution over the joint action space. We introduce several innovations to make diffusion models suitable for sequential environments; designing suitable architectures, investigating the role of guidance, and developing reliable sampling strategies. Experimentally, diffusion models closely match human demonstrations in a simulated robotic control task and a modern 3D gaming environment.