Abstract:Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have recently gained widespread attention as a successful tool for analyzing graph-structured data. However, imperfect graph structure with noisy links lacks enough robustness and may damage graph representations, therefore limiting the GNNs' performance in practical tasks. Moreover, existing generative architectures fail to fit discriminative graph-related tasks. To tackle these issues, we introduce an unsupervised method based on a joint of generative training and discriminative training to learn graph structure and representation, aiming to improve the discriminative performance of generative models. We propose an Energy-based Contrastive Learning (ECL) guided Graph Structure Refinement (GSR) framework, denoted as ECL-GSR. To our knowledge, this is the first work to combine energy-based models with contrastive learning for GSR. Specifically, we leverage ECL to approximate the joint distribution of sample pairs, which increases the similarity between representations of positive pairs while reducing the similarity between negative ones. Refined structure is produced by augmenting and removing edges according to the similarity metrics among node representations. Extensive experiments demonstrate that ECL-GSR outperforms \textit{the state-of-the-art on eight benchmark datasets} in node classification. ECL-GSR achieves \textit{faster training with fewer samples and memories} against the leading baseline, highlighting its simplicity and efficiency in downstream tasks.
Abstract:Humanoid robots offer significant versatility for performing a wide range of tasks, yet their basic ability to walk and run, especially at high velocities, remains a challenge. This letter presents a novel method that combines deep reinforcement learning with kinodynamic priors to achieve stable locomotion control (KSLC). KSLC promotes coordinated arm movements to counteract destabilizing forces, enhancing overall stability. Compared to the baseline method, KSLC provides more accurate tracking of commanded velocities and better generalization in velocity control. In simulation tests, the KSLC-enabled humanoid robot successfully tracked a target velocity of 3.5 m/s with reduced fluctuations. Sim-to-sim validation in a high-fidelity environment further confirmed its robust performance, highlighting its potential for real-world applications.
Abstract:Cross-modality fusing complementary information from different modalities effectively improves object detection performance, making it more useful and robust for a wider range of applications. Existing fusion strategies combine different types of images or merge different backbone features through elaborated neural network modules. However, these methods neglect that modality disparities affect cross-modality fusion performance, as different modalities with different camera focal lengths, placements, and angles are hardly fused. In this paper, we investigate cross-modality fusion by associating cross-modal features in a hidden state space based on an improved Mamba with a gating mechanism. We design a Fusion-Mamba block (FMB) to map cross-modal features into a hidden state space for interaction, thereby reducing disparities between cross-modal features and enhancing the representation consistency of fused features. FMB contains two modules: the State Space Channel Swapping (SSCS) module facilitates shallow feature fusion, and the Dual State Space Fusion (DSSF) enables deep fusion in a hidden state space. Through extensive experiments on public datasets, our proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on $m$AP with 5.9% on $M^3FD$ and 4.9% on FLIR-Aligned datasets, demonstrating superior object detection performance. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to explore the potential of Mamba for cross-modal fusion and establish a new baseline for cross-modality object detection.
Abstract:The challenges inherent to long-horizon tasks in robotics persist due to the typical inefficient exploration and sparse rewards in traditional reinforcement learning approaches. To alleviate these challenges, we introduce a novel algorithm, Variational Autoencoder-based Subgoal Inference (VAESI), to accomplish long-horizon tasks through a divide-and-conquer manner. VAESI consists of three components: a Variational Autoencoder (VAE)-based Subgoal Generator, a Hindsight Sampler, and a Value Selector. The VAE-based Subgoal Generator draws inspiration from the human capacity to infer subgoals and reason about the final goal in the context of these subgoals. It is composed of an explicit encoder model, engineered to generate subgoals, and an implicit decoder model, designed to enhance the quality of the generated subgoals by predicting the final goal. Additionally, the Hindsight Sampler selects valid subgoals from an offline dataset to enhance the feasibility of the generated subgoals. The Value Selector utilizes the value function in reinforcement learning to filter the optimal subgoals from subgoal candidates. To validate our method, we conduct several long-horizon tasks in both simulation and the real world, including one locomotion task and three manipulation tasks. The obtained quantitative and qualitative data indicate that our approach achieves promising performance compared to other baseline methods. These experimental results can be seen in the website \url{https://sites.google.com/view/vaesi/home}.
Abstract:Long-tailed visual recognition has received increasing attention in recent years. Due to the extremely imbalanced data distribution in long-tailed learning, the learning process shows great uncertainties. For example, the predictions of different experts on the same image vary remarkably despite the same training settings. To alleviate the uncertainty, we propose a Nested Collaborative Learning (NCL++) which tackles the long-tailed learning problem by a collaborative learning. To be specific, the collaborative learning consists of two folds, namely inter-expert collaborative learning (InterCL) and intra-expert collaborative learning (IntraCL). In-terCL learns multiple experts collaboratively and concurrently, aiming to transfer the knowledge among different experts. IntraCL is similar to InterCL, but it aims to conduct the collaborative learning on multiple augmented copies of the same image within the single expert. To achieve the collaborative learning in long-tailed learning, the balanced online distillation is proposed to force the consistent predictions among different experts and augmented copies, which reduces the learning uncertainties. Moreover, in order to improve the meticulous distinguishing ability on the confusing categories, we further propose a Hard Category Mining (HCM), which selects the negative categories with high predicted scores as the hard categories. Then, the collaborative learning is formulated in a nested way, in which the learning is conducted on not just all categories from a full perspective but some hard categories from a partial perspective. Extensive experiments manifest the superiority of our method with outperforming the state-of-the-art whether with using a single model or an ensemble. The code will be publicly released.
Abstract:Neural architecture search (NAS) proves to be among the effective approaches for many tasks by generating an application-adaptive neural architecture, which is still challenged by high computational cost and memory consumption. At the same time, 1-bit convolutional neural networks (CNNs) with binary weights and activations show their potential for resource-limited embedded devices. One natural approach is to use 1-bit CNNs to reduce the computation and memory cost of NAS by taking advantage of the strengths of each in a unified framework, while searching the 1-bit CNNs is more challenging due to the more complicated processes involved. In this paper, we introduce Discrepant Child-Parent Neural Architecture Search (DCP-NAS) to efficiently search 1-bit CNNs, based on a new framework of searching the 1-bit model (Child) under the supervision of a real-valued model (Parent). Particularly, we first utilize a Parent model to calculate a tangent direction, based on which the tangent propagation method is introduced to search the optimized 1-bit Child. We further observe a coupling relationship between the weights and architecture parameters existing in such differentiable frameworks. To address the issue, we propose a decoupled optimization method to search an optimized architecture. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our DCP-NAS achieves much better results than prior arts on both CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets. In particular, the backbones achieved by our DCP-NAS achieve strong generalization performance on person re-identification and object detection.
Abstract:The availability of handy multi-modal (i.e., RGB-D) sensors has brought about a surge of face anti-spoofing research. However, the current multi-modal face presentation attack detection (PAD) has two defects: (1) The framework based on multi-modal fusion requires providing modalities consistent with the training input, which seriously limits the deployment scenario. (2) The performance of ConvNet-based model on high fidelity datasets is increasingly limited. In this work, we present a pure transformer-based framework, dubbed the Flexible Modal Vision Transformer (FM-ViT), for face anti-spoofing to flexibly target any single-modal (i.e., RGB) attack scenarios with the help of available multi-modal data. Specifically, FM-ViT retains a specific branch for each modality to capture different modal information and introduces the Cross-Modal Transformer Block (CMTB), which consists of two cascaded attentions named Multi-headed Mutual-Attention (MMA) and Fusion-Attention (MFA) to guide each modal branch to mine potential features from informative patch tokens, and to learn modality-agnostic liveness features by enriching the modal information of own CLS token, respectively. Experiments demonstrate that the single model trained based on FM-ViT can not only flexibly evaluate different modal samples, but also outperforms existing single-modal frameworks by a large margin, and approaches the multi-modal frameworks introduced with smaller FLOPs and model parameters.
Abstract:The recent detection transformer (DETR) has advanced object detection, but its application on resource-constrained devices requires massive computation and memory resources. Quantization stands out as a solution by representing the network in low-bit parameters and operations. However, there is a significant performance drop when performing low-bit quantized DETR (Q-DETR) with existing quantization methods. We find that the bottlenecks of Q-DETR come from the query information distortion through our empirical analyses. This paper addresses this problem based on a distribution rectification distillation (DRD). We formulate our DRD as a bi-level optimization problem, which can be derived by generalizing the information bottleneck (IB) principle to the learning of Q-DETR. At the inner level, we conduct a distribution alignment for the queries to maximize the self-information entropy. At the upper level, we introduce a new foreground-aware query matching scheme to effectively transfer the teacher information to distillation-desired features to minimize the conditional information entropy. Extensive experimental results show that our method performs much better than prior arts. For example, the 4-bit Q-DETR can theoretically accelerate DETR with ResNet-50 backbone by 6.6x and achieve 39.4% AP, with only 2.6% performance gaps than its real-valued counterpart on the COCO dataset.
Abstract:Facial Expression Recognition (FER) in the wild is an extremely challenging task. Recently, some Vision Transformers (ViT) have been explored for FER, but most of them perform inferiorly compared to Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). This is mainly because the new proposed modules are difficult to converge well from scratch due to lacking inductive bias and easy to focus on the occlusion and noisy areas. TransFER, a representative transformer-based method for FER, alleviates this with multi-branch attention dropping but brings excessive computations. On the contrary, we present two attentive pooling (AP) modules to pool noisy features directly. The AP modules include Attentive Patch Pooling (APP) and Attentive Token Pooling (ATP). They aim to guide the model to emphasize the most discriminative features while reducing the impacts of less relevant features. The proposed APP is employed to select the most informative patches on CNN features, and ATP discards unimportant tokens in ViT. Being simple to implement and without learnable parameters, the APP and ATP intuitively reduce the computational cost while boosting the performance by ONLY pursuing the most discriminative features. Qualitative results demonstrate the motivations and effectiveness of our attentive poolings. Besides, quantitative results on six in-the-wild datasets outperform other state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:The large pre-trained vision transformers (ViTs) have demonstrated remarkable performance on various visual tasks, but suffer from expensive computational and memory cost problems when deployed on resource-constrained devices. Among the powerful compression approaches, quantization extremely reduces the computation and memory consumption by low-bit parameters and bit-wise operations. However, low-bit ViTs remain largely unexplored and usually suffer from a significant performance drop compared with the real-valued counterparts. In this work, through extensive empirical analysis, we first identify the bottleneck for severe performance drop comes from the information distortion of the low-bit quantized self-attention map. We then develop an information rectification module (IRM) and a distribution guided distillation (DGD) scheme for fully quantized vision transformers (Q-ViT) to effectively eliminate such distortion, leading to a fully quantized ViTs. We evaluate our methods on popular DeiT and Swin backbones. Extensive experimental results show that our method achieves a much better performance than the prior arts. For example, our Q-ViT can theoretically accelerates the ViT-S by 6.14x and achieves about 80.9% Top-1 accuracy, even surpassing the full-precision counterpart by 1.0% on ImageNet dataset. Our codes and models are attached on https://github.com/YanjingLi0202/Q-ViT