Abstract:Diffusion-based models have shown great promise in real-world image super-resolution (Real-ISR), but often generate content with structural errors and spurious texture details due to the empirical priors and illusions of these models. To address this issue, we introduce StructSR, a simple, effective, and plug-and-play method that enhances structural fidelity and suppresses spurious details for diffusion-based Real-ISR. StructSR operates without the need for additional fine-tuning, external model priors, or high-level semantic knowledge. At its core is the Structure-Aware Screening (SAS) mechanism, which identifies the image with the highest structural similarity to the low-resolution (LR) input in the early inference stage, allowing us to leverage it as a historical structure knowledge to suppress the generation of spurious details. By intervening in the diffusion inference process, StructSR seamlessly integrates with existing diffusion-based Real-ISR models. Our experimental results demonstrate that StructSR significantly improves the fidelity of structure and texture, improving the PSNR and SSIM metrics by an average of 5.27% and 9.36% on a synthetic dataset (DIV2K-Val) and 4.13% and 8.64% on two real-world datasets (RealSR and DRealSR) when integrated with four state-of-the-art diffusion-based Real-ISR methods.
Abstract:Simultaneous Multi-Slice(SMS) is a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique which excites several slices concurrently using multiband radiofrequency pulses to reduce scanning time. However, due to its variable data structure and difficulty in acquisition, it is challenging to integrate SMS data as training data into deep learning frameworks.This study proposed a novel k-space diffusion model of SMS reconstruction that does not utilize SMS data for training. Instead, it incorporates Slice GRAPPA during the sampling process to reconstruct SMS data from different acquisition modes.Our results demonstrated that this method outperforms traditional SMS reconstruction methods and can achieve higher acceleration factors without in-plane aliasing.
Abstract:The limited availability of labeled data has driven advancements in semi-supervised learning for medical image segmentation. Modern large-scale models tailored for general segmentation, such as the Segment Anything Model (SAM), have revealed robust generalization capabilities. However, applying these models directly to medical image segmentation still exposes performance degradation. In this paper, we propose a learnable prompting SAM-induced Knowledge distillation framework (KnowSAM) for semi-supervised medical image segmentation. Firstly, we propose a Multi-view Co-training (MC) strategy that employs two distinct sub-networks to employ a co-teaching paradigm, resulting in more robust outcomes. Secondly, we present a Learnable Prompt Strategy (LPS) to dynamically produce dense prompts and integrate an adapter to fine-tune SAM specifically for medical image segmentation tasks. Moreover, we propose SAM-induced Knowledge Distillation (SKD) to transfer useful knowledge from SAM to two sub-networks, enabling them to learn from SAM's predictions and alleviate the effects of incorrect pseudo-labels during training. Notably, the predictions generated by our subnets are used to produce mask prompts for SAM, facilitating effective inter-module information exchange. Extensive experimental results on various medical segmentation tasks demonstrate that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art semi-supervised segmentation approaches. Crucially, our SAM distillation framework can be seamlessly integrated into other semi-supervised segmentation methods to enhance performance. The code will be released upon acceptance of this manuscript at: https://github.com/taozh2017/KnowSAM
Abstract:To shorten the door-to-puncture time for better treating patients with acute ischemic stroke, it is highly desired to obtain quantitative cerebral perfusion images using C-arm cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) equipped in the interventional suite. However, limited by the slow gantry rotation speed, the temporal resolution and temporal sampling density of typical C-arm CBCT are much poorer than those of multi-detector-row CT in the diagnostic imaging suite. The current quantitative perfusion imaging includes two cascaded steps: time-resolved image reconstruction and perfusion parametric estimation. For time-resolved image reconstruction, the technical challenge imposed by poor temporal resolution and poor sampling density causes inaccurate quantification of the temporal variation of cerebral artery and tissue attenuation values. For perfusion parametric estimation, it remains a technical challenge to appropriately design the handcrafted regularization for better solving the associated deconvolution problem. These two challenges together prevent obtaining quantitatively accurate perfusion images using C-arm CBCT. The purpose of this work is to simultaneously address these two challenges by combining the two cascaded steps into a single joint optimization problem and reconstructing quantitative perfusion images directly from the measured sinogram data. In the developed direct cerebral perfusion parametric image reconstruction technique, TRAINER in short, the quantitative perfusion images have been represented as a subject-specific conditional generative model trained under the constraint of the time-resolved CT forward model, perfusion convolutional model, and the subject's own measured sinogram data. Results shown in this paper demonstrated that using TRAINER, quantitative cerebral perfusion images can be accurately obtained using C-arm CBCT in the interventional suite.
Abstract:Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a multi-contrast imaging technique in which different contrast images share similar structural information. However, conventional diffusion models struggle to effectively leverage this structural similarity. Recently, the Schr\"odinger Bridge (SB), a nonlinear extension of the diffusion model, has been proposed to establish diffusion paths between any distributions, allowing the incorporation of guided priors. This study proposes an SB-based, multi-contrast image-guided reconstruction framework that establishes a diffusion bridge between the guiding and target image distributions. By using the guiding image along with data consistency during sampling, the target image is reconstructed more accurately. To better address structural differences between images, we introduce an inversion strategy from the field of image editing, termed $\mathbf{I}^2$SB-inversion. Experiments on a paried T1 and T2-FLAIR datasets demonstrate that $\mathbf{I}^2$SB-inversion achieve a high acceleration up to 14.4 and outperforms existing methods in terms of both reconstruction accuracy and stability.
Abstract:Diffusion models have recently demonstrated considerable advancement in the generation and reconstruction of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data. These models exhibit great potential in handling unsampled data and reducing noise, highlighting their promise as generative models. However, their application in dynamic MRI remains relatively underexplored. This is primarily due to the substantial amount of fully-sampled data typically required for training, which is difficult to obtain in dynamic MRI due to its spatio-temporal complexity and high acquisition costs. To address this challenge, we propose a dynamic MRI reconstruction method based on a time-interleaved acquisition scheme, termed the Glob-al-to-local Diffusion Model. Specifically, fully encoded full-resolution reference data are constructed by merging under-sampled k-space data from adjacent time frames, generating two distinct bulk training datasets for global and local models. The global-to-local diffusion framework alternately optimizes global information and local image details, enabling zero-shot reconstruction. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method performs well in terms of noise reduction and detail preservation, achieving reconstruction quality comparable to that of supervised approaches.
Abstract:Diffusion model-based approaches recently achieved re-markable success in MRI reconstruction, but integration into clinical routine remains challenging due to its time-consuming convergence. This phenomenon is partic-ularly notable when directly apply conventional diffusion process to k-space data without considering the inherent properties of k-space sampling, limiting k-space learning efficiency and image reconstruction quality. To tackle these challenges, we introduce subspace diffusion model with orthogonal decomposition, a method (referred to as Sub-DM) that restrict the diffusion process via projections onto subspace as the k-space data distribution evolves toward noise. Particularly, the subspace diffusion model circumvents the inference challenges posed by the com-plex and high-dimensional characteristics of k-space data, so the highly compact subspace ensures that diffusion process requires only a few simple iterations to produce accurate prior information. Furthermore, the orthogonal decomposition strategy based on wavelet transform hin-ders the information loss during the migration of the vanilla diffusion process to the subspace. Considering the strate-gy is approximately reversible, such that the entire pro-cess can be reversed. As a result, it allows the diffusion processes in different spaces to refine models through a mutual feedback mechanism, enabling the learning of ac-curate prior even when dealing with complex k-space data. Comprehensive experiments on different datasets clearly demonstrate that the superiority of Sub-DM against state of-the-art methods in terms of reconstruction speed and quality.
Abstract:Meta learning is a promising paradigm in the era of large models and task distributional robustness has become an indispensable consideration in real-world scenarios. Recent advances have examined the effectiveness of tail task risk minimization in fast adaptation robustness improvement \citep{wang2023simple}. This work contributes to more theoretical investigations and practical enhancements in the field. Specifically, we reduce the distributionally robust strategy to a max-min optimization problem, constitute the Stackelberg equilibrium as the solution concept, and estimate the convergence rate. In the presence of tail risk, we further derive the generalization bound, establish connections with estimated quantiles, and practically improve the studied strategy. Accordingly, extensive evaluations demonstrate the significance of our proposal and its scalability to multimodal large models in boosting robustness.
Abstract:Vision-Language Models (VLMs) have recently made significant progress, but the limited scale and quality of open-source instruction data hinder their performance compared to closed-source models. In this work, we address this limitation by introducing Infinity-MM, a large-scale multimodal instruction dataset with 40 million samples, enhanced through rigorous quality filtering and deduplication. We also propose a synthetic instruction generation method based on open-source VLMs, using detailed image annotations and diverse question generation. Using this data, we trained a 2-billion-parameter VLM, Aquila-VL-2B, achieving state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance for models of similar scale. This demonstrates that expanding instruction data and generating synthetic data can significantly improve the performance of open-source models.
Abstract:Cardiac T1 mapping can evaluate various clinical symptoms of myocardial tissue. However, there is currently a lack of effective, robust, and efficient methods for motion correction in cardiac T1 mapping. In this paper, we propose a deep learning-based and topology-preserving image registration framework for motion correction in cardiac T1 mapping. Notably, our proposed implicit consistency constraint dubbed BLOC, to some extent preserves the image topology in registration by bidirectional consistency constraint and local anti-folding constraint. To address the contrast variation issue, we introduce a weighted image similarity metric for multimodal registration of cardiac T1-weighted images. Besides, a semi-supervised myocardium segmentation network and a dual-domain attention module are integrated into the framework to further improve the performance of the registration. Numerous comparative experiments, as well as ablation studies, demonstrated the effectiveness and high robustness of our method. The results also indicate that the proposed weighted image similarity metric, specifically crafted for our network, contributes a lot to the enhancement of the motion correction efficacy, while the bidirectional consistency constraint combined with the local anti-folding constraint ensures a more desirable topology-preserving registration mapping.