Abstract:Simultaneous Multi-Slice(SMS) is a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique which excites several slices concurrently using multiband radiofrequency pulses to reduce scanning time. However, due to its variable data structure and difficulty in acquisition, it is challenging to integrate SMS data as training data into deep learning frameworks.This study proposed a novel k-space diffusion model of SMS reconstruction that does not utilize SMS data for training. Instead, it incorporates Slice GRAPPA during the sampling process to reconstruct SMS data from different acquisition modes.Our results demonstrated that this method outperforms traditional SMS reconstruction methods and can achieve higher acceleration factors without in-plane aliasing.
Abstract:Diffusion model has been successfully applied to MRI reconstruction, including single and multi-coil acquisition of MRI data. Simultaneous multi-slice imaging (SMS), as a method for accelerating MR acquisition, can significantly reduce scanning time, but further optimization of reconstruction results is still possible. In order to optimize the reconstruction of SMS, we proposed a method to use diffusion model based on slice-GRAPPA and SPIRiT method. approach: Specifically, our method characterizes the prior distribution of SMS data by score matching and characterizes the k-space redundant prior between coils and slices based on self-consistency. With the utilization of diffusion model, we achieved better reconstruction results.The application of diffusion model can further reduce the scanning time of MRI without compromising image quality, making it more advantageous for clinical application
Abstract:PET suffers from a low signal-to-noise ratio. Meanwhile, the k-space data acquisition process in MRI is time-consuming by PET-MRI systems. We aim to accelerate MRI and improve PET image quality. This paper proposed a novel joint reconstruction model by diffusion stochastic differential equations based on learning the joint probability distribution of PET and MRI. Compare the results underscore the qualitative and quantitative improvements our model brings to PET and MRI reconstruction, surpassing the current state-of-the-art methodologies. Joint PET-MRI reconstruction is a challenge in the PET-MRI system. This studies focused on the relationship extends beyond edges. In this study, PET is generated from MRI by learning joint probability distribution as the relationship.
Abstract:Most existing MRI reconstruction methods perform tar-geted reconstruction of the entire MR image without tak-ing specific tissue regions into consideration. This may fail to emphasize the reconstruction accuracy on im-portant tissues for diagnosis. In this study, leveraging a combination of the properties of k-space data and the diffusion process, our novel scheme focuses on mining the multi-frequency prior with different strategies to pre-serve fine texture details in the reconstructed image. In addition, a diffusion process can converge more quickly if its target distribution closely resembles the noise distri-bution in the process. This can be accomplished through various high-frequency prior extractors. The finding further solidifies the effectiveness of the score-based gen-erative model. On top of all the advantages, our method improves the accuracy of MRI reconstruction and accel-erates sampling process. Experimental results verify that the proposed method successfully obtains more accurate reconstruction and outperforms state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:MRI and PET are crucial diagnostic tools for brain diseases, as they provide complementary information on brain structure and function. However, PET scanning is costly and involves radioactive exposure, resulting in a lack of PET. Moreover, simultaneous PET and MRI at ultra-high-field are currently hardly infeasible. Ultra-high-field imaging has unquestionably proven valuable in both clinical and academic settings, especially in the field of cognitive neuroimaging. These motivate us to propose a method for synthetic PET from high-filed MRI and ultra-high-field MRI. From a statistical perspective, the joint probability distribution (JPD) is the most direct and fundamental means of portraying the correlation between PET and MRI. This paper proposes a novel joint diffusion attention model which has the joint probability distribution and attention strategy, named JDAM. JDAM has a diffusion process and a sampling process. The diffusion process involves the gradual diffusion of PET to Gaussian noise by adding Gaussian noise, while MRI remains fixed. JPD of MRI and noise-added PET was learned in the diffusion process. The sampling process is a predictor-corrector. PET images were generated from MRI by JPD of MRI and noise-added PET. The predictor is a reverse diffusion process and the corrector is Langevin dynamics. Experimental results on the public Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) dataset demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art CycleGAN for high-field MRI (3T MRI). Finally, synthetic PET images from the ultra-high-field (5T MRI and 7T MRI) be attempted, providing a possibility for ultra-high-field PET-MRI imaging.
Abstract:Many convolutional neural network (CNN) models have achieved great success in many fields. The networks get deeper and deeper. However, is each layer non-trivial in networks? To answer these questions, we propose to replace the convolution kernels with zeros. We compare these results with baseline and show that we can reach similar or even same performances. Although convolution kernels are the cores of networks,we demonstrate that some are trivial and that these layers are regular.
Abstract:The deep learning methods have achieved attractive results in dynamic MR imaging. However, all of these methods only utilize the sparse prior of MR images, while the important low-rank (LR) prior of dynamic MR images is not explored, which limits further improvements of dynamic MR reconstruction. In this paper, a learned singular value thresholding (Learned-SVT) operation is proposed to explore deep low-rank prior in dynamic MR imaging to obtain improved reconstruction results. In particular, we propose two novel and distinct schemes to introduce the learnable low-rank prior into deep network architectures in an unrolling manner and a plug-and-play manner respectively. In the unrolling manner, we propose a model-based unrolling sparse and low-rank network for dynamic MR imaging, dubbed SLR-Net. The SLR-Net is defined over a deep network flow graphs, which is unrolled from the iterative procedures in Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm (ISTA) for optimizing a sparse and low-rank based dynamic MRI model. In the plug-and-play manner, we propose a plug-and-play LR network module that can be easily embedded into any other dynamic MR neural networks without changing the network paradigm. To the best of our knowlegde, this is the first time that a deep low-rank prior has been applied in dynamic MR imaging. Experimental results show that both of the two schemes can further improve the reconstruction results, no matter qualitatively and quantitatively.