Abstract:Recent advances in diffusion models have demonstrated exceptional performance in generative tasks across vari-ous fields. In positron emission tomography (PET), the reduction in tracer dose leads to information loss in sino-grams. Using diffusion models to reconstruct missing in-formation can improve imaging quality. Traditional diffu-sion models effectively use Gaussian noise for image re-constructions. However, in low-dose PET reconstruction, Gaussian noise can worsen the already sparse data by introducing artifacts and inconsistencies. To address this issue, we propose a diffusion model named residual esti-mation diffusion (RED). From the perspective of diffusion mechanism, RED uses the residual between sinograms to replace Gaussian noise in diffusion process, respectively sets the low-dose and full-dose sinograms as the starting point and endpoint of reconstruction. This mechanism helps preserve the original information in the low-dose sinogram, thereby enhancing reconstruction reliability. From the perspective of data consistency, RED introduces a drift correction strategy to reduce accumulated prediction errors during the reverse process. Calibrating the inter-mediate results of reverse iterations helps maintain the data consistency and enhances the stability of reconstruc-tion process. Experimental results show that RED effec-tively improves the quality of low-dose sinograms as well as the reconstruction results. The code is available at: https://github.com/yqx7150/RED.
Abstract:Diffusion models have recently demonstrated considerable advancement in the generation and reconstruction of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data. These models exhibit great potential in handling unsampled data and reducing noise, highlighting their promise as generative models. However, their application in dynamic MRI remains relatively underexplored. This is primarily due to the substantial amount of fully-sampled data typically required for training, which is difficult to obtain in dynamic MRI due to its spatio-temporal complexity and high acquisition costs. To address this challenge, we propose a dynamic MRI reconstruction method based on a time-interleaved acquisition scheme, termed the Glob-al-to-local Diffusion Model. Specifically, fully encoded full-resolution reference data are constructed by merging under-sampled k-space data from adjacent time frames, generating two distinct bulk training datasets for global and local models. The global-to-local diffusion framework alternately optimizes global information and local image details, enabling zero-shot reconstruction. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method performs well in terms of noise reduction and detail preservation, achieving reconstruction quality comparable to that of supervised approaches.
Abstract:Diffusion model-based approaches recently achieved re-markable success in MRI reconstruction, but integration into clinical routine remains challenging due to its time-consuming convergence. This phenomenon is partic-ularly notable when directly apply conventional diffusion process to k-space data without considering the inherent properties of k-space sampling, limiting k-space learning efficiency and image reconstruction quality. To tackle these challenges, we introduce subspace diffusion model with orthogonal decomposition, a method (referred to as Sub-DM) that restrict the diffusion process via projections onto subspace as the k-space data distribution evolves toward noise. Particularly, the subspace diffusion model circumvents the inference challenges posed by the com-plex and high-dimensional characteristics of k-space data, so the highly compact subspace ensures that diffusion process requires only a few simple iterations to produce accurate prior information. Furthermore, the orthogonal decomposition strategy based on wavelet transform hin-ders the information loss during the migration of the vanilla diffusion process to the subspace. Considering the strate-gy is approximately reversible, such that the entire pro-cess can be reversed. As a result, it allows the diffusion processes in different spaces to refine models through a mutual feedback mechanism, enabling the learning of ac-curate prior even when dealing with complex k-space data. Comprehensive experiments on different datasets clearly demonstrate that the superiority of Sub-DM against state of-the-art methods in terms of reconstruction speed and quality.
Abstract:PET imaging is widely employed for observing biological metabolic activities within the human body. However, numerous benign conditions can cause increased uptake of radiopharmaceuticals, confounding differentiation from malignant tumors. Several studies have indicated that dual-time PET imaging holds promise in distinguishing between malignant and benign tumor processes. Nevertheless, the hour-long distribution period of radiopharmaceuticals post-injection complicates the determination of optimal timing for the second scan, presenting challenges in both practical applications and research. Notably, we have identified that delay time PET imaging can be framed as an image-to-image conversion problem. Motivated by this insight, we propose a novel spatial-temporal guided diffusion transformer probabilistic model (st-DTPM) to solve dual-time PET imaging prediction problem. Specifically, this architecture leverages the U-net framework that integrates patch-wise features of CNN and pixel-wise relevance of Transformer to obtain local and global information. And then employs a conditional DDPM model for image synthesis. Furthermore, on spatial condition, we concatenate early scan PET images and noisy PET images on every denoising step to guide the spatial distribution of denoising sampling. On temporal condition, we convert diffusion time steps and delay time to a universal time vector, then embed it to each layer of model architecture to further improve the accuracy of predictions. Experimental results demonstrated the superiority of our method over alternative approaches in preserving image quality and structural information, thereby affirming its efficacy in predictive task.
Abstract:Dynamic positron emission tomography (PET) images can reveal the distribution of tracers in the organism and the dynamic processes involved in biochemical reactions, and it is widely used in clinical practice. Despite the high effectiveness of dynamic PET imaging in studying the kinetics and metabolic processes of radiotracers. Pro-longed scan times can cause discomfort for both patients and medical personnel. This study proposes a dynamic frame prediction method for dynamic PET imaging, reduc-ing dynamic PET scanning time by applying a multi-module deep learning framework composed of reversible and irreversible modules. The network can predict kinetic parameter images based on the early frames of dynamic PET images, and then generate complete dynamic PET images. In validation experiments with simulated data, our network demonstrated good predictive performance for kinetic parameters and was able to reconstruct high-quality dynamic PET images. Additionally, in clinical data experiments, the network exhibited good generalization performance and attached that the proposed method has promising clinical application prospects.
Abstract:Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has become essential in clinical diagnosis due to its high resolution and multiple contrast mechanisms. However, the relatively long acquisition time limits its broader application. To address this issue, this study presents an innovative conditional guided diffusion model, named as TC-KANRecon, which incorporates the Multi-Free U-KAN (MF-UKAN) module and a dynamic clipping strategy. TC-KANRecon model aims to accelerate the MRI reconstruction process through deep learning methods while maintaining the quality of the reconstructed images. The MF-UKAN module can effectively balance the tradeoff between image denoising and structure preservation. Specifically, it presents the multi-head attention mechanisms and scalar modulation factors, which significantly enhances the model's robustness and structure preservation capabilities in complex noise environments. Moreover, the dynamic clipping strategy in TC-KANRecon adjusts the cropping interval according to the sampling steps, thereby mitigating image detail loss typically caused by traditional cropping methods and enriching the visual features of the images. Furthermore, the MC-Model module incorporates full-sampling k-space information, realizing efficient fusion of conditional information, enhancing the model's ability to process complex data, and improving the realism and detail richness of reconstructed images. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms other MRI reconstruction methods in both qualitative and quantitative evaluations. Notably, TC-KANRecon method exhibits excellent reconstruction results when processing high-noise, low-sampling-rate MRI data. Our source code is available at https://github.com/lcbkmm/TC-KANRecon.
Abstract:Positron emission tomography (PET) is an advanced medical imaging technique that plays a crucial role in non-invasive clinical diagnosis. However, while reducing radiation exposure through low-dose PET scans is beneficial for patient safety, it often results in insufficient statistical data. This scarcity of data poses significant challenges for accurately reconstructing high-quality images, which are essential for reliable diagnostic outcomes. In this research, we propose a diffusion transformer model (DTM) guided by joint compact prior (JCP) to enhance the reconstruction quality of low-dose PET imaging. In light of current research findings, we present a pioneering PET reconstruction model that integrates diffusion and transformer models for joint optimization. This model combines the powerful distribution mapping abilities of diffusion models with the capacity of transformers to capture long-range dependencies, offering significant advantages for low-dose PET reconstruction. Additionally, the incorporation of the lesion refining block and penalized weighted least squares (PWLS) enhance the recovery capability of lesion regions and preserves detail information, solving blurring problems in lesion areas and texture details of most deep learning frameworks. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of DTM in enhancing image quality and preserving critical clinical information for low-dose PET scans. Our approach not only reduces radiation exposure risks but also provides a more reliable PET imaging tool for early disease detection and patient management.
Abstract:Low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) plays a vital role in clinical applications by mitigating radiation risks. Nevertheless, reducing radiation doses significantly degrades image quality. Concurrently, common deep learning methods demand extensive data, posing concerns about privacy, cost, and time constraints. Consequently, we propose a few-shot low-dose CT reconstruction method using Partitioned Hankel-based Diffusion (PHD) models. During the prior learning stage, the projection data is first transformed into multiple partitioned Hankel matrices. Structured tensors are then extracted from these matrices to facilitate prior learning through multiple diffusion models. In the iterative reconstruction stage, an iterative stochastic differential equation solver is employed along with data consistency constraints to update the acquired projection data. Furthermore, penalized weighted least-squares and total variation techniques are introduced to enhance the resulting image quality. The results approximate those of normal-dose counterparts, validating PHD model as an effective and practical model for reducing artifacts and noise while preserving image quality.
Abstract:Computed Tomography (CT) technology reduces radiation haz-ards to the human body through sparse sampling, but fewer sampling angles pose challenges for image reconstruction. Score-based generative models are widely used in sparse-view CT re-construction, performance diminishes significantly with a sharp reduction in projection angles. Therefore, we propose an ultra-sparse view CT reconstruction method utilizing multi-scale dif-fusion models (MSDiff), designed to concentrate on the global distribution of information and facilitate the reconstruction of sparse views with local image characteristics. Specifically, the proposed model ingeniously integrates information from both comprehensive sampling and selectively sparse sampling tech-niques. Through precise adjustments in diffusion model, it is capable of extracting diverse noise distribution, furthering the understanding of the overall structure of images, and aiding the fully sampled model in recovering image information more effec-tively. By leveraging the inherent correlations within the projec-tion data, we have designed an equidistant mask, enabling the model to focus its attention more effectively. Experimental re-sults demonstrated that the multi-scale model approach signifi-cantly improved the quality of image reconstruction under ultra-sparse angles, with good generalization across various datasets.
Abstract:Detail features of magnetic resonance images play a cru-cial role in accurate medical diagnosis and treatment, as they capture subtle changes that pose challenges for doc-tors when performing precise judgments. However, the widely utilized naive diffusion model has limitations, as it fails to accurately capture more intricate details. To en-hance the quality of MRI reconstruction, we propose a comprehensive detail-preserving reconstruction method using multiple diffusion models to extract structure and detail features in k-space domain instead of image do-main. Moreover, virtual binary modal masks are utilized to refine the range of values in k-space data through highly adaptive center windows, which allows the model to focus its attention more efficiently. Last but not least, an inverted pyramid structure is employed, where the top-down image information gradually decreases, ena-bling a cascade representation. The framework effective-ly represents multi-scale sampled data, taking into ac-count the sparsity of the inverted pyramid architecture, and utilizes cascade training data distribution to repre-sent multi-scale data. Through a step-by-step refinement approach, the method refines the approximation of de-tails. Finally, the proposed method was evaluated by con-ducting experiments on clinical and public datasets. The results demonstrate that the proposed method outper-forms other methods.