Abstract:Irregularly sampled multivariate time series (ISMTS) are prevalent in reality. Due to their non-uniform intervals between successive observations and varying sampling rates among series, the channel-independent (CI) strategy, which has been demonstrated more desirable for complete multivariate time series forecasting in recent studies, has failed. This failure can be further attributed to the sampling sparsity, which provides insufficient information for effective CI learning, thereby reducing its capacity. When we resort to the channel-dependent (CD) strategy, even higher capacity cannot mitigate the potential loss of diversity in learning similar embedding patterns across different channels. We find that existing work considers CI and CD strategies to be mutually exclusive, primarily because they apply these strategies to the global channel. However, we hold the view that channel strategies do not necessarily have to be used globally. Instead, by appropriately applying them locally and globally, we can create an opportunity to take full advantage of both strategies. This leads us to introduce the Channel Harmony ISMTS Transformer (TimeCHEAT), which utilizes the CD locally and the CI globally. Specifically, we segment the ISMTS into sub-series level patches. Locally, the CD strategy aggregates information within each patch for time embedding learning, maximizing the use of relevant observations while reducing long-range irrelevant interference. Here, we enhance generality by transforming embedding learning into an edge weight prediction task using bipartite graphs, eliminating the need for special prior knowledge. Globally, the CI strategy is applied across patches, allowing the Transformer to learn individualized attention patterns for each channel. Experimental results indicate our proposed TimeCHEAT demonstrates competitive SOTA performance across three mainstream tasks.
Abstract:Domain generalization addresses domain shift in real-world applications. Most approaches adopt a domain angle, seeking invariant representation across domains by aligning their marginal distributions, irrespective of individual classes, naturally leading to insufficient exploration of discriminative information. Switching to a class angle, we find that multiple domain-related peaks or clusters within the same individual classes must emerge due to distribution shift. In other words, marginal alignment does not guarantee conditional alignment, leading to suboptimal generalization. Therefore, we argue that acquiring discriminative generalization between classes within domains is crucial. In contrast to seeking distribution alignment, we endeavor to safeguard domain-related between-class discrimination. To this end, we devise a novel Conjugate Consistent Enhanced Module, namely Con2EM, based on a distribution over domains, i.e., a meta-distribution. Specifically, we employ a novel distribution-level Universum strategy to generate supplementary diverse domain-related class-conditional distributions, thereby enhancing generalization. This allows us to resample from these generated distributions to provide feedback to the primordial instance-level classifier, further improving its adaptability to the target-agnostic. To ensure generation accuracy, we establish an additional distribution-level classifier to regularize these conditional distributions. Extensive experiments have been conducted to demonstrate its effectiveness and low computational cost compared to SOTAs.
Abstract:Irregularly sampled multivariate time series (ISMTS) are prevalent in reality. Most existing methods treat ISMTS as synchronized regularly sampled time series with missing values, neglecting that the irregularities are primarily attributed to variations in sampling rates. In this paper, we introduce a novel perspective that irregularity is essentially relative in some senses. With sampling rates artificially determined from low to high, an irregularly sampled time series can be transformed into a hierarchical set of relatively regular time series from coarse to fine. We observe that additional coarse-grained relatively regular series not only mitigate the irregularly sampled challenges to some extent but also incorporate broad-view temporal information, thereby serving as a valuable asset for representation learning. Therefore, following the philosophy of learning that Seeing the big picture first, then delving into the details, we present the Multi-Scale and Multi-Correlation Attention Network (MuSiCNet) combining multiple scales to iteratively refine the ISMTS representation. Specifically, within each scale, we explore time attention and frequency correlation matrices to aggregate intra- and inter-series information, naturally enhancing the representation quality with richer and more intrinsic details. While across adjacent scales, we employ a representation rectification method containing contrastive learning and reconstruction results adjustment to further improve representation consistency. MuSiCNet is an ISMTS analysis framework that competitive with SOTA in three mainstream tasks consistently, including classification, interpolation, and forecasting.
Abstract:Online continual learning requires the models to learn from constant, endless streams of data. While significant efforts have been made in this field, most were focused on mitigating the catastrophic forgetting issue to achieve better classification ability, at the cost of a much heavier training workload. They overlooked that in real-world scenarios, e.g., in high-speed data stream environments, data do not pause to accommodate slow models. In this paper, we emphasize that model throughput -- defined as the maximum number of training samples that a model can process within a unit of time -- is equally important. It directly limits how much data a model can utilize and presents a challenging dilemma for current methods. With this understanding, we revisit key challenges in OCL from both empirical and theoretical perspectives, highlighting two critical issues beyond the well-documented catastrophic forgetting: Model's ignorance: the single-pass nature of OCL challenges models to learn effective features within constrained training time and storage capacity, leading to a trade-off between effective learning and model throughput; Model's myopia: the local learning nature of OCL on the current task leads the model to adopt overly simplified, task-specific features and excessively sparse classifier, resulting in the gap between the optimal solution for the current task and the global objective. To tackle these issues, we propose the Non-sparse Classifier Evolution framework (NsCE) to facilitate effective global discriminative feature learning with minimal time cost. NsCE integrates non-sparse maximum separation regularization and targeted experience replay techniques with the help of pre-trained models, enabling rapid acquisition of new globally discriminative features.
Abstract:Neural Collapse (NC) presents an elegant geometric structure that enables individual activations (features), class means and classifier (weights) vectors to reach \textit{optimal} inter-class separability during the terminal phase of training on a \textit{balanced} dataset. Once shifted to imbalanced classification, such an optimal structure of NC can be readily destroyed by the notorious \textit{minority collapse}, where the classifier vectors corresponding to the minority classes are squeezed. In response, existing works endeavor to recover NC typically by optimizing classifiers. However, we discover that this squeezing phenomenon is not only confined to classifier vectors but also occurs with class means. Consequently, reconstructing NC solely at the classifier aspect may be futile, as the feature means remain compressed, leading to the violation of inherent \textit{self-duality} in NC (\textit{i.e.}, class means and classifier vectors converge mutually) and incidentally, resulting in an unsatisfactory collapse of individual activations towards the corresponding class means. To shake off these dilemmas, we present a unified \textbf{All}-around \textbf{N}eural \textbf{C}ollapse framework (AllNC), aiming to comprehensively restore NC across multiple aspects including individual activations, class means and classifier vectors. We thoroughly analyze its effectiveness and verify on multiple benchmark datasets that it achieves state-of-the-art in both balanced and imbalanced settings.
Abstract:Graph contrastive learning (GCL) is an effective paradigm for node representation learning in graphs. The key components hidden behind GCL are data augmentation and positive-negative pair selection. Typical data augmentations in GCL, such as uniform deletion of edges, are generally blind and resort to local perturbation, which is prone to producing under-diversity views. Additionally, there is a risk of making the augmented data traverse to other classes. Moreover, most methods always treat all other samples as negatives. Such a negative pairing naturally results in sampling bias and likewise may make the learned representation suffer from semantic drift. Therefore, to increase the diversity of the contrastive view, we propose two simple and effective global topological augmentations to compensate current GCL. One is to mine the semantic correlation between nodes in the feature space. The other is to utilize the algebraic properties of the adjacency matrix to characterize the topology by eigen-decomposition. With the help of both, we can retain important edges to build a better view. To reduce the risk of semantic drift, a prototype-based negative pair selection is further designed which can filter false negative samples. Extensive experiments on various tasks demonstrate the advantages of the model compared to the state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:Current knowledge distillation (KD) methods primarily focus on transferring various structured knowledge and designing corresponding optimization goals to encourage the student network to imitate the output of the teacher network. However, introducing too many additional optimization objectives may lead to unstable training, such as gradient conflicts. Moreover, these methods ignored the guidelines of relative learning difficulty between the teacher and student networks. Inspired by human cognitive science, in this paper, we redefine knowledge from a new perspective -- the student and teacher networks' relative difficulty of samples, and propose a pixel-level KD paradigm for semantic segmentation named Relative Difficulty Distillation (RDD). We propose a two-stage RDD framework: Teacher-Full Evaluated RDD (TFE-RDD) and Teacher-Student Evaluated RDD (TSE-RDD). RDD allows the teacher network to provide effective guidance on learning focus without additional optimization goals, thus avoiding adjusting learning weights for multiple losses. Extensive experimental evaluations using a general distillation loss function on popular datasets such as Cityscapes, CamVid, Pascal VOC, and ADE20k demonstrate the effectiveness of RDD against state-of-the-art KD methods. Additionally, our research showcases that RDD can integrate with existing KD methods to improve their upper performance bound.
Abstract:In reality, data often exhibit associations with multiple labels, making multi-label learning (MLL) become a prominent research topic. The last two decades have witnessed the success of MLL, which is indispensable from complete and accurate supervised information. However, obtaining such information in practice is always laborious and sometimes even impossible. To circumvent this dilemma, incomplete multi-label learning (InMLL) has emerged, aiming to learn from incomplete labeled data. To date, enormous InMLL works have been proposed to narrow the performance gap with complete MLL, whereas a systematic review for InMLL is still absent. In this paper, we not only attempt to fill the lacuna but also strive to pave the way for innovative research. Specifically, we retrospect the origin of InMLL, analyze the challenges of InMLL, and make a taxonomy of InMLL from the data-oriented and algorithm-oriented perspectives, respectively. Besides, we also present real applications of InMLL in various domains. More importantly, we highlight several potential future trends, including four open problems that are more in line with practice and three under-explored/unexplored techniques in addressing the challenges of InMLL, which may shed new light on developing novel research directions in the field of InMLL.
Abstract:In open-set recognition, existing methods generally learn statically fixed decision boundaries using known classes to reject unknown classes. Though they have achieved promising results, such decision boundaries are evidently insufficient for universal unknown classes in dynamic and open scenarios as they can potentially appear at any position in the feature space. Moreover, these methods just simply reject unknown class samples during testing without any effective utilization for them. In fact, such samples completely can constitute the true instantiated representation of the unknown classes to further enhance the model's performance. To address these issues, this paper proposes a novel dynamic against dynamic idea, i.e., dynamic method against dynamic changing open-set world, where an open-set self-learning (OSSL) framework is correspondingly developed. OSSL starts with a good closed-set classifier trained by known classes and utilizes available test samples for model adaptation during testing, thus gaining the adaptability to changing data distributions. In particular, a novel self-matching module is designed for OSSL, which can achieve the adaptation in automatically identifying known class samples while rejecting unknown class samples which are further utilized to enhance the discriminability of the model as the instantiated representation of unknown classes. Our method establishes new performance milestones respectively in almost all standard and cross-data benchmarks.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a physics-inspired contrastive learning paradigm for low-light enhancement, called PIE. PIE primarily addresses three issues: (i) To resolve the problem of existing learning-based methods often training a LLE model with strict pixel-correspondence image pairs, we eliminate the need for pixel-correspondence paired training data and instead train with unpaired images. (ii) To address the disregard for negative samples and the inadequacy of their generation in existing methods, we incorporate physics-inspired contrastive learning for LLE and design the Bag of Curves (BoC) method to generate more reasonable negative samples that closely adhere to the underlying physical imaging principle. (iii) To overcome the reliance on semantic ground truths in existing methods, we propose an unsupervised regional segmentation module, ensuring regional brightness consistency while eliminating the dependency on semantic ground truths. Overall, the proposed PIE can effectively learn from unpaired positive/negative samples and smoothly realize non-semantic regional enhancement, which is clearly different from existing LLE efforts. Besides the novel architecture of PIE, we explore the gain of PIE on downstream tasks such as semantic segmentation and face detection. Training on readily available open data and extensive experiments demonstrate that our method surpasses the state-of-the-art LLE models over six independent cross-scenes datasets. PIE runs fast with reasonable GFLOPs in test time, making it easy to use on mobile devices.