Abstract:The da Vinci Research Kit (dVRK, also known as dVRK Classic) is an open-source teleoperated surgical robotic system whose hardware is obtained from the first generation da Vinci Surgical System (Intuitive, Sunnyvale, CA, USA). The dVRK has greatly facilitated research in robot-assisted surgery over the past decade and helped researchers address multiple major challenges in this domain. Recently, the dVRK-Si system, a new version of the dVRK which uses mechanical components from the da Vinci Si Surgical System, became available to the community. The major difference between the first generation da Vinci and the da Vinci Si is in the structural upgrade of the Patient Side Manipulator (PSM). Because of this upgrade, the gravity of the dVRK-Si PSM can no longer be ignored as in the dVRK Classic. The high gravity offset may lead to relatively low control accuracy and longer response time. In addition, although substantial progress has been made in addressing the dynamic model identification problem for the dVRK Classic, further research is required on model-based control for the dVRK-Si, due to differences in mechanical components and the demand for enhanced control performance. To address these problems, in this work, we present (1) a novel full kinematic model of the dVRK-Si PSM, and (2) a gravity compensation approach based on the dynamic model identification.
Abstract:We explore whether surgical manipulation tasks can be learned on the da Vinci robot via imitation learning. However, the da Vinci system presents unique challenges which hinder straight-forward implementation of imitation learning. Notably, its forward kinematics is inconsistent due to imprecise joint measurements, and naively training a policy using such approximate kinematics data often leads to task failure. To overcome this limitation, we introduce a relative action formulation which enables successful policy training and deployment using its approximate kinematics data. A promising outcome of this approach is that the large repository of clinical data, which contains approximate kinematics, may be directly utilized for robot learning without further corrections. We demonstrate our findings through successful execution of three fundamental surgical tasks, including tissue manipulation, needle handling, and knot-tying.
Abstract:In this study, we further investigate the robustness and generalization ability of an neural network (NN) based force estimation method, using the da Vinci Research Kit Si (dVRK-Si). To evaluate our method's performance, we compare the force estimation accuracy with several baseline methods. We conduct comparative studies between the dVRK classic and dVRK-Si systems to benchmark the effectiveness of these approaches. We conclude that the NN-based method provides comparable force estimation accuracy across the two systems, as the average root mean square error (RMSE) over the average range of force ratio is approximately 3.07% for the dVRK classic, and 5.27% for the dVRK-Si. On the dVRK-Si, the force estimation RMSEs for all the baseline methods are 2 to 4 times larger than the NN-based method in all directions. One possible reason is, we made assumptions in the baseline methods that static forces remain the same or dynamics is time-invariant. These assumptions may hold for the dVRK Classic, as it has pre-loaded weight and maintains horizontal self balance. Since the dVRK-Si configuration does not have this property, assumptions do not hold anymore, therefore the NN-based method significantly outperforms.
Abstract:Image-guided robotic interventions represent a transformative frontier in surgery, blending advanced imaging and robotics for improved precision and outcomes. This paper addresses the critical need for integrating open-source platforms to enhance situational awareness in image-guided robotic research. We present an open-source toolset that seamlessly combines a physics-based constraint formulation framework, AMBF, with a state-of-the-art imaging platform application, 3D Slicer. Our toolset facilitates the creation of highly customizable interactive digital twins, that incorporates processing and visualization of medical imaging, robot kinematics, and scene dynamics for real-time robot control. Through a feasibility study, we showcase real-time synchronization of a physical robotic interventional environment in both 3D Slicer and AMBF, highlighting low-latency updates and improved visualization.
Abstract:Learning high-performance deep neural networks for dynamic modeling of high Degree-Of-Freedom (DOF) robots remains challenging due to the sampling complexity. Typical unknown system disturbance caused by unmodeled dynamics (such as internal compliance, cables) further exacerbates the problem. In this paper, a novel framework characterized by both high data efficiency and disturbance-adapting capability is proposed to address the problem of modeling gravitational dynamics using deep nets in feedforward gravity compensation control for high-DOF master manipulators with unknown disturbance. In particular, Feedforward Deep Neural Networks (FDNNs) are learned from both prior knowledge of an existing analytical model and observation of the robot system by Knowledge Distillation (KD). Through extensive experiments in high-DOF master manipulators with significant disturbance, we show that our method surpasses a standard Learning-from-Scratch (LfS) approach in terms of data efficiency and disturbance adaptation. Our initial feasibility study has demonstrated the potential of outperforming the analytical teacher model as the training data increases.
Abstract:The demand of competent robot assisted surgeons is progressively expanding, because robot-assisted surgery has become progressively more popular due to its clinical advantages. To meet this demand and provide a better surgical education for surgeon, we develop a novel robotic surgery education system by integrating artificial intelligence surgical module and augmented reality visualization. The artificial intelligence incorporates reinforcement leaning to learn from expert demonstration and then generate 3D guidance trajectory, providing surgical context awareness of the complete surgical procedure. The trajectory information is further visualized in stereo viewer in the dVRK along with other information such as text hint, where the user can perceive the 3D guidance and learn the procedure. The proposed system is evaluated through a preliminary experiment on surgical education task peg-transfer, which proves its feasibility and potential as the next generation of robot-assisted surgery education solution.
Abstract:Robotic-assisted surgery is now well-established in clinical practice and has become the gold standard clinical treatment option for several clinical indications. The field of robotic-assisted surgery is expected to grow substantially in the next decade with a range of new robotic devices emerging to address unmet clinical needs across different specialities. A vibrant surgical robotics research community is pivotal for conceptualizing such new systems as well as for developing and training the engineers and scientists to translate them into practice. The da Vinci Research Kit (dVRK), an academic and industry collaborative effort to re-purpose decommissioned da Vinci surgical systems (Intuitive Surgical Inc, CA, USA) as a research platform for surgical robotics research, has been a key initiative for addressing a barrier to entry for new research groups in surgical robotics. In this paper, we present an extensive review of the publications that have been facilitated by the dVRK over the past decade. We classify research efforts into different categories and outline some of the major challenges and needs for the robotics community to maintain this initiative and build upon it.
Abstract:Since the first reports of a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) in December 2019, over 33 million people have been infected worldwide and approximately 1 million people worldwide have died from the disease caused by this virus, COVID-19. In the US alone, there have been approximately 7 million cases and over 200,000 deaths. This outbreak has placed an enormous strain on healthcare systems and workers. Severe cases require hospital care, and 8.5\% of patients require mechanical ventilation in an intensive care unit (ICU). One major challenge is the necessity for clinical care personnel to don and doff cumbersome personal protective equipment (PPE) in order to enter an ICU unit to make simple adjustments to ventilator settings. Although future ventilators and other ICU equipment may be controllable remotely through computer networks, the enormous installed base of existing ventilators do not have this capability. This paper reports the development of a simple, low cost telerobotic system that permits adjustment of ventilator settings from outside the ICU. The system consists of a small Cartesian robot capable of operating a ventilator touch screen with camera vision control via a wirelessly connected tablet master device located outside the room. Engineering system tests demonstrated that the open-loop mechanical repeatability of the device was 7.5\,mm, and that the average positioning error of the robotic finger under visual servoing control was 5.94\,mm. Successful usability tests in a simulated ICU environment were carried out and are reported. In addition to enabling a significant reduction in PPE consumption, the prototype system has been shown in a preliminary evaluation to significantly reduce the total time required for a respiratory therapist to perform typical setting adjustments on a commercial ventilator, including donning and doffing PPE, from 271 seconds to 109 seconds.
Abstract:External disturbance forces caused by nonlinear springy electrical cables in the Master Tool Manipulator (MTM) of the da Vinci Research Kit (dVRK) limits the usage of the existing gravity compensation methods. Significant motion drifts at the MTM tip are often observed when the MTM is located far from its identification trajectory, preventing the usage of these methods for the entire workspace reliably. In this paper, we propose a general and systematic framework to address the problems of the gravity compensation for the MTM of the dVRK. Particularly, high order polynomial models were used to capture the highly nonlinear disturbance forces and integrated with the Multi-step Least Square Estimation (MLSE) framework. This method allows us to identify the parameters of both the gravitational and disturbance forces for each link sequentially, preventing residual error passing among the links of the MTM with uneven mass distribution. A corresponding gravity compensation controller was developed to compensate the gravitational and disturbance forces. The method was validated with extensive experiments in the majority of the manipulator's workspace, showing significant performance enhancements over existing methods. Finally, a deliverable software package in MATLAB and C++ was integrated with dVRK and published in the dVRK community for open-source research and development.
Abstract:High-resolution real-time imaging at cellular levelin retinal surgeries is very challenging due to extremely confinedspace within the eyeball and lack of appropriate modalities.Probe-based confocal laser endomicroscopy (pCLE) system,which has a small footprint and provides highly-magnified im-ages, can be a potential imaging modality for improved diagnosis.The ability to visualize in cellular-level the retinal pigmentepithelium and the chorodial blood vessels underneath canprovide useful information for surgical outcomes in conditionssuch as retinal detachment. However, the adoption of pCLE islimited due to narrow field of view and micron-level range offocus. The physiological tremor of surgeons' hand also deterioratethe image quality considerably and leads to poor imaging results. In this paper, a novel image-based hybrid motion controlapproach is proposed to mitigate challenges of using pCLEin retinal surgeries. The proposed framework enables sharedcontrol of the pCLE probe by a surgeon to scan the tissueprecisely without hand tremors and an auto-focus image-basedcontrol algorithm that optimizes quality of pCLE images. Thecontrol strategy is deployed on two semi-autonomous frameworks: cooperative and teleoperated. Both frameworks consist of theSteady-Hand Eye Robot (SHER), whose end-effector holds thepCLE probe...