Abstract:Human motion video generation has advanced significantly, while existing methods still struggle with accurately rendering detailed body parts like hands and faces, especially in long sequences and intricate motions. Current approaches also rely on fixed resolution and struggle to maintain visual consistency. To address these limitations, we propose HumanDiT, a pose-guided Diffusion Transformer (DiT)-based framework trained on a large and wild dataset containing 14,000 hours of high-quality video to produce high-fidelity videos with fine-grained body rendering. Specifically, (i) HumanDiT, built on DiT, supports numerous video resolutions and variable sequence lengths, facilitating learning for long-sequence video generation; (ii) we introduce a prefix-latent reference strategy to maintain personalized characteristics across extended sequences. Furthermore, during inference, HumanDiT leverages Keypoint-DiT to generate subsequent pose sequences, facilitating video continuation from static images or existing videos. It also utilizes a Pose Adapter to enable pose transfer with given sequences. Extensive experiments demonstrate its superior performance in generating long-form, pose-accurate videos across diverse scenarios.
Abstract:Talking face generation (TFG) aims to animate a target identity's face to create realistic talking videos. Personalized TFG is a variant that emphasizes the perceptual identity similarity of the synthesized result (from the perspective of appearance and talking style). While previous works typically solve this problem by learning an individual neural radiance field (NeRF) for each identity to implicitly store its static and dynamic information, we find it inefficient and non-generalized due to the per-identity-per-training framework and the limited training data. To this end, we propose MimicTalk, the first attempt that exploits the rich knowledge from a NeRF-based person-agnostic generic model for improving the efficiency and robustness of personalized TFG. To be specific, (1) we first come up with a person-agnostic 3D TFG model as the base model and propose to adapt it into a specific identity; (2) we propose a static-dynamic-hybrid adaptation pipeline to help the model learn the personalized static appearance and facial dynamic features; (3) To generate the facial motion of the personalized talking style, we propose an in-context stylized audio-to-motion model that mimics the implicit talking style provided in the reference video without information loss by an explicit style representation. The adaptation process to an unseen identity can be performed in 15 minutes, which is 47 times faster than previous person-dependent methods. Experiments show that our MimicTalk surpasses previous baselines regarding video quality, efficiency, and expressiveness. Source code and video samples are available at https://mimictalk.github.io .
Abstract:Voice conversion aims to modify the source speaker's voice to resemble the target speaker while preserving the original speech content. Despite notable advancements in voice conversion these days, multi-lingual voice conversion (including both monolingual and cross-lingual scenarios) has yet to be extensively studied. It faces two main challenges: 1) the considerable variability in prosody and articulation habits across languages; and 2) the rarity of paired multi-lingual datasets from the same speaker. In this paper, we propose MulliVC, a novel voice conversion system that only converts timbre and keeps original content and source language prosody without multi-lingual paired data. Specifically, each training step of MulliVC contains three substeps: In step one the model is trained with monolingual speech data; then, steps two and three take inspiration from back translation, construct a cyclical process to disentangle the timbre and other information (content, prosody, and other language-related information) in the absence of multi-lingual data from the same speaker. Both objective and subjective results indicate that MulliVC significantly surpasses other methods in both monolingual and cross-lingual contexts, demonstrating the system's efficacy and the viability of the three-step approach with cycle consistency. Audio samples can be found on our demo page (mullivc.github.io).
Abstract:Unified multi-model representation spaces are the foundation of multimodal understanding and generation. However, the billions of model parameters and catastrophic forgetting problems make it challenging to further enhance pre-trained unified spaces. In this work, we propose FreeBind, an idea that treats multimodal representation spaces as basic units, and freely augments pre-trained unified space by integrating knowledge from extra expert spaces via "space bonds". Specifically, we introduce two kinds of basic space bonds: 1) Space Displacement Bond and 2) Space Combination Bond. Based on these basic bonds, we design Complex Sequential & Parallel Bonds to effectively integrate multiple spaces simultaneously. Benefiting from the modularization concept, we further propose a coarse-to-fine customized inference strategy to flexibly adjust the enhanced unified space for different purposes. Experimentally, we bind ImageBind with extra image-text and audio-text expert spaces, resulting in three main variants: ImageBind++, InternVL_IB, and InternVL_IB++. These resulting spaces outperform ImageBind on 5 audio-image-text downstream tasks across 9 datasets. Moreover, via customized inference, it even surpasses the advanced audio-text and image-text expert spaces.
Abstract:Unified multi-model representation spaces are the foundation of multimodal understanding and generation. However, the billions of model parameters and catastrophic forgetting problems make it challenging to further enhance pre-trained unified spaces. In this work, we propose Molecule-Space, an idea that treats multimodal representation spaces as "molecules", and augments pre-trained unified space by integrating knowledge from extra expert spaces via "molecules space reactions". Specifically, we introduce two kinds of basic space reactions: 1) Space Displacement Reaction and 2) Space Combination Reaction. Based on these defined basic reactions, we design Complex Sequential & Parallel Reactions to effectively integrate multiple spaces simultaneously. Benefiting from the modularization concept, we further propose a coarse-to-fine customized inference strategy to flexibly adjust the enhanced unified space for different purposes. Experimentally, we fuse the audio-image-text space of ImageBind with the image-text and audio-text expert spaces. The resulting space outperforms ImageBind on 5 downstream tasks across 9 datasets. Moreover, via customized inference, it even surpasses the used image-text and audio-text expert spaces.
Abstract:One-shot 3D talking portrait generation aims to reconstruct a 3D avatar from an unseen image, and then animate it with a reference video or audio to generate a talking portrait video. The existing methods fail to simultaneously achieve the goals of accurate 3D avatar reconstruction and stable talking face animation. Besides, while the existing works mainly focus on synthesizing the head part, it is also vital to generate natural torso and background segments to obtain a realistic talking portrait video. To address these limitations, we present Real3D-Potrait, a framework that (1) improves the one-shot 3D reconstruction power with a large image-to-plane model that distills 3D prior knowledge from a 3D face generative model; (2) facilitates accurate motion-conditioned animation with an efficient motion adapter; (3) synthesizes realistic video with natural torso movement and switchable background using a head-torso-background super-resolution model; and (4) supports one-shot audio-driven talking face generation with a generalizable audio-to-motion model. Extensive experiments show that Real3D-Portrait generalizes well to unseen identities and generates more realistic talking portrait videos compared to previous methods. Video samples and source code are available at https://real3dportrait.github.io .
Abstract:Zero-shot text-to-speech aims at synthesizing voices with unseen speech prompts. Previous large-scale multispeaker TTS models have successfully achieved this goal with an enrolled recording within 10 seconds. However, most of them are designed to utilize only short speech prompts. The limited information in short speech prompts significantly hinders the performance of fine-grained identity imitation. In this paper, we introduce Mega-TTS 2, a generic zero-shot multispeaker TTS model that is capable of synthesizing speech for unseen speakers with arbitrary-length prompts. Specifically, we 1) design a multi-reference timbre encoder to extract timbre information from multiple reference speeches; 2) and train a prosody language model with arbitrary-length speech prompts; With these designs, our model is suitable for prompts of different lengths, which extends the upper bound of speech quality for zero-shot text-to-speech. Besides arbitrary-length prompts, we introduce arbitrary-source prompts, which leverages the probabilities derived from multiple P-LLM outputs to produce expressive and controlled prosody. Furthermore, we propose a phoneme-level auto-regressive duration model to introduce in-context learning capabilities to duration modeling. Experiments demonstrate that our method could not only synthesize identity-preserving speech with a short prompt of an unseen speaker but also achieve improved performance with longer speech prompts. Audio samples can be found in https://mega-tts.github.io/mega2_demo/.
Abstract:We are interested in a novel task, namely low-resource text-to-talking avatar. Given only a few-minute-long talking person video with the audio track as the training data and arbitrary texts as the driving input, we aim to synthesize high-quality talking portrait videos corresponding to the input text. This task has broad application prospects in the digital human industry but has not been technically achieved yet due to two challenges: (1) It is challenging to mimic the timbre from out-of-domain audio for a traditional multi-speaker Text-to-Speech system. (2) It is hard to render high-fidelity and lip-synchronized talking avatars with limited training data. In this paper, we introduce Adaptive Text-to-Talking Avatar (Ada-TTA), which (1) designs a generic zero-shot multi-speaker TTS model that well disentangles the text content, timbre, and prosody; and (2) embraces recent advances in neural rendering to achieve realistic audio-driven talking face video generation. With these designs, our method overcomes the aforementioned two challenges and achieves to generate identity-preserving speech and realistic talking person video. Experiments demonstrate that our method could synthesize realistic, identity-preserving, and audio-visual synchronized talking avatar videos.
Abstract:Scaling text-to-speech to a large and wild dataset has been proven to be highly effective in achieving timbre and speech style generalization, particularly in zero-shot TTS. However, previous works usually encode speech into latent using audio codec and use autoregressive language models or diffusion models to generate it, which ignores the intrinsic nature of speech and may lead to inferior or uncontrollable results. We argue that speech can be decomposed into several attributes (e.g., content, timbre, prosody, and phase) and each of them should be modeled using a module with appropriate inductive biases. From this perspective, we carefully design a novel and large zero-shot TTS system called Mega-TTS, which is trained with large-scale wild data and models different attributes in different ways: 1) Instead of using latent encoded by audio codec as the intermediate feature, we still choose spectrogram as it separates the phase and other attributes very well. Phase can be appropriately constructed by the GAN-based vocoder and does not need to be modeled by the language model. 2) We model the timbre using global vectors since timbre is a global attribute that changes slowly over time. 3) We further use a VQGAN-based acoustic model to generate the spectrogram and a latent code language model to fit the distribution of prosody, since prosody changes quickly over time in a sentence, and language models can capture both local and long-range dependencies. We scale Mega-TTS to multi-domain datasets with 20K hours of speech and evaluate its performance on unseen speakers. Experimental results demonstrate that Mega-TTS surpasses state-of-the-art TTS systems on zero-shot TTS, speech editing, and cross-lingual TTS tasks, with superior naturalness, robustness, and speaker similarity due to the proper inductive bias of each module. Audio samples are available at https://mega-tts.github.io/demo-page.
Abstract:Various applications of voice synthesis have been developed independently despite the fact that they generate "voice" as output in common. In addition, the majority of voice synthesis models currently rely on annotated audio data, but it is crucial to scale them to self-supervised datasets in order to effectively capture the wide range of acoustic variations present in human voice, including speaker identity, emotion, and prosody. In this work, we propose Make-A-Voice, a unified framework for synthesizing and manipulating voice signals from discrete representations. Make-A-Voice leverages a "coarse-to-fine" approach to model the human voice, which involves three stages: 1) semantic stage: model high-level transformation between linguistic content and self-supervised semantic tokens, 2) acoustic stage: introduce varying control signals as acoustic conditions for semantic-to-acoustic modeling, and 3) generation stage: synthesize high-fidelity waveforms from acoustic tokens. Make-A-Voice offers notable benefits as a unified voice synthesis framework: 1) Data scalability: the major backbone (i.e., acoustic and generation stage) does not require any annotations, and thus the training data could be scaled up. 2) Controllability and conditioning flexibility: we investigate different conditioning mechanisms and effectively handle three voice synthesis applications, including text-to-speech (TTS), voice conversion (VC), and singing voice synthesis (SVS) by re-synthesizing the discrete voice representations with prompt guidance. Experimental results demonstrate that Make-A-Voice exhibits superior audio quality and style similarity compared with competitive baseline models. Audio samples are available at https://Make-A-Voice.github.io