Abstract:Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a major global health issue, affecting over 10% of the population and causing significant mortality. While kidney biopsy remains the gold standard for CKD diagnosis and treatment, the lack of comprehensive benchmarks for kidney pathology segmentation hinders progress in the field. To address this, we organized the Kidney Pathology Image Segmentation (KPIs) Challenge, introducing a dataset that incorporates preclinical rodent models of CKD with over 10,000 annotated glomeruli from 60+ Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS)-stained whole slide images. The challenge includes two tasks, patch-level segmentation and whole slide image segmentation and detection, evaluated using the Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) and F1-score. By encouraging innovative segmentation methods that adapt to diverse CKD models and tissue conditions, the KPIs Challenge aims to advance kidney pathology analysis, establish new benchmarks, and enable precise, large-scale quantification for disease research and diagnosis.
Abstract:Long video understanding presents challenges due to the inherent high computational complexity and redundant temporal information. An effective representation for long videos must process such redundancy efficiently while preserving essential contents for downstream tasks. This paper introduces SEmantic Attention Learning (SEAL), a novel unified representation for long videos. To reduce computational complexity, long videos are decomposed into three distinct types of semantic entities: scenes, objects, and actions, allowing models to operate on a handful of entities rather than a large number of frames or pixels. To further address redundancy, we propose an attention learning module that balances token relevance with diversity formulated as a subset selection optimization problem. Our representation is versatile, enabling applications across various long video understanding tasks. Extensive experiments show that SEAL significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods in video question answering and temporal grounding tasks and benchmarks including LVBench, MovieChat-1K, and Ego4D.
Abstract:Generative models transform random noise into images; their inversion aims to transform images back to structured noise for recovery and editing. This paper addresses two key tasks: (i) inversion and (ii) editing of a real image using stochastic equivalents of rectified flow models (such as Flux). Although Diffusion Models (DMs) have recently dominated the field of generative modeling for images, their inversion presents faithfulness and editability challenges due to nonlinearities in drift and diffusion. Existing state-of-the-art DM inversion approaches rely on training of additional parameters or test-time optimization of latent variables; both are expensive in practice. Rectified Flows (RFs) offer a promising alternative to diffusion models, yet their inversion has been underexplored. We propose RF inversion using dynamic optimal control derived via a linear quadratic regulator. We prove that the resulting vector field is equivalent to a rectified stochastic differential equation. Additionally, we extend our framework to design a stochastic sampler for Flux. Our inversion method allows for state-of-the-art performance in zero-shot inversion and editing, outperforming prior works in stroke-to-image synthesis and semantic image editing, with large-scale human evaluations confirming user preference.
Abstract:We propose Reference-Based Modulation (RB-Modulation), a new plug-and-play solution for training-free personalization of diffusion models. Existing training-free approaches exhibit difficulties in (a) style extraction from reference images in the absence of additional style or content text descriptions, (b) unwanted content leakage from reference style images, and (c) effective composition of style and content. RB-Modulation is built on a novel stochastic optimal controller where a style descriptor encodes the desired attributes through a terminal cost. The resulting drift not only overcomes the difficulties above, but also ensures high fidelity to the reference style and adheres to the given text prompt. We also introduce a cross-attention-based feature aggregation scheme that allows RB-Modulation to decouple content and style from the reference image. With theoretical justification and empirical evidence, our framework demonstrates precise extraction and control of content and style in a training-free manner. Further, our method allows a seamless composition of content and style, which marks a departure from the dependency on external adapters or ControlNets.
Abstract:Sampling from the posterior distribution poses a major computational challenge in solving inverse problems using latent diffusion models. Common methods rely on Tweedie's first-order moments, which are known to induce a quality-limiting bias. Existing second-order approximations are impractical due to prohibitive computational costs, making standard reverse diffusion processes intractable for posterior sampling. This paper introduces Second-order Tweedie sampler from Surrogate Loss (STSL), a novel sampler that offers efficiency comparable to first-order Tweedie with a tractable reverse process using second-order approximation. Our theoretical results reveal that the second-order approximation is lower bounded by our surrogate loss that only requires $O(1)$ compute using the trace of the Hessian, and by the lower bound we derive a new drift term to make the reverse process tractable. Our method surpasses SoTA solvers PSLD and P2L, achieving 4X and 8X reduction in neural function evaluations, respectively, while notably enhancing sampling quality on FFHQ, ImageNet, and COCO benchmarks. In addition, we show STSL extends to text-guided image editing and addresses residual distortions present from corrupted images in leading text-guided image editing methods. To our best knowledge, this is the first work to offer an efficient second-order approximation in solving inverse problems using latent diffusion and editing real-world images with corruptions.
Abstract:With the advancements in large language model technology, it has showcased capabilities that come close to those of human beings across various tasks. This achievement has garnered significant interest from companies and scientific research institutions, leading to substantial investments in the research and development of these models. While numerous large models have emerged during this period, the majority of them have been trained primarily on English data. Although they exhibit decent performance in other languages, such as Chinese, their potential remains limited due to factors like vocabulary design and training corpus. Consequently, their ability to fully express their capabilities in Chinese falls short. To address this issue, we introduce the model named JIANG (Chinese pinyin of ginger) specifically designed for the Chinese language. We have gathered a substantial amount of Chinese corpus to train the model and have also optimized its structure. The extensive experimental results demonstrate the excellent performance of our model.
Abstract:It is widely accepted that optimization of imaging system performance should be guided by task-based measures of image quality (IQ). It has been advocated that imaging hardware or data-acquisition designs should be optimized by use of an ideal observer (IO) that exploits full statistical knowledge of the measurement noise and class of objects to be imaged, without consideration of the reconstruction method. In practice, accurate and tractable models of the complete object statistics are often difficult to determine. Moreover, in imaging systems that employ compressive sensing concepts, imaging hardware and sparse image reconstruction are innately coupled technologies. In this work, a sparsity-driven observer (SDO) that can be employed to optimize hardware by use of a stochastic object model describing object sparsity is described and investigated. The SDO and sparse reconstruction method can therefore be "matched" in the sense that they both utilize the same statistical information regarding the class of objects to be imaged. To efficiently compute the SDO test statistic, computational tools developed recently for variational Bayesian inference with sparse linear models are adopted. The use of the SDO to rank data-acquisition designs in a stylized example as motivated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is demonstrated. This study reveals that the SDO can produce rankings that are consistent with visual assessments of the reconstructed images but different from those produced by use of the traditionally employed Hotelling observer (HO).
Abstract:Occluded face detection is a challenging detection task due to the large appearance variations incurred by various real-world occlusions. This paper introduces an Adversarial Occlusion-aware Face Detector (AOFD) by simultaneously detecting occluded faces and segmenting occluded areas. Specifically, we employ an adversarial training strategy to generate occlusion-like face features that are difficult for a face detector to recognize. Occlusion mask is predicted simultaneously while detecting occluded faces and the occluded area is utilized as an auxiliary instead of being regarded as a hindrance. Moreover, the supervisory signals from the segmentation branch will reversely affect the features, aiding in detecting heavily-occluded faces accordingly. Consequently, AOFD is able to find the faces with few exposed facial landmarks with very high confidences and keeps high detection accuracy even for masked faces. Extensive experiments demonstrate that AOFD not only significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods on the MAFA occluded face detection dataset, but also achieves competitive detection accuracy on benchmark dataset for general face detection such as FDDB.
Abstract:Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are capable of learning unprecedentedly effective features from images. Some researchers have struggled to enhance the parameters' efficiency using grouped convolution. However, the relation between the optimal number of convolutional groups and the recognition performance remains an open problem. In this paper, we propose a series of Basic Units (BUs) and a two-level merging strategy to construct deep CNNs, referred to as a joint Grouped Merging Net (GM-Net), which can produce joint grouped and reused deep features while maintaining the feature discriminability for classification tasks. Our GM-Net architectures with the proposed BU_A (dense connection) and BU_B (straight mapping) lead to significant reduction in the number of network parameters and obtain performance improvement in image classification tasks. Extensive experiments are conducted to validate the superior performance of the GM-Net than the state-of-the-arts on the benchmark datasets, e.g., MNIST, CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and SVHN.