Abstract:To deal with distribution shifts in graph data, various graph out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization techniques have been recently proposed. These methods often employ a two-step strategy that first creates augmented environments and subsequently identifies invariant subgraphs to improve generalizability. Nevertheless, this approach could be suboptimal from the perspective of consistency. First, the process of augmenting environments by altering the graphs while preserving labels may lead to graphs that are not realistic or meaningfully related to the origin distribution, thus lacking distribution consistency. Second, the extracted subgraphs are obtained from directly modifying graphs, and may not necessarily maintain a consistent predictive relationship with their labels, thereby impacting label consistency. In response to these challenges, we introduce an innovative approach that aims to enhance these two types of consistency for graph OOD generalization. We propose a modifier to obtain both augmented and invariant graphs in a unified manner. With the augmented graphs, we enrich the training data without compromising the integrity of label-graph relationships. The label consistency enhancement in our framework further preserves the supervision information in the invariant graph. We conduct extensive experiments on real-world datasets to demonstrate the superiority of our framework over other state-of-the-art baselines.
Abstract:3D perception in LiDAR point clouds is crucial for a self-driving vehicle to properly act in 3D environment. However, manually labeling point clouds is hard and costly. There has been a growing interest in self-supervised pre-training of 3D perception models. Following the success of contrastive learning in images, current methods mostly conduct contrastive pre-training on point clouds only. Yet an autonomous driving vehicle is typically supplied with multiple sensors including cameras and LiDAR. In this context, we systematically study single modality, cross-modality, and multi-modality for contrastive learning of point clouds, and show that cross-modality wins over other alternatives. In addition, considering the huge difference between the training sources in 2D images and 3D point clouds, it remains unclear how to design more effective contrastive units for LiDAR. We therefore propose the instance-aware and similarity-balanced contrastive units that are tailored for self-driving point clouds. Extensive experiments reveal that our approach achieves remarkable performance gains over various point cloud models across the downstream perception tasks of LiDAR based 3D object detection and 3D semantic segmentation on the four popular benchmarks including Waymo Open Dataset, nuScenes, SemanticKITTI and ONCE.
Abstract:Recent studies show that well-devised perturbations on graph structures or node features can mislead trained Graph Neural Network (GNN) models. However, these methods often overlook practical assumptions, over-rely on heuristics, or separate vital attack components. In response, we present GAIM, an integrated adversarial attack method conducted on a node feature basis while considering the strict black-box setting. Specifically, we define an adversarial influence function to theoretically assess the adversarial impact of node perturbations, thereby reframing the GNN attack problem into the adversarial influence maximization problem. In our approach, we unify the selection of the target node and the construction of feature perturbations into a single optimization problem, ensuring a unique and consistent feature perturbation for each target node. We leverage a surrogate model to transform this problem into a solvable linear programming task, streamlining the optimization process. Moreover, we extend our method to accommodate label-oriented attacks, broadening its applicability. Thorough evaluations on five benchmark datasets across three popular models underscore the effectiveness of our method in both untargeted and label-oriented targeted attacks. Through comprehensive analysis and ablation studies, we demonstrate the practical value and efficacy inherent to our design choices.
Abstract:The learning objective is integral to collaborative filtering systems, where the Bayesian Personalized Ranking (BPR) loss is widely used for learning informative backbones. However, BPR often experiences slow convergence and suboptimal local optima, partially because it only considers one negative item for each positive item, neglecting the potential impacts of other unobserved items. To address this issue, the recently proposed Sampled Softmax Cross-Entropy (SSM) compares one positive sample with multiple negative samples, leading to better performance. Our comprehensive experiments confirm that recommender systems consistently benefit from multiple negative samples during training. Furthermore, we introduce a \underline{Sim}plified Sampled Softmax \underline{C}ross-\underline{E}ntropy Loss (SimCE), which simplifies the SSM using its upper bound. Our validation on 12 benchmark datasets, using both MF and LightGCN backbones, shows that SimCE significantly outperforms both BPR and SSM.
Abstract:Multi-view data arises frequently in modern network analysis e.g. relations of multiple types among individuals in social network analysis, longitudinal measurements of interactions among observational units, annotated networks with noisy partial labeling of vertices etc. We study community detection in these disparate settings via a unified theoretical framework, and investigate the fundamental thresholds for community recovery. We characterize the mutual information between the data and the latent parameters, provided the degrees are sufficiently large. Based on this general result, (i) we derive a sharp threshold for community detection in an inhomogeneous multilayer block model \citep{chen2022global}, (ii) characterize a sharp threshold for weak recovery in a dynamic stochastic block model \citep{matias2017statistical}, and (iii) identify the limiting mutual information in an unbalanced partially labeled block model. Our first two results are derived modulo coordinate-wise convexity assumptions on specific functions -- we provide extensive numerical evidence for their correctness. Finally, we introduce iterative algorithms based on Approximate Message Passing for community detection in these problems.
Abstract:In this work, we theoretically investigate the generalization properties of neural networks (NN) trained by stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithm with large learning rates. Under such a training regime, our finding is that, the oscillation of the NN weights caused by the large learning rate SGD training turns out to be beneficial to the generalization of the NN, which potentially improves over the same NN trained by SGD with small learning rates that converges more smoothly. In view of this finding, we call such a phenomenon "benign oscillation". Our theory towards demystifying such a phenomenon builds upon the feature learning perspective of deep learning. Specifically, we consider a feature-noise data generation model that consists of (i) weak features which have a small $\ell_2$-norm and appear in each data point; (ii) strong features which have a larger $\ell_2$-norm but only appear in a certain fraction of all data points; and (iii) noise. We prove that NNs trained by oscillating SGD with a large learning rate can effectively learn the weak features in the presence of those strong features. In contrast, NNs trained by SGD with a small learning rate can only learn the strong features but makes little progress in learning the weak features. Consequently, when it comes to the new testing data which consist of only weak features, the NN trained by oscillating SGD with a large learning rate could still make correct predictions consistently, while the NN trained by small learning rate SGD fails. Our theory sheds light on how large learning rate training benefits the generalization of NNs. Experimental results demonstrate our finding on "benign oscillation".
Abstract:3D perception based on the representations learned from multi-camera bird's-eye-view (BEV) is trending as cameras are cost-effective for mass production in autonomous driving industry. However, there exists a distinct performance gap between multi-camera BEV and LiDAR based 3D object detection. One key reason is that LiDAR captures accurate depth and other geometry measurements, while it is notoriously challenging to infer such 3D information from merely image input. In this work, we propose to boost the representation learning of a multi-camera BEV based student detector by training it to imitate the features of a well-trained LiDAR based teacher detector. We propose effective balancing strategy to enforce the student to focus on learning the crucial features from the teacher, and generalize knowledge transfer to multi-scale layers with temporal fusion. We conduct extensive evaluations on multiple representative models of multi-camera BEV. Experiments reveal that our approach renders significant improvement over the student models, leading to the state-of-the-art performance on the popular benchmark nuScenes.
Abstract:Monocular depth estimation is an ill-posed problem as the same 2D image can be projected from infinite 3D scenes. Although the leading algorithms in this field have reported significant improvement, they are essentially geared to the particular compound of pictorial observations and camera parameters (i.e., intrinsics and extrinsics), strongly limiting their generalizability in real-world scenarios. To cope with this challenge, this paper proposes a novel ground embedding module to decouple camera parameters from pictorial cues, thus promoting the generalization capability. Given camera parameters, the proposed module generates the ground depth, which is stacked with the input image and referenced in the final depth prediction. A ground attention is designed in the module to optimally combine ground depth with residual depth. Our ground embedding is highly flexible and lightweight, leading to a plug-in module that is amenable to be integrated into various depth estimation networks. Experiments reveal that our approach achieves the state-of-the-art results on popular benchmarks, and more importantly, renders significant generalization improvement on a wide range of cross-domain tests.
Abstract:Evaluating the performance of perception modules in autonomous driving is one of the most critical tasks in developing the complex intelligent system. While module-level unit test metrics adopted from traditional computer vision tasks are feasible to some extent, it remains far less explored to measure the impact of perceptual noise on the driving quality of autonomous vehicles in a consistent and holistic manner. In this work, we propose a principled framework that provides a coherent and systematic understanding of the impact an error in the perception module imposes on an autonomous agent's planning that actually controls the vehicle. Specifically, the planning process is formulated as expected utility maximisation, where all input signals from upstream modules jointly provide a world state description, and the planner strives for the optimal action by maximising the expected utility determined by both world states and actions. We show that, under practical conditions, the objective function can be represented as an inner product between the world state description and the utility function in a Hilbert space. This geometric interpretation enables a novel way to analyse the impact of noise in world state estimation on planning and leads to a universal metric for evaluating perception. The whole framework resembles the idea of transcendental idealism in the classical philosophical literature, which gives the name to our approach.
Abstract:In order to deal with the sparse and unstructured raw point clouds, LiDAR based 3D object detection research mostly focuses on designing dedicated local point aggregators for fine-grained geometrical modeling. In this paper, we revisit the local point aggregators from the perspective of allocating computational resources. We find that the simplest pillar based models perform surprisingly well considering both accuracy and latency. Additionally, we show that minimal adaptions from the success of 2D object detection, such as enlarging receptive field, significantly boost the performance. Extensive experiments reveal that our pillar based networks with modernized designs in terms of architecture and training render the state-of-the-art performance on the two popular benchmarks: Waymo Open Dataset and nuScenes. Our results challenge the common intuition that the detailed geometry modeling is essential to achieve high performance for 3D object detection.