Abstract:In recent years, although U-Net network has made significant progress in the field of image segmentation, it still faces performance bottlenecks in remote sensing image segmentation. In this paper, we innovatively propose to introduce SimAM and CBAM attention mechanism in U-Net, and the experimental results show that after adding SimAM and CBAM modules alone, the model improves 17.41% and 12.23% in MIoU, and the Mpa and Accuracy are also significantly improved. And after fusing the two,the model performance jumps up to 19.11% in MIoU, and the Mpa and Accuracy are also improved by 16.38% and 14.8% respectively, showing excellent segmentation accuracy and visual effect with strong generalization ability and robustness. This study opens up a new path for remote sensing image segmentation technology and has important reference value for algorithm selection and improvement.
Abstract:Network traffic analysis increasingly uses complex machine learning models as the internet consolidates and traffic gets more encrypted. However, over high-bandwidth networks, flows can easily arrive faster than model inference rates. The temporal nature of network flows limits simple scale-out approaches leveraged in other high-traffic machine learning applications. Accordingly, this paper presents ServeFlow, a solution for machine-learning model serving aimed at network traffic analysis tasks, which carefully selects the number of packets to collect and the models to apply for individual flows to achieve a balance between minimal latency, high service rate, and high accuracy. We identify that on the same task, inference time across models can differ by 2.7x-136.3x, while the median inter-packet waiting time is often 6-8 orders of magnitude higher than the inference time! ServeFlow is able to make inferences on 76.3% flows in under 16ms, which is a speed-up of 40.5x on the median end-to-end serving latency while increasing the service rate and maintaining similar accuracy. Even with thousands of features per flow, it achieves a service rate of over 48.5k new flows per second on a 16-core CPU commodity server, which matches the order of magnitude of flow rates observed on city-level network backbones.
Abstract:Video highlight detection is a crucial yet challenging problem that aims to identify the interesting moments in untrimmed videos. The key to this task lies in effective video representations that jointly pursue two goals, \textit{i.e.}, cross-modal representation learning and fine-grained feature discrimination. In this paper, these two challenges are tackled by not only enriching intra-modality and cross-modality relations for representation modeling but also shaping the features in a discriminative manner. Our proposed method mainly leverages the intra-modality encoding and cross-modality co-occurrence encoding for fully representation modeling. Specifically, intra-modality encoding augments the modality-wise features and dampens irrelevant modality via within-modality relation learning in both audio and visual signals. Meanwhile, cross-modality co-occurrence encoding focuses on the co-occurrence inter-modality relations and selectively captures effective information among multi-modality. The multi-modal representation is further enhanced by the global information abstracted from the local context. In addition, we enlarge the discriminative power of feature embedding with a hard-pairs guided contrastive learning (HPCL) scheme. A hard-pairs sampling strategy is further employed to mine the hard samples for improving feature discrimination in HPCL. Extensive experiments conducted on two benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of our proposed methods compared to other state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:Operational networks are increasingly using machine learning models for a variety of tasks, including detecting anomalies, inferring application performance, and forecasting demand. Accurate models are important, yet accuracy can degrade over time due to concept drift, whereby either the characteristics of the data change over time (data drift) or the relationship between the features and the target predictor change over time (model drift). Drift is important to detect because changes in properties of the underlying data or relationships to the target prediction can require model retraining, which can be time-consuming and expensive. Concept drift occurs in operational networks for a variety of reasons, ranging from software upgrades to seasonality to changes in user behavior. Yet, despite the prevalence of drift in networks, its extent and effects on prediction accuracy have not been extensively studied. This paper presents an initial exploration into concept drift in a large cellular network in the United States for a major metropolitan area in the context of demand forecasting. We find that concept drift arises largely due to data drift, and it appears across different key performance indicators (KPIs), models, training set sizes, and time intervals. We identify the sources of concept drift for the particular problem of forecasting downlink volume. Weekly and seasonal patterns introduce both high and low-frequency model drift, while disasters and upgrades result in sudden drift due to exogenous shocks. Regions with high population density, lower traffic volumes, and higher speeds also tend to correlate with more concept drift. The features that contribute most significantly to concept drift are User Equipment (UE) downlink packets, UE uplink packets, and Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) total received packets.
Abstract:Group activity recognition is a crucial yet challenging problem, whose core lies in fully exploring spatial-temporal interactions among individuals and generating reasonable group representations. However, previous methods either model spatial and temporal information separately, or directly aggregate individual features to form group features. To address these issues, we propose a novel group activity recognition network termed GroupFormer. It captures spatial-temporal contextual information jointly to augment the individual and group representations effectively with a clustered spatial-temporal transformer. Specifically, our GroupFormer has three appealing advantages: (1) A tailor-modified Transformer, Clustered Spatial-Temporal Transformer, is proposed to enhance the individual representation and group representation. (2) It models the spatial and temporal dependencies integrally and utilizes decoders to build the bridge between the spatial and temporal information. (3) A clustered attention mechanism is utilized to dynamically divide individuals into multiple clusters for better learning activity-aware semantic representations. Moreover, experimental results show that the proposed framework outperforms state-of-the-art methods on the Volleyball dataset and Collective Activity dataset. Code is available at https://github.com/xueyee/GroupFormer.
Abstract:Video crowd localization is a crucial yet challenging task, which aims to estimate exact locations of human heads in the given crowded videos. To model spatial-temporal dependencies of human mobility, we propose a multi-focus Gaussian neighbor attention (GNA), which can effectively exploit long-range correspondences while maintaining the spatial topological structure of the input videos. In particular, our GNA can also capture the scale variation of human heads well using the equipped multi-focus mechanism. Based on the multi-focus GNA, we develop a unified neural network called GNANet to accurately locate head centers in video clips by fully aggregating spatial-temporal information via a scene modeling module and a context cross-attention module. Moreover, to facilitate future researches in this field, we introduce a large-scale crowded video benchmark named SenseCrowd, which consists of 60K+ frames captured in various surveillance scenarios and 2M+ head annotations. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments on three datasets including our SenseCrowd, and the experiment results show that the proposed method is capable to achieve state-of-the-art performance for both video crowd localization and counting. The code and the dataset will be released.
Abstract:The recently proposed pseudo-LiDAR based 3D detectors greatly improve the benchmark of monocular/stereo 3D detection task. However, the underlying mechanism remains obscure to the research community. In this paper, we perform an in-depth investigation and observe that the efficacy of pseudo-LiDAR representation comes from the coordinate transformation, instead of data representation itself. Based on this observation, we design an image based CNN detector named Patch-Net, which is more generalized and can be instantiated as pseudo-LiDAR based 3D detectors. Moreover, the pseudo-LiDAR data in our PatchNet is organized as the image representation, which means existing 2D CNN designs can be easily utilized for extracting deep features from input data and boosting 3D detection performance. We conduct extensive experiments on the challenging KITTI dataset, where the proposed PatchNet outperforms all existing pseudo-LiDAR based counterparts. Code has been made available at: https://github.com/xinzhuma/patchnet.