Abstract:Image restoration aims to recover details and enhance contrast in degraded images. With the growing demand for high-quality imaging (\textit{e.g.}, 4K and 8K), achieving a balance between restoration quality and computational efficiency has become increasingly critical. Existing methods, primarily based on CNNs, Transformers, or their hybrid approaches, apply uniform deep representation extraction across the image. However, these methods often struggle to effectively model long-range dependencies and largely overlook the spatial characteristics of image degradation (regions with richer textures tend to suffer more severe damage), making it hard to achieve the best trade-off between restoration quality and efficiency. To address these issues, we propose a novel texture-aware image restoration method, TAMambaIR, which simultaneously perceives image textures and achieves a trade-off between performance and efficiency. Specifically, we introduce a novel Texture-Aware State Space Model, which enhances texture awareness and improves efficiency by modulating the transition matrix of the state-space equation and focusing on regions with complex textures. Additionally, we design a {Multi-Directional Perception Block} to improve multi-directional receptive fields while maintaining low computational overhead. Extensive experiments on benchmarks for image super-resolution, deraining, and low-light image enhancement demonstrate that TAMambaIR achieves state-of-the-art performance with significantly improved efficiency, establishing it as a robust and efficient framework for image restoration.
Abstract:Recent advance in text-to-image diffusion models have significantly facilitated the generation of high-quality images, but also raising concerns about the illegal creation of harmful content, such as copyrighted images. Existing concept erasure methods achieve superior results in preventing the production of erased concept from prompts, but typically perform poorly in preventing undesired editing. To address this issue, we propose an Anti-Editing Concept Erasure (ACE) method, which not only erases the target concept during generation but also filters out it during editing. Specifically, we propose to inject the erasure guidance into both conditional and the unconditional noise prediction, enabling the model to effectively prevent the creation of erasure concepts during both editing and generation. Furthermore, a stochastic correction guidance is introduced during training to address the erosion of unrelated concepts. We conducted erasure editing experiments with representative editing methods (i.e., LEDITS++ and MasaCtrl) to erase IP characters, and the results indicate that our ACE effectively filters out target concepts in both types of edits. Additional experiments on erasing explicit concepts and artistic styles further demonstrate that our ACE performs favorably against state-of-the-art methods. Our code will be publicly available at https://github.com/120L020904/ACE.
Abstract:Recently, considerable progress has been made in allin-one image restoration. Generally, existing methods can be degradation-agnostic or degradation-aware. However, the former are limited in leveraging degradation-specific restoration, and the latter suffer from the inevitable error in degradation estimation. Consequently, the performance of existing methods has a large gap compared to specific single-task models. In this work, we make a step forward in this topic, and present our UniRestorer with improved restoration performance. Specifically, we perform hierarchical clustering on degradation space, and train a multi-granularity mixture-of-experts (MoE) restoration model. Then, UniRestorer adopts both degradation and granularity estimation to adaptively select an appropriate expert for image restoration. In contrast to existing degradation-agnostic and -aware methods, UniRestorer can leverage degradation estimation to benefit degradationspecific restoration, and use granularity estimation to make the model robust to degradation estimation error. Experimental results show that our UniRestorer outperforms stateof-the-art all-in-one methods by a large margin, and is promising in closing the performance gap to specific single task models. The code and pre-trained models will be publicly available at https://github.com/mrluin/UniRestorer.
Abstract:Generalization has long been a central challenge in real-world image restoration. While recent diffusion-based restoration methods, which leverage generative priors from text-to-image models, have made progress in recovering more realistic details, they still encounter "generative capability deactivation" when applied to out-of-distribution real-world data. To address this, we propose using text as an auxiliary invariant representation to reactivate the generative capabilities of these models. We begin by identifying two key properties of text input: richness and relevance, and examine their respective influence on model performance. Building on these insights, we introduce Res-Captioner, a module that generates enhanced textual descriptions tailored to image content and degradation levels, effectively mitigating response failures. Additionally, we present RealIR, a new benchmark designed to capture diverse real-world scenarios. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Res-Captioner significantly enhances the generalization abilities of diffusion-based restoration models, while remaining fully plug-and-play.
Abstract:The development of multimodal large language models (MLLMs) enables the evaluation of image quality through natural language descriptions. This advancement allows for more detailed assessments. However, these MLLM-based IQA methods primarily rely on general contextual descriptions, sometimes limiting fine-grained quality assessment. To address this limitation, we introduce a new image quality assessment (IQA) task paradigm, grounding-IQA. This paradigm integrates multimodal referring and grounding with IQA to realize more fine-grained quality perception. Specifically, grounding-IQA comprises two subtasks: grounding-IQA-description (GIQA-DES) and visual question answering (GIQA-VQA). GIQA-DES involves detailed descriptions with precise locations (e.g., bounding boxes), while GIQA-VQA focuses on quality QA for local regions. To realize grounding-IQA, we construct a corresponding dataset, GIQA-160K, through our proposed automated annotation pipeline. Furthermore, we develop a well-designed benchmark, GIQA-Bench. The benchmark comprehensively evaluates the model grounding-IQA performance from three perspectives: description quality, VQA accuracy, and grounding precision. Experiments demonstrate that our proposed task paradigm, dataset, and benchmark facilitate the more fine-grained IQA application. Code: https://github.com/zhengchen1999/Grounding-IQA.
Abstract:Real-world image super-resolution (Real SR) aims to generate high-fidelity, detail-rich high-resolution (HR) images from low-resolution (LR) counterparts. Existing Real SR methods primarily focus on generating details from the LR RGB domain, often leading to a lack of richness or fidelity in fine details. In this paper, we pioneer the use of details hidden in RAW data to complement existing RGB-only methods, yielding superior outputs. We argue that key image processing steps in Image Signal Processing, such as denoising and demosaicing, inherently result in the loss of fine details in LR images, making LR RAW a valuable information source. To validate this, we present RealSR-RAW, a comprehensive dataset comprising over 10,000 pairs with LR and HR RGB images, along with corresponding LR RAW, captured across multiple smartphones under varying focal lengths and diverse scenes. Additionally, we propose a novel, general RAW adapter to efficiently integrate LR RAW data into existing CNNs, Transformers, and Diffusion-based Real SR models by suppressing the noise contained in LR RAW and aligning its distribution. Extensive experiments demonstrate that incorporating RAW data significantly enhances detail recovery and improves Real SR performance across ten evaluation metrics, including both fidelity and perception-oriented metrics. Our findings open a new direction for the Real SR task, with the dataset and code will be made available to support future research.
Abstract:Arbitrary scale super-resolution (ASSR) aims to super-resolve low-resolution images to high-resolution images at any scale using a single model, addressing the limitations of traditional super-resolution methods that are restricted to fixed-scale factors (e.g., $\times2$, $\times4$). The advent of Implicit Neural Representations (INR) has brought forth a plethora of novel methodologies for ASSR, which facilitate the reconstruction of original continuous signals by modeling a continuous representation space for coordinates and pixel values, thereby enabling arbitrary-scale super-resolution. Consequently, the primary objective of ASSR is to construct a continuous representation space derived from low-resolution inputs. However, existing methods, primarily based on CNNs and Transformers, face significant challenges such as high computational complexity and inadequate modeling of long-range dependencies, which hinder their effectiveness in real-world applications. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel arbitrary-scale super-resolution method, called $\text{S}^{3}$Mamba, to construct a scalable continuous representation space. Specifically, we propose a Scalable State Space Model (SSSM) to modulate the state transition matrix and the sampling matrix of step size during the discretization process, achieving scalable and continuous representation modeling with linear computational complexity. Additionally, we propose a novel scale-aware self-attention mechanism to further enhance the network's ability to perceive global important features at different scales, thereby building the $\text{S}^{3}$Mamba to achieve superior arbitrary-scale super-resolution. Extensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world benchmarks demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance and superior generalization capabilities at arbitrary super-resolution scales.
Abstract:The traditional image inpainting task aims to restore corrupted regions by referencing surrounding background and foreground. However, the object erasure task, which is in increasing demand, aims to erase objects and generate harmonious background. Previous GAN-based inpainting methods struggle with intricate texture generation. Emerging diffusion model-based algorithms, such as Stable Diffusion Inpainting, exhibit the capability to generate novel content, but they often produce incongruent results at the locations of the erased objects and require high-quality text prompt inputs. To address these challenges, we introduce MagicEraser, a diffusion model-based framework tailored for the object erasure task. It consists of two phases: content initialization and controllable generation. In the latter phase, we develop two plug-and-play modules called prompt tuning and semantics-aware attention refocus. Additionally, we propose a data construction strategy that generates training data specially suitable for this task. MagicEraser achieves fine and effective control of content generation while mitigating undesired artifacts. Experimental results highlight a valuable advancement of our approach in the object erasure task.
Abstract:Image quality assessment (IQA) serves as the golden standard for all models' performance in nearly all computer vision fields. However, it still suffers from poor out-of-distribution generalization ability and expensive training costs. To address these problems, we propose Dog-IQA, a standard-guided zero-shot mix-grained IQA method, which is training-free and utilizes the exceptional prior knowledge of multimodal large language models (MLLMs). To obtain accurate IQA scores, namely scores consistent with humans, we design an MLLM-based inference pipeline that imitates human experts. In detail, Dog-IQA applies two techniques. First, Dog-IQA objectively scores with specific standards that utilize MLLM's behavior pattern and minimize the influence of subjective factors. Second, Dog-IQA comprehensively takes local semantic objects and the whole image as input and aggregates their scores, leveraging local and global information. Our proposed Dog-IQA achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance compared with training-free methods, and competitive performance compared with training-based methods in cross-dataset scenarios. Our code and models will be available at https://github.com/Kai-Liu001/Dog-IQA.
Abstract:Diffusion-based image super-resolution (SR) methods have achieved remarkable success by leveraging large pre-trained text-to-image diffusion models as priors. However, these methods still face two challenges: the requirement for dozens of sampling steps to achieve satisfactory results, which limits efficiency in real scenarios, and the neglect of degradation models, which are critical auxiliary information in solving the SR problem. In this work, we introduced a novel one-step SR model, which significantly addresses the efficiency issue of diffusion-based SR methods. Unlike existing fine-tuning strategies, we designed a degradation-guided Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) module specifically for SR, which corrects the model parameters based on the pre-estimated degradation information from low-resolution images. This module not only facilitates a powerful data-dependent or degradation-dependent SR model but also preserves the generative prior of the pre-trained diffusion model as much as possible. Furthermore, we tailor a novel training pipeline by introducing an online negative sample generation strategy. Combined with the classifier-free guidance strategy during inference, it largely improves the perceptual quality of the super-resolution results. Extensive experiments have demonstrated the superior efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed model compared to recent state-of-the-art methods.