Abstract:This paper presents a decentralized, online planning approach for scalable maneuver planning for large constellations. While decentralized, rule-based strategies have facilitated efficient scaling, optimal decision-making algorithms for satellite maneuvers remain underexplored. As commercial satellite constellations grow, there are benefits of online maneuver planning, such as using real-time trajectory predictions to improve state knowledge, thereby reducing maneuver frequency and conserving fuel. We address this gap in the research by treating the satellite maneuver planning problem as a Markov decision process (MDP). This approach enables the generation of optimal maneuver policies online with low computational cost. This formulation is applied to the low Earth orbit collision avoidance problem, considering the problem of an active spacecraft deciding to maneuver to avoid a non-maneuverable object. We test the policies we generate in a simulated low Earth orbit environment, and compare the results to traditional rule-based collision avoidance techniques.
Abstract:We consider the problem of an autonomous agent equipped with multiple sensors, each with different sensing precision and energy costs. The agent's goal is to explore the environment and gather information subject to its resource constraints in unknown, partially observable environments. The challenge lies in reasoning about the effects of sensing and movement while respecting the agent's resource and dynamic constraints. We formulate the problem as a trajectory optimization problem and solve it using a projection-based trajectory optimization approach where the objective is to reduce the variance of the Gaussian process world belief. Our approach outperforms previous approaches in long horizon trajectories by achieving an overall variance reduction of up to 85% and reducing the root-mean square error in the environment belief by 50%. This approach was developed in support of rover path planning for the NASA VIPER Mission.
Abstract:The widespread adoption of commercial autonomous vehicles (AVs) and advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) may largely depend on their acceptance by society, for which their perceived trustworthiness and interpretability to riders are crucial. In general, this task is challenging because modern autonomous systems software relies heavily on black-box artificial intelligence models. Towards this goal, this paper introduces a novel dataset, Rank2Tell, a multi-modal ego-centric dataset for Ranking the importance level and Telling the reason for the importance. Using various close and open-ended visual question answering, the dataset provides dense annotations of various semantic, spatial, temporal, and relational attributes of various important objects in complex traffic scenarios. The dense annotations and unique attributes of the dataset make it a valuable resource for researchers working on visual scene understanding and related fields. Further, we introduce a joint model for joint importance level ranking and natural language captions generation to benchmark our dataset and demonstrate performance with quantitative evaluations.
Abstract:Modeling multi-agent systems requires understanding how agents interact. Such systems are often difficult to model because they can involve a variety of types of interactions that layer together to drive rich social behavioral dynamics. Here we introduce a method for accurately modeling multi-agent systems. We present Interaction Modeling with Multiplex Attention (IMMA), a forward prediction model that uses a multiplex latent graph to represent multiple independent types of interactions and attention to account for relations of different strengths. We also introduce Progressive Layer Training, a training strategy for this architecture. We show that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art models in trajectory forecasting and relation inference, spanning three multi-agent scenarios: social navigation, cooperative task achievement, and team sports. We further demonstrate that our approach can improve zero-shot generalization and allows us to probe how different interactions impact agent behavior.
Abstract:Characterizing aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty on the predicted rewards can help in building reliable reinforcement learning (RL) systems. Aleatoric uncertainty results from the irreducible environment stochasticity leading to inherently risky states and actions. Epistemic uncertainty results from the limited information accumulated during learning to make informed decisions. Characterizing aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty can be used to speed up learning in a training environment, improve generalization to similar testing environments, and flag unfamiliar behavior in anomalous testing environments. In this work, we introduce a framework for disentangling aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty in RL. (1) We first define four desiderata that capture the desired behavior for aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty estimation in RL at both training and testing time. (2) We then present four RL models inspired by supervised learning (i.e. Monte Carlo dropout, ensemble, deep kernel learning models, and evidential networks) to instantiate aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty. Finally, (3) we propose a practical evaluation method to evaluate uncertainty estimation in model-free RL based on detection of out-of-distribution environments and generalization to perturbed environments. We present theoretical and experimental evidence to validate that carefully equipping model-free RL agents with supervised learning uncertainty methods can fulfill our desiderata.
Abstract:We present a method for autonomous exploration of large-scale unknown environments under mission time constraints. We start by proposing the Frontloaded Information Gain Orienteering Problem (FIG-OP) -- a generalization of the traditional orienteering problem where the assumption of a reliable environmental model no longer holds. The FIG-OP addresses model uncertainty by frontloading expected information gain through the addition of a greedy incentive, effectively expediting the moment in which new area is uncovered. In order to reason across multi-kilometre environments, we solve FIG-OP over an information-efficient world representation, constructed through the aggregation of information from a topological and metric map. Our method was extensively tested and field-hardened across various complex environments, ranging from subway systems to mines. In comparative simulations, we observe that the FIG-OP solution exhibits improved coverage efficiency over solutions generated by greedy and traditional orienteering-based approaches (i.e. severe and minimal model uncertainty assumptions, respectively).
Abstract:We describe a light-weight yet performant system for hyper-parameter optimization that approximately minimizes an overall scalar cost function that is obtained by combining multiple performance objectives using a target-priority-limit scalarizer. It also supports a trade-off mode, where the goal is to find an appropriate trade-off among objectives by interacting with the user. We focus on the common scenario where there are on the order of tens of hyper-parameters, each with various attributes such as a range of continuous values, or a finite list of values, and whether it should be treated on a linear or logarithmic scale. The system supports multiple asynchronous simulations and is robust to simulation stragglers and failures.
Abstract:We address the problem of routing a team of drones and trucks over large-scale urban road networks. To conserve their limited flight energy, drones can use trucks as temporary modes of transit en route to their own destinations. Such coordination can yield significant savings in total vehicle distance traveled, i.e., truck travel distance and drone flight distance, compared to operating drones and trucks independently. But it comes at the potentially prohibitive computational cost of deciding which trucks and drones should coordinate and when and where it is most beneficial to do so. We tackle this fundamental trade-off by decoupling our overall intractable problem into tractable sub-problems that we solve stage-wise. The first stage solves only for trucks, by computing paths that make them more likely to be useful transit options for drones. The second stage solves only for drones, by routing them over a composite of the road network and the transit network defined by truck paths from the first stage. We design a comprehensive algorithmic framework that frames each stage as a multi-agent path-finding problem and implement two distinct methods for solving them. We evaluate our approach on extensive simulations with up to $100$ agents on the real-world Manhattan road network containing nearly $4500$ vertices and $10000$ edges. Our framework saves on more than $50\%$ of vehicle distance traveled compared to independently solving for trucks and drones, and computes solutions for all settings within $5$ minutes on commodity hardware.
Abstract:Autonomous vehicles need to model the behavior of surrounding human driven vehicles to be safe and efficient traffic participants. Existing approaches to modeling human driving behavior have relied on both data-driven and rule-based methods. While data-driven models are more expressive, rule-based models are interpretable, which is an important requirement for safety-critical domains like driving. However, rule-based models are not sufficiently representative of data, and data-driven models are yet unable to generate realistic traffic simulation due to unrealistic driving behavior such as collisions. In this paper, we propose a methodology that combines rule-based modeling with data-driven learning. While the rules are governed by interpretable parameters of the driver model, these parameters are learned online from driving demonstration data using particle filtering. We perform driver modeling experiments on the task of highway driving and merging using data from three real-world driving demonstration datasets. Our results show that driver models based on our hybrid rule-based and data-driven approach can accurately capture real-world driving behavior. Further, we assess the realism of the driving behavior generated by our model by having humans perform a driving Turing test, where they are asked to distinguish between videos of real driving and those generated using our driver models.
Abstract:A classical problem in city-scale cyber-physical systems (CPS) is resource allocation under uncertainty. Spatial-temporal allocation of resources is optimized to allocate electric scooters across urban areas, place charging stations for vehicles, and design efficient on-demand transit. Typically, such problems are modeled as Markov (or semi-Markov) decision processes. While online, offline, and decentralized methodologies have been used to tackle such problems, none of the approaches scale well for large-scale decision problems. We create a general approach to hierarchical planning that leverages structure in city-level CPS problems to tackle resource allocation under uncertainty. We use emergency response as a case study and show how a large resource allocation problem can be split into smaller problems. We then create a principled framework for solving the smaller problems and tackling the interaction between them. Finally, we use real-world data from a major metropolitan area in the United States to validate our approach. Our experiments show that the proposed approach outperforms state-of-the-art approaches used in the field of emergency response.