Abstract:Misaligned research objectives have considerably hindered progress in adversarial robustness research over the past decade. For instance, an extensive focus on optimizing target metrics, while neglecting rigorous standardized evaluation, has led researchers to pursue ad-hoc heuristic defenses that were seemingly effective. Yet, most of these were exposed as flawed by subsequent evaluations, ultimately contributing little measurable progress to the field. In this position paper, we illustrate that current research on the robustness of large language models (LLMs) risks repeating past patterns with potentially worsened real-world implications. To address this, we argue that realigned objectives are necessary for meaningful progress in adversarial alignment. To this end, we build on established cybersecurity taxonomy to formally define differences between past and emerging threat models that apply to LLMs. Using this framework, we illustrate that progress requires disentangling adversarial alignment into addressable sub-problems and returning to core academic principles, such as measureability, reproducibility, and comparability. Although the field presents significant challenges, the fresh start on adversarial robustness offers the unique opportunity to build on past experience while avoiding previous mistakes.
Abstract:We derive a novel generative model from the simple act of Gaussian posterior inference. Treating the generated sample as an unknown variable to infer lets us formulate the sampling process in the language of Bayesian probability. Our model uses a sequence of prediction and posterior update steps to narrow down the unknown sample from a broad initial belief. In addition to a rigorous theoretical analysis, we establish a connection between our model and diffusion models and show that it includes Bayesian Flow Networks (BFNs) as a special case. In our experiments, we demonstrate improved performance over both BFNs and Variational Diffusion Models, achieving competitive likelihood scores on CIFAR10 and ImageNet.
Abstract:Link prediction for directed graphs is a crucial task with diverse real-world applications. Recent advances in embedding methods and Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have shown promising improvements. However, these methods often lack a thorough analysis of embedding expressiveness and suffer from ineffective benchmarks for a fair evaluation. In this paper, we propose a unified framework to assess the expressiveness of existing methods, highlighting the impact of dual embeddings and decoder design on performance. To address limitations in current experimental setups, we introduce DirLinkBench, a robust new benchmark with comprehensive coverage and standardized evaluation. The results show that current methods struggle to achieve strong performance on the new benchmark, while DiGAE outperforms others overall. We further revisit DiGAE theoretically, showing its graph convolution aligns with GCN on an undirected bipartite graph. Inspired by these insights, we propose a novel spectral directed graph auto-encoder SDGAE that achieves SOTA results on DirLinkBench. Finally, we analyze key factors influencing directed link prediction and highlight open challenges.
Abstract:Many forms of sensitive data, such as web traffic, mobility data, or hospital occupancy, are inherently sequential. The standard method for training machine learning models while ensuring privacy for units of sensitive information, such as individual hospital visits, is differentially private stochastic gradient descent (DP-SGD). However, we observe in this work that the formal guarantees of DP-SGD are incompatible with timeseries-specific tasks like forecasting, since they rely on the privacy amplification attained by training on small, unstructured batches sampled from an unstructured dataset. In contrast, batches for forecasting are generated by (1) sampling sequentially structured time series from a dataset, (2) sampling contiguous subsequences from these series, and (3) partitioning them into context and ground-truth forecast windows. We theoretically analyze the privacy amplification attained by this structured subsampling to enable the training of forecasting models with sound and tight event- and user-level privacy guarantees. Towards more private models, we additionally prove how data augmentation amplifies privacy in self-supervised training of sequence models. Our empirical evaluation demonstrates that amplification by structured subsampling enables the training of forecasting models with strong formal privacy guarantees.
Abstract:Effectively designing molecular geometries is essential to advancing pharmaceutical innovations, a domain, which has experienced great attention through the success of generative models and, in particular, diffusion models. However, current molecular diffusion models are tailored towards a specific downstream task and lack adaptability. We introduce UniGuide, a framework for controlled geometric guidance of unconditional diffusion models that allows flexible conditioning during inference without the requirement of extra training or networks. We show how applications such as structure-based, fragment-based, and ligand-based drug design are formulated in the UniGuide framework and demonstrate on-par or superior performance compared to specialised models. Offering a more versatile approach, UniGuide has the potential to streamline the development of molecular generative models, allowing them to be readily used in diverse application scenarios.
Abstract:Machine learning models are highly vulnerable to label flipping, i.e., the adversarial modification (poisoning) of training labels to compromise performance. Thus, deriving robustness certificates is important to guarantee that test predictions remain unaffected and to understand worst-case robustness behavior. However, for Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), the problem of certifying label flipping has so far been unsolved. We change this by introducing an exact certification method, deriving both sample-wise and collective certificates. Our method leverages the Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK) to capture the training dynamics of wide networks enabling us to reformulate the bilevel optimization problem representing label flipping into a Mixed-Integer Linear Program (MILP). We apply our method to certify a broad range of GNN architectures in node classification tasks. Thereby, concerning the worst-case robustness to label flipping: $(i)$ we establish hierarchies of GNNs on different benchmark graphs; $(ii)$ quantify the effect of architectural choices such as activations, depth and skip-connections; and surprisingly, $(iii)$ uncover a novel phenomenon of the robustness plateauing for intermediate perturbation budgets across all investigated datasets and architectures. While we focus on GNNs, our certificates are applicable to sufficiently wide NNs in general through their NTK. Thus, our work presents the first exact certificate to a poisoning attack ever derived for neural networks, which could be of independent interest.
Abstract:An unintended consequence of the vast pretraining of Large Language Models (LLMs) is the verbatim memorization of fragments of their training data, which may contain sensitive or copyrighted information. In recent years, unlearning has emerged as a solution to effectively remove sensitive knowledge from models after training. Yet, recent work has shown that supposedly deleted information can still be extracted by malicious actors through various attacks. Still, current attacks retrieve sets of possible candidate generations and are unable to pinpoint the output that contains the actual target information. We propose activation steering as a method for exact information retrieval from unlearned LLMs. We introduce a novel approach to generating steering vectors, named Anonymized Activation Steering. Additionally, we develop a simple word frequency method to pinpoint the correct answer among a set of candidates when retrieving unlearned information. Our evaluation across multiple unlearning techniques and datasets demonstrates that activation steering successfully recovers general knowledge (e.g., widely known fictional characters) while revealing limitations in retrieving specific information (e.g., details about non-public individuals). Overall, our results demonstrate that exact information retrieval from unlearned models is possible, highlighting a severe vulnerability of current unlearning techniques.
Abstract:Point processes model the distribution of random point sets in mathematical spaces, such as spatial and temporal domains, with applications in fields like seismology, neuroscience, and economics. Existing statistical and machine learning models for point processes are predominantly constrained by their reliance on the characteristic intensity function, introducing an inherent trade-off between efficiency and flexibility. In this paper, we introduce Point Set Diffusion, a diffusion-based latent variable model that can represent arbitrary point processes on general metric spaces without relying on the intensity function. By directly learning to stochastically interpolate between noise and data point sets, our approach enables efficient, parallel sampling and flexible generation for complex conditional tasks defined on the metric space. Experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate that Point Set Diffusion achieves state-of-the-art performance in unconditional and conditional generation of spatial and spatiotemporal point processes while providing up to orders of magnitude faster sampling than autoregressive baselines.
Abstract:Many applications in traffic, civil engineering, or electrical engineering revolve around edge-level signals. Such signals can be categorized as inherently directed, for example, the water flow in a pipe network, and undirected, like the diameter of a pipe. Topological methods model edge signals with inherent direction by representing them relative to a so-called orientation assigned to each edge. These approaches can neither model undirected edge signals nor distinguish if an edge itself is directed or undirected. We address these shortcomings by (i) revising the notion of orientation equivariance to enable edge direction-aware topological models, (ii) proposing orientation invariance as an additional requirement to describe signals without inherent direction, and (iii) developing EIGN, an architecture composed of novel direction-aware edge-level graph shift operators, that provably fulfills the aforementioned desiderata. It is the first general-purpose topological GNN for edge-level signals that can model directed and undirected signals while distinguishing between directed and undirected edges. A comprehensive evaluation shows that EIGN outperforms prior work in edge-level tasks, for example, improving in RMSE on flow simulation tasks by up to 43.5%.
Abstract:Conformal prediction provides model-agnostic and distribution-free uncertainty quantification through prediction sets that are guaranteed to include the ground truth with any user-specified probability. Yet, conformal prediction is not reliable under poisoning attacks where adversaries manipulate both training and calibration data, which can significantly alter prediction sets in practice. As a solution, we propose reliable prediction sets (RPS): the first efficient method for constructing conformal prediction sets with provable reliability guarantees under poisoning. To ensure reliability under training poisoning, we introduce smoothed score functions that reliably aggregate predictions of classifiers trained on distinct partitions of the training data. To ensure reliability under calibration poisoning, we construct multiple prediction sets, each calibrated on distinct subsets of the calibration data. We then aggregate them into a majority prediction set, which includes a class only if it appears in a majority of the individual sets. Both proposed aggregations mitigate the influence of datapoints in the training and calibration data on the final prediction set. We experimentally validate our approach on image classification tasks, achieving strong reliability while maintaining utility and preserving coverage on clean data. Overall, our approach represents an important step towards more trustworthy uncertainty quantification in the presence of data poisoning.