Abstract:This paper delves into the study of 3D point cloud reconstruction from a single image. Our objective is to develop the Consistency Diffusion Model, exploring synergistic 2D and 3D priors in the Bayesian framework to ensure superior consistency in the reconstruction process, a challenging yet critical requirement in this field. Specifically, we introduce a pioneering training framework under diffusion models that brings two key innovations. First, we convert 3D structural priors derived from the initial 3D point cloud as a bound term to increase evidence in the variational Bayesian framework, leveraging these robust intrinsic priors to tightly govern the diffusion training process and bolster consistency in reconstruction. Second, we extract and incorporate 2D priors from the single input image, projecting them onto the 3D point cloud to enrich the guidance for diffusion training. Our framework not only sidesteps potential model learning shifts that may arise from directly imposing additional constraints during training but also precisely transposes the 2D priors into the 3D domain. Extensive experimental evaluations reveal that our approach sets new benchmarks in both synthetic and real-world datasets. The code is included with the submission.
Abstract:Object removal is of great significance to 3D scene understanding, essential for applications in content filtering and scene editing. Current mainstream methods primarily focus on removing individual objects, with a few methods dedicated to eliminating an entire area or all objects of a certain category. They however confront the challenge of insufficient granularity and flexibility for real-world applications, where users demand tailored excision and preservation of objects within defined zones. In addition, most of the current methods require kinds of priors when addressing multi-view inpainting, which is time-consuming. To address these limitations, we propose an efficient and user-friendly pipeline for 3D multi-object removal, enabling users to flexibly select areas and define objects for removal or preservation. Concretely, to ensure object consistency and correspondence across multiple views, we propose a novel mask matching and refinement module, which integrates homography-based warping with high-confidence anchor points for segmentation. By leveraging the IoU joint shape context distance loss, we enhance the accuracy of warped masks and improve subsequent inpainting processes. Considering the current immaturity of 3D multi-object removal, we provide a new evaluation dataset to bridge the developmental void. Experimental results demonstrate that our method significantly reduces computational costs, achieving processing speeds more than 80% faster than state-of-the-art methods while maintaining equivalent or higher reconstruction quality.
Abstract:3D open-world classification is a challenging yet essential task in dynamic and unstructured real-world scenarios, requiring both open-category and open-pose recognition. To address these challenges, recent wisdom often takes sophisticated 2D pre-trained models to provide enriched and stable representations. However, these methods largely rely on how 3D objects can be projected into 2D space, which is unfortunately not well solved, and thus significantly limits their performance. Unlike these present efforts, in this paper we make a pioneering exploration of 3D generative models for 3D open-world classification. Drawing on abundant prior knowledge from 3D generative models, we additionally craft a rotation-invariant feature extractor. This innovative synergy endows our pipeline with the advantages of being training-free, open-category, and pose-invariant, thus well suited to 3D open-world classification. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate the potential of generative models in 3D open-world classification, achieving state-of-the-art performance on ModelNet10 and McGill with 32.0% and 8.7% overall accuracy improvement, respectively.
Abstract:CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training) has attained great success in pattern recognition and computer vision. Transferring CLIP to downstream tasks (e.g. zero- or few-shot classification) is a hot topic in multimodal learning. However, current studies primarily focus on either prompt learning for text or adapter tuning for vision, without fully exploiting the complementary information and correlations among image-text pairs. In this paper, we propose an Image Description Enhanced CLIP-Adapter (IDEA) method to adapt CLIP to few-shot image classification tasks. This method captures fine-grained features by leveraging both visual features and textual descriptions of images. IDEA is a training-free method for CLIP, and it can be comparable to or even exceeds state-of-the-art models on multiple tasks. Furthermore, we introduce Trainable-IDEA (T-IDEA), which extends IDEA by adding two lightweight learnable components (i.e., a projector and a learnable latent space), further enhancing the model's performance and achieving SOTA results on 11 datasets. As one important contribution, we employ the Llama model and design a comprehensive pipeline to generate textual descriptions for images of 11 datasets, resulting in a total of 1,637,795 image-text pairs, named "IMD-11". Our code and data are released at https://github.com/FourierAI/IDEA.
Abstract:Hyperspectral image (HSI) classification is a crucial technique for remote sensing to build large-scale earth monitoring systems. HSI contains much more information than traditional visual images for identifying the categories of land covers. One recent feasible solution for HSI is to leverage CapsNets for capturing spectral-spatial information. However, these methods require high computational requirements due to the full connection architecture between stacked capsule layers. To solve this problem, a DWT-CapsNet is proposed to identify partial but important connections in CapsNet for a effective and efficient HSI classification. Specifically, we integrate a tailored attention mechanism into a Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT)-based downsampling layer, alleviating the information loss problem of conventional downsampling operation in feature extractors. Moreover, we propose a novel multi-scale routing algorithm that prunes a large proportion of connections in CapsNet. A capsule pyramid fusion mechanism is designed to aggregate the spectral-spatial relationships in multiple levels of granularity, and then a self-attention mechanism is further conducted in a partially and locally connected architecture to emphasize the meaningful relationships. As shown in the experimental results, our method achieves state-of-the-art accuracy while keeping lower computational demand regarding running time, flops, and the number of parameters, rendering it an appealing choice for practical implementation in HSI classification.
Abstract:Feature Generative Adversarial Networks have emerged as powerful generative models in producing high-quality representations of unseen classes within the scope of Zero-shot Learning (ZSL). This paper delves into the pivotal influence of unseen class priors within the framework of transductive ZSL (TZSL) and illuminates the finding that even a marginal prior bias can result in substantial accuracy declines. Our extensive analysis uncovers that this inefficacy fundamentally stems from the utilization of an unconditional unseen discriminator - a core component in existing TZSL. We further establish that the detrimental effects of this component are inevitable unless the generator perfectly fits class-specific distributions. Building on these insights, we introduce our Improved Feature Generation Framework, termed I-VAEGAN, which incorporates two novel components: Pseudo-conditional Feature Adversarial (PFA) learning and Variational Embedding Regression (VER). PFA circumvents the need for prior estimation by explicitly injecting the predicted semantics as pseudo conditions for unseen classes premised by precise semantic regression. Meanwhile, VER utilizes reconstructive pre-training to learn class statistics, obtaining better semantic regression. Our I-VAEGAN achieves state-of-the-art TZSL accuracy across various benchmarks and priors. Our code would be released upon acceptance.
Abstract:Solving tabular math word problems (TMWPs) has become a critical role in evaluating the mathematical reasoning ability of large language models (LLMs), where large-scale TMWP samples are commonly required for LLM fine-tuning. Since the collection of high-quality TMWP datasets is costly and time-consuming, recent research has concentrated on automatic TMWP generation. However, current generated samples usually suffer from issues of either correctness or diversity. In this paper, we propose a Template-driven LLM-paraphrased (TeLL) framework for generating high-quality TMWP samples with diverse backgrounds and accurate tables, questions, answers, and solutions. To this end, we first extract templates from existing real samples to generate initial problems, ensuring correctness. Then, we adopt an LLM to extend templates and paraphrase problems, obtaining diverse TMWP samples. Furthermore, we find the reasoning annotation is important for solving TMWPs. Therefore, we propose to enrich each solution with illustrative reasoning steps. Through the proposed framework, we construct a high-quality dataset TabMWP-TeLL by adhering to the question types in the TabMWP dataset, and we conduct extensive experiments on a variety of LLMs to demonstrate the effectiveness of TabMWP-TeLL in improving TMWP solving performance. The code and data of this paper are available at: https://github.com/Jason8Kang/TELL.
Abstract:Point cloud anomaly detection under the anomaly-free setting poses significant challenges as it requires accurately capturing the features of 3D normal data to identify deviations indicative of anomalies. Current efforts focus on devising reconstruction tasks, such as acquiring normal data representations by restoring normal samples from altered, pseudo-anomalous counterparts. Our findings reveal that distributing attention equally across normal and pseudo-anomalous data tends to dilute the model's focus on anomalous deviations. The challenge is further compounded by the inherently disordered and sparse nature of 3D point cloud data. In response to those predicaments, we introduce an innovative approach that emphasizes learning point offsets, targeting more informative pseudo-abnormal points, thus fostering more effective distillation of normal data representations. We also have crafted an augmentation technique that is steered by normal vectors, facilitating the creation of credible pseudo anomalies that enhance the efficiency of the training process. Our comprehensive experimental evaluation on the Anomaly-ShapeNet and Real3D-AD datasets evidences that our proposed method outperforms existing state-of-the-art approaches, achieving an average enhancement of 9.0% and 1.4% in the AUC-ROC detection metric across these datasets, respectively.
Abstract:Robotic grasping in the open world is a critical component of manufacturing and automation processes. While numerous existing approaches depend on 2D segmentation output to facilitate the grasping procedure, accurately determining depth from 2D imagery remains a challenge, often leading to limited performance in complex stacking scenarios. In contrast, techniques utilizing 3D point cloud data inherently capture depth information, thus enabling adeptly navigating and manipulating a diverse range of complex stacking scenes. However, such efforts are considerably hindered by the variance in data capture devices and the unstructured nature of the data, which limits their generalizability. Consequently, much research is narrowly concentrated on managing designated objects within specific settings, which confines their real-world applicability. This paper presents a novel pipeline capable of executing object grasping tasks in open-world scenarios even on previously unseen objects without the necessity for training. Additionally, our pipeline supports the flexible use of different 3D point cloud segmentation models across a variety of scenes. Leveraging the segmentation results, we propose to engage a training-free binary clustering algorithm that not only improves segmentation precision but also possesses the capability to cluster and localize unseen objects for executing grasping operations. In our experiments, we investigate a range of open-world scenarios, and the outcomes underscore the remarkable robustness and generalizability of our pipeline, consistent across various environments, robots, cameras, and objects. The code will be made available upon acceptance of the paper.
Abstract:Oracle character recognition-an analysis of ancient Chinese inscriptions found on oracle bones-has become a pivotal field intersecting archaeology, paleography, and historical cultural studies. Traditional methods of oracle character recognition have relied heavily on manual interpretation by experts, which is not only labor-intensive but also limits broader accessibility to the general public. With recent breakthroughs in pattern recognition and deep learning, there is a growing movement towards the automation of oracle character recognition (OrCR), showing considerable promise in tackling the challenges inherent to these ancient scripts. However, a comprehensive understanding of OrCR still remains elusive. Therefore, this paper presents a systematic and structured survey of the current landscape of OrCR research. We commence by identifying and analyzing the key challenges of OrCR. Then, we provide an overview of the primary benchmark datasets and digital resources available for OrCR. A review of contemporary research methodologies follows, in which their respective efficacies, limitations, and applicability to the complex nature of oracle characters are critically highlighted and examined. Additionally, our review extends to ancillary tasks associated with OrCR across diverse disciplines, providing a broad-spectrum analysis of its applications. We conclude with a forward-looking perspective, proposing potential avenues for future investigations that could yield significant advancements in the field.