Abstract:This paper investigates various methods of representing 3D rotations and their impact on the learning process of deep neural networks. We evaluated the performance of ResNet18 networks for 3D rotation estimation using several rotation representations and loss functions on both synthetic and real data. The real datasets contained 3D scans of industrial bins, while the synthetic datasets included views of a simple asymmetric object rendered under different rotations. On synthetic data, we also assessed the effects of different rotation distributions within the training and test sets, as well as the impact of the object's texture. In line with previous research, we found that networks using the continuous 5D and 6D representations performed better than the discontinuous ones.
Abstract:Recent works have shown that Federated Learning (FL) is vulnerable to backdoor attacks. Existing defenses cluster submitted updates from clients and select the best cluster for aggregation. However, they often rely on unrealistic assumptions regarding client submissions and sampled clients population while choosing the best cluster. We show that in realistic FL settings, state-of-the-art (SOTA) defenses struggle to perform well against backdoor attacks in FL. To address this, we highlight that backdoored submissions are adversarially biased and overconfident compared to clean submissions. We, therefore, propose an Adversarially Guided Stateful Defense (AGSD) against backdoor attacks on Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) in FL scenarios. AGSD employs adversarial perturbations to a small held-out dataset to compute a novel metric, called the trust index, that guides the cluster selection without relying on any unrealistic assumptions regarding client submissions. Moreover, AGSD maintains a trust state history of each client that adaptively penalizes backdoored clients and rewards clean clients. In realistic FL settings, where SOTA defenses mostly fail to resist attacks, AGSD mostly outperforms all SOTA defenses with minimal drop in clean accuracy (5% in the worst-case compared to best accuracy) even when (a) given a very small held-out dataset -- typically AGSD assumes 50 samples (<= 0.1% of the training data) and (b) no heldout dataset is available, and out-of-distribution data is used instead. For reproducibility, our code will be openly available at: https://github.com/hassanalikhatim/AGSD.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) have been recently used in robot applications for grounding LLM common-sense reasoning with the robot's perception and physical abilities. In humanoid robots, memory also plays a critical role in fostering real-world embodiment and facilitating long-term interactive capabilities, especially in multi-task setups where the robot must remember previous task states, environment states, and executed actions. In this paper, we address incorporating memory processes with LLMs for generating cross-task robot actions, while the robot effectively switches between tasks. Our proposed dual-layered architecture features two LLMs, utilizing their complementary skills of reasoning and following instructions, combined with a memory model inspired by human cognition. Our results show a significant improvement in performance over a baseline of five robotic tasks, demonstrating the potential of integrating memory with LLMs for combining the robot's action and perception for adaptive task execution.
Abstract:We investigate the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) to equip neural robotic agents with human-like social and cognitive competencies, for the purpose of open-ended human-robot conversation and collaboration. We introduce a modular and extensible methodology for grounding an LLM with the sensory perceptions and capabilities of a physical robot, and integrate multiple deep learning models throughout the architecture in a form of system integration. The integrated models encompass various functions such as speech recognition, speech generation, open-vocabulary object detection, human pose estimation, and gesture detection, with the LLM serving as the central text-based coordinating unit. The qualitative and quantitative results demonstrate the huge potential of LLMs in providing emergent cognition and interactive language-oriented control of robots in a natural and social manner.
Abstract:Intention-based Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) systems allow robots to perceive and interpret user actions to proactively interact with humans and adapt to their behavior. Therefore, intention prediction is pivotal in creating a natural interactive collaboration between humans and robots. In this paper, we examine the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) for inferring human intention during a collaborative object categorization task with a physical robot. We introduce a hierarchical approach for interpreting user non-verbal cues, like hand gestures, body poses, and facial expressions and combining them with environment states and user verbal cues captured using an existing Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) system. Our evaluation demonstrates the potential of LLMs to interpret non-verbal cues and to combine them with their context-understanding capabilities and real-world knowledge to support intention prediction during human-robot interaction.
Abstract:Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have been the driving force behind many of the recent advances in machine learning. However, research has shown that DNNs are vulnerable to adversarial examples -- input samples that have been perturbed to force DNN-based models to make errors. As a result, Adversarial Machine Learning (AdvML) has gained a lot of attention, and researchers have investigated these vulnerabilities in various settings and modalities. In addition, DNNs have also been found to incorporate embedded bias and often produce unexplainable predictions, which can result in anti-social AI applications. The emergence of new AI technologies that leverage Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT and GPT-4, increases the risk of producing anti-social applications at scale. AdvML for Social Good (AdvML4G) is an emerging field that repurposes the AdvML bug to invent pro-social applications. Regulators, practitioners, and researchers should collaborate to encourage the development of pro-social applications and hinder the development of anti-social ones. In this work, we provide the first comprehensive review of the emerging field of AdvML4G. This paper encompasses a taxonomy that highlights the emergence of AdvML4G, a discussion of the differences and similarities between AdvML4G and AdvML, a taxonomy covering social good-related concepts and aspects, an exploration of the motivations behind the emergence of AdvML4G at the intersection of ML4G and AdvML, and an extensive summary of the works that utilize AdvML4G as an auxiliary tool for innovating pro-social applications. Finally, we elaborate upon various challenges and open research issues that require significant attention from the research community.
Abstract:Semantic understanding of roadways is a key enabling factor for safe autonomous driving. However, existing autonomous driving datasets provide well-structured urban roads while ignoring unstructured roadways containing distress, potholes, water puddles, and various kinds of road patches i.e., earthen, gravel etc. To this end, we introduce Road Region Segmentation dataset (R2S100K) -- a large-scale dataset and benchmark for training and evaluation of road segmentation in aforementioned challenging unstructured roadways. R2S100K comprises 100K images extracted from a large and diverse set of video sequences covering more than 1000 KM of roadways. Out of these 100K privacy respecting images, 14,000 images have fine pixel-labeling of road regions, with 86,000 unlabeled images that can be leveraged through semi-supervised learning methods. Alongside, we present an Efficient Data Sampling (EDS) based self-training framework to improve learning by leveraging unlabeled data. Our experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method significantly improves learning methods in generalizability and reduces the labeling cost for semantic segmentation tasks. Our benchmark will be publicly available to facilitate future research at https://r2s100k.github.io/.
Abstract:Several membership inference (MI) attacks have been proposed to audit a target DNN. Given a set of subjects, MI attacks tell which subjects the target DNN has seen during training. This work focuses on the post-training MI attacks emphasizing high confidence membership detection -- True Positive Rates (TPR) at low False Positive Rates (FPR). Current works in this category -- likelihood ratio attack (LiRA) and enhanced MI attack (EMIA) -- only perform well on complex datasets (e.g., CIFAR-10 and Imagenet) where the target DNN overfits its train set, but perform poorly on simpler datasets (0% TPR by both attacks on Fashion-MNIST, 2% and 0% TPR respectively by LiRA and EMIA on MNIST at 1% FPR). To address this, firstly, we unify current MI attacks by presenting a framework divided into three stages -- preparation, indication and decision. Secondly, we utilize the framework to propose two novel attacks: (1) Adversarial Membership Inference Attack (AMIA) efficiently utilizes the membership and the non-membership information of the subjects while adversarially minimizing a novel loss function, achieving 6% TPR on both Fashion-MNIST and MNIST datasets; and (2) Enhanced AMIA (E-AMIA) combines EMIA and AMIA to achieve 8% and 4% TPRs on Fashion-MNIST and MNIST datasets respectively, at 1% FPR. Thirdly, we introduce two novel augmented indicators that positively leverage the loss information in the Gaussian neighborhood of a subject. This improves TPR of all four attacks on average by 2.5% and 0.25% respectively on Fashion-MNIST and MNIST datasets at 1% FPR. Finally, we propose simple, yet novel, evaluation metric, the running TPR average (RTA) at a given FPR, that better distinguishes different MI attacks in the low FPR region. We also show that AMIA and E-AMIA are more transferable to the unknown DNNs (other than the target DNN) and are more robust to DP-SGD training as compared to LiRA and EMIA.
Abstract:Over the past few years, surgical data science has attracted substantial interest from the machine learning (ML) community. Various studies have demonstrated the efficacy of emerging ML techniques in analysing surgical data, particularly recordings of procedures, for digitizing clinical and non-clinical functions like preoperative planning, context-aware decision-making, and operating skill assessment. However, this field is still in its infancy and lacks representative, well-annotated datasets for training robust models in intermediate ML tasks. Also, existing datasets suffer from inaccurate labels, hindering the development of reliable models. In this paper, we propose a systematic methodology for developing robust models for surgical tool detection using noisy data. Our methodology introduces two key innovations: (1) an intelligent active learning strategy for minimal dataset identification and label correction by human experts; and (2) an assembling strategy for a student-teacher model-based self-training framework to achieve the robust classification of 14 surgical tools in a semi-supervised fashion. Furthermore, we employ weighted data loaders to handle difficult class labels and address class imbalance issues. The proposed methodology achieves an average F1-score of 85.88\% for the ensemble model-based self-training with class weights, and 80.88\% without class weights for noisy labels. Also, our proposed method significantly outperforms existing approaches, which effectively demonstrates its effectiveness.
Abstract:Recent works have shown that deep learning (DL) models can effectively learn city-wide crowd-flow patterns, which can be used for more effective urban planning and smart city management. However, DL models have been known to perform poorly on inconspicuous adversarial perturbations. Although many works have studied these adversarial perturbations in general, the adversarial vulnerabilities of deep crowd-flow prediction models in particular have remained largely unexplored. In this paper, we perform a rigorous analysis of the adversarial vulnerabilities of DL-based crowd-flow prediction models under multiple threat settings, making three-fold contributions. (1) We propose CaV-detect by formally identifying two novel properties - Consistency and Validity - of the crowd-flow prediction inputs that enable the detection of standard adversarial inputs with 0% false acceptance rate (FAR). (2) We leverage universal adversarial perturbations and an adaptive adversarial loss to present adaptive adversarial attacks to evade CaV-detect defense. (3) We propose CVPR, a Consistent, Valid and Physically-Realizable adversarial attack, that explicitly inducts the consistency and validity priors in the perturbation generation mechanism. We find out that although the crowd-flow models are vulnerable to adversarial perturbations, it is extremely challenging to simulate these perturbations in physical settings, notably when CaV-detect is in place. We also show that CVPR attack considerably outperforms the adaptively modified standard attacks in FAR and adversarial loss metrics. We conclude with useful insights emerging from our work and highlight promising future research directions.