Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) have been recently used in robot applications for grounding LLM common-sense reasoning with the robot's perception and physical abilities. In humanoid robots, memory also plays a critical role in fostering real-world embodiment and facilitating long-term interactive capabilities, especially in multi-task setups where the robot must remember previous task states, environment states, and executed actions. In this paper, we address incorporating memory processes with LLMs for generating cross-task robot actions, while the robot effectively switches between tasks. Our proposed dual-layered architecture features two LLMs, utilizing their complementary skills of reasoning and following instructions, combined with a memory model inspired by human cognition. Our results show a significant improvement in performance over a baseline of five robotic tasks, demonstrating the potential of integrating memory with LLMs for combining the robot's action and perception for adaptive task execution.
Abstract:We introduce NOVIC, an innovative uNconstrained Open Vocabulary Image Classifier that uses an autoregressive transformer to generatively output classification labels as language. Leveraging the extensive knowledge of CLIP models, NOVIC harnesses the embedding space to enable zero-shot transfer from pure text to images. Traditional CLIP models, despite their ability for open vocabulary classification, require an exhaustive prompt of potential class labels, restricting their application to images of known content or context. To address this, we propose an "object decoder" model that is trained on a large-scale 92M-target dataset of templated object noun sets and LLM-generated captions to always output the object noun in question. This effectively inverts the CLIP text encoder and allows textual object labels to be generated directly from image-derived embedding vectors, without requiring any a priori knowledge of the potential content of an image. The trained decoders are tested on a mix of manually and web-curated datasets, as well as standard image classification benchmarks, and achieve fine-grained prompt-free prediction scores of up to 87.5%, a strong result considering the model must work for any conceivable image and without any contextual clues.
Abstract:We investigate the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) to equip neural robotic agents with human-like social and cognitive competencies, for the purpose of open-ended human-robot conversation and collaboration. We introduce a modular and extensible methodology for grounding an LLM with the sensory perceptions and capabilities of a physical robot, and integrate multiple deep learning models throughout the architecture in a form of system integration. The integrated models encompass various functions such as speech recognition, speech generation, open-vocabulary object detection, human pose estimation, and gesture detection, with the LLM serving as the central text-based coordinating unit. The qualitative and quantitative results demonstrate the huge potential of LLMs in providing emergent cognition and interactive language-oriented control of robots in a natural and social manner.
Abstract:This paper introduces a novel zero-shot motion planning method that allows users to quickly design smooth robot motions in Cartesian space. A B\'ezier curve-based Cartesian plan is transformed into a joint space trajectory by our neuro-inspired inverse kinematics (IK) method CycleIK, for which we enable platform independence by scaling it to arbitrary robot designs. The motion planner is evaluated on the physical hardware of the two humanoid robots NICO and NICOL in a human-in-the-loop grasping scenario. Our method is deployed with an embodied agent that is a large language model (LLM) at its core. We generalize the embodied agent, that was introduced for NICOL, to also be embodied by NICO. The agent can execute a discrete set of physical actions and allows the user to verbally instruct various different robots. We contribute a grasping primitive to its action space that allows for precise manipulation of household objects. The new CycleIK method is compared to popular numerical IK solvers and state-of-the-art neural IK methods in simulation and is shown to be competitive with or outperform all evaluated methods when the algorithm runtime is very short. The grasping primitive is evaluated on both NICOL and NICO robots with a reported grasp success of 72% to 82% for each robot, respectively.
Abstract:Intention-based Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) systems allow robots to perceive and interpret user actions to proactively interact with humans and adapt to their behavior. Therefore, intention prediction is pivotal in creating a natural interactive collaboration between humans and robots. In this paper, we examine the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) for inferring human intention during a collaborative object categorization task with a physical robot. We introduce a hierarchical approach for interpreting user non-verbal cues, like hand gestures, body poses, and facial expressions and combining them with environment states and user verbal cues captured using an existing Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) system. Our evaluation demonstrates the potential of LLMs to interpret non-verbal cues and to combine them with their context-understanding capabilities and real-world knowledge to support intention prediction during human-robot interaction.
Abstract:Mirroring non-verbal social cues such as affect or movement can enhance human-human and human-robot interactions in the real world. The robotic platforms and control methods also impact people's perception of human-robot interaction. However, limited studies have compared robot imitation across different platforms and control methods. Our research addresses this gap by conducting two experiments comparing people's perception of affective mirroring between the iCub and Pepper robots and movement mirroring between vision-based iCub control and Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)-based iCub control. We discovered that the iCub robot was perceived as more humanlike than the Pepper robot when mirroring affect. A vision-based controlled iCub outperformed the IMU-based controlled one in the movement mirroring task. Our findings suggest that different robotic platforms impact people's perception of robots' mirroring during HRI. The control method also contributes to the robot's mirroring performance. Our work sheds light on the design and application of different humanoid robots in the real world.
Abstract:The paper introduces CycleIK, a neuro-robotic approach that wraps two novel neuro-inspired methods for the inverse kinematics (IK) task, a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN), and a Multi-Layer Perceptron architecture. These methods can be used in a standalone fashion, but we also show how embedding these into a hybrid neuro-genetic IK pipeline allows for further optimization via sequential least-squares programming (SLSQP) or a genetic algorithm (GA). The models are trained and tested on dense datasets that were collected from random robot configurations of the new Neuro-Inspired COLlaborator (NICOL), a semi-humanoid robot with two redundant 8-DoF manipulators. We utilize the weighted multi-objective function from the state-of-the-art BioIK method to support the training process and our hybrid neuro-genetic architecture. We show that the neural models can compete with state-of-the-art IK approaches, which allows for deployment directly to robotic hardware. Additionally, it is shown that the incorporation of the genetic algorithm improves the precision while simultaneously reducing the overall runtime.
Abstract:Robotic platforms that can efficiently collaborate with humans in physical tasks constitute a major goal in robotics. However, many existing robotic platforms are either designed for social interaction or industrial object manipulation tasks. The design of collaborative robots seldom emphasizes both their social interaction and physical collaboration abilities. To bridge this gap, we present the novel semi-humanoid NICOL, the Neuro-Inspired COLlaborator. NICOL is a large, newly designed, scaled-up version of its well-evaluated predecessor, the Neuro-Inspired COmpanion (NICO). While we adopt NICO's head and facial expression display, we extend its manipulation abilities in terms of precision, object size and workspace size. To introduce and evaluate NICOL, we first develop and extend different neural and hybrid neuro-genetic visuomotor approaches initially developed for the NICO to the larger NICOL and its more complex kinematics. Furthermore, we present a novel neuro-genetic approach that improves the grasp accuracy of the NICOL to over 99%, outperforming the state-of-the-art IK solvers KDL, TRACK-IK and BIO-IK. Furthermore, we introduce the social interaction capabilities of NICOL, including the auditory and visual capabilities, but also the face and emotion generation capabilities. Overall, this article presents for the first time the humanoid robot NICOL and, thereby, with the neuro-genetic approaches, contributes to the integration of social robotics and neural visuomotor learning for humanoid robots.
Abstract:Message-oriented and robotics middleware play an important role in facilitating robot control, abstracting complex functionality and unifying communication patterns across networks of sensors and devices. However, the use of multiple middleware frameworks presents a challenge in integrating different robots within a single system. To address this challenge, we present Wrapyfi, a Python wrapper supporting multiple message-oriented and robotics middleware, including ZeroMQ, YARP, ROS, and ROS 2. Wrapyfi also provides plugins for exchanging deep learning framework data, without additional encoding or preprocessing steps. Using Wrapyfi eases the development of scripts that run on multiple machines, thereby enabling cross-platform communication and workload distribution. We evaluated Wrapyfi in practical settings by conducting two user studies, using multiple sensors transmitting readings to deep learning models, and using robots such as the iCub and Pepper via different middleware. The results demonstrated Wrapyfi's usability in practice allowing for multi-middleware exchanges, and controlled process distribution in a real-world setting. More importantly, we showcase Wrapify's most prominent features by bridging interactions between sensors, deep learning models, and robotic platforms.
Abstract:The act of reaching for an object is a fundamental yet complex skill for a robotic agent, requiring a high degree of visuomotor control and coordination. In consideration of dynamic environments, a robot capable of autonomously adapting to novel situations is desired. In this paper, a developmental robotics approach is used to autonomously learn visuomotor coordination on the NICO (Neuro-Inspired COmpanion) platform, for the task of object reaching. The robot interacts with its environment and learns associations between motor commands and temporally correlated sensory perceptions based on Hebbian learning. Multiple Grow-When-Required (GWR) networks are used to learn increasingly more complex motoric behaviors, by first learning how to direct the gaze towards a visual stimulus, followed by learning motor control of the arm, and finally learning how to reach for an object using eye-hand coordination. We demonstrate that the model is able to deal with an unforeseen mechanical change in the NICO's body, showing the adaptability of the proposed approach. In evaluations of our approach, we show that the humanoid robot NICO is able to reach objects with a 76% success rate.