University of Hamburg
Abstract:There has been substantial progress in humanoid robots, with new skills continuously being taught, ranging from navigation to manipulation. While these abilities may seem impressive, the teaching methods often remain inefficient. To enhance the process of teaching robots, we propose leveraging a mechanism effectively used by humans: teaching by demonstrating. In this paper, we introduce DIRIGENt (DIrect Robotic Imitation GENeration model), a novel end-to-end diffusion approach that directly generates joint values from observing human demonstrations, enabling a robot to imitate these actions without any existing mapping between it and humans. We create a dataset in which humans imitate a robot and then use this collected data to train a diffusion model that enables a robot to imitate humans. The following three aspects are the core of our contribution. First is our novel dataset with natural pairs between human and robot poses, allowing our approach to imitate humans accurately despite the gap between their anatomies. Second, the diffusion input to our model alleviates the challenge of redundant joint configurations, limiting the search space. And finally, our end-to-end architecture from perception to action leads to an improved learning capability. Through our experimental analysis, we show that combining these three aspects allows DIRIGENt to outperform existing state-of-the-art approaches in the field of generating joint values from RGB images.
Abstract:Causal learning allows humans to predict the effect of their actions on the known environment and use this knowledge to plan the execution of more complex actions. Such knowledge also captures the behaviour of the environment and can be used for its analysis and the reasoning behind the behaviour. This type of knowledge is also crucial in the design of intelligent robotic systems with common sense. In this paper, we study causal relations by learning the forward and inverse models based on data generated by a simulated robotic arm involved in two sensorimotor tasks. As a next step, we investigate feature attribution methods for the analysis of the forward model, which reveals the low-level causal effects corresponding to individual features of the state vector related to both the arm joints and the environment features. This type of analysis provides solid ground for dimensionality reduction of the state representations, as well as for the aggregation of knowledge towards the explainability of causal effects at higher levels.
Abstract:The state of an object reflects its current status or condition and is important for a robot's task planning and manipulation. However, detecting an object's state and generating a state-sensitive plan for robots is challenging. Recently, pre-trained Large Language Models (LLMs) and Vision-Language Models (VLMs) have shown impressive capabilities in generating plans. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is hardly any investigation on whether LLMs or VLMs can also generate object state-sensitive plans. To study this, we introduce an Object State-Sensitive Agent (OSSA), a task-planning agent empowered by pre-trained neural networks. We propose two methods for OSSA: (i) a modular model consisting of a pre-trained vision processing module (dense captioning model, DCM) and a natural language processing model (LLM), and (ii) a monolithic model consisting only of a VLM. To quantitatively evaluate the performances of the two methods, we use tabletop scenarios where the task is to clear the table. We contribute a multimodal benchmark dataset that takes object states into consideration. Our results show that both methods can be used for object state-sensitive tasks, but the monolithic approach outperforms the modular approach. The code for OSSA is available at \url{}
Abstract:Humanoid robots can benefit from their similarity to the human shape by learning from humans. When humans teach other humans how to perform actions, they often demonstrate the actions and the learning human can try to imitate the demonstration. Being able to mentally transfer from a demonstration seen from a third-person perspective to how it should look from a first-person perspective is fundamental for this ability in humans. As this is a challenging task, it is often simplified for robots by creating a demonstration in the first-person perspective. Creating these demonstrations requires more effort but allows for an easier imitation. We introduce a novel diffusion model aimed at enabling the robot to directly learn from the third-person demonstrations. Our model is capable of learning and generating the first-person perspective from the third-person perspective by translating the size and rotations of objects and the environment between two perspectives. This allows us to utilise the benefits of easy-to-produce third-person demonstrations and easy-to-imitate first-person demonstrations. The model can either represent the first-person perspective in an RGB image or calculate the joint values. Our approach significantly outperforms other image-to-image models in this task.
Abstract:Imitation can allow us to quickly gain an understanding of a new task. Through a demonstration, we can gain direct knowledge about which actions need to be performed and which goals they have. In this paper, we introduce a new approach to imitation learning that tackles the challenges of a robot imitating a human, such as the change in perspective and body schema. Our approach can use a single human demonstration to abstract information about the demonstrated task, and use that information to generalise and replicate it. We facilitate this ability by a new integration of two state-of-the-art methods: a diffusion action segmentation model to abstract temporal information from the demonstration and an open vocabulary object detector for spatial information. Furthermore, we refine the abstracted information and use symbolic reasoning to create an action plan utilising inverse kinematics, to allow the robot to imitate the demonstrated action.
Abstract:The paper introduces CycleIK, a neuro-robotic approach that wraps two novel neuro-inspired methods for the inverse kinematics (IK) task, a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN), and a Multi-Layer Perceptron architecture. These methods can be used in a standalone fashion, but we also show how embedding these into a hybrid neuro-genetic IK pipeline allows for further optimization via sequential least-squares programming (SLSQP) or a genetic algorithm (GA). The models are trained and tested on dense datasets that were collected from random robot configurations of the new Neuro-Inspired COLlaborator (NICOL), a semi-humanoid robot with two redundant 8-DoF manipulators. We utilize the weighted multi-objective function from the state-of-the-art BioIK method to support the training process and our hybrid neuro-genetic architecture. We show that the neural models can compete with state-of-the-art IK approaches, which allows for deployment directly to robotic hardware. Additionally, it is shown that the incorporation of the genetic algorithm improves the precision while simultaneously reducing the overall runtime.
Abstract:Multimodal integration is a key component of allowing robots to perceive the world. Multimodality comes with multiple challenges that have to be considered, such as how to integrate and fuse the data. In this paper, we compare different possibilities of fusing visual, tactile and proprioceptive data. The data is directly recorded on the NICOL robot in an experimental setup in which the robot has to classify containers and their content. Due to the different nature of the containers, the use of the modalities can wildly differ between the classes. We demonstrate the superiority of multimodal solutions in this use case and evaluate three fusion strategies that integrate the data at different time steps. We find that the accuracy of the best fusion strategy is 15% higher than the best strategy using only one singular sense.
Abstract:Robotic platforms that can efficiently collaborate with humans in physical tasks constitute a major goal in robotics. However, many existing robotic platforms are either designed for social interaction or industrial object manipulation tasks. The design of collaborative robots seldom emphasizes both their social interaction and physical collaboration abilities. To bridge this gap, we present the novel semi-humanoid NICOL, the Neuro-Inspired COLlaborator. NICOL is a large, newly designed, scaled-up version of its well-evaluated predecessor, the Neuro-Inspired COmpanion (NICO). While we adopt NICO's head and facial expression display, we extend its manipulation abilities in terms of precision, object size and workspace size. To introduce and evaluate NICOL, we first develop and extend different neural and hybrid neuro-genetic visuomotor approaches initially developed for the NICO to the larger NICOL and its more complex kinematics. Furthermore, we present a novel neuro-genetic approach that improves the grasp accuracy of the NICOL to over 99%, outperforming the state-of-the-art IK solvers KDL, TRACK-IK and BIO-IK. Furthermore, we introduce the social interaction capabilities of NICOL, including the auditory and visual capabilities, but also the face and emotion generation capabilities. Overall, this article presents for the first time the humanoid robot NICOL and, thereby, with the neuro-genetic approaches, contributes to the integration of social robotics and neural visuomotor learning for humanoid robots.
Abstract:Human infant learning happens during exploration of the environment, by interaction with objects, and by listening to and repeating utterances casually, which is analogous to unsupervised learning. Only occasionally, a learning infant would receive a matching verbal description of an action it is committing, which is similar to supervised learning. Such a learning mechanism can be mimicked with deep learning. We model this weakly supervised learning paradigm using our Paired Gated Autoencoders (PGAE) model, which combines an action and a language autoencoder. After observing a performance drop when reducing the proportion of supervised training, we introduce the Paired Transformed Autoencoders (PTAE) model, using Transformer-based crossmodal attention. PTAE achieves significantly higher accuracy in language-to-action and action-to-language translations, particularly in realistic but difficult cases when only few supervised training samples are available. We also test whether the trained model behaves realistically with conflicting multimodal input. In accordance with the concept of incongruence in psychology, conflict deteriorates the model output. Conflicting action input has a more severe impact than conflicting language input, and more conflicting features lead to larger interference. PTAE can be trained on mostly unlabelled data where labeled data is scarce, and it behaves plausibly when tested with incongruent input.
Abstract:Knowledge about space and time is necessary to solve problems in the physical world: An AI agent situated in the physical world and interacting with objects often needs to reason about positions of and relations between objects; and as soon as the agent plans its actions to solve a task, it needs to consider the temporal aspect (e.g., what actions to perform over time). Spatio-temporal knowledge, however, is required beyond interacting with the physical world, and is also often transferred to the abstract world of concepts through analogies and metaphors (e.g., "a threat that is hanging over our heads"). As spatial and temporal reasoning is ubiquitous, different attempts have been made to integrate this into AI systems. In the area of knowledge representation, spatial and temporal reasoning has been largely limited to modeling objects and relations and developing reasoning methods to verify statements about objects and relations. On the other hand, neural network researchers have tried to teach models to learn spatial relations from data with limited reasoning capabilities. Bridging the gap between these two approaches in a mutually beneficial way could allow us to tackle many complex real-world problems, such as natural language processing, visual question answering, and semantic image segmentation. In this chapter, we view this integration problem from the perspective of Neuro-Symbolic AI. Specifically, we propose a synergy between logical reasoning and machine learning that will be grounded on spatial and temporal knowledge. Describing some successful applications, remaining challenges, and evaluation datasets pertaining to this direction is the main topic of this contribution.