Abstract:RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) allows LLMs (large language models) to generate better responses with external knowledge, but using more external knowledge often improves generation quality at the expense of response delay. Prior work either reduces the response delay (through better scheduling of RAG queries) or strives to maximize quality (which involves tuning the RAG workflow), but they fall short in optimizing the tradeoff between the delay and quality of RAG responses. This paper presents RAGServe, the first RAG system that jointly schedules queries and adapts the key RAG configurations of each query, such as the number of retrieved text chunks and synthesis methods, in order to balance quality optimization and response delay reduction. Using 4 popular RAG-QA datasets, we show that compared with the state-of-the-art RAG optimization schemes, RAGServe reduces the generation latency by $1.64-2.54\times$ without sacrificing generation quality.
Abstract:Cellular Radio Access Networks (RANs) are rapidly evolving towards 6G, driven by the need to reduce costs and introduce new revenue streams for operators and enterprises. In this context, AI emerges as a key enabler in solving complex RAN problems spanning both the management and application domains. Unfortunately, and despite the undeniable promise of AI, several practical challenges still remain, hindering the widespread adoption of AI applications in the RAN space. This article attempts to shed light to these challenges and argues that existing approaches in addressing them are inadequate for realizing the vision of a truly AI-native 6G network. Motivated by this lack of solutions, it proposes a generic distributed AI platform architecture, tailored to the needs of an AI-native RAN and discusses its alignment with ongoing standardization efforts.
Abstract:The trend of modeless ML inference is increasingly growing in popularity as it hides the complexity of model inference from users and caters to diverse user and application accuracy requirements. Previous work mostly focuses on modeless inference in data centers. To provide low-latency inference, in this paper, we promote modeless inference at the edge. The edge environment introduces additional challenges related to low power consumption, limited device memory, and volatile network environments. To address these challenges, we propose HawkVision, which provides low-latency modeless serving of vision DNNs. HawkVision leverages a two-layer edge-DC architecture that employs confidence scaling to reduce the number of model options while meeting diverse accuracy requirements. It also supports lossy inference under volatile network environments. Our experimental results show that HawkVision outperforms current serving systems by up to 1.6X in P99 latency for providing modeless service. Our FPGA prototype demonstrates similar performance at certain accuracy levels with up to a 3.34X reduction in power consumption.
Abstract:As large language models (LLMs) take on more complex tasks, their inputs incorporate longer contexts to respond to questions that require domain knowledge or user-specific conversational histories. Yet, using long contexts poses a challenge for responsive LLM systems, as nothing can be generated until all the contexts are fetched to and processed by the LLM. Existing systems optimize only the computation delay in context processing (e.g., by caching intermediate key-value features of the text context) but often cause longer network delays in context fetching (e.g., key-value features consume orders of magnitude larger bandwidth than the text context). This paper presents CacheGen to minimize the delays in fetching and processing contexts for LLMs. CacheGen reduces the bandwidth needed for transmitting long contexts' key-value (KV) features through a novel encoder that compresses KV features into more compact bitstream representations. The encoder combines adaptive quantization with a tailored arithmetic coder, taking advantage of the KV features' distributional properties, such as locality across tokens. Furthermore, CacheGen minimizes the total delay in fetching and processing a context by using a controller that determines when to load the context as compressed KV features or raw text and picks the appropriate compression level if loaded as KV features. We test CacheGen on three models of various sizes and three datasets of different context lengths. Compared to recent methods that handle long contexts, CacheGen reduces bandwidth usage by 3.7-4.3x and the total delay in fetching and processing contexts by 2.7-3x while maintaining similar LLM performance on various tasks as loading the text contexts.
Abstract:Deep learning inference on streaming media data, such as object detection in video or LiDAR feeds and text extraction from audio waves, is now ubiquitous. To achieve high inference accuracy, these applications typically require significant network bandwidth to gather high-fidelity data and extensive GPU resources to run deep neural networks (DNNs). While the high demand for network bandwidth and GPU resources could be substantially reduced by optimally adapting the configuration knobs, such as video resolution and frame rate, current adaptation techniques fail to meet three requirements simultaneously: adapt configurations (i) with minimum extra GPU or bandwidth overhead; (ii) to reach near-optimal decisions based on how the data affects the final DNN's accuracy, and (iii) do so for a range of configuration knobs. This paper presents OneAdapt, which meets these requirements by leveraging a gradient-ascent strategy to adapt configuration knobs. The key idea is to embrace DNNs' differentiability to quickly estimate the accuracy's gradient to each configuration knob, called AccGrad. Specifically, OneAdapt estimates AccGrad by multiplying two gradients: InputGrad (i.e. how each configuration knob affects the input to the DNN) and DNNGrad (i.e. how the DNN input affects the DNN inference output). We evaluate OneAdapt across five types of configurations, four analytic tasks, and five types of input data. Compared to state-of-the-art adaptation schemes, OneAdapt cuts bandwidth usage and GPU usage by 15-59% while maintaining comparable accuracy or improves accuracy by 1-5% while using equal or fewer resources.
Abstract:Video analytics pipelines have steadily shifted to edge deployments to reduce bandwidth overheads and privacy violations, but in doing so, face an ever-growing resource tension. Most notably, edge-box GPUs lack the memory needed to concurrently house the growing number of (increasingly complex) models for real-time inference. Unfortunately, existing solutions that rely on time/space sharing of GPU resources are insufficient as the required swapping delays result in unacceptable frame drops and accuracy violations. We present model merging, a new memory management technique that exploits architectural similarities between edge vision models by judiciously sharing their layers (including weights) to reduce workload memory costs and swapping delays. Our system, GEMEL, efficiently integrates merging into existing pipelines by (1) leveraging several guiding observations about per-model memory usage and inter-layer dependencies to quickly identify fruitful and accuracy-preserving merging configurations, and (2) altering edge inference schedules to maximize merging benefits. Experiments across diverse workloads reveal that GEMEL reduces memory usage by up to 60.7%, and improves overall accuracy by 8-39% relative to time/space sharing alone.
Abstract:Video analytics applications use edge compute servers for the analytics of the videos (for bandwidth and privacy). Compressed models that are deployed on the edge servers for inference suffer from data drift, where the live video data diverges from the training data. Continuous learning handles data drift by periodically retraining the models on new data. Our work addresses the challenge of jointly supporting inference and retraining tasks on edge servers, which requires navigating the fundamental tradeoff between the retrained model's accuracy and the inference accuracy. Our solution Ekya balances this tradeoff across multiple models and uses a micro-profiler to identify the models that will benefit the most by retraining. Ekya's accuracy gain compared to a baseline scheduler is 29% higher, and the baseline requires 4x more GPU resources to achieve the same accuracy as Ekya.
Abstract:Video-analytics-as-a-service is becoming an important offering for cloud providers. A key concern in such services is privacy of the videos being analyzed. While trusted execution environments (TEEs) are promising options for preventing the direct leakage of private video content, they remain vulnerable to side-channel attacks. We present Visor, a system that provides confidentiality for the user's video stream as well as the ML models in the presence of a compromised cloud platform and untrusted co-tenants. Visor executes video pipelines in a hybrid TEE that spans both the CPU and GPU. It protects the pipeline against side-channel attacks induced by data-dependent access patterns of video modules, and also addresses leakage in the CPU-GPU communication channel. Visor is up to $1000\times$ faster than na\"ive oblivious solutions, and its overheads relative to a non-oblivious baseline are limited to $2\times$--$6\times$.
Abstract:Devices comprising the Internet of Things, such as sensors and small cameras, usually have small memories and limited computational power. The proliferation of such resource-constrained devices in recent years has led to the generation of large quantities of data. These data-producing devices are appealing targets for machine learning applications but struggle to run machine learning algorithms due to their limited computing capability. They typically offload input data to external computing systems (such as cloud servers) for further processing. The results of the machine learning computations are communicated back to the resource-scarce devices, but this worsens latency, leads to increased communication costs, and adds to privacy concerns. Therefore, efforts have been made to place additional computing devices at the edge of the network, i.e close to the IoT devices where the data is generated. Deploying machine learning systems on such edge devices alleviates the above issues by allowing computations to be performed close to the data sources. This survey describes major research efforts where machine learning has been deployed at the edge of computer networks.
Abstract:Reducing the latency variance in machine learning inference is a key requirement in many applications. Variance is harder to control in a cloud deployment in the presence of stragglers. In spite of this challenge, inference is increasingly being done in the cloud, due to the advent of affordable machine learning as a service (MLaaS) platforms. Existing approaches to reduce variance rely on replication which is expensive and partially negates the affordability of MLaaS. In this work, we argue that MLaaS platforms also provide unique opportunities to cut the cost of redundancy. In MLaaS platforms, multiple inference requests are concurrently received by a load balancer which can then create a more cost-efficient redundancy coding across a larger collection of images. We propose a novel convolutional neural network model, Collage-CNN, to provide a low-cost redundancy framework. A Collage-CNN model takes a collage formed by combining multiple images and performs multi-image classification in one shot, albeit at slightly lower accuracy. We then augment a collection of traditional single image classifiers with a single Collage-CNN classifier which acts as a low-cost redundant backup. Collage-CNN then provides backup classification results if a single image classification straggles. Deploying the Collage-CNN models in the cloud, we demonstrate that the 99th percentile tail latency of inference can be reduced by 1.47X compared to replication based approaches while providing high accuracy. Also, variation in inference latency can be reduced by 9X with a slight increase in average inference latency.