Abstract:Fine-tuning large language models (LLMs) is increasingly costly as models scale to hundreds of billions of parameters, and even parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) methods like LoRA remain resource-intensive. We introduce LowRA, the first framework to enable LoRA fine-tuning below 2 bits per parameter with minimal performance loss. LowRA optimizes fine-grained quantization - mapping, threshold selection, and precision assignment - while leveraging efficient CUDA kernels for scalable deployment. Extensive evaluations across 4 LLMs and 4 datasets show that LowRA achieves a superior performance-precision trade-off above 2 bits and remains accurate down to 1.15 bits, reducing memory usage by up to 50%. Our results highlight the potential of ultra-low-bit LoRA fine-tuning for resource-constrained environments.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) often incorporate multiple text chunks in their inputs to provide the necessary contexts. To speed up the prefill of the long LLM inputs, one can pre-compute the KV cache of a text and re-use the KV cache when the context is reused as the prefix of another LLM input. However, the reused text chunks are not always the input prefix, and when they are not, their precomputed KV caches cannot be directly used since they ignore the text's cross-attention with the preceding text in the LLM input. Thus, the benefits of reusing KV caches remain largely unrealized. This paper tackles just one question: when an LLM input contains multiple text chunks, how to quickly combine their precomputed KV caches in order to achieve the same generation quality as the expensive full prefill (i.e., without reusing KV cache)? We present CacheBlend, a scheme that reuses the pre-computed KV caches, regardless prefix or not, and selectively recomputes the KV values of a small subset of tokens to partially update each reused KV cache. In the meantime,the small extra delay for recomputing some tokens can be pipelined with the retrieval of KV caches within the same job,allowing CacheBlend to store KV caches in slower devices with more storage capacity while retrieving them without increasing the inference delay. By comparing CacheBlend with the state-of-the-art KV cache reusing schemes on three open-source LLMs of various sizes and four popular benchmark datasets of different tasks, we show that CacheBlend reduces time-to-first-token (TTFT) by 2.2-3.3X and increases the inference throughput by 2.8-5X, compared with full KV recompute, without compromising generation quality or incurring more storage cost.
Abstract:Deep learning inference on streaming media data, such as object detection in video or LiDAR feeds and text extraction from audio waves, is now ubiquitous. To achieve high inference accuracy, these applications typically require significant network bandwidth to gather high-fidelity data and extensive GPU resources to run deep neural networks (DNNs). While the high demand for network bandwidth and GPU resources could be substantially reduced by optimally adapting the configuration knobs, such as video resolution and frame rate, current adaptation techniques fail to meet three requirements simultaneously: adapt configurations (i) with minimum extra GPU or bandwidth overhead; (ii) to reach near-optimal decisions based on how the data affects the final DNN's accuracy, and (iii) do so for a range of configuration knobs. This paper presents OneAdapt, which meets these requirements by leveraging a gradient-ascent strategy to adapt configuration knobs. The key idea is to embrace DNNs' differentiability to quickly estimate the accuracy's gradient to each configuration knob, called AccGrad. Specifically, OneAdapt estimates AccGrad by multiplying two gradients: InputGrad (i.e. how each configuration knob affects the input to the DNN) and DNNGrad (i.e. how the DNN input affects the DNN inference output). We evaluate OneAdapt across five types of configurations, four analytic tasks, and five types of input data. Compared to state-of-the-art adaptation schemes, OneAdapt cuts bandwidth usage and GPU usage by 15-59% while maintaining comparable accuracy or improves accuracy by 1-5% while using equal or fewer resources.
Abstract:In real-time videos, resending any packets, especially in networks with high latency, can lead to stuttering, poor video quality, and user frustration. Despite extensive research, current real-time video systems still use redundancy to handle packet loss, thus compromising on quality in the the absence of packet loss. Since predicting packet loss is challenging, these systems only enhance their resilience to packet loss after it occurs, leaving some frames insufficiently protected against burst packet losses. They may also add too much redundancy even after the packet loss has subsided. We present Grace++, a new real-time video communication system. With Grace++, (i) a video frame can be decoded, as long as any non-empty subset of its packets are received, and (ii) the quality gracefully degrades as more packets are lost, and (iii) approximates that of a standard codec (like H.265) in absence of packet loss. To achieve this, Grace++ encodes and decodes frames by using neural networks (NNs). It uses a new packetization scheme that makes packet loss appear to have the same effect as randomly masking (zeroing) a subset of elements in the NN-encoded output, and the NN encoder and decoder are specially trained to achieve decent quality if a random subset of elements in the NN-encoded output are masked. Using various test videos and real network traces, we show that the quality of Grace++ is slightly lower than H.265 when no packets are lost, but significantly reduces the 95th percentile of frame delay (between encoding a frame and its decoding) by 2x when packet loss occurs compared to other loss-resilient schemes while achieving comparable quality. This is because Grace++ does not require retransmission of packets (unless all packets are lost) or skipping of frames.
Abstract:With more videos being recorded by edge sensors (cameras) and analyzed by computer-vision deep neural nets (DNNs), a new breed of video streaming systems has emerged, with the goal to compress and stream videos to remote servers in real time while preserving enough information to allow highly accurate inference by the server-side DNNs. An ideal design of the video streaming system should simultaneously meet three key requirements: (1) low latency of encoding and streaming, (2) high accuracy of server-side DNNs, and (3) low compute overheads on the camera. Unfortunately, despite many recent efforts, such video streaming system has hitherto been elusive, especially when serving advanced vision tasks such as object detection or semantic segmentation. This paper presents AccMPEG, a new video encoding and streaming system that meets all the three requirements. The key is to learn how much the encoding quality at each (16x16) macroblock can influence the server-side DNN accuracy, which we call accuracy gradient. Our insight is that these macroblock-level accuracy gradient can be inferred with sufficient precision by feeding the video frames through a cheap model. AccMPEG provides a suite of techniques that, given a new server-side DNN, can quickly create a cheap model to infer the accuracy gradient on any new frame in near realtime. Our extensive evaluation of AccMPEG on two types of edge devices (one Intel Xeon Silver 4100 CPU or NVIDIA Jetson Nano) and three vision tasks (six recent pre-trained DNNs) shows that AccMPEG (with the same camera-side compute resources) can reduce the end-to-end inference delay by 10-43% without hurting accuracy compared to the state-of-the-art baselines