Abstract:3D scene generation has garnered growing attention in recent years and has made significant progress. Generating 4D cities is more challenging than 3D scenes due to the presence of structurally complex, visually diverse objects like buildings and vehicles, and heightened human sensitivity to distortions in urban environments. To tackle these issues, we propose CityDreamer4D, a compositional generative model specifically tailored for generating unbounded 4D cities. Our main insights are 1) 4D city generation should separate dynamic objects (e.g., vehicles) from static scenes (e.g., buildings and roads), and 2) all objects in the 4D scene should be composed of different types of neural fields for buildings, vehicles, and background stuff. Specifically, we propose Traffic Scenario Generator and Unbounded Layout Generator to produce dynamic traffic scenarios and static city layouts using a highly compact BEV representation. Objects in 4D cities are generated by combining stuff-oriented and instance-oriented neural fields for background stuff, buildings, and vehicles. To suit the distinct characteristics of background stuff and instances, the neural fields employ customized generative hash grids and periodic positional embeddings as scene parameterizations. Furthermore, we offer a comprehensive suite of datasets for city generation, including OSM, GoogleEarth, and CityTopia. The OSM dataset provides a variety of real-world city layouts, while the Google Earth and CityTopia datasets deliver large-scale, high-quality city imagery complete with 3D instance annotations. Leveraging its compositional design, CityDreamer4D supports a range of downstream applications, such as instance editing, city stylization, and urban simulation, while delivering state-of-the-art performance in generating realistic 4D cities.
Abstract:Given a single in-the-wild human photo, it remains a challenging task to reconstruct a high-fidelity 3D human model. Existing methods face difficulties including a) the varying body proportions captured by in-the-wild human images; b) diverse personal belongings within the shot; and c) ambiguities in human postures and inconsistency in human textures. In addition, the scarcity of high-quality human data intensifies the challenge. To address these problems, we propose a Generalizable image-to-3D huMAN reconstruction framework, dubbed GeneMAN, building upon a comprehensive multi-source collection of high-quality human data, including 3D scans, multi-view videos, single photos, and our generated synthetic human data. GeneMAN encompasses three key modules. 1) Without relying on parametric human models (e.g., SMPL), GeneMAN first trains a human-specific text-to-image diffusion model and a view-conditioned diffusion model, serving as GeneMAN 2D human prior and 3D human prior for reconstruction, respectively. 2) With the help of the pretrained human prior models, the Geometry Initialization-&-Sculpting pipeline is leveraged to recover high-quality 3D human geometry given a single image. 3) To achieve high-fidelity 3D human textures, GeneMAN employs the Multi-Space Texture Refinement pipeline, consecutively refining textures in the latent and the pixel spaces. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that GeneMAN could generate high-quality 3D human models from a single image input, outperforming prior state-of-the-art methods. Notably, GeneMAN could reveal much better generalizability in dealing with in-the-wild images, often yielding high-quality 3D human models in natural poses with common items, regardless of the body proportions in the input images.
Abstract:While 3D content generation has advanced significantly, existing methods still face challenges with input formats, latent space design, and output representations. This paper introduces a novel 3D generation framework that addresses these challenges, offering scalable, high-quality 3D generation with an interactive Point Cloud-structured Latent space. Our framework employs a Variational Autoencoder (VAE) with multi-view posed RGB-D(epth)-N(ormal) renderings as input, using a unique latent space design that preserves 3D shape information, and incorporates a cascaded latent diffusion model for improved shape-texture disentanglement. The proposed method, GaussianAnything, supports multi-modal conditional 3D generation, allowing for point cloud, caption, and single/multi-view image inputs. Notably, the newly proposed latent space naturally enables geometry-texture disentanglement, thus allowing 3D-aware editing. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on multiple datasets, outperforming existing methods in both text- and image-conditioned 3D generation.
Abstract:As the prevalence of wearable devices, learning egocentric motions becomes essential to develop contextual AI. In this work, we present EgoLM, a versatile framework that tracks and understands egocentric motions from multi-modal inputs, e.g., egocentric videos and motion sensors. EgoLM exploits rich contexts for the disambiguation of egomotion tracking and understanding, which are ill-posed under single modality conditions. To facilitate the versatile and multi-modal framework, our key insight is to model the joint distribution of egocentric motions and natural languages using large language models (LLM). Multi-modal sensor inputs are encoded and projected to the joint latent space of language models, and used to prompt motion generation or text generation for egomotion tracking or understanding, respectively. Extensive experiments on large-scale multi-modal human motion dataset validate the effectiveness of EgoLM as a generalist model for universal egocentric learning.
Abstract:We introduce Nymeria - a large-scale, diverse, richly annotated human motion dataset collected in the wild with multiple multimodal egocentric devices. The dataset comes with a) full-body 3D motion ground truth; b) egocentric multimodal recordings from Project Aria devices with RGB, grayscale, eye-tracking cameras, IMUs, magnetometer, barometer, and microphones; and c) an additional "observer" device providing a third-person viewpoint. We compute world-aligned 6DoF transformations for all sensors, across devices and capture sessions. The dataset also provides 3D scene point clouds and calibrated gaze estimation. We derive a protocol to annotate hierarchical language descriptions of in-context human motion, from fine-grain pose narrations, to atomic actions and activity summarization. To the best of our knowledge, the Nymeria dataset is the world largest in-the-wild collection of human motion with natural and diverse activities; first of its kind to provide synchronized and localized multi-device multimodal egocentric data; and the world largest dataset with motion-language descriptions. It contains 1200 recordings of 300 hours of daily activities from 264 participants across 50 locations, travelling a total of 399Km. The motion-language descriptions provide 310.5K sentences in 8.64M words from a vocabulary size of 6545. To demonstrate the potential of the dataset we define key research tasks for egocentric body tracking, motion synthesis, and action recognition and evaluate several state-of-the-art baseline algorithms. Data and code will be open-sourced.
Abstract:3D city generation with NeRF-based methods shows promising generation results but is computationally inefficient. Recently 3D Gaussian Splatting (3D-GS) has emerged as a highly efficient alternative for object-level 3D generation. However, adapting 3D-GS from finite-scale 3D objects and humans to infinite-scale 3D cities is non-trivial. Unbounded 3D city generation entails significant storage overhead (out-of-memory issues), arising from the need to expand points to billions, often demanding hundreds of Gigabytes of VRAM for a city scene spanning 10km^2. In this paper, we propose GaussianCity, a generative Gaussian Splatting framework dedicated to efficiently synthesizing unbounded 3D cities with a single feed-forward pass. Our key insights are two-fold: 1) Compact 3D Scene Representation: We introduce BEV-Point as a highly compact intermediate representation, ensuring that the growth in VRAM usage for unbounded scenes remains constant, thus enabling unbounded city generation. 2) Spatial-aware Gaussian Attribute Decoder: We present spatial-aware BEV-Point decoder to produce 3D Gaussian attributes, which leverages Point Serializer to integrate the structural and contextual characteristics of BEV points. Extensive experiments demonstrate that GaussianCity achieves state-of-the-art results in both drone-view and street-view 3D city generation. Notably, compared to CityDreamer, GaussianCity exhibits superior performance with a speedup of 60 times (10.72 FPS v.s. 0.18 FPS).
Abstract:We are living in a three-dimensional space while moving forward through a fourth dimension: time. To allow artificial intelligence to develop a comprehensive understanding of such a 4D environment, we introduce 4D Panoptic Scene Graph (PSG-4D), a new representation that bridges the raw visual data perceived in a dynamic 4D world and high-level visual understanding. Specifically, PSG-4D abstracts rich 4D sensory data into nodes, which represent entities with precise location and status information, and edges, which capture the temporal relations. To facilitate research in this new area, we build a richly annotated PSG-4D dataset consisting of 3K RGB-D videos with a total of 1M frames, each of which is labeled with 4D panoptic segmentation masks as well as fine-grained, dynamic scene graphs. To solve PSG-4D, we propose PSG4DFormer, a Transformer-based model that can predict panoptic segmentation masks, track masks along the time axis, and generate the corresponding scene graphs via a relation component. Extensive experiments on the new dataset show that our method can serve as a strong baseline for future research on PSG-4D. In the end, we provide a real-world application example to demonstrate how we can achieve dynamic scene understanding by integrating a large language model into our PSG-4D system.
Abstract:Generating diverse and high-quality 3D assets automatically poses a fundamental yet challenging task in 3D computer vision. Despite extensive efforts in 3D generation, existing optimization-based approaches struggle to produce large-scale 3D assets efficiently. Meanwhile, feed-forward methods often focus on generating only a single category or a few categories, limiting their generalizability. Therefore, we introduce a diffusion-based feed-forward framework to address these challenges with a single model. To handle the large diversity and complexity in geometry and texture across categories efficiently, we 1) adopt improved triplane to guarantee efficiency; 2) introduce the 3D-aware transformer to aggregate the generalized 3D knowledge with specialized 3D features; and 3) devise the 3D-aware encoder/decoder to enhance the generalized 3D knowledge. Building upon our 3D-aware Diffusion model with TransFormer, DiffTF, we propose a stronger version for 3D generation, i.e., DiffTF++. It boils down to two parts: multi-view reconstruction loss and triplane refinement. Specifically, we utilize multi-view reconstruction loss to fine-tune the diffusion model and triplane decoder, thereby avoiding the negative influence caused by reconstruction errors and improving texture synthesis. By eliminating the mismatch between the two stages, the generative performance is enhanced, especially in texture. Additionally, a 3D-aware refinement process is introduced to filter out artifacts and refine triplanes, resulting in the generation of more intricate and reasonable details. Extensive experiments on ShapeNet and OmniObject3D convincingly demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed modules and the state-of-the-art 3D object generation performance with large diversity, rich semantics, and high quality.
Abstract:We present FashionEngine, an interactive 3D human generation and editing system that allows us to design 3D digital humans in a way that aligns with how humans interact with the world, such as natural languages, visual perceptions, and hand-drawing. FashionEngine automates the 3D human production with three key components: 1) A pre-trained 3D human diffusion model that learns to model 3D humans in a semantic UV latent space from 2D image training data, which provides strong priors for diverse generation and editing tasks. 2) Multimodality-UV Space encoding the texture appearance, shape topology, and textual semantics of human clothing in a canonical UV-aligned space, which faithfully aligns the user multimodal inputs with the implicit UV latent space for controllable 3D human editing. The multimodality-UV space is shared across different user inputs, such as texts, images, and sketches, which enables various joint multimodal editing tasks. 3) Multimodality-UV Aligned Sampler learns to sample high-quality and diverse 3D humans from the diffusion prior for multimodal user inputs. Extensive experiments validate FashionEngine's state-of-the-art performance for conditional generation/editing tasks. In addition, we present an interactive user interface for our FashionEngine that enables both conditional and unconditional generation tasks, and editing tasks including pose/view/shape control, text-, image-, and sketch-driven 3D human editing and 3D virtual try-on, in a unified framework. Our project page is at: https://taohuumd.github.io/projects/FashionEngine.
Abstract:Recent 3D human generative models have achieved remarkable progress by learning 3D-aware GANs from 2D images. However, existing 3D human generative methods model humans in a compact 1D latent space, ignoring the articulated structure and semantics of human body topology. In this paper, we explore more expressive and higher-dimensional latent space for 3D human modeling and propose StructLDM, a diffusion-based unconditional 3D human generative model, which is learned from 2D images. StructLDM solves the challenges imposed due to the high-dimensional growth of latent space with three key designs: 1) A semantic structured latent space defined on the dense surface manifold of a statistical human body template. 2) A structured 3D-aware auto-decoder that factorizes the global latent space into several semantic body parts parameterized by a set of conditional structured local NeRFs anchored to the body template, which embeds the properties learned from the 2D training data and can be decoded to render view-consistent humans under different poses and clothing styles. 3) A structured latent diffusion model for generative human appearance sampling. Extensive experiments validate StructLDM's state-of-the-art generation performance and illustrate the expressiveness of the structured latent space over the well-adopted 1D latent space. Notably, StructLDM enables different levels of controllable 3D human generation and editing, including pose/view/shape control, and high-level tasks including compositional generations, part-aware clothing editing, 3D virtual try-on, etc. Our project page is at: https://taohuumd.github.io/projects/StructLDM/.