Abstract:Agency is a system's capacity to steer outcomes toward a goal, and is a central topic of study across biology, philosophy, cognitive science, and artificial intelligence. Determining if a system exhibits agency is a notoriously difficult question: Dennett (1989), for instance, highlights the puzzle of determining which principles can decide whether a rock, a thermostat, or a robot each possess agency. We here address this puzzle from the viewpoint of reinforcement learning by arguing that agency is fundamentally frame-dependent: Any measurement of a system's agency must be made relative to a reference frame. We support this claim by presenting a philosophical argument that each of the essential properties of agency proposed by Barandiaran et al. (2009) and Moreno (2018) are themselves frame-dependent. We conclude that any basic science of agency requires frame-dependence, and discuss the implications of this claim for reinforcement learning.
Abstract:Neural networks are traditionally trained under the assumption that data come from a stationary distribution. However, settings which violate this assumption are becoming more popular; examples include supervised learning under distributional shifts, reinforcement learning, continual learning and non-stationary contextual bandits. In this work we introduce a novel learning approach that automatically models and adapts to non-stationarity, via an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with an adaptive drift parameter. The adaptive drift tends to draw the parameters towards the initialisation distribution, so the approach can be understood as a form of soft parameter reset. We show empirically that our approach performs well in non-stationary supervised and off-policy reinforcement learning settings.
Abstract:Periodic activation functions, often referred to as learned Fourier features have been widely demonstrated to improve sample efficiency and stability in a variety of deep RL algorithms. Potentially incompatible hypotheses have been made about the source of these improvements. One is that periodic activations learn low frequency representations and as a result avoid overfitting to bootstrapped targets. Another is that periodic activations learn high frequency representations that are more expressive, allowing networks to quickly fit complex value functions. We analyse these claims empirically, finding that periodic representations consistently converge to high frequencies regardless of their initialisation frequency. We also find that while periodic activation functions improve sample efficiency, they exhibit worse generalization on states with added observation noise -- especially when compared to otherwise equivalent networks with ReLU activation functions. Finally, we show that weight decay regularization is able to partially offset the overfitting of periodic activation functions, delivering value functions that learn quickly while also generalizing.
Abstract:Many failures in deep continual and reinforcement learning are associated with increasing magnitudes of the weights, making them hard to change and potentially causing overfitting. While many methods address these learning failures, they often change the optimizer or the architecture, a complexity that hinders widespread adoption in various systems. In this paper, we focus on learning failures that are associated with increasing weight norm and we propose a simple technique that can be easily added on top of existing learning systems: clipping neural network weights to limit them to a specific range. We study the effectiveness of weight clipping in a series of supervised and reinforcement learning experiments. Our empirical results highlight the benefits of weight clipping for generalization, addressing loss of plasticity and policy collapse, and facilitating learning with a large replay ratio.
Abstract:Normalization layers have recently experienced a renaissance in the deep reinforcement learning and continual learning literature, with several works highlighting diverse benefits such as improving loss landscape conditioning and combatting overestimation bias. However, normalization brings with it a subtle but important side effect: an equivalence between growth in the norm of the network parameters and decay in the effective learning rate. This becomes problematic in continual learning settings, where the resulting effective learning rate schedule may decay to near zero too quickly relative to the timescale of the learning problem. We propose to make the learning rate schedule explicit with a simple re-parameterization which we call Normalize-and-Project (NaP), which couples the insertion of normalization layers with weight projection, ensuring that the effective learning rate remains constant throughout training. This technique reveals itself as a powerful analytical tool to better understand learning rate schedules in deep reinforcement learning, and as a means of improving robustness to nonstationarity in synthetic plasticity loss benchmarks along with both the single-task and sequential variants of the Arcade Learning Environment. We also show that our approach can be easily applied to popular architectures such as ResNets and transformers while recovering and in some cases even slightly improving the performance of the base model in common stationary benchmarks.
Abstract:Learning a good representation is a crucial challenge for Reinforcement Learning (RL) agents. Self-predictive learning provides means to jointly learn a latent representation and dynamics model by bootstrapping from future latent representations (BYOL). Recent work has developed theoretical insights into these algorithms by studying a continuous-time ODE model for self-predictive representation learning under the simplifying assumption that the algorithm depends on a fixed policy (BYOL-$\Pi$); this assumption is at odds with practical instantiations of such algorithms, which explicitly condition their predictions on future actions. In this work, we take a step towards bridging the gap between theory and practice by analyzing an action-conditional self-predictive objective (BYOL-AC) using the ODE framework, characterizing its convergence properties and highlighting important distinctions between the limiting solutions of the BYOL-$\Pi$ and BYOL-AC dynamics. We show how the two representations are related by a variance equation. This connection leads to a novel variance-like action-conditional objective (BYOL-VAR) and its corresponding ODE. We unify the study of all three objectives through two complementary lenses; a model-based perspective, where each objective is shown to be equivalent to a low-rank approximation of certain dynamics, and a model-free perspective, which establishes relationships between the objectives and their respective value, Q-value, and advantage function. Our empirical investigations, encompassing both linear function approximation and Deep RL environments, demonstrates that BYOL-AC is better overall in a variety of different settings.
Abstract:This study investigates the loss of generalization ability in neural networks, revisiting warm-starting experiments from Ash & Adams. Our empirical analysis reveals that common methods designed to enhance plasticity by maintaining trainability provide limited benefits to generalization. While reinitializing the network can be effective, it also risks losing valuable prior knowledge. To this end, we introduce the Hare & Tortoise, inspired by the brain's complementary learning system. Hare & Tortoise consists of two components: the Hare network, which rapidly adapts to new information analogously to the hippocampus, and the Tortoise network, which gradually integrates knowledge akin to the neocortex. By periodically reinitializing the Hare network to the Tortoise's weights, our method preserves plasticity while retaining general knowledge. Hare & Tortoise can effectively maintain the network's ability to generalize, which improves advanced reinforcement learning algorithms on the Atari-100k benchmark. The code is available at https://github.com/dojeon-ai/hare-tortoise.
Abstract:Underpinning the past decades of work on the design, initialization, and optimization of neural networks is a seemingly innocuous assumption: that the network is trained on a \textit{stationary} data distribution. In settings where this assumption is violated, e.g.\ deep reinforcement learning, learning algorithms become unstable and brittle with respect to hyperparameters and even random seeds. One factor driving this instability is the loss of plasticity, meaning that updating the network's predictions in response to new information becomes more difficult as training progresses. While many recent works provide analyses and partial solutions to this phenomenon, a fundamental question remains unanswered: to what extent do known mechanisms of plasticity loss overlap, and how can mitigation strategies be combined to best maintain the trainability of a network? This paper addresses these questions, showing that loss of plasticity can be decomposed into multiple independent mechanisms and that, while intervening on any single mechanism is insufficient to avoid the loss of plasticity in all cases, intervening on multiple mechanisms in conjunction results in highly robust learning algorithms. We show that a combination of layer normalization and weight decay is highly effective at maintaining plasticity in a variety of synthetic nonstationary learning tasks, and further demonstrate its effectiveness on naturally arising nonstationarities, including reinforcement learning in the Arcade Learning Environment.
Abstract:The recent rapid progress in (self) supervised learning models is in large part predicted by empirical scaling laws: a model's performance scales proportionally to its size. Analogous scaling laws remain elusive for reinforcement learning domains, however, where increasing the parameter count of a model often hurts its final performance. In this paper, we demonstrate that incorporating Mixture-of-Expert (MoE) modules, and in particular Soft MoEs (Puigcerver et al., 2023), into value-based networks results in more parameter-scalable models, evidenced by substantial performance increases across a variety of training regimes and model sizes. This work thus provides strong empirical evidence towards developing scaling laws for reinforcement learning.
Abstract:We propose a new algorithm for model-based distributional reinforcement learning (RL), and prove that it is minimax-optimal for approximating return distributions with a generative model (up to logarithmic factors), resolving an open question of Zhang et al. (2023). Our analysis provides new theoretical results on categorical approaches to distributional RL, and also introduces a new distributional Bellman equation, the stochastic categorical CDF Bellman equation, which we expect to be of independent interest. We also provide an experimental study comparing several model-based distributional RL algorithms, with several takeaways for practitioners.