Abstract:Diffusion models have recently emerged as a powerful tool for planning. However, unlike Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS)-whose performance naturally improves with additional test-time computation (TTC), standard diffusion-based planners offer only limited avenues for TTC scalability. In this paper, we introduce Monte Carlo Tree Diffusion (MCTD), a novel framework that integrates the generative strength of diffusion models with the adaptive search capabilities of MCTS. Our method reconceptualizes denoising as a tree-structured process, allowing partially denoised plans to be iteratively evaluated, pruned, and refined. By selectively expanding promising trajectories while retaining the flexibility to revisit and improve suboptimal branches, MCTD achieves the benefits of MCTS such as controlling exploration-exploitation trade-offs within the diffusion framework. Empirical results on challenging long-horizon tasks show that MCTD outperforms diffusion baselines, yielding higher-quality solutions as TTC increases.
Abstract:This study investigates the loss of generalization ability in neural networks, revisiting warm-starting experiments from Ash & Adams. Our empirical analysis reveals that common methods designed to enhance plasticity by maintaining trainability provide limited benefits to generalization. While reinitializing the network can be effective, it also risks losing valuable prior knowledge. To this end, we introduce the Hare & Tortoise, inspired by the brain's complementary learning system. Hare & Tortoise consists of two components: the Hare network, which rapidly adapts to new information analogously to the hippocampus, and the Tortoise network, which gradually integrates knowledge akin to the neocortex. By periodically reinitializing the Hare network to the Tortoise's weights, our method preserves plasticity while retaining general knowledge. Hare & Tortoise can effectively maintain the network's ability to generalize, which improves advanced reinforcement learning algorithms on the Atari-100k benchmark. The code is available at https://github.com/dojeon-ai/hare-tortoise.