Abstract:Dexterous manipulation is a critical area of robotics. In this field, teleoperation faces three key challenges: user-friendliness for novices, safety assurance, and transferability across different platforms. While collecting real robot dexterous manipulation data by teleoperation to train robots has shown impressive results on diverse tasks, due to the morphological differences between human and robot hands, it is not only hard for new users to understand the action mapping but also raises potential safety concerns during operation. To address these limitations, we introduce TelePhantom. This teleoperation system offers real-time visual feedback on robot actions based on human user inputs, with a total hardware cost of less than $1,000. TelePhantom allows the user to see a virtual robot that represents the outcome of the user's next movement. By enabling flexible switching between command visualization and actual execution, this system helps new users learn how to demonstrate quickly and safely. We demonstrate its superiority over other teleoperation systems across five tasks, emphasize its ease of use, and highlight its ease of deployment across diverse input sensors and robotic platforms. We will release our code and a deployment document on our website: https://telephantom.github.io/.
Abstract:We aim to develop a model-based planning framework for world models that can be scaled with increasing model and data budgets for general-purpose manipulation tasks with only language and vision inputs. To this end, we present FLow-centric generative Planning (FLIP), a model-based planning algorithm on visual space that features three key modules: 1. a multi-modal flow generation model as the general-purpose action proposal module; 2. a flow-conditioned video generation model as the dynamics module; and 3. a vision-language representation learning model as the value module. Given an initial image and language instruction as the goal, FLIP can progressively search for long-horizon flow and video plans that maximize the discounted return to accomplish the task. FLIP is able to synthesize long-horizon plans across objects, robots, and tasks with image flows as the general action representation, and the dense flow information also provides rich guidance for long-horizon video generation. In addition, the synthesized flow and video plans can guide the training of low-level control policies for robot execution. Experiments on diverse benchmarks demonstrate that FLIP can improve both the success rates and quality of long-horizon video plan synthesis and has the interactive world model property, opening up wider applications for future works.
Abstract:Imitation learning, e.g., diffusion policy, has been proven effective in various robotic manipulation tasks. However, extensive demonstrations are required for policy robustness and generalization. To reduce the demonstration reliance, we leverage spatial symmetry and propose ET-SEED, an efficient trajectory-level SE(3) equivariant diffusion model for generating action sequences in complex robot manipulation tasks. Further, previous equivariant diffusion models require the per-step equivariance in the Markov process, making it difficult to learn policy under such strong constraints. We theoretically extend equivariant Markov kernels and simplify the condition of equivariant diffusion process, thereby significantly improving training efficiency for trajectory-level SE(3) equivariant diffusion policy in an end-to-end manner. We evaluate ET-SEED on representative robotic manipulation tasks, involving rigid body, articulated and deformable object. Experiments demonstrate superior data efficiency and manipulation proficiency of our proposed method, as well as its ability to generalize to unseen configurations with only a few demonstrations. Website: https://et-seed.github.io/
Abstract:Dexterous grasping is a fundamental yet challenging skill in robotic manipulation, requiring precise interaction between robotic hands and objects. In this paper, we present $\mathcal{D(R,O)}$ Grasp, a novel framework that models the interaction between the robotic hand in its grasping pose and the object, enabling broad generalization across various robot hands and object geometries. Our model takes the robot hand's description and object point cloud as inputs and efficiently predicts kinematically valid and stable grasps, demonstrating strong adaptability to diverse robot embodiments and object geometries. Extensive experiments conducted in both simulated and real-world environments validate the effectiveness of our approach, with significant improvements in success rate, grasp diversity, and inference speed across multiple robotic hands. Our method achieves an average success rate of 87.53% in simulation in less than one second, tested across three different dexterous robotic hands. In real-world experiments using the LeapHand, the method also demonstrates an average success rate of 89%. $\mathcal{D(R,O)}$ Grasp provides a robust solution for dexterous grasping in complex and varied environments. The code, appendix, and videos are available on our project website at https://nus-lins-lab.github.io/drograspweb/.
Abstract:To substantially enhance robot intelligence, there is a pressing need to develop a large model that enables general-purpose robots to proficiently undertake a broad spectrum of manipulation tasks, akin to the versatile task-planning ability exhibited by LLMs. The vast diversity in objects, robots, and manipulation tasks presents huge challenges. Our work introduces a comprehensive framework to develop a foundation model for general robotic manipulation that formalizes a manipulation task as contact synthesis. Specifically, our model takes as input object and robot manipulator point clouds, object physical attributes, target motions, and manipulation region masks. It outputs contact points on the object and associated contact forces or post-contact motions for robots to achieve the desired manipulation task. We perform extensive experiments both in the simulation and real-world settings, manipulating articulated rigid objects, rigid objects, and deformable objects that vary in dimensionality, ranging from one-dimensional objects like ropes to two-dimensional objects like cloth and extending to three-dimensional objects such as plasticine. Our model achieves average success rates of around 90\%. Supplementary materials and videos are available on our project website at https://manifoundationmodel.github.io/.
Abstract:We present RiEMann, an end-to-end near Real-time SE(3)-Equivariant Robot Manipulation imitation learning framework from scene point cloud input. Compared to previous methods that rely on descriptor field matching, RiEMann directly predicts the target poses of objects for manipulation without any object segmentation. RiEMann learns a manipulation task from scratch with 5 to 10 demonstrations, generalizes to unseen SE(3) transformations and instances of target objects, resists visual interference of distracting objects, and follows the near real-time pose change of the target object. The scalable action space of RiEMann facilitates the addition of custom equivariant actions such as the direction of turning the faucet, which makes articulated object manipulation possible for RiEMann. In simulation and real-world 6-DOF robot manipulation experiments, we test RiEMann on 5 categories of manipulation tasks with a total of 25 variants and show that RiEMann outperforms baselines in both task success rates and SE(3) geodesic distance errors on predicted poses (reduced by 68.6%), and achieves a 5.4 frames per second (FPS) network inference speed. Code and video results are available at https://riemann-web.github.io/.
Abstract:Lifelong learning offers a promising paradigm of building a generalist agent that learns and adapts over its lifespan. Unlike traditional lifelong learning problems in image and text domains, which primarily involve the transfer of declarative knowledge of entities and concepts, lifelong learning in decision-making (LLDM) also necessitates the transfer of procedural knowledge, such as actions and behaviors. To advance research in LLDM, we introduce LIBERO, a novel benchmark of lifelong learning for robot manipulation. Specifically, LIBERO highlights five key research topics in LLDM: 1) how to efficiently transfer declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge, or the mixture of both; 2) how to design effective policy architectures and 3) effective algorithms for LLDM; 4) the robustness of a lifelong learner with respect to task ordering; and 5) the effect of model pretraining for LLDM. We develop an extendible procedural generation pipeline that can in principle generate infinitely many tasks. For benchmarking purpose, we create four task suites (130 tasks in total) that we use to investigate the above-mentioned research topics. To support sample-efficient learning, we provide high-quality human-teleoperated demonstration data for all tasks. Our extensive experiments present several insightful or even unexpected discoveries: sequential finetuning outperforms existing lifelong learning methods in forward transfer, no single visual encoder architecture excels at all types of knowledge transfer, and naive supervised pretraining can hinder agents' performance in the subsequent LLDM. Check the website at https://libero-project.github.io for the code and the datasets.
Abstract:Hierarchical Imitation Learning (HIL) is an effective way for robots to learn sub-skills from long-horizon unsegmented demonstrations. However, the learned hierarchical structure lacks the mechanism to transfer across multi-tasks or to new tasks, which makes them have to learn from scratch when facing a new situation. Transferring and reorganizing modular sub-skills require fast adaptation ability of the whole hierarchical structure. In this work, we propose Dual Meta Imitation Learning (DMIL), a hierarchical meta imitation learning method where the high-level network and sub-skills are iteratively meta-learned with model-agnostic meta-learning. DMIL uses the likelihood of state-action pairs from each sub-skill as the supervision for the high-level network adaptation, and use the adapted high-level network to determine different data set for each sub-skill adaptation. We theoretically prove the convergence of the iterative training process of DMIL and establish the connection between DMIL and Expectation-Maximization algorithm. Empirically, we achieve state-of-the-art few-shot imitation learning performance on the Meta-world \cite{metaworld} benchmark and competitive results on long-horizon tasks of Kitchen environments.
Abstract:Imitation learning (IL) algorithms have shown promising results for robots to learn skills from expert demonstrations. However, they need multi-task demonstrations to be provided at once for acquiring diverse skills, which is difficult in real world. In this work we study how to realize continual imitation learning ability that empowers robots to continually learn new tasks one by one, thus reducing the burden of multi-task IL and accelerating the process of new task learning at the same time. We propose a novel trajectory generation model that employs both a generative adversarial network and a dynamics-aware prediction model to generate pseudo trajectories from all learned tasks in the new task learning process. Our experiments on both simulation and real-world manipulation tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.