Abstract:Neural solvers based on the divide-and-conquer approach for Vehicle Routing Problems (VRPs) in general, and capacitated VRP (CVRP) in particular, integrates the global partition of an instance with local constructions for each subproblem to enhance generalization. However, during the global partition phase, misclusterings within subgraphs have a tendency to progressively compound throughout the multi-step decoding process of the learning-based partition policy. This suboptimal behavior in the global partition phase, in turn, may lead to a dramatic deterioration in the performance of the overall decomposition-based system, despite using optimal local constructions. To address these challenges, we propose a versatile Hierarchical Learning-based Graph Partition (HLGP) framework, which is tailored to benefit the partition of CVRP instances by synergistically integrating global and local partition policies. Specifically, the global partition policy is tasked with creating the coarse multi-way partition to generate the sequence of simpler two-way partition subtasks. These subtasks mark the initiation of the subsequent K local partition levels. At each local partition level, subtasks exclusive for this level are assigned to the local partition policy which benefits from the insensitive local topological features to incrementally alleviate the compounded errors. This framework is versatile in the sense that it optimizes the involved partition policies towards a unified objective harmoniously compatible with both reinforcement learning (RL) and supervised learning (SL). (*Due to the notification of arXiv "The Abstract field cannot be longer than 1,920 characters", the appeared Abstract is shortened. For the full Abstract, please download the Article.)
Abstract:Recent advances in neural models have shown considerable promise in solving Traveling Salesman Problems (TSPs) without relying on much hand-crafted engineering. However, while non-autoregressive (NAR) approaches benefit from faster inference through parallelism, they typically deliver solutions of inferior quality compared to autoregressive ones. To enhance the solution quality while maintaining fast inference, we propose DEITSP, a diffusion model with efficient iterations tailored for TSP that operates in a NAR manner. Firstly, we introduce a one-step diffusion model that integrates the controlled discrete noise addition process with self-consistency enhancement, enabling optimal solution prediction through simultaneous denoising of multiple solutions. Secondly, we design a dual-modality graph transformer to bolster the extraction and fusion of features from node and edge modalities, while further accelerating the inference with fewer layers. Thirdly, we develop an efficient iterative strategy that alternates between adding and removing noise to improve exploration compared to previous diffusion methods. Additionally, we devise a scheduling framework to progressively refine the solution space by adjusting noise levels, facilitating a smooth search for optimal solutions. Extensive experiments on real-world and large-scale TSP instances demonstrate that DEITSP performs favorably against existing neural approaches in terms of solution quality, inference latency, and generalization ability. Our code is available at $\href{https://github.com/DEITSP/DEITSP}{https://github.com/DEITSP/DEITSP}$.
Abstract:This paper proposes a dual divide-and-optimize algorithm (DualOpt) for solving the large-scale traveling salesman problem (TSP). DualOpt combines two complementary strategies to improve both solution quality and computational efficiency. The first strategy is a grid-based divide-and-conquer procedure that partitions the TSP into smaller sub-problems, solving them in parallel and iteratively refining the solution by merging nodes and partial routes. The process continues until only one grid remains, yielding a high-quality initial solution. The second strategy involves a path-based divide-and-optimize procedure that further optimizes the solution by dividing it into sub-paths, optimizing each using a neural solver, and merging them back to progressively improve the overall solution. Extensive experiments conducted on two groups of TSP benchmark instances, including randomly generated instances with up to 100,000 nodes and real-world datasets from TSPLIB, demonstrate the effectiveness of DualOpt. The proposed DualOpt achieves highly competitive results compared to 10 state-of-the-art algorithms in the literature. In particular, DualOpt achieves an improvement gap up to 1.40% for the largest instance TSP100K with a remarkable 104x speed-up over the leading heuristic solver LKH3. Additionally, DualOpt demonstrates strong generalization on TSPLIB benchmarks, confirming its capability to tackle diverse real-world TSP applications.
Abstract:Existing neural methods for the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) mostly aim at finding a single optimal solution. To discover diverse yet high-quality solutions for Multi-Solution TSP (MSTSP), we propose a novel deep reinforcement learning based neural solver, which is primarily featured by an encoder-decoder structured policy. Concretely, on the one hand, a Relativization Filter (RF) is designed to enhance the robustness of the encoder to affine transformations of the instances, so as to potentially improve the quality of the found solutions. On the other hand, a Multi-Attentive Adaptive Active Search (MA3S) is tailored to allow the decoders to strike a balance between the optimality and diversity. Experimental evaluations on benchmark instances demonstrate the superiority of our method over recent neural baselines across different metrics, and its competitive performance against state-of-the-art traditional heuristics with significantly reduced computational time, ranging from $1.3\times$ to $15\times$ faster. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our method can also be applied to the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP).
Abstract:Recent advances in Meta-learning for Black-Box Optimization (MetaBBO) have shown the potential of using neural networks to dynamically configure evolutionary algorithms (EAs), enhancing their performance and adaptability across various BBO instances. However, they are often tailored to a specific EA, which limits their generalizability and necessitates retraining or redesigns for different EAs and optimization problems. To address this limitation, we introduce ConfigX, a new paradigm of the MetaBBO framework that is capable of learning a universal configuration agent (model) for boosting diverse EAs. To achieve so, our ConfigX first leverages a novel modularization system that enables the flexible combination of various optimization sub-modules to generate diverse EAs during training. Additionally, we propose a Transformer-based neural network to meta-learn a universal configuration policy through multitask reinforcement learning across a designed joint optimization task space. Extensive experiments verify that, our ConfigX, after large-scale pre-training, achieves robust zero-shot generalization to unseen tasks and outperforms state-of-the-art baselines. Moreover, ConfigX exhibits strong lifelong learning capabilities, allowing efficient adaptation to new tasks through fine-tuning. Our proposed ConfigX represents a significant step toward an automatic, all-purpose configuration agent for EAs.
Abstract:Vehicle Routing Problems (VRPs) can model many real-world scenarios and often involve complex constraints. While recent neural methods excel in constructing solutions based on feasibility masking, they struggle with handling complex constraints, especially when obtaining the masking itself is NP-hard. In this paper, we propose a novel Proactive Infeasibility Prevention (PIP) framework to advance the capabilities of neural methods towards more complex VRPs. Our PIP integrates the Lagrangian multiplier as a basis to enhance constraint awareness and introduces preventative infeasibility masking to proactively steer the solution construction process. Moreover, we present PIP-D, which employs an auxiliary decoder and two adaptive strategies to learn and predict these tailored masks, potentially enhancing performance while significantly reducing computational costs during training. To verify our PIP designs, we conduct extensive experiments on the highly challenging Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Window (TSPTW), and TSP with Draft Limit (TSPDL) variants under different constraint hardness levels. Notably, our PIP is generic to boost many neural methods, and exhibits both a significant reduction in infeasible rate and a substantial improvement in solution quality.
Abstract:Despite enjoying desirable efficiency and reduced reliance on domain expertise, existing neural methods for vehicle routing problems (VRPs) suffer from severe robustness issues -- their performance significantly deteriorates on clean instances with crafted perturbations. To enhance robustness, we propose an ensemble-based Collaborative Neural Framework (CNF) w.r.t. the defense of neural VRP methods, which is crucial yet underexplored in the literature. Given a neural VRP method, we adversarially train multiple models in a collaborative manner to synergistically promote robustness against attacks, while boosting standard generalization on clean instances. A neural router is designed to adeptly distribute training instances among models, enhancing overall load balancing and collaborative efficacy. Extensive experiments verify the effectiveness and versatility of CNF in defending against various attacks across different neural VRP methods. Notably, our approach also achieves impressive out-of-distribution generalization on benchmark instances.
Abstract:Existing neural constructive solvers for routing problems have predominantly employed transformer architectures, conceptualizing the route construction as a set-to-sequence learning task. However, their efficacy has primarily been demonstrated on entirely random problem instances that inadequately capture real-world scenarios. In this paper, we introduce realistic Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) scenarios relevant to industrial settings and derive the following insights: (1) The optimal next node (or city) to visit often lies within proximity to the current node, suggesting the potential benefits of biasing choices based on current locations. (2) Effectively solving the TSP requires robust tracking of unvisited nodes and warrants succinct grouping strategies. Building upon these insights, we propose integrating a learnable choice layer inspired by Hypernetworks to prioritize choices based on the current location, and a learnable approximate clustering algorithm inspired by the Expectation-Maximization algorithm to facilitate grouping the unvisited cities. Together, these two contributions form a hierarchical approach towards solving the realistic TSP by considering both immediate local neighbourhoods and learning an intermediate set of node representations. Our hierarchical approach yields superior performance compared to both classical and recent transformer models, showcasing the efficacy of the key designs.
Abstract:Column generation (CG) is a well-established method for solving large-scale linear programs. It involves iteratively optimizing a subproblem containing a subset of columns and using its dual solution to generate new columns with negative reduced costs. This process continues until the dual values converge to the optimal dual solution to the original problem. A natural phenomenon in CG is the heavy oscillation of the dual values during iterations, which can lead to a substantial slowdown in the convergence rate. Stabilization techniques are devised to accelerate the convergence of dual values by using information beyond the state of the current subproblem. However, there remains a significant gap in obtaining more accurate dual values at an earlier stage. To further narrow this gap, this paper introduces a novel approach consisting of 1) a machine learning approach for accurate prediction of optimal dual solutions and 2) an adaptive stabilization technique that effectively capitalizes on accurate predictions. On the graph coloring problem, we show that our method achieves a significantly improved convergence rate compared to traditional methods.
Abstract:Learning to solve vehicle routing problems (VRPs) has garnered much attention. However, most neural solvers are only structured and trained independently on a specific problem, making them less generic and practical. In this paper, we aim to develop a unified neural solver that can cope with a range of VRP variants simultaneously. Specifically, we propose a multi-task vehicle routing solver with mixture-of-experts (MVMoE), which greatly enhances the model capacity without a proportional increase in computation. We further develop a hierarchical gating mechanism for the MVMoE, delivering a good trade-off between empirical performance and computational complexity. Experimentally, our method significantly promotes the zero-shot generalization performance on 10 unseen VRP variants, and showcases decent results on the few-shot setting and real-world benchmark instances. We further provide extensive studies on the effect of MoE configurations in solving VRPs. Surprisingly, the hierarchical gating can achieve much better out-of-distribution generalization performance. The source code is available at: https://github.com/RoyalSkye/Routing-MVMoE.