Abstract:Posterior Sampling for Reinforcement Learning (PSRL) is a well-known algorithm that augments model-based reinforcement learning (MBRL) algorithms with Thompson sampling. PSRL maintains posterior distributions of the environment transition dynamics and the reward function, which are intractable for tasks with high-dimensional state and action spaces. Recent works show that dropout, used in conjunction with neural networks, induces variational distributions that can approximate these posteriors. In this paper, we propose Event-based Variational Distributions for Exploration (EVaDE), which are variational distributions that are useful for MBRL, especially when the underlying domain is object-based. We leverage the general domain knowledge of object-based domains to design three types of event-based convolutional layers to direct exploration. These layers rely on Gaussian dropouts and are inserted between the layers of the deep neural network model to help facilitate variational Thompson sampling. We empirically show the effectiveness of EVaDE-equipped Simulated Policy Learning (EVaDE-SimPLe) on the 100K Atari game suite.
Abstract:We study methods for efficiently aligning large language models (LLMs) with human preferences given budgeted online feedback. We first formulate the LLM alignment problem in the frame of contextual dueling bandits. This formulation, subsuming recent paradigms such as online RLHF and online DPO, inherently quests for sample-efficient algorithms that incorporate online active exploration. Leveraging insights from bandit theory, we introduce a unified algorithm based on Thompson sampling and highlight its applications in two distinct LLM alignment scenarios. The practical agent that efficiently implements this algorithm, named SEA (Sample-Efficient Alignment), is empirically validated through extensive experiments across three model scales (1B, 2.8B, 6.9B) and three preference learning algorithms (DPO, IPO, SLiC). The results demonstrate that SEA achieves highly sample-efficient alignment with oracle's preferences, outperforming recent active exploration methods for LLMs. Additionally, we release the implementation of SEA together with an efficient codebase designed for online alignment of LLMs, aiming to accelerate future research in this field.
Abstract:Existing neural constructive solvers for routing problems have predominantly employed transformer architectures, conceptualizing the route construction as a set-to-sequence learning task. However, their efficacy has primarily been demonstrated on entirely random problem instances that inadequately capture real-world scenarios. In this paper, we introduce realistic Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) scenarios relevant to industrial settings and derive the following insights: (1) The optimal next node (or city) to visit often lies within proximity to the current node, suggesting the potential benefits of biasing choices based on current locations. (2) Effectively solving the TSP requires robust tracking of unvisited nodes and warrants succinct grouping strategies. Building upon these insights, we propose integrating a learnable choice layer inspired by Hypernetworks to prioritize choices based on the current location, and a learnable approximate clustering algorithm inspired by the Expectation-Maximization algorithm to facilitate grouping the unvisited cities. Together, these two contributions form a hierarchical approach towards solving the realistic TSP by considering both immediate local neighbourhoods and learning an intermediate set of node representations. Our hierarchical approach yields superior performance compared to both classical and recent transformer models, showcasing the efficacy of the key designs.
Abstract:Graph Neural Networks often struggle with long-range information propagation and in the presence of heterophilous neighborhoods. We address both challenges with a unified framework that incorporates a clustering inductive bias into the message passing mechanism, using additional cluster-nodes. Central to our approach is the formulation of an optimal transport based implicit clustering objective function. However, the algorithm for solving the implicit objective function needs to be differentiable to enable end-to-end learning of the GNN. To facilitate this, we adopt an entropy regularized objective function and propose an iterative optimization process, alternating between solving for the cluster assignments and updating the node/cluster-node embeddings. Notably, our derived closed-form optimization steps are themselves simple yet elegant message passing steps operating seamlessly on a bipartite graph of nodes and cluster-nodes. Our clustering-based approach can effectively capture both local and global information, demonstrated by extensive experiments on both heterophilous and homophilous datasets.
Abstract:Documents that consist of diverse templates and exhibit complex spatial structures pose a challenge for document entity classification. We propose KNN-former, which incorporates a new kind of spatial bias in attention calculation based on the K-nearest-neighbor (KNN) graph of document entities. We limit entities' attention only to their local radius defined by the KNN graph. We also use combinatorial matching to address the one-to-one mapping property that exists in many documents, where one field has only one corresponding entity. Moreover, our method is highly parameter-efficient compared to existing approaches in terms of the number of trainable parameters. Despite this, experiments across various datasets show our method outperforms baselines in most entity types. Many real-world documents exhibit combinatorial properties which can be leveraged as inductive biases to improve extraction accuracy, but existing datasets do not cover these documents. To facilitate future research into these types of documents, we release a new ID document dataset that covers diverse templates and languages. We also release enhanced annotations for an existing dataset.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) work surprisingly well for some complex reasoning problems via chain-of-thought (CoT) or tree-of-thought (ToT), but the underlying reasons remain unclear. We seek to understand the performance of these methods by conducting experimental case studies and linking the outcomes to sample and computational complexity in machine learning. We found that if problems can be decomposed into a sequence of reasoning steps and learning to predict the next step has a low sample and computational complexity, explicitly outlining the reasoning chain with all necessary information for predicting the next step may improve performance. Conversely, for problems where predicting the next step is computationally hard, adopting ToT may yield better reasoning outcomes than attempting to formulate a short reasoning chain.
Abstract:Continual learning, an important aspect of artificial intelligence and machine learning research, focuses on developing models that learn and adapt to new tasks while retaining previously acquired knowledge. Existing continual learning algorithms usually involve a small number of tasks with uniform sizes and may not accurately represent real-world learning scenarios. In this paper, we investigate the performance of continual learning algorithms with a large number of tasks drawn from a task distribution that is long-tail in terms of task sizes. We design one synthetic dataset and two real-world continual learning datasets to evaluate the performance of existing algorithms in such a setting. Moreover, we study an overlooked factor in continual learning, the optimizer states, e.g. first and second moments in the Adam optimizer, and investigate how it can be used to improve continual learning performance. We propose a method that reuses the optimizer states in Adam by maintaining a weighted average of the second moments from previous tasks. We demonstrate that our method, compatible with most existing continual learning algorithms, effectively reduces forgetting with only a small amount of additional computational or memory costs, and provides further improvements on existing continual learning algorithms, particularly in a long-tail task sequence.
Abstract:This paper addresses the challenge of object-centric layout generation under spatial constraints, seen in multiple domains including floorplan design process. The design process typically involves specifying a set of spatial constraints that include object attributes like size and inter-object relations such as relative positioning. Existing works, which typically represent objects as single nodes, lack the granularity to accurately model complex interactions between objects. For instance, often only certain parts of an object, like a room's right wall, interact with adjacent objects. To address this gap, we introduce a factor graph based approach with four latent variable nodes for each room, and a factor node for each constraint. The factor nodes represent dependencies among the variables to which they are connected, effectively capturing constraints that are potentially of a higher order. We then develop message-passing on the bipartite graph, forming a factor graph neural network that is trained to produce a floorplan that aligns with the desired requirements. Our approach is simple and generates layouts faithful to the user requirements, demonstrated by a large improvement in IOU scores over existing methods. Additionally, our approach, being inferential and accurate, is well-suited to the practical human-in-the-loop design process where specifications evolve iteratively, offering a practical and powerful tool for AI-guided design.
Abstract:Message passing Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are known to be limited in expressive power by the 1-WL color-refinement test for graph isomorphism. Other more expressive models either are computationally expensive or need preprocessing to extract structural features from the graph. In this work, we propose to make GNNs universal by guiding the learning process with exact isomorphism solver techniques which operate on the paradigm of Individualization and Refinement (IR), a method to artificially introduce asymmetry and further refine the coloring when 1-WL stops. Isomorphism solvers generate a search tree of colorings whose leaves uniquely identify the graph. However, the tree grows exponentially large and needs hand-crafted pruning techniques which are not desirable from a learning perspective. We take a probabilistic view and approximate the search tree of colorings (i.e. embeddings) by sampling multiple paths from root to leaves of the search tree. To learn more discriminative representations, we guide the sampling process with particle filter updates, a principled approach for sequential state estimation. Our algorithm is end-to-end differentiable, can be applied with any GNN as backbone and learns richer graph representations with only linear increase in runtime. Experimental evaluation shows that our approach consistently outperforms leading GNN models on both synthetic benchmarks for isomorphism detection as well as real-world datasets.
Abstract:Acquiring an accurate world model online for model-based reinforcement learning (MBRL) is challenging due to data nonstationarity, which typically causes catastrophic forgetting for neural networks (NNs). From the online learning perspective, a Follow-The-Leader (FTL) world model is desirable, which optimally fits all previous experiences at each round. Unfortunately, NN-based models need re-training on all accumulated data at every interaction step to achieve FTL, which is computationally expensive for lifelong agents. In this paper, we revisit models that can achieve FTL with incremental updates. Specifically, our world model is a linear regression model supported by nonlinear random features. The linear part ensures efficient FTL update while the nonlinear random feature empowers the fitting of complex environments. To best trade off model capacity and computation efficiency, we introduce a locality sensitive sparse encoding, which allows us to conduct efficient sparse updates even with very high dimensional nonlinear features. We validate the representation power of our encoding and verify that it allows efficient online learning under data covariate shift. We also show, in the Dyna MBRL setting, that our world models learned online using a single pass of trajectory data either surpass or match the performance of deep world models trained with replay and other continual learning methods.